283 research outputs found

    A galactic weigh-in: mass models of SINGS galaxies using chemospectrophotometric galactic evolution models

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    The baryonic mass-to-light ratio used to perform the photometry-to-mass conversion has a tremendous influence on the measurement of the baryonic content and distribution, as well as on the determination of the dark halo parameters. Since numerous clues hint at an inside-out formation process for galaxies, a radius-dependant mass-to-light ratio is needed to physically represent the radially varying stellar population. In this article, we use chemo-spectrophotometric galactic evolution (CSPE) models to determine the mass-to-light ratio for a wide range of masses and sizes in the scenario of an inside-out formation process by gas accretion. We apply our method on a SINGS subsample of ten spiral and dwarf galaxies for stellar bands covering from the UV to the MIR. The CSPE models prove to be a good tool to weight the different photometric bands in order to obtain consistent stellar discs' masses regardless of the spectral band used. On the other hand, we show that colour index vs. the mass-to-light ratio relation is an imperfect tool to assign masses to young stellar populations because of the degeneracy affecting mass-to-light ratio in all bands at low colour index. Resulting discs from our analysis are compatible with the maximum disc hypothesis provided that adequate bulge/disc decomposition is performed and correction for the presence of a bar is not neglected since it disturbs the internal disc kinematics. Disc-mass models including mass-to-light ratio-as a free parameter as well as models using our physically motivated radial variation of mass-to-light ratio are presented and discussed for each galaxy.Comment: 27 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Les ministres canadiens-français du Québec à Ottawa de 1948 à 1968 : rôles et responsabilités

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    Identification de marqueurs phénotypiques et génétiques influençant la réponse au traitement et le pronostic des patients atteints d'insuffisance cardiaque

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    Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

    Rapport M/L de disques de galaxies issus de modèles CSPE et contrôle des contraintes mécaniques dans la conception de revêtements optiques

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    La thèse qui suit est organisée en deux volets: un premier volet portant sur les modèles de masse de galaxies et un second volet sur la conception de revêtements optiques et le contrôle de leurs propriétés mécaniques. Les modèles de masse présentés dans cette thèse ont été réalisés sur un sous-échantillon de dix galaxies de l'étude SINGS comprenant neuf galaxies normales et une galaxie naine. Ce travail visait à fixer le rapport masse-luminosité du disque à tout rayon en utilisant les résultats de modèles d'évolution galactique chimio-spectrophotométriques ajustés spécifiquement à chaque galaxie grâce à son profil de photométrie multi-bandes. Les résultats montrent que les disques stellaires tels que normalisés par les rapports masse-luminosité issus des modèles ont des masses cohérentes dans toutes les bandes étudiées de l'ultra-violet, du visible ainsi que du proche infrarouge (bandes FUV à IRAC2). Ces disques peuvent être considérés comme maximaux par rapport aux données cinématiques des galaxies étudiées. Ceci est dû au fait que le rapport M/L est plus élevé au centre que sur les bords. Les disques étant maximaux et physiquement justifiés, on ne peut dès lors ignorer les effets de composants tels que les bulbes ou les barres et les corrections nécessaires doivent être apportées aux profils de luminosité et de vitesses de rotation de la galaxie. Dans les travaux de la seconde partie, le logiciel en développement libre OpenFilters a été modifié afin de tenir compte des contraintes mécaniques dans la conception numérique de revêtements optiques. Les contraintes mécaniques dans les couches minces ont un effet délétère sur leurs performances optiques. Un revêtement destiné à rendre réflectives les lames d'un étalon Fabry-Perot utilisé en astronomie a été conçu et fabriqué afin d'évaluer les performances réelles de la méthode. Ce cas a été choisi à cause de la diminution de la finesse d'un étalon Fabry-Perot apporté par la courbure des lames sous l'effet des contraintes. Les résultats montrent que les mesures concordent avec les modèles numériques et qu'il est donc possible à l'aide de ce logiciel d'optimiser les revêtements pour leur comportement mécanique autant que pour leurs propriétés optiques.The following thesis includes two parts: the first concentrates on mass models of galaxies while the second concerns the design of broadband optical coatings and the control of their mechanical properties. Mass models presented here were performed on a subsample of ten galaxies from the SINGS survey. It includes nine late-type regular galaxies as well as a dwarf galaxy. The work consisted in the determination at all radii of M/L ratio of galactic discs by choosing, amongst a grid of chemospectrophotometric galactic evolution models, the one that fits better the galaxy's multi-band photometric profile. Results from this work show that stellar discs weighted by the model's mass-to-luminosity ratio display consistent masses in all studied bands from the ultraviolet to the near-infrared (FUV to IRAC2 bands). The resulting discs are physically motivated and maximal, due to their mass-to-luminosity ratio being higher in the center of the galaxies than at their outskirts. In this maximal-disc situation, bars and bulges of galaxies can no longer be ignored and the appropriate corrections need to be made on the luminosity or circular velocity profiles of the galaxy. In the second part, an additional module of the open source software Open Filters was written in order to take into account the mechanical properties of thin films in the design of optical coatings. The mechanical stresses arising in optical coatings can have a deleterious effect on the optical performances of coatings, and this tool was meant to provide design capacities to minimize this effect. Broadband reflective coatings for Fabry-Perot plates were designed and fabricated as a proof of concept of the method. This specific case was interesting because the curvature induced by mechanical stresses induces decrease of the finesse of Fabry-Perot etalons. Actual curvature of the deposited samples are coherent with the numerical calculations and undergo a substantial reduction for the two strategies devised here with this new design too. We therefore conclude that it is possible with this new software module to optimize coatings for their mechanical behaviour as well as for their optical properties

