5,706 research outputs found

    Atención a la diversidad: integración de minorías étnicas

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    La creatividad como algo valiosos en la formación de maestros

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    Este trabajo consiste en un análisis sobre la importancia de la creatividad en la educación, su relación con los valores y las actitudes y la interacción de estos en los programas de formación del profesorado. La creatividad, es un movimiento que ha tenido una enorme expansión en la segunda mitad del Siglo XX. Se la encuentra en todos los campos como elemento connatural a un mundo de cambio. Nosotros vamos a circunscribimos al ámbito educativo. Desde el ámbito de los educandos interesa el diagnóstico, así como la estimulación de la creatividad. Si consideramos el Sistema Educativo, importan las condiciones estructurales para que la creatividad pueda darse. Se la encuentra como una actividad paralela al resto de las actividades curriculares, o bien, incardinada en todas las áreas o disciplinas. Más adelante podremos comprobar la relación de la creatividad con las materias del plan de estudios para la formación de maestros

    Poly-l/dl-lactic acid films functionalized with collagen IV as carrier substrata for corneal epithelial stem cells

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    Limbal epithelial stem cells (LESCs) are responsible for the renewal of corneal epithelium. Cultivated limbal epithelial transplantation is the current treatment of choice for restoring the loss or dysfunction of LESCs. To perform this procedure, a substratum is necessary for in vitro culturing of limbal epithelial cells and their subsequent transplantation onto the ocular surface. In this work, we evaluated poly-L/DL-lactic acid 70:30 (PLA) films functionalized with type IV collagen (col IV) as potential in vitro carrier substrata for LESCs. We first demonstrated that PLA-col IV films were biocompatible and suitable for the proliferation of human corneal epithelial cells. Subsequently, limbal epithelial cell suspensions, isolated from human limbal rings, were cultivated using culture medium that did not contain animal components. The cells adhered significantly faster to PLA-col IV films than to tissue culture plastic (TCP). The mRNA expression levels for the LESC specific markers, K15, P63α and ABCG2 were similar or greater (significantly in the case of K15) in limbal epithelial cells cultured on PLA-col IV films than limbal epithelial cells cultured on TCP. The percentage of cells expressing the corneal (K3, K12) and the LESC (P63α, ABCG2) specific markers was similar for both substrata. These results suggest that the PLA-col IV films promoted LESC attachment and helped to maintain their undifferentiated stem cell phenotype. Consequently, these substrata offer an alternative for the transplantation of limbal cells onto the ocular surface.This work was supported by the Carlos III National Institute of Health, Spain (CIBER-BBN and Spanish Network on Cell Therapy, (TerCel RD12/0019/0036), MINECO/FEDER, EU), and the Castilla y León Regional Government, Spain (Regional Center for Regenerative Medicine and Cell Therapy, SAN673/VA/28/08 and SAN126/VA11/09)

    Combining traditional methodologies and social networks to teach job related skills to students with special needs

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    Information and Communication Technologies offer more possibilities both for students with special needs and teachers who work with them. In recent years, research has been done about the possible applications and benefits of the use of social networks by people with disabilities, obtaining promising results. However, when reviewing the literature we observe that some professionals do not see social networks as suitable tools for this collective. In this paper, we present a learning experience in which a traditional methodology such as cooperative learning is combined with ClipIt, a social video-based learning platform. This work shows that the combination of traditional methodologies and new technologies is beneficial for students with special needs, enhancing both their motivation and their learning processThis work has been funded in part by the Spanish Economy and Competitiveness Ministry under project “e-Integra: e-Training y e-Coaching para la integración socio-laboral” (TIN2013-44586-R) and by the Region of Madrid under project “eMadrid – Investigación y Desarrollo de tecnologías para el e-learning en la Comunidad de Madrid (S2013/ICE-2715). ClipIt has been funded by the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n° 317964 JUXTALEARN. Thanks to the participants who were involved in the experiences presented in this paper and to the pedagogical team of the program PROMENTO

    Plant data survey in Porto Santo (Madeira Archipelago, Portugal): an update

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    The present contribution updates BORGES et al. (2008)’s “A list of the terrestrial fungi, flora and fauna of Madeira and Selvagens archipelagos”. Since then, and until the summer of 2019, 131 new taxa were cited, namely 30 bryophytes, one pteridophyte and 100 spermatophytes. Based on the compilation of written and unpublished information about the diversity of terrestrial plants cited for Porto Santo, the present work lists 696 taxa, including 134 bryophytes, 13 pteridophytes and 549 spermatophytes. Two species of mosses, Sematophyllum substrumulosum (Hampe) E. Britton and Tortula lanceolata R. H. Zander are recorded for the first time from Porto Santo, corresponding to material collected in 2018. Additionally, 12 species of spermatophytes, all cultivated, are referred for the first time to the island. Two species of pteridophytes, Ophioglossum lusitanicum L. and Hymenophyllum wilsonii Hook are proposed to be considered extinct.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Lesión por isquemia-reperfusión en donantes a corazón parado: impacto sobre la evolución del trasplante renal

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    La donación no controlada tras muerte cardiaca (uDCD) en España proporcionó uno de cada cuatro donantes en 2016. Este proceso requiere de una infraestructura compleja, bien desarrollada en multitud de programas en nuestro país. Sin embargo, la selección precoz de órganos viables en este tipo de donantes supone aún un reto. En el caso del trasplante renal, el retraso en la función del injerto (DGF) alcanza una incidencia del 80%. Si bien no influye en la supervivencia del injerto, sí tiene impacto sobre la morbilidad postoperatoria, aumentando los días en descender creatinina (DDSCr), el número de diálisis (ND) y la estancia hospitalaria, así como las cifras de creatinina sérica (SCr) seriadas. La medición de biomarcadores inflamatorios en el donante podría ser una herramienta para seleccionar órganos con mejor calidad, con ánimo de minimizar la morbilidad postoperatoria..

    Palabras de homenaje a la profesora Asunción Camina Durántez de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

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    Discovering shifts in competitive strategies in probiotics, accelerated with TechMining

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    [EN] Profiling the technological strategy of different competitors is a key element for the companies in a given industry, as well to technology planners and R&D strategists. The analysis of the patent portfolio of a company as well as its evolution in the time line is of interest for technology analysts and decision makers. However, the need for the participation of experts in the field of a company as well as patent specialists, slows down the process. Bibliometrics and text mining techniques contribute to the interpretation of specialists. The present paper tries to offer a step by step procedure to analyze the technology strategy of several companies through the analysis of their portfolio claims, combined with the use of TechMining with the help of a text mining tool. The procedure, complemented with a semantic TRIZ analysis provides key insights in disclosing the technological analysis of some competitors in the field of probiotics for livestock health. The results show interesting shifts in the key probiotic and prebiotic ingredients for which companies claim protection and therefore offers clues about their technology intention in the life sciences industry in a more dynamic, convenient and simple way.The authors would like to thank the contribution of the research institute IRTA, to the TRIZ company triz XXI and to Fernando Palop and their wise insights and guidance. The authors thank the usage of Search Technology s VantagePoint and IHS-Markit s Goldfire.Vicente Gomila, JM.; Palli, A.; De La Calle, B.; Artacho Ramírez, MÁ.; Jimémez, S. (2017). Discovering shifts in competitive strategies in probiotics, accelerated with TechMining. Scientometrics. 111(3):1907-1923. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-017-2339-5S190719231113Abbas, A., Zhang, L., & Khan, S. (2014). A literature review on the state-of-the-art in patent analysis. World Patent Information, 37, 3–13.Allen, H., Levine, T., Bandrick, M., & Casey, T. (2012). 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