145 research outputs found

    Heart Rate Variability Analysis Guided by Respiration in Major Depressive Disorder

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    In this study a Heart Rate Variability (HRV) analysis guided by respiration to evaluate different patterns of Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) in response to a cognitive stressor between Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) and control (CT) subjects is presented. Cardiorespiratory Time Frequency Coherence (TFC) reveals the local coupling of HRV and respiration signal which is essential and usually not included in estimation of ANS measures derived by HRV. Parasympathetic activity of ANS is measured as the power at the frequencies where TFC between HRV and respiration is significant, whereas sympathetic dominance is measured as the normalized power in the low frequency band [0.04,0.15] Hz of HRV excluding the power of those frequencies related to respiration. Results showed significantly lower (p <; 0.05) sympathetic dominance in MDD with respect to CT subjects during stress, suggesting that ANS reactivity as response to stress stimuli is lower in MDD patients. The study of ANS reactivity to a stressor may serve as a biomarker useful for the early diagnosis and monitoring of MDD patients

    Utilization of multiparametric prostate magnetic resonance imaging in clinical practice and focal therapy: report from a Delphi consensus project

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    To codify the use of multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging (mpMRI) for the interrogation of prostate neoplasia (PCa) in clinical practice and focal therapy (FT). An international collaborative consensus project was undertaken using the Delphi method among experts in the field of PCa. An online questionnaire was presented in three consecutive rounds and modified each round based on the comments provided by the experts. Subsequently, a face-to-face meeting was held to discuss and finalize the consensus results. mpMRI should be performed in patients with prior negative biopsies if clinical suspicion remains, but not instead of the PSA test, nor as a stand-alone diagnostic tool or mpMRI-targeted biopsies only. It is not recommended to use a 1.5 Tesla MRI scanner without an endorectal or pelvic phased-array coil. mpMRI should be performed following standard biopsy-based PCa diagnosis in both the planning and follow-up of FT. If a lesion is seen, MRI-TRUS fusion biopsies should be performed for FT planning. Systematic biopsies are still required for FT planning in biopsy-naïve patients and for patients with residual PCa after FT. Standard repeat biopsies should be taken during the follow-up of FT. The final decision to perform FT should be based on histopathology. However, these consensus statements may differ for expert centers versus non-expert centers. The mpMRI is an important tool for characterizing and targeting PCa in clinical practice and FT. Standardization of acquisition and reading should be the main priority to guarantee consistent mpMRI quality throughout the urological communit

    Aproximación al manejo de la disección del tronco celíaco

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    El dolor abdominal constituye uno de los motivos de consulta más frecuentes en los servicios de Urgencias y de Aparato Digestivo. Además, el diagnóstico diferencial supone un importante reto, dado el amplio abanico de entidades clínicas que pueden provocarlo, algunas de ellas con un pronóstico desfavorable. En este sentido, en algunas cohortes no se ha llegado a un diagnóstico específico en más de un 30% de los casos1, 2. Se presenta el caso de un varón de 40 años, fumador activo desde hace más de 20 años, sin otros antecedentes personales ni familiares de interés, excepto traumatismo cerrado abdominal hace cuatro años, que no seguía tratamiento farmacológico habitual. Presentaba dolor abdominal epigástrico continuo e irradiado hacia ambos hipocondrios, de ocho horas de evolución. No asociaba ictericia mucocutánea ni coluria o acolia, tampoco náuseas ni vómitos ni alteraciones en el ritmo y características de las deposiciones. No presentaba fiebre, síndrome constitucional ni otra sintomatología asociada. A la exploración física destacaba dolor a la palpación de epigastrio, sin signos de irritación peritoneal, con peristaltismo y pulsos distales conservados. Asimismo, no presentaba signos de colagenopatía. Para una primera aproximación diagnóstica se realizó analítica de sangre, destacando como únicos hallazgos ligera alteración del perfil hepático (AST 66 U/L, ALT 58 U/L, GGT 106 U/L, FA 76 U/L) con amilasemia, ..

