1,301 research outputs found

    On s-confining SUSY-QCD with Anomaly Mediation

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    In this work, we present a comprehensive study of the phase diagram of supersymmetric QCD with Nf=Nc+1N_{f}=N_{c}+1 flavors perturbed by Anomaly Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking (AMSB). We extend the previous analyses on s-confining ASQCD theories in three different directions. We show that the existence of the QCD-like vacuum is independent of the size of the SUSY breaking parameter. We further expand the analysis of these models by including two and three-loop contributions to investigate the robustness and limitations of the results. Finally, we include the leading effect of higher-order K\"ahler terms to investigate the stability of the phase diagram as we approach the confining energy scale. The analysis with higher order K\"ahler terms is also extended for Nc=2N_{c}=2 for which AMSB alone gives inconclusive results

    Exploring the vacuum structure of gravitationally induced neutrino masses

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    In this work, we explore the proposed mechanism in which the gravitational θ\theta anomaly generates neutrino masses. We highlight that the leading renormalizable interactions of the neutrino condensate forbid the possibility of generating hierarchical masses consistent with observation. This conclusion still holds when Standard Model loop corrections are accounted for. We show that higher-dimensional operators can alleviate this problem. The higher-dimensional operators could be generated from the gravitational anomaly itself, but there is no clear way to know without a deeper understanding of the low-energy description of this mechanism. Because of that, we explore the possibility of new particles generating neutrino mass splittings. We show that both new particles that alter the scalar potential of the condensate or new particles in loops for the neutrino self-energy can solve this problem

    Unavoidable Higgs coupling deviations in the Z2Z_2-symmetric Georgi-Machacek model

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    The Z2Z_{2}-symmetric version of the Georgi-Machacek model does not possess a decoupling limit in which all the new particles can be made arbitrarily heavy, opening the possibility that the model can be entirely excluded if experiments reveal no deviations from the Standard Model. We explore this model, focusing on the part of parameter space in which the vacuum expectation value of the triplets, νχ\nu_\chi, is small. In the small-νχ\nu_\chi limit, the second custodial-singlet scalar field SS necessarily becomes very light and can contribute to the total width of the 125 GeV Higgs boson hh via hSSh \to SS. We show that this process, together with LHC measurements of the hγγh \to \gamma\gamma rate, entirely excludes masses mS<mh/2m_S < m_h/2 and thereby severely constrains the parameter space, setting an experimental lower bound νχ12.5\nu_\chi \gtrsim 12.5 GeV on the vacuum expectation value of the triplets. This lower bound makes it impossible to avoid deviations from the Standard Model in the couplings of hh to fermion and vector boson pairs. We study the remaining parameter space after imposing constraints from direct searches for the additional Higgs bosons, and show that it is on the edge of being fully excluded at 95%95\% confidence level by LHC measurements of the 125 GeV Higgs boson's couplings. Measurements of these couplings at the future high-luminosity run of the LHC will have sufficient precision to entirely exclude the model at 5σ5\sigma if no deviations from the Standard Model are observed.Comment: 30 pages, 11 figure

    Multiscale streamflow forecasts for the Brazilian hydropower system using bayesian model averaging (BMA)

