6,098 research outputs found

    Engineering Nanoreactors for Catalytic Cascades In-flow

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    Engineering Nanoreactors for Catalytic Cascades In-flow

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    Categorical Properties of Italian Verbs in Written Word Recognition

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    The study addresses the issue of lexical representation of inflected Italian verbal forms. Linguistic and experimental data suggest the existence of differences in lexical processing of verbs depending on morphological factors. We aimed at verifying whether lexical organization of verbs in the mental lexicon is affected by information about the grammatical category of mood. Two unmasked priming lexical decision experiments were carried out with different SOAs. Primetarget pairs composed of inflected verbs sharing or not mood information were compared. A number of control conditions were also included. The results show that information about mood becomes available in the early stages of lexical processing of verbs, but it is likely to induce priming effects a few hundred milliseconds after its pre-activation. This pattern provides evidence that mood is represented in the input component(s) and is an organizational criterion for verbal forms in the lexicon

    Chronic Myeloid Leukemia in pediatrics patients: current approach

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    Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is a rare event in childhood, comprising of less than 5% of all leukemia cases in this age group. CML is characterized by the presence of a specific molecular marker, the Ph+ chromosome, which is responsible for almost all etiopathogenesis, hence, it has clinical and course characteristics that do not differ from the adult population. In pediatrics the therapeutic approach is based mainly on the experience obtained with adult protocols. With bone marrow transplantation (BMT) being the only cure option, this procedure is more effective in patients with compatible related donors and performed during the initial chronic phase of the disease. The great anti-leukemic efficacy seen with imatinib mesylate was responsible for the approval of this drug in pediatric use for intolerant or refractory -interferon treated patients or relapsed patients after BMT. Currently, its use in pediatric patients with recently diagnosed CML, who have a compatible donor, has become a great dilemma. There is no agreement yet on which is the best way to use this drug or even whether it will ever replace BMT. Further studies with longer follow-up periods are still needed.A Leucemia Mielóide Crônica (LMC) constitui evento raro na infância, representando menos de 5% das leucemias nesta faixa etária. Caracteriza-se pela presença de um marcador citogenético específico, cromossomo Ph+, que é responsável por grande parte da etiopatogenia da doença. Possui, portanto, características clínicas e evolutivas que não diferem dos pacientes adultos. Sua abordagem terapêutica em pediatria é baseada principalmente na experiência obtida com os estudos em adultos. Tem no TMO sua única opção de tratamento curativo, sendo este mais efetivo em pacientes com doador aparentado compatível, realizado durante a fase crônica inicial da doença. A grande eficácia antileucêmica observada com o mesilato de imatinibe fez com que a droga fosse aprovada para uso pediátrico em pacientes intolerantes ou refratários ao interferon a, ou recidivados pós-transplante de medula óssea. Seu uso em pacientes pediátricos com LMC de diagnóstico recente, com doador disponível, tornou-se um grande dilema, não existindo até o momento um consenso em relação à melhor forma de se utilizar a droga ou, mesmo, se esta irá em algum momento substituir o TMO. Estudos mais concretos com um seguimento maior ainda necessitam ser realizados.UNIFESP Instituto de Oncologia Pediátrica - GRAACCUNIFESP, Instituto de Oncologia Pediátrica - GRAACCSciEL

    Planck/SDSS Cluster Mass and Gas Scaling Relations for a Volume-Complete redMaPPer Sample

