6,329 research outputs found

    Airborne Alt a 1 Dynamic and Its Relationship with the Airborne Dynamics of Alternaria Conidia and Pleosporales Spores

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    This research was carried out within the framework of the research projects funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology I + D + I of Spain CGL2012-39523-C02-01 and CTM2017-89565-C2-1-P. This research contributes to the "Maria de Maeztu" Programme for Units of Excellence of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (CEX2019-000940-M).Fungal spores are universal atmospheric components associated to allergic reactions. Alternaria (Ascomycota) is considered the most allergenic spore taxa. Alt a 1 is the major allergen of Alternaria and is present also in other Pleosporales. In this study, standard Hirst-based sampling and analyzing methods for measuring spore daily concentrations of Alternaria, Curvularia, Drechslera- Helminthosporium, Epicoccum, Leptosphaeria, Pithomyces, Pleospora and Stemphylium (all included in the taxon Pleosporales) have been used as well as two high-volume samplers, Burkard Cyclone (2017) and MCV CAV-A/mb (2019–2020), and ELISA kits for measuring the allergen. The detection and quantification of Alt a 1 was only possible in the samples from the MCV sampler. Although Alt a 1 was better correlated with Alternaria spores than with Pleosporales spores, the three of them showed high correlations. It is shown that there is a high and significant correlation of Alt a 1 with temperature, a negative correlation with relative humidity and no correlation with precipitation. The aerobiological monitoring of these three elements ensures the best information for understanding the affectation to allergy sufferers, but, if this is not possible, as a minimum public health service aimed at the detection, treatment and prevention of allergies, the study of the airborne Alternaria spores should be ensured.Ministry of Science and Technology I + D + I of Spain CGL2012-39523-C02-01 CTM2017-89565-C2-1-P"Maria de Maeztu" Programme for Units of Excellence of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation CEX2019-000940-

    Aspergillus Conidia and Allergens in Outdoor Environment: A Health Hazard?

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    Aspergillus is a genus of saprophytic fungus widely distributed in the environment and associated with soil, decaying vegetation, or seeds. However, some species, such as A. fumigatus, are considered opportunistic pathogens in humans. Their conidia (asexual spores) and mycelia are associated with clinical diseases known as invasive aspergillosis (IA), mainly related to the respiratory tract, such as allergic asthma, allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA), or hypersensitivity. However, they can also disseminate to other organs, particularly the central nervous system. Due to the dispersal mechanism of the conidia through the air, airborne fungal particle measurement should be used to prevent and control this mold. This study aims to measure the outdoor airborne concentration of Aspergillus conidia and the Asp f 1 allergen concentration in Bellaterra (Barcelona, Spain) during 2021 and 2022, and to compare their dynamics to improve the understanding of the biology of this genus and contribute to a better diagnosis, prevention, and therapeutic measures in the face of possible health problems. The results show that both particles were airborne nearly all year round, but their concentrations showed no correlation. Due to Asp f 1 not being present in the conidia itself but being detectable during their germination and in hyphal fragments, we report the relevance of the aero-immunological analysis as a methodology to detect the potential pathogenic hazard of this fungus.Ministry of Science and Technology I + D + I of Spain CGL2012-39523-C02-01CTM2017-89565- C2-1-P

    The Sigfried Giedion’s spatial conceptions as a design theory

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    [Resumen] El presente artículo se propone transformar la teoría historiográfi ca de las concepciones espaciales de Sigfried Giedion en una teoría del proyecto que, como tal, contribuya a afrontar la práctica proyectual contemporánea. A tal efecto, se procede al desarrollo de una particular interpretación en clave lumínico-espacial de la mencionada teoría, fundamentada en la posibilidad de caracterizar a las concepciones espaciales apuntadas por Giedion atendiendo, únicamente, a la relación entre la luz y la sombra que confi guran cada tipología espacial. Finalmente se propone una lectura sincrónica que sustituya a la formulación diacrónica original y que permita interpretarla como teoría de proyecto. [Abstract] Th is article aims to transform the historiographical theory of spatial conceptions developed by Sigfried Giedion into a design theory that is able to assist the contemporary design practice. To achieve this objective, it has developed a particular interpretation in terms of space, based upon the possibility to defi ne the spatial conceptions developed by Giedion by focusing only on the relationship between light and shadow. Finally, this article proposes a synchronic reading of the original diachronic theory, in order to enhance its interpretation as a design theory

