185 research outputs found

    Income vs. travel time: Why do the poorest and the richest travel fastest in northeastern Brazil?

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    The latest Census survey driven by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) shows that the income groups having the smallest commuting time in the city of Recife are those with the lowest and the highest incomes. This paper tries to find reasons behind that behavior for the groups with lowest income by using data from focus groups interviews in low-income areas of the city. Census data is from 2010, the interviews were held in the end of 2011. Results show that the poorest people in Recife cannot afford to use public transportation, restricting their activities to places that can be reached by foot or, in some cases, riding bicycles. Even though those people are not isolated in far suburbs, as it happens in many cities from many countries, the lack of access to public transport can also drive to isolation by creating restraints for participation in social-economic activities and, in this paper specifically, to work opportunities. Public transportation is usually seen as accessible to all: in economic theory it is even considered an example of inferior good; however, in this city, it may be a luxury item to a considerable part of the population

    Description of the initial development and temporal distribution of Microphilypnus tapajosensis larvae and juveniles in a reservoir in the Eastern Amazon

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    Este estudo descreve o desenvolvimento inicial de larvas e juvenis de Microphilypnus tapajosensis usando dados merísticos, morfológicos e morfométricos e verifica sua distribuição temporal em um reservatório na Amazônia Oriental, analisando a hipótese de que esse ambiente seja ideal para o desenvolvimento e crescimento da espécie. As larvas e juvenis de M. tapajosensisapresentaram características comuns do grupo Eleotridae, com comprimento padrão variando de 3,0 mm a 8,9 mm, presença de cromatóforos dendríticos distribuídos na região ventral próxima à barbatana caudal e 28 miômeros totais. Durante o desenvolvimento inicial das larvas, a morfologia é o personagem que melhor diferencia M. tapajosensis de seus congêneres, seguido pelo número de raios das barbatanas peitorais em indivíduos jovens. A ocorrência de espécimes nos estágios larval e juvenil durante o período de amostragem indica que M. tapajosensispossui atividade reprodutiva ininterrupta, demonstrando-se como uma espécie oportunista. Finalmente, a presença de indivíduos ao longo de todos os meses, em todas as etapas larvais e juvenis, sustenta a hipótese de que o reservatório possui condições para o crescimento e desenvolvimento de M. tapajosensi s, indicando que esse ambiente é propício à manutenção e renovação de espécies

    Attendance and Certification Modules in the Management System for Tele-education of the Telehealth Center - HUUFMA

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    The Telehealth Brazil Networks Programme is a national action that seeks to improve the quality of care and primary care in the Unified Health System (SUS), which offers conditions to promote Tele-assistance and Tele-education. One of the major areas, Tele-education, is based on the use of information technologies to provide web conferences, courses, and classes. Due to the limitation of the broadcasting platforms to track the detailed users’ information, it was necessary to the Telehealth Center of the University Hospital of the Federal University of Maranhão (HUUFMA) the development of a web system to automatically gather this data. The current release of the system enables users to register in web conferences activities, and the information such as professional area, location, personal info are stored, so the system can track all the activities the user has participated and then automatically generate certificates at any time after the end of the activity


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    Para avaliar o impacto sensorial da adição de extratos de madeira à cachaça foram produzidos extratos de oito diferentes madeiras: amburana (Amburana cearensis), bálsamo (Miroxylom peruiferum), carvalho brasileiro (Panopsis organensis), carvalho europeu (Quercus alba), ipê amarelo (Tabebuia chrysostrichae), ipê roxo (Tabebuia impetiginosa), jequitibá rosa (Cariniana estrellensis) e louro-canela (Aniba parviflora). Utilizou-se cachaça diluída com água a 8% v/v de etanol como solvente e 30 g de madeira. Os extratos obtidos foram diluídos 20 vezes com cachaça não-envelhecida e submetidos ao teste de aceitação com escala hedônica não-estruturada. Obtiveram destaque positivo a cachaça com extrato de bálsamo e a cachaça comercial envelhecida em ipê amarelo. As amostras com extratos de louro-canela e jequitibá rosa apresentaram destaque negativo. Tais resultados indicaram a possibilidade da utilização de extratos de madeira no aprimoramento do processo de envelhecimento da cachaça