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    Using Planck satellite data, we construct SZ gas pressure profiles for a large, volume-complete sample of optically selected clusters. We have defined a sample of over 8,000 redMaPPer clusters from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), within the volume-complete redshift region 0.100 < z < 0.325, for which we construct Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect maps by stacking Planck data over the full range of richness. Dividing the sample into richness bins we simultaneously solve for the mean cluster mass in each bin together with the corresponding radial pressure profile parameters, employing an MCMC analysis. These profiles are well detected over a much wider range of cluster mass and radius than previous work, showing a clear trend towards larger break radius with increasing cluster mass. Our SZ-based masses fall ~24% below the mass-richness relations from weak lensing, in a similar fashion as the "hydrostatic bias" related with X-ray derived masses. We correct for this bias to derive an optimal mass-richness relation finding a slope 1.22 +/- 0.04 and a pivot mass log(M_500/M_0)= 14.432 +/- 0.041, evaluated at a richness lambda=60. Finally, we derive a tight Y_500-M_500 relation over a wide range of cluster mass, with a power law slope equal to 1.72 +/- 0.07, that agrees well with the independent slope obtained by the Planck team with an SZ-selected cluster sample, but extends to lower masses with higher precision.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    Arquitetura do sono diurno e ciclo vigília-sono em enfermeiros nos turnos de trabalho

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    This study aimed to observe the architecture of day sleeping after a night of work, and the characteristics of the sleep-wake cycle in nurses working in different shifts. The study was performed at the Hospital de Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto, USP. The sleep-wake cycle was evaluated through the sleep diary in (n=36) subjects, with an average age of 30 years. Of these, only five performed polysomnography measurements at the Sleep Laboratory. Subjects presented better night sleep and the polysomnography recordings identified short periods of day sleep with incomplete cycles. Subjects woke up many times, which characterizes poor sleep efficiency.Este estudio tuvo como objetivos verificar la arquitectura del sueño diurno después del trabajo nocturno, y las características del ciclo de vigilia-sueño en enfermeras de diferentes turnos. El estudio fue realizado en el Hospital de Clínicas de la Facultad de Medicina en la ciudad de Ribeirao Preto, USP. A través del diario de sueño se evaluó el ciclo de vigilia-sueño en 36 sujetos, que tuvieron un promedio de edad de 30 años. Entre estos, apenas cinco realizaron medidas de la polisonografía en el Laboratorio de Sueño; los que presentaron una mejoría en la calidad de sueño nocturno; los registros polisonográficos en lo que se refiere a los ciclos, identificaron un sueño diurno con períodos cortos e incompletos; también se constató muchos despertares lo que caracteriza la poca eficacia de sueño.Este estudo teve como objetivos verificar a arquitetura do sono diurno após o trabalho noturno, e as características do ciclo vigília-sono em enfermeiras de diferentes turnos. Foi realizado no Hospital de Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto, USP. Através do diário de sono avaliou-se o ciclo vigília-sono em (n=36) sujeitos, com média de idade de 30. Destes apenas cinco fizeram medidas da polissono-grafia no Laboratório de Sono. Apresentaram qualidade de sono noturno melhor, os registros polissonográficos identificaram sono diurno com períodos curtos e incompletos quanto aos ciclos, muitos despertares que caracterizaram pouca eficácia de sono

    Planck/SDSS Cluster Mass and Gas Scaling Relations for a Volume-Complete redMaPPer Sample

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    Using Planck satellite data, we construct SZ gas pressure profiles for a large, volume-complete sample of optically selected clusters. We have defined a sample of over 8,000 redMaPPer clusters from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), within the volume-complete redshift region 0.100 < z < 0.325, for which we construct Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect maps by stacking Planck data over the full range of richness. Dividing the sample into richness bins we simultaneously solve for the mean cluster mass in each bin together with the corresponding radial pressure profile parameters, employing an MCMC analysis. These profiles are well detected over a much wider range of cluster mass and radius than previous work, showing a clear trend towards larger break radius with increasing cluster mass. Our SZ-based masses fall ~24% below the mass-richness relations from weak lensing, in a similar fashion as the "hydrostatic bias" related with X-ray derived masses. We correct for this bias to derive an optimal mass-richness relation finding a slope 1.22 +/- 0.04 and a pivot mass log(M_500/M_0)= 14.432 +/- 0.041, evaluated at a richness lambda=60. Finally, we derive a tight Y_500-M_500 relation over a wide range of cluster mass, with a power law slope equal to 1.72 +/- 0.07, that agrees well with the independent slope obtained by the Planck team with an SZ-selected cluster sample, but extends to lower masses with higher precision.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    Analysis of cognitive function and sleep of nursing staff on different shift work