    The self-awareness of the design process as a tool for teaching and learning

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    The following paper shows the needing to potentiate the process aspect at the Design Studios, where the result of the project gets the highest value and the process followed by its author seems to have no any importance. The finding that an important part of the creative process is produced in the field of awareness means that this can be observed and modified. Here are presented two teaching activities rehearsed by the author during his teaching activity, to ensure that students register first and later analyze their own design process. The main objective of these activities is to transform the student into an autonomous architect, able to evaluate his own work and able to learn from himself.El presente artículo expone la necesidad de potenciar la vertiente procesual en las asignaturas de Proyectos Arquitectónicos, en las que se valora más el resultado del ejercicio que el proceso proyectual seguido por su autor. El descubrimiento de que una parte importante del proceso creativo se produce en el ámbito de lo consciente y que, por tanto, es observable, abre la posibilidad de incidir sobre determinados momentos de dicho proceso. Se expone aquí la metodología propuesta para la realización de dos actividades docentes ensayadas por el autor, destinadas a registrar primero y analizar después el proceso de proyecto propio y ajeno. El principal objetivo de estas actividades docentes es que el alumno se convierta en un arquitecto autónomo, capaz de criticarse su propio trabajo y de aprender de sí mismo

    A USB3.0 FPGA Event-based Filtering and Tracking Framework for Dynamic Vision Sensors

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    Dynamic vision sensors (DVS) are frame-free sensors with an asynchronous variable-rate output that is ideal for hard real-time dynamic vision applications under power and latency constraints. Post-processing of the digital sensor output can reduce sensor noise, extract low level features, and track objects using simple algorithms that have previously been implemented in software. In this paper we present an FPGA-based framework for event-based processing that allows uncorrelated-event noise removal and real-time tracking of multiple objects, with dynamic capabilities to adapt itself to fast or slow and large or small objects. This framework uses a new hardware platform based on a Lattice FPGA which filters the sensor output and which then transmits the results through a super-speed Cypress FX3 USB microcontroller interface to a host computer. The packets of events and timestamps are transmitted to the host computer at rates of 10 Mega events per second. Experimental results are presented that demonstrate a low latency of 10us for tracking and computing the center of mass of a detected object.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2012-37868-C04-0

    La filosofía de la Naturaleza de Augusto González de Linares (1845-1904)

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    RESUMEN: El naturalista Augusto González de Linares es conocido por haber sido el fundador del primer Laboratorio de Biología Marina en España, creado en 1886, y que se estableció en Santander en 1890, pero se interesó también por la Filosofía de la Naturaleza, desde la que orientó su actividad como científico. Participó en la recepción crítica de las ideas evolucionistas en la España de la Restauración, interesándose por la obra de Darwin y Haeckel. Criticó el «mecanicismo» de Darwin por atribuir al medio la causa principal del proceso evolutivo, despreciando el papel de la herencia, y rechazó también el materialismo de Haeckel. La Filosofía de la Naturaleza de Augusto González de Linares está influida por la Naturphilosophie alemana, con especial referencia a Schelling, Oken, Carus, y por Krause, e incluye dos aspectos. En Ontología, defiende la tesis de un monismo organicista, mientras que en Epistemología, sostiene que es necesario reorganizar todas las ciencias desde la unidad que representa la Filosofía, proponiendo una coordinación entre el hecho y la idea.ABSTRACT: The naturalist Augusto González de Linares is known for being the founder of the first Marine Biological Laboratory in Spain, created in 1886, and which was established in Santander in 1890, but he was also interested in Philosophy of Nature, from which focused his activity as a scientific. He taked part in the critical reception of the evolutionist ideas in the Spain of the Restoration, interesting in the work of Darwin and Haeckel. He criticized the “Mecanicism” of Darwin, because he confered the environment as the main cause of the evolutionary process, rejecting the rol of heredity, and also refussed the Materialism of Haekel. The Philosophy of Nature of Augusto González de Linares was influenced by the German Naturphilosophie, with special reference to Schelling, Oken, Carus, and to Krause, and includes two aspects. In Ontology, defends the thesis of an organicist Monism, while in Epistemology, argues that it is necessary to reorganize all sciences from the unity that means the Philosophy, proposing a coordination betwen the fact and the idea