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    O uso de sistemas eficientes de previsão de afluências nas diversas escalas temporais permite otimizar a operação do conjunto de reservatórios hidrelétricos brasileiros, elevando o grau de segurança no fornecimento de energia elétrica e minimizando os custos operacionais. Entretanto, os modelos atuais de previsão utilizados pelo Operador Nacional do Sistema Elétrico (ONS) tendem a ser limitados no horizonte de previsão e na modelagem da dependência existente entre as diversas escalas de tempo, reduzindo a qualidade das previsões. Neste trabalho é proposta uma nova contribuição para os modelos de previsão de afluências em uso pelo ONS a partir do conceito de ponderação bayesiana de modelos (BMA), que permite integrar previsões mensais e semanais de vazões com objetivo de melhorar o desempenho das previsões semanais. As previsões mensais são obtidas por meio de um modelo periódico auto-regressivo exógeno (PARX), que busca captar a persistência das vazões na parte auto-regressiva e a contribuição do escoamento superficial na parcela exógena por meio do uso de informações climáticas de larga escala. Previsões semanais de afluência com até seis semanas de antecedência são obtidas a partir das informações disponibilizadas pelo ONS nos relatórios do Programa Mensal de Operação (PMO). A metodologia proposta é aplicada em séries de afluências semanais aos 28 principais reservatórios hidroelétricos brasileiros. Os resultados de previsão semanal de afluências obtidos com a ponderação das saídas dos modelos de previsão semanal e mensal indicam uma melhoria significativa em indicadores de desempenho de previsões (NS, MAPE e DM) quando comparados com os resultados de previsão oriundos do modelo semanal isolado. Os ganhos obtidos nos indicadores de desempenho são mais significativos a partir da segunda semana de antecedência. A abordagem proposta é flexível em termos de implementação, permitindo integrar outras escalas de previsão assim como diferentes modelos preditivos (por exemplo, modelos de base física).The use of efficient streamflow forecast systems at different time scales allows the operational optimization of the Brazilian interconnected hydropower reservoirs, raising the security level of electricity supply and minimizing operating costs. However, current forecasting models used by the National Electric System Operator (ONS) tend to be limited over the forecast horizon and in the modeling of the dependence structure across the various time scales, thus reducing the quality of forecasts. This paper proposes a new contribution to the streamflow forecast models by exploring the concept of Bayesian Model Averaging (BMA), which allows integrating weekly and monthly forecasts in order to improve the skill of weekly predictions. The monthly forecasts are obtained from a periodic auto-regressive exogenous model (PARX), which attempts to capture the persistence of flow in the auto-regressive part and the runoff contribution in the exogenous portion through the use of climate information. Weekly streamflow forecasts with up to six weeks lead time are obtained from information made available by ONS in the Monthly Operational Program (PMO) reports. The proposed methodology is tested using weekly inflow series from the 28 major Brazilian hydropower reservoirs. The weekly streamflow forecasts results obtained from the weighting of the outputs from the weekly and monthly models indicate a significant improvement in skill based on common performance indicators (NS, MAPE and DM) when compared with forecasts derived from the isolated weekly model. The gains in performance indicators are more significant for lead times beyond two weeks. The proposed approach is flexible in terms of implementation, allowing the incorporation of the other forecast scales as well as different forecast models (e.g. physical models)

    A cidade insurgente: estratégias dos coletivos urbanos e vida pública

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    This article presents two experiences that currently permeate the space of cities. The first is represented by the wall as a metaphor for the growing segmentation of the urban fabric which has as one consequence the creation of autonomous territories in the city. The second experience is based on the mobilization of urban collectives that, through critical interventions in public spaces, confront the authoritative projects which result in the very subtraction of public life. Some authors refer to this crisis of otherness and abandonment of public open space as an urban militarization, which is characterized by permanent combat against intangible threats and growing investment in security apparatuses. As a counterpoint to this scenario, the analysis of recent actions of urban collectives (artists and activists) can shed light on issues about the public space and sociability and their positive aspects for sociability. As a background, it is expected that the analysis can contribute to building a critical apparatus in the field of urban disciplines able to point out positive alternatives for life in cities.Keywords: public space, militarization of urban life, urban collectives.O presente artigo aborda duas experiências que atualmente permeiam o espaço das cidades. A primeira está representada pelo muro como metáfora da segmentação crescente do tecido urbano, que tem como uma das consequências a criação de territórios autônomos na cidade. A segunda se configura a partir das mobilizações de coletivos urbanos que, por meio de intervenções críticas nos espaços livres públicos, confrontam seu agenciamento autoritário que tem como um dos resultados visíveis a própria subtração da vida pública nos espaços abertos. Essa crise de alteridade e de abandono dos espaços públicos abre espaço para o que alguns autores denominam de militarização urbana, caracterizada pelo combate permanente contra ameaças quase intangíveis e pelo investimento crescente em aparatos de segurança. Como contraponto a este cenário, a análise de ações recentes de coletivos urbanos (artistas e ativistas) pode lançar luz a temas sobre a sociabilidade no espaço público e o que podem trazer de positivo para a sociabilidade. Como pano de fundo, espera-se que a análise possa contribuir para construção de um aparato crítico no campo das disciplinas urbanas, capazes de apontar alternativas positivas em favor da vida nas cidades.Palavras-chave: espaço público, coletivos urbanos, militarização urbana