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    The aim of this study was to analyze short-term memory, attention and sleep patterns of the nursing staff working night and day shifts. Study participants were 109 subjects in a hospital in Minas Gerais working on the day shift (n = 68) or night shift (n = 41). Data collection was performed using the Sleep Diary and WAIS-III Test Battery. The results showed a significant difference for the quality of sleep of those on night shift work (p <0.0001; ANOVA). The subjects on the day shifts performed better on the Digit Symbol with a significant difference (p = 0.0008; Mann-Whitney test). In conclusion, the quality of sleep of the group on the night shift showed lower averages compared with those on the day shifts, although they had greater total sleep. The level of attention showed to be best for the group on the day shift work.Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar a memória de curto prazo, a atenção e o padrão do sono na equipe de enfermagem nos turnos diurno e noturno. Participaram 109 sujeitos de uma instituição hospitalar de Minas Gerais, distribuídos nos turnos: diurno (n= 68) e noturno (n=41). Utilizou-se, para coleta de dados: Diário de sono e Testes da Bateria WAIS III. Os resultados para a medida da qualidade do sono dos sujeitos do turno noturno apresentou diferença significativa (p<0,0001) ANOVA. Os sujeitos do turno diurno tiveram melhor desempenho no Subteste de Digit Symbol, com diferença significativa (p=0,0008), pelo teste Mann-Whitney. Concluiu-se que a qualidade do sono do grupo do noturno mostrou médias menores, em comparação ao diurno, embora apresentassem um tempo total de sono maior. Os níveis de atenção mostraram-se melhores para o grupo do turno diurno.Este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar los estándares de memoria a corto plazo, la atención y su sueño personal de enfermería en los turnos. Los participantes del estudio fueron 109 pacientes de un hospital, en Minas Gerais, distribuidos en el turno de día (n = 68) y turno de noche (n = 41). La recolección de datos se realizó a través del diario del sueño y de la batería de prueba WAIS III. Los resultados muestran que existe una diferencia significativa en la calidad del sueño del trabajo en turnos de noche (p <0,0001; ANOVA). Los sujetos del turno de día se desempeñaron mejor en el Digit Symbol, una diferencia significativa (p = 0,0008, prueba de Mann-Whitney). En conclusión, la calidad del sueño de la noche, el grupo mostró promedios más bajos en comparación con el día, pero tuvimos un tiempo total de sueño mayor. El nivel de atención que se presta a ser mejor para el conjunto de la obra turno de día.303

    Complications of Cushing's syndrome: state of the art

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    Cushing's syndrome is a serious endocrine disease caused by chronic, autonomous, and excessive secretion of cortisol. The syndrome is associated with increased mortality and impaired quality of life because of the occurrence of comorbidities. These clinical complications include metabolic syndrome, consisting of systemic arterial hypertension, visceral obesity, impairment of glucose metabolism, and dyslipidaemia; musculoskeletal disorders, such as myopathy, osteoporosis, and skeletal fractures; neuropsychiatric disorders, such as impairment of cognitive function, depression, or mania; impairment of reproductive and sexual function; and dermatological manifestations, mainly represented by acne, hirsutism, and alopecia. Hypertension in patients with Cushing's syndrome has a multifactorial pathogenesis and contributes to the increased risk for myocardial infarction, cardiac failure, or stroke, which are the most common causes of death; risks of these outcomes are exacerbated by a prothrombotic diathesis and hypokalaemia. Neuropsychiatric disorders can be responsible for suicide. Immune disorders are common; immunosuppression during active disease causes susceptibility to infections, possibly complicated by sepsis, an important cause of death, whereas immune rebound after disease remission can exacerbate underlying autoimmune diseases. Prompt treatment of cortisol excess and specific treatments of comorbidities are crucial to prevent serious clinical complications and reduce the mortality associated with Cushing's syndrome
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