    Apuntes sobre el Palais des Machines de París de 1889: espacio, estructura y ornamento

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    [EN] The Palais des Machines of the Paris Universal Exposition of 1889, designed by the architect Charles Louis Ferdinand Dutert (1845-1906) and the engineer Victor Contamin (1840-1893), is undoubtedly an icon of the 19th century architecture: its powerful spatiality, its portentous structure and its straightforward tectonics have rightly received high praise by critics and architects from the second half of the 20th century. However, critical tradition and historiography from the end of the last century have frequently offered a biased interpretation of this work, aimed at underlining certain architectonic values for then presenting them as a direct product of the author’s will. The aim of this article is to explain, altogether and with maximum transparency, how the conjunction between certain circumstantial issues and the will/ability of both authors made possible the construction of one of the most important works of the nineteenth-century architecture. To achieve this, the three most celebrated architectural aspects of the building are analysed: the huge scale of the central space, the particular structural system chosen and the uneven usage of ornament.[ES] El Palais des Machines de la Exposición Universal de París de 1889, diseñado por el arquitecto Charles Louis Ferdinand Dutert y el ingeniero Victor Contamin es, sin duda alguna, un icono de la arquitectura del siglo XIX: su potente espacialidad, su portentosa estructura y su descarnada tectónica han arrancado, con razón, grandes elogios a críticos y arquitectos de la segunda mitad del siglo XX. Sin embargo, en demasiadas ocasiones la crítica y la historiografía de finales del siglo pasado han ofrecido una interpretación interesada de esta obra, orientada a subrayar determinados valores arquitectónicos para, luego, presentarlos como un producto directo de la voluntad de sus autores. El objetivo del presente artículo es explicar, en conjunto y con la máxima transparencia, cómo la conjunción entre ciertas cuestiones coyunturales y la voluntad/habilidad de ambos autores hizo posible la construcción de una de las obras más importantes de la arquitectura decimonónica. A tal efecto, se analizan los tres aspectos arquitectónicos más celebrados del edificio: las enormes dimensiones del espacio central, el particular sistema estructural elegido y el desigual uso del ornamento.Linares De La Torre, O. (2018). Notes about the Palais des Machines of 1889 in Paris: space, structure and ornament. VLC arquitectura. Research Journal. 5(1):33-61. doi:10.4995/vlc.2018.7713SWORD336151Alphand, Adolphe, Georges Berger and Alfred Picard. Exposition Universelle Internationale de 1889 a Paris. Monographie. Palais, Jardins, Constructions Diverses et Installations Générales. Paris: J. Rothschild, 1892-1895.Antigüedad, María Dolores and Sagrario Aznar. El siglo XIX: el cauce de la memoria. Madrid: Istmo, 1998.Araujo Armero, Ramón. "Construir en acero: forma y estructura en el espacio continuo." TECTÓNICA: monografías de arquitectura, tecnología y construcción. Rehabilitación: la arquitectura moderna 33 (2010).Charlton, Thomas Malcolm. A History of theory of structures in the nineteenth century. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982. https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9780511524677Durant, Stuart. Palais des Machines: Ferdinand Dutert. London: Phaidon, 1994.Estévez Cimadevila, Javier, and Isaac López César. "The Palais des Machines of 1889. Historical-structural reflections." VLC arquitectura, Vol. 2 issue 2 (2015): 1-30.Giedion, Sigfried, and Sokratis Georgiadis. Building in France, building in iron, building in ferro-concrete. Santa Monica: Getty Center for the History of Art and the Humanities, 1995.McKean, John et al. Lost masterpieces. London: Phaidon, 1999.Middleton, Robin. Architecture of the nineteenth century. Milano: Electa, 2003.Mignot, Claude. Architecture of the 19th century. Fribourg: Evergreen, 1983.North, John. Mid-nineteenth-century scientists. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1969.Peters, Tom F. Building the nineteenth century. London: The MIT Press, 1996.Stamper, John W. "The Galerie des Machines of the 1889 Paris world's fair." In Structural iron and steel, 1850-1900, edited by Robert Thorne. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2000.Vigreux, Charles. Revue technique de l'Exposition Universelle de 1889. Première Partie: l'Architecture. Paris: E. Bernard et Cie (ed), 1893