1,019 research outputs found

    Targeting unemployment through entrepreneurship based on a social responsible behavior strategy : the Portuguese case study

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    This study explores an innovative and integrated approach to solve the unemployment problem in Portugal through a social responsible behavior based-strategy. Human, intellectual and financial resources are presented as tools to efficiently engage such citizens in entrepreneurial activities in order to increase labor market productivity and promote the country’s economic growth (Bosma , Stam , & Schutjens, Creative Destruction and Regional Competitiveness, 2006). After a careful literature review and analysis of the insights collected from the thorough research on unemployment and entrepreneurship, specifically regarding human and financing capital, a framework based on the social service innovation concept is presented. The proposed set of solutions to reduce unemployment in Portugal were obtained by conducting a survey targeting unemployed Portuguese citizens, addressing their needs and expectations regarding training programs, and a status quo analysis of crowdfunding, together with the (historical) statistical results concerning the Portuguese labor market and its impact in the entrepreneurial sector. The dissertation findings are expected to be a useful contribution to the entrepreneurship literature, shedding some light into the main dimensions to be analyzed when defining an implementation strategy through a social responsible behavior, based on training and financing possibilities, and proposing a set of relevant guidelines to design operations in order to achieve its major goal

    A abordagem do médico dentista ao doente diabético

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    Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas MonizA Diabetes Mellitus é uma doença crónica e complexa que apresenta uma elevada incidência na população mundial. Muitos dos doentes que aparecem na consulta de Medicina Dentária estão diagnosticados com Diabetes Mellitus, ou estão em risco de vir a desenvolver a doença. A abordagem ao doente com Diabetes Mellitus deve ser feita por uma equipa multidisciplinar que inclua o Médico Dentista. A Diabetes Mellitus apresenta-se como um fator de risco para o desenvolvimento de várias patologias da cavidade oral, sendo um dos temas em debate na comunidade científica. Desta forma, o Médico Dentista deve adquirir conhecimentos sobre os mecanismos de desenvolvimento da doença e os riscos associados à saúde oral e geral dos pacientes com Diabetes Mellitus. Cabe ao Médico Dentista informar, prevenir, diagnosticar, e direcionar o doente para as diversas áreas da saúde consoante as necessidades do mesmo. Além disso, é importante instruir o doente a conhecer a patologia e a estar ciente dos riscos da mesma. O doente com Diabetes Mellitus deve ser incentivado a manter um bom controlo da doença assim como uma boa higiene oral. Este trabalho de revisão bibliográfica tem como objetivo compreender de que forma é que o Médico Dentista deve abordar um doente com Diabetes Mellitus tendo em conta as evidências científicas mais recentes. Assim, pretende-se compreender quais as patologias orais mais prevalentes nos doentes com Diabetes Mellitus, quais os riscos associados aos tratamentos dentários nestes doentes, e qual o contributo do Médico Dentista para a saúde geral destes doentes

    Covered interest parity

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    This report aims to study the evolution of the Covered Interest Rate Parity (CIP) over the course of the last years. With the 2007 financial crisis many fundamental relationships changed, and CIP was not an exception. To infer whether or not this was an isolate event, the behaviour of the CIP during the European Sovereign debt crisis was studied. Currency pairs such as EURUSD showed significant CIP deviations during both crises. This work shows that currently, spreads are mostly explained by counterparty risk and market sentiment factors, which are extremely different factors from the ones explaining the spread during 2003-06. Ke

    Alcohol addiction and associated factors in adults in Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo State, Brazil, 2006: the OBEDIARP Project

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    O objetivo do estudo foi investigar a prevalência da dependência de álcool, níveis de gravidade do hábito e identificar fatores associados à dependência. Estudo epidemiológico transversal de base populacional, em amostra de adultos com 30 anos e mais, residentes em Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brasil, em 2006. Com base no questionário AUDIT, prevalências e razões de prevalências (RP) foram calculadas, sendo a variável dependente classificada em duas categorias: (1) escores de 0-7 e (2) escores de 8-40. A prevalência de dependência foi de 20,18%, sendo, respectivamente, 43,47% e 10,18% para os sexos masculino e feminino. O elenco de fatores associados à dependência foi: sexo, idade, nível educacional, estado marital, condição de trabalho, hábito de fumar, filiação religiosa e autopercepção do estado de saúde. A prevalência de dependência foi elevada, principalmente entre os homens. A identificação de fatores associados pode permitir a adoção de estratégias de promoção e prevenção, considerando-se os agravos decorrentes da dependência do álcool.This study aims to estimate the prevalence and severity of alcohol addiction and to identify associated factors. A cross-sectional population-based study was conducted in Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo State, Brazil, in 2006. Prevalence estimates were based on AUDIT (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test). Crude and adjusted prevalence ratios (PR) were calculated, and the outcome variable was classified in two levels: (1) scores = 0-7; and (2) scores = 8-40. Overall prevalence of alcohol addiction was 20.18% (43.47% in men and 10.18% in women). In the final model, the following variables were associated with alcohol addiction: gender, age, schooling, marital and work status, smoking, religion, and self-rated health. Prevalence of alcohol addiction was high, especially among men. The results should contribute to the adoption of health promotion and prevention strategies, considering the consequences of alcohol addiction