    Novel contrast-enhanced ultrasound imaging in prostate cancer

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    The purposes of this paper were to present the current status of contrast-enhanced transrectal ultrasound imaging and to discuss the latest achievements and techniques now under preclinical testing. Although grayscale transrectal ultrasound is the standard method for prostate imaging, it lacks accuracy in the detection and localization of prostate cancer. With the introduction of contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS), perfusion imaging of the microvascularization became available. By this, cancer-induced neovascularisation can be visualized with the potential to improve ultrasound imaging for prostate cancer detection and localization significantly. For example, several studies have shown that CEUS-guided biopsies have the same or higher PCa detection rate compared with systematic biopsies with less biopsies needed. This paper describes the current status of CEUS and discusses novel quantification techniques that can improve the accuracy even further. Furthermore, quantification might decrease the user-dependency, opening the door to use in the routine clinical environment. A new generation of targeted microbubbles is now under pre-clinical testing and showed avidly binding to VEGFR-2, a receptor up-regulated in prostate cancer due to angiogenesis. The first publications regarding a targeted microbubble ready for human use will be discussed. Ultrasound-assisted drug delivery gives rise to a whole new set of therapeutic options, also for prostate cancer. A major breakthrough in the future can be expected from the clinical use of targeted microbubbles for drug delivery for prostate cancer diagnosis as well as treatmen

    Different healthy habits between northern and southern Spanish school children

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    Aim: Healthy habits are influenced by several factors such as, geographical location. The aims of this study were to describe and compare healthy habits within two populations of sixth-grade primary school children (aged 11-12 years) from Northern and Southern Spain. Subject and Methods: A cross-sectional study using two representative samples of school children was conducted. Participants came from Logroño (n=329), in the North and Granada (n=284), in the South of Spain. Socio-demographic and anthropometric variables, adherence to the Mediterranean diet, aerobic fitness, and healthy lifestyles were recorded. Results: Boys reported higher level of physical activity and aerobic fitness than girls (p=0.000). Southern school children reported significantly higher adherence to the Mediterranean diet (♀: p=0.041; ♂: p=0.008), and lower aerobic fitness (♀: p=0.000; ♂: p=0.042) and hours of nightly sleep (♀: p=0.008, ♂: p=0.007) than Northern school children. Southern boys also reported lower levels of physical activity (p=0.013). There were slight or moderate correlations among all habits measured (physical activity, diet, screen and sleep time). Additionally, physical activity level was inversely related to body mass index in Northern boys (p=0.020) and Southern girls (p=0.024). Conclusions: Results showed differences in physical activity, eating and sleep habits, and aerobic fitness, according to geographical location. The relationships found among lifestyle habits indicate the need of health promotion interventions nationally and considering the differences discussed here

    Exploring Health Science Students’ Notions on Organ Donation and Transplantation: A Multicenter Study

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    The knowledge acquired during university education about organ donation and transplantation (ODT) decisively influences the information future health professionals transmit. This is important in ODT where the participation of the general public is essential to obtain organs. Objective: To determine notions of Spanish medicine and nursing students on ODT and its relationship with attitude toward ODT. Methods and Design: and design. We conducted a sociologic, multicenter, and observational study. The population for our study consisted of medical and nursing students in Spanish universities. Our database was the Collaborative International Donor Project, stratified by geographic area and academic course. A validated questionnaire (PCID-DTO-RIOS) was self-administered and completed anonymously. Our sample consisted of 9598 medical and 10, 566 nursing students (99% confidence interval; precision of ±1%), stratified by geographic area and year of study. Results: The completion rate for our study was 90%. Only 20% (n=3640) of students thought their notions on ODT were good; 41% (n=7531) thought their notions were normal; 36% (n=6550) thought their notions were scarce. Comparing groups, there were differences between those who believed that their notions on ODT were good (44% nursing vs 56% medical students; P < .000), and those who believed it scarce (54% nursing vs 46% medical students; P < .000). Notions on ODT were related with attitude toward the donation of one''s own organs: those who considered their notions were good were more in favor then those who considered it scarce (88% vs 72%; P < .000). Conclusion: Only 20% of Spanish medical and nursing students thought their notions on ODT were good. Having good knowledge is related to a favorable attitude towards ODT. Receiving specific information on the subject could improve their knowledge about ODT during their training

    Overexpression of Dyrk1A Is Implicated in Several Cognitive, Electrophysiological and Neuromorphological Alterations Found in a Mouse Model of Down Syndrome