    Avaliação de infraestruturas de mobilidade em ambientes urbanos

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    Mestrado de dupla diplomação com o Unichristus - Centro Universitário ChristusAs infraestruturas de mobilidade, que para este estudo são representadas pela Rede viária urbana, Rede pedonal e Rede ciclável ou, em outras palavras, Pavimentos rodoviários flexíveis, Infraestruturas pedonais e Infraestruturas cicláveis, vão se desgastando ao longo da sua vida útil, com a ação dos agentes ambientais e do tráfego, até atingir um patamar de degradação inaceitável, caso não sejam feitas manutenções e reparações atempadamente. Assim, o objetivo principal do trabalho é contribuir para agilizar o processo entre a coleta de dados e a avaliação do estado de degradação da via, referente ao cálculo dos métodos abordados para as infraestruturas, através do desenvolvimento de uma aplicação computacional escrita em Visual Basic com utilização do Visual Studio Community 2019 da Microsoft. Desta forma, pode-se ter uma ideia de quando estas infraestruturas necessitarão de novas intervenções de conservação e reabilitação ou se elas estão adequadas para uso. Nesse contexto, depois de se estabelecer as patologias e fatores a se avaliar, os critérios de observação e os modelos de avaliação e classificação, realizaram-se observações visuais de um trecho de estrada urbana para comprovar a utilidade e adequabilidade da aplicação desenvolvida, efetuando comparações entre dois Trechos (com 2 SubTrechos cada). Com esta comparação, observaram-se diferentes níveis de qualidade que condizem com o detectado visualmente, permitindo concluir acerca da utilidade e adequabilidade da referida aplicação.During their lifespan, the mobility infrastructures, represented in this study by the Urban road network, the Pedestrian network and the Cycling network or, in other words, Flexible pavements, Pedestrian infrastructures and Bicycle infrastructures, it will wear out with the impact of environmental agents and the traffic until it come to a level of disabling if there are not any kind of proper maintenance or repair. The main purpose of this study was speed up the process between the data collect and the road qualification, referring to the calculation of the selected evaluation methods for the chosen infrastructures. Then, it was developed a software writed in Visual Basic using the Visual Studio Community 2019 from Microsoft. So it is possible to know when a infrastructure needs conservation and repair or if it is working properly. Next, after establish the pathologies and factors to assess, the observation criterion and the evaluation and rating models there were field trials comparing two patches (with two sub patches each) in order to test the software. Due to this comparison it was possible to observe and verify that there were different levels of quality at the field that allowed to conclude about the software’s utility and suitability

    The role of renormalization in Sommerfeld enhancement with unstable particles

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    The calculation of P-wave Sommerfeld enhancement in processes with unstable particles in the final state is known to be divergent. This problem is usually remediated by introducing a cutoff which is related to a relevant scale of the system. However, this approach is arbitrary and can spoil the physical significance of the enhancement. In this paper, we identify the source of these divergences to be the same as the usual UV divergences in quantum field theory. To obtain a finite result we implement a renormalization procedure, showing that these divergences can be removed by adding proper counterterms. We show analytically, by considering the Coulomb interaction as an example, that this procedure renders the enhancement unique and unambiguous and can be easily generalized.Comment: references adde