70 research outputs found

    Improvement of individual learning with mentoring programs for first-year undergraduate students.

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    Introduction: This study presents a brief analysis of Spanish universities that promote mentoring programs with students. These mentoring programs are divided into different categories depending on the persons (faculty or students) involved in the process and their characteristics (for novice, senior, or international students). The case of the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria is presented, where first-year students from all undergraduate degrees are involved in an annual course where the core part is related to formal mentoring activities. Methods: This study analyzes undergraduate degree students' outcomes and results from 10 different degrees for a period of 4 academic years (from 2016–2017 to 2019–2020). This first analysis corresponds to students' activities and marks awarded on the assessment of the assigned mentoring tasks related to the competencies of critical thinking, proactivity, personal knowledge (with the objective of acceptance and improvement), and the ability to ask transcendental questions. Then, a reliable and valid survey, conducted every year to all senior students, was used to get feedback from students. Results: After a quantitative and qualitative analysis of students' results, it was noticed that they become more confident in their studies when they engage in mentoring-based courses and sessions, and this benefits their lives. All this information led to the improvement of the mentoring process.post-print475 K

    Estrés y Enfermedad de Crohn: diferencias entre enfermos de Crohn con brote, sin brote y personas sanas

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    Distintas investigaciones han puesto de manifiesto la relación entre estrés y numerosas patologías. Este estudio pretende explorar su relación con la enfermedad de Crohn. Se compararon los niveles de estrés, medidos mediante la escala de estrés percibido, de 37 pacientes en brote con 27 en fase de quiescencia y 40 personas sanas. De los resultados obtenidos parece derivarse que los enfermos de Crohn en fase de brote poseen mayores niveles de estrés que las personas sanas, además se constatan diferencias significativas en dicha variable entre enfermos de Crohn con brote y sin brote y enfermos de Crohn con brote y personas sanas. No se observan diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre enfennos de Crohn sin brote y personas sanas. El trabajo coneluye planteando algunas explicaciones plausibles a dichos resultados y, en particular, que el estrés pueda entenderse más como una de las consecuencias que como uno de los antecedentes de la enfermedad de Crohn

    Stress and Crohn's disease: differences among outbrake and quiescence patients and healthy persons

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    Publicada en Sociedad Española para el Estudio de la Ansiedad y el Estrés (SEAS) hasta mayo de 2016. A partir de junio se publica en Elsevier.Distintas investigaciones han puesto de manifiesto la relación entre estrés y numerosas patologías. Este estudio pretende explorar su relación con la enfermedad de Crohn. Se compararon los niveles de estrés, medidos mediante la escala de estrés percibido, de 37 pacientes en brote con 27 en fase de quiescencia y 40 personas sanas. De los resultados obtenidos parece derivarse que los enfermos de Crohn en fase de brote poseen mayores niveles de estrés que las personas sanas, además se constatan diferencias significativas en dicha variable entre enfermos de Crohn con brote y sin brote y enfermos de Crohn con brote y personas sanas. No se observan diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre enfennos de Crohn sin brote y personas sanas. El trabajo coneluye planteando algunas explicaciones plausibles a dichos resultados y, en particular, que el estrés pueda entenderse más como una de las consecuencias que como uno de los antecedentes de la enfermedad de Crohn.Research has shown the relationship between stress and many diseases. The aim of this study is to investigate its effect on Crohn's disease. Using the Perceived Stress Scale we compared the stress levels of three different groups: 37 patients in the outbreak phase, 27 in quiescence, and 40 healthy controls. Results show that Crohn's sufferers in outbreak phase have higher stress levels than both quiescence patients and healthy persons. However, no significant differences were observed between those in quiescence and healthy persons. The paper concludes by suggesting plausible explanations for these results, particularly that stress may be better understood as a consequence rather than a cause/precursor of Crohn's disease.Depto. de Psicología Social, del Trabajo y DiferencialFac. de PsicologíaTRUEpu

    Adult Attachment Questionnaire: evidence of validity in a sample of IPVAW offenders

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    IntroductionAdult attachment can be understood as a cognitive and emotional system concerning oneself and others, based on previous attachment experiences throughout life. This system automatically affects relationships with others. Because of its importance in the interpersonal domain, it has been studied on numerous occasions in research on intimate partner violence. The aim of this study was to obtain evidence of validity of the Adult Attachment Questionnaire (AAQ) in a sample of 331 men convicted of intimate partner violence against women (IPVAW).MethodsThe AAQ assesses adult attachment style in four dimensions that, together, yield four attachment categories. A psychometric analysis was performed, including reliability analysis and confirmatory factor analysis of the items, which ratified the factorial structure of the questionnaire. For a correct fit of the model, it was necessary to eliminate 4 of the items from the original scale.ResultsA latent profile analysis was also carried out, which identified four attachment styles: secure, preoccupied/anxious, avoidant/dismissing and fearful. Reliability indices were adequate. In general, the attachment profiles obtained ranges and means similar to those found in the general population study. The distribution of attachment styles was not equal: 50.57% of the participants presented secure attachment, 4.57% avoidant/dismissing attachment, 36.9% preoccupied/anxious, and 8.57% fearful.DiscussionIn conclusion, a valid and reliable instrument was determined based on the original AAQ scale to measure attachment in men convicted of IPVAW