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    Down syndrome (DS) phenotypes result from the overexpression of several dosage-sensitive genes. The DYRK1A (dual-specificity tyrosine-(Y)-phosphorylation regulated kinase 1A) gene, which has been implicated in the behavioral and neuronal alterations that are characteristic of DS, plays a role in neuronal progenitor proliferation, neuronal differentiation and long-term potentiation (LTP) mechanisms that contribute to the cognitive deficits found in DS. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of Dyrk1A overexpression on the behavioral and cognitive alterations in the Ts65Dn (TS) mouse model, which is the most commonly utilized mouse model of DS, as well as on several neuromorphological and electrophysiological properties proposed to underlie these deficits. In this study, we analyzed the phenotypic differences in the progeny obtained from crosses of TS females and heterozygous Dyrk1A (+/-) male mice. Our results revealed that normalization of the Dyrk1A copy number in TS mice improved working and reference memory based on the Morris water maze and contextual conditioning based on the fear conditioning test and rescued hippocampal LTP. Concomitant with these functional improvements, normalization of the Dyrk1A expression level in TS mice restored the proliferation and differentiation of hippocampal cells in the adult dentate gyrus (DG) and the density of GABAergic and glutamatergic synapse markers in the molecular layer of the hippocampus. However, normalization of the Dyrk1A gene dosage did not affect other structural (e.g., the density of mature hippocampal granule cells, the DG volume and the subgranular zone area) or behavioral (i.e., hyperactivity/attention) alterations found in the TS mouse. These results suggest that Dyrk1A overexpression is involved in some of the cognitive, electrophysiological and neuromorphological alterations, but not in the structural alterations found in DS, and suggest that pharmacological strategies targeting this gene may improve the treatment of DS-associated learning disabilities

    Proteomic Analysis of Growth Phase-Dependent Expression of Legionella pneumophila Proteins Which Involves Regulation of Bacterial Virulence Traits

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    Legionella pneumophila, which is a causative pathogen of Legionnaires' disease, expresses its virulent traits in response to growth conditions. In particular, it is known to become virulent at a post-exponential phase in vitro culture. In this study, we performed a proteomic analysis of differences in expression between the exponential phase and post-exponential phase to identify candidates associated with L. pneumophila virulence using 2-Dimentional Fluorescence Difference Gel Electrophoresis (2D-DIGE) combined with Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization–Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS). Of 68 identified proteins that significantly differed in expression between the two growth phases, 64 were up-regulated at a post-exponential phase. The up-regulated proteins included enzymes related to glycolysis, ketone body biogenesis and poly-3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) biogenesis, suggesting that L. pneumophila may utilize sugars and lipids as energy sources, when amino acids become scarce. Proteins related to motility (flagella components and twitching motility-associated proteins) were also up-regulated, predicting that they enhance infectivity of the bacteria in host cells under certain conditions. Furthermore, 9 up-regulated proteins of unknown function were found. Two of them were identified as novel bacterial factors associated with hemolysis of sheep red blood cells (SRBCs). Another 2 were found to be translocated into macrophages via the Icm/Dot type IV secretion apparatus as effector candidates in a reporter assay with Bordetella pertussis adenylate cyclase. The study will be helpful for virulent analysis of L. pneumophila from the viewpoint of physiological or metabolic modulation dependent on growth phase

    Mechanism of Splicing Regulation of Spinal Muscular Atrophy Genes

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    Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is one of the major genetic disorders associated with infant mortality. More than 90% cases of SMA result from deletions or mutations of Survival Motor Neuron 1 (SMN1) gene. SMN2, a nearly identical copy of SMN1, does not compensate for the loss of SMN1due to predominant skipping of exon 7. However, correction of SMN2 exon 7 splicing has proven to confer therapeutic benefits in SMA patients. The only approved drug for SMA is an antisense oligonucleotide (Spinraza™/Nusinersen), which corrects SMN2 exon 7 splicing by blocking intronic splicing silencer N1 (ISS-N1) located immediately downstream of exon 7. ISS-N1 is a complex regulatory element encompassing overlapping negative motifs and sequestering a cryptic splice site. More than 40 protein factors have been implicated in the regulation of SMN exon 7 splicing. There is evidence to support that multiple exons of SMN are alternatively spliced during oxidative stress, which is associated with a growing number of pathological conditions. Here, we provide the most up to date account of the mechanism of splicing regulation of the SMN genes