    Model of integrated management of public procurement oriented to public value: a proposal research

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    One challenge of public organizations is the creation of public value through the adoption of information technology and communication. Technology should emerge as an endogenous and not as exogenous factor of organizational and thus leveraging the processes of change in public organizations.The public procurement is an instrument of public policy implementation that, within a legal context, intends to create value. Thus, this vision contrasts with the focus on economic efficiency of the new public management. The alignment between business strategies and public information systems underlying to the transversal management of the public contract process is relevant to: (i) improve the performance of organizations oriented to the preferences of citizens and (ii) support the technological investments associated to the solutions of e-procurement.Defines the design of a model of integrated management of public procurement oriented to the public value as the result of investigation of the doctoral program in technology and information systems. This is the theme that motivates the research, which fits within the domain of design science.Thus, this paper aims to present, based on a literature review, the topic and the research framework, perspective theoretical and research process. Therefore, these are the main results.- (undefined

    Paisagem, água e história

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    Producción CientíficaHeritage is composed by cultural assets, tangible and intangible, natural and environmental, that are the builders of Human History which must be preserved and protected for future generations. Protecting heritage is preserving the cultural memory of a community, the identity of a place, of a landscape. Protecting the asset for the visitor means to know it, communicate and interpret this heritage with the accuracy it deserves. In this work we intend to bring water’s importance to a wider audience, as part of the landscape, intending to join its history to raise awareness for the value of an essential good to men and to the territories.O património cultural é composto por bens tangíveis e intangíveis, naturais e ambientais, que são os construtores da História Humana, condição em que devem ser preservados e protegidos para as futuras gerações. Proteger o patrimônio é preservar a memória cultural de uma comunidade, a identidade de um lugar, de uma paisagem. Proteger o bem para o visitante significa conhecer, comunicar e interpretar essa herança com a precisão que merece. Neste trabalho, pretendemos discutir a importância da água para um público mais amplo, como parte da paisagem, com a intenção de associar sua história à conscientização quanto ao seu valor como bem essencial para os indivíduos e para os territórios

    Paisagens e vivências na fronteira: De Castro Marim a Montalvão nos inícios do século XVI

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    The frontiers between the two Peninsular kingdoms were set up in the Middle Ages in the aftermath of the Reconquista out of political will and consolidated by the settlement of population who were creating increasingly localised dynamics in the different territories. The landscape was crucial in creating bonds or imposing separations as a result of an adverse geography. The easiness of contact and the development of economic activities nurtured the establishment of links between families where peace and friendship took turns with moments of conflict and opposition. Afonso Mendes de Resende’s journey in the sixteenth century is a case in point to understand the cultural, social, economic, and political organization in the frontier region; it also testifies to the daily contact around a borderline that is always present in both memory and demarcation of the territory.Las fronteras que separan los reinos peninsulares en la Edad Media se determinaron como resultado de la Reconquista, de la voluntad política y el establecimiento de pobladores que en los diferentes territorios fueron creando dinámicas más localizadas. El paisaje fue determinante en la creación de vínculos territoriales o de separaciones impuestas por locales de una geografía adversa. En relación con las facilidades o dificultades de contacto y con el desarrollo de las actividades económicas, las comunidades locales fueron creando relaciones familiares, de paz y de amistad, que alternaban con momentos de conflicto y de resistencias. En el siglo XVI, los viajes de Afonso Mendes de Resende y de Duarte de Armas, nos permiten entender la organización cultural, social, económica y política del espacio de frontera y de las relaciones cotidianas establecidas en torno a esa línea, siempre presente en la memoria y en las demarcaciones del territori
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