    Measuring retail trade using card transactional data

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    En este trabajo se presenta un Índice de Comercio Minorista (ICM) de alta dimensionalidad construido para España, estimado a partir del uso de datos masivos. La información utilizada se corresponde con la que surge de las transacciones con tarjetas de crédito y de débito de los clientes de BBVA en terminales de punto de venta (TPV) españoles. Los índices obtenidos son robustos cuando se comparan con los que publica el Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE), tanto para el conjunto de España como para las distintas regiones y los diferentes canales de distribución. Dando un paso más, se calculan los índices mensuales por provincias y por sectores (información no publicada por el INE) y se construye un índice general diario. A partir de este último índice, se analizan además las pautas de consumo en alta frecuencia a través de un modelo estructural de series temporalesIn this paper we present a high-dimensionality Retail Trade Index (RTI) constructed to nowcast the retail trade sector economic performance in Spain, using Big Data sources and techniques. The data are the footprints of BBVA clients from their credit or debit card transactions at Spanish point of sale (PoS) terminals. The resulting indexes have been found to be robust when compared with the Spanish RTI, regional RTI (Spain’s autonomous regions), and RTI by retailer type (distribution classes) published by the National Statistics Institute (INE). We also went one step further, computing the monthly indexes for the provinces and sectors of activity and the daily general index, by obtaining timely, detailed information on retail sales. Finally, we analyzed the high-frequency consumption dynamics using BBVA retailer behavior and a structural time series mode

    Infectious agents associated with schizophrenia: a meta-analysis

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    Schizophrenia is a highly disabling and limiting disorder for patients and the possibility that infections by some microorganisms may be associated to its development may allow prevention and recovery. In the current study we have done a meta-analysis of studies that have assessed the possible association between detection of different infectious agents and schizophrenia. We report results that support the idea that there is a statistically significant association between schizophrenia and infection by Human Herpesvirus 2 (OR=1.34; CI 95%: 1.09-1.70; p=0.05), Borna Disease Virus (OR=2.03; CI 95%: 1.35-3.06; p<0.01), Human Endogenous Retrovirus W (OR=19.31; CI 95%: 6.74-55.29; p<0.001), Chlamydophila pneumoniae (OR=6.34; CI 95%: 2.83-14.19; p<0.001), Chlamydophila psittaci (OR=29.05; CI 95%: 8.91-94.70; p<0.001) and Toxoplasma gondii (OR=2.70; CI 95%: 1.34-4.42; p=0.005). The implications of these findings are discussed and further research options are also explicated

    Linking of psoriasis with osteopenia and osteoporosis: A cross‑sectional study

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    Psoriasis is a multisystem disease which has been related to vitamin‑D deficiency through chronic inflammation. This psoriasis‑related inflammatory state and vitamin‑D deficiency may induce bone mineral density loss. The purpose of this study is to assess the relationship of psoriasis with bone mineral density, by comparing psoriatic patients with healthy controls and patients with osteopenia/osteoporosis. Psoriatic patients showed worse hip and lumbar spine bone mineral density levels than healthy controls (P = 0.001) and better levels than osteoporotic patients (P < 0.001). Multivariate analysis demonstrated a negative association of age and a positive association of body mass index in hip bone mineral density in psoriatic patients. Bone mineral density levels in psoriatic patients are situated halfway between healthy controls and patients with osteopenia/osteoporosis. In addition, the higher body mass index in patients with psoriasis appears to confer a protective effect against further development of lower bone mineral density

    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia. Departamentos Cesar y Antioquia

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    En este trabajo se analiza diferentes historias de personas víctimas de la violencia a causa del conflicto armado en el país, con el fin de apropiar los conceptos que hacen referencia a eventos psicosociales, traumáticos, interrogantes de carácter circular, estratégico y reflexivo; lo anterior permitió conocer la perspectiva de los sujetos frente a los hechos vividos a causa de la violencia. En el análisis, se evidenció la trasgresión los de derechos humanos que fue objeto de estudio en la cual, es necesaria la observación de las situaciones tensionantes y el impacto psicosocial experimentado por las víctimas con el fin de lograr establecer una construcción de propuestas reparadoras donde se constata la estructuración del enfoque narrativo y se propongan estrategias psicosociales en cuanto a recursos de afrontamiento de crisis, hacia el abordaje del sufrimiento vivido en diferentes contextos causados por la violencia. Así mismo, la construcción social ajustado dentro de los paradigmas teóricos, teniendo como referentes a Fried Schnitman, Zimmerman, Elias y Parra, para la consecución de una transformación social. La metodología que se utilizó fue la cualitativa-participativa la cual fomentó el conocimiento de las dimensiones psicosociales en contexto de violencia. Además, este documento se entrega como forma de reconocer y dar visibilidad a las consecuencias de una problemática psicosocial que afecta en gran medida a contextos y comunidades vulnerables.This paper analyzes different stories of victims of violence due to the armed conflict in the country, in order to appropriate the concepts that refer to psychosocial, traumatic events, questions of a circular, strategic and reflective nature; This allowed us to know the perspective of the subjects regarding the events experienced as a result of the violence. In the analysis, the transgression of human rights that was the object of study was evidenced, in which it is necessary to observe the stressful situations and the psychosocial impact experienced by the victims in order to establish a construction of reparative proposals where confirms the structuring of the narrative approach and proposes psychosocial strategies in terms of crisis coping resources, towards addressing the suffering experienced in different contexts caused by violence. Likewise, the social construction adjusted within the theoretical paradigms, having as referents Fried Schnitman, Zimmerman, Elias and Parra, for the achievement of a social transformation. The methodology that was used was the qualitative-participatory one which promoted the knowledge of the psychosocial dimensions in the context of violence. In addition, this document is delivered as a way to recognize and give visibility to the consequences of a psychosocial problem that greatly affects vulnerable contexts and communities