    Os “rolês” do movimento negro brasileiro na atualidade, nas “pegadas” da educação

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    This article is one of the results of a research conducted based on the analysis of an online forms answered by 261 antiracist militants from all over the country and also on oral history interviews conducted with about 10% of respondents to the form in seven states, distributed among the five different regions of Brazil. The aim of this article is to present some of the main features of the Brazilian black movement today and some of the main strategies, fronts of action, demands and references adopted by this social movement, in the effort to understand in what ways its militants have been built the antiracist struggle in the most diverse fields, especially in the area of education.Este artigo é um dos resultados da pesquisa “Movimento negro na atualidade”. A partir de metodologia combinada, com a análise de formulários on-line e de entrevistas de história oral, tivemos acesso a 261 militantes antirracistas de todo o país, dos quais entrevistamos 10%, em sete estados, distribuídos entre as cinco diferentes regiões do Brasil. O objetivo é apresentar algumas das principais características do movimento negro brasileiro na atualidade e algumas das principais estratégias, frentes de atuação, demandas e referenciais adotados por esse movimento social, no esforço de compreender de que maneira seus militantes têm construído a luta antirracista nos mais diversos campos, especialmente na área da educação. &nbsp

    Two Water Environment Adaptation Models Enhance Motor Behavior And Improve The Success Of The Lactate Minimum Test In Swimming Rats

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    This study was designed to investigate the effects of 14 water environment adaptation days on motor behavior and physiological condition of swimming rats. METHODS Sixty male Wistar rats were divided into four groups-baseline (Bl) and control (Co) groups-which did not perform the water environment adaptation; and sub (SubAnT) and (SupraAnT) anaerobic threshold groups, which performed 14 water environment adaptation days with sub or supra anaerobic threshold progressive loads (from the tenth day), respectively. The climbing-swimming prevalence (i.e. motor behavior) was analyzed during the water environment adaptation days. Lactate minimum test (LMT) parameters and muscular/hepatic glycogen content in addition to serum creatine kinase were also measured. RESULTS Animals from SubAnT and SupraAnT groups presented a lower climbing-swimming pattern throughout the extent of the experiment (p=0.000), especially after the 5th session. These results were achieved without an improvement in the LMT results or glycogen/creatine kinase. In addition, improvements of 26.6% and 25% for the LMT success rate (i.e. LMT reliability) were obtained only for SubAnT and SupraAnT animals. CONCLUSION Overall, we demonstrated that a water environment adaptation period is necessary for lowering the climbing-swimming pattern without physiological improvement.23especia

    Application Tool for Improvement of the Metrics of Unread and Unevaluated Teleconsultations of the Telehealth Center - HUUFMA

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    The Brazil Telehealth Networks Programme is a project that contributes to the quality of services provided by the Unified Health System (SUS), which offers conditions to promote Tele-assistance and Tele-education. In the area of tele-assistance, the Telehealth Centre of the University Hospital of the Federal University of Maranhão (NTS-HUUFMA) has built up Teleconsultation services, which provide communication tools to assist health professionals. The process of a teleconsultation starts with a question on the online platform and finishes with the response sent by a qualified health professional. Previously, monitoring of this task was done by using a digital spreadsheet. It was necessary to develop an application to monitor and manage the inactivated and unevaluated teleconsultations. Before the development of the system, the Telehealth Centre had around 25% of teleconsultations that were not responded to, and this number has decreased significantly since its deployment

    Contribuições da mídia para a saúde de pessoas LGBTI+: uma análise sociodiscursiva de e-news no jornalismo digital

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    Analisar as representações sociodiscursivas assertivas sobre o processo saúde-doença nas doenças infectocontagiosas que acometem o público LGBTI+. Pesquisa documental, de abordagem qualitativa, discursiva com foco em notícias veiculadas ao Google News SearchⓇ sobre doenças na população LGBTQQ+ de 2011 a 2022. A análise baseou-se na Análise Crítica do Discurso com processamento nos softwares MAXQDA e IRAMUTEQ. As notícias de caráter assertivo identificadas, apresentam discursos normativo-preventivo, normativo curativista e linguagem expositiva. As manchetes veiculadas em circulação no Google News Search detêm traços problematizadores com relação à saúde LGBTI+