    Deep H{\alpha} Observations of NGC 253: a Very Extended and Possibly Declining Rotation Curve?

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    This study presents a deep H{\alpha} kinematical analysis of the Sculptor Group galaxy NGC253. The Fabry-Perot data were taken with the 36-cm Marseille Telescope in La Silla, Chile, using an EMCCD detector. Typical emission measures of ~0.1 cm^-6 pc are reached. The observations allow the detection of the Diffuse Ionized Gas component through [N II] emission at very large radii of 11.5', 12.8' and 19.0', on the receding side of the galaxy. No H{\alpha} emission is observed at radii larger than the neutral component (11.5'). The very extended rotation curve confirms previous results and shows signs of a significant decline, on the order of 30 per cent vmax . Using the rotation data, mass models are constructed with and without the outer [N II] data points, and similar results are found. The declining part of the rotation curve is very well modeled, and seems to be truly declining.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 16 pages, 10 figures, 4 table

    Effects of reading media on reading comprehension in health professional education : a systematic review protocol

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    Objective: To evaluate the effect of digital-based reading versus paper-based reading on reading comprehension among students, trainees, and residents participating in health professional education. Introduction: Several reviews have examined the effects of reading media on reading comprehension; however, none have considered health professional education specifically. The growing use of electronic media in health professional education, as well as recent data on the consequences of digital-based reading on learning, justify the necessity to review the current literature to provide research and educational recommendations. Inclusion criteria: Studies conducted with health professions students, trainees, and residents individually receiving educational material written in their first language in a paper-based or a digital-based format will be considered. Studies conducted among participants with cognitive impairment or reading difficulties will be excluded. Observational, experimental and quasi-experimental studies that assess reading comprehension measured by previously validated or researcher-generated tests will be considered. Methods: Relevant studies will be sought from CINAHL, Embase, ERIC, Google Scholar, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, and Web of Science (SCI and SSCI), without date or language restrictions. Two independent reviewers will perform title and abstract screening, full-text review, critical appraisal, and data extraction. Disagreements will be resolved through discussion or with a third independent reviewer. Synthesis will occur at four levels (i.e., study, participant, intervention, and outcome levels) in a table format. Data will be synthesized descriptively and with meta-analyses if appropriate

    L'Abbittibbi et le Témiskaming hier et aujourd'hui

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    Ouvrage contenant les études suivantes: Benoît-Beaudry Gourd, «La colonisation et le peuplement du Témiscamingue et de l'Abitibi 1880-1950. Aperçu historique». Jean Laflamme, «Un camp de concentration en Abitibi durant la grande guerre». Roger Barrette, «Le plan Vautrin et l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue 1934-1936». Gilbert Saint-Laurent, «Prémices du transport d'écoliers du Québec. L'exemple de la Commission scolaire de Guérin, Comté de Témiscamingue, 1909-1950». Yves Côté, «L'évolution et la régression d'une ville minière: Duparquet». Jacques Meunier, «Réflexion en marge de la marginalité». Laurent Deshaies, «Le développement économique de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue. Essai de prospective ou esquisse d'une géographie du futur de la région. Première partie». Bibiane Plourde-Savard et Noël Savard, «L'industrie manufacturière du Nord-Ouest québécois». Jean De Denus, «Le conseil régional de développement de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue. Un organisme-tampon?». Michel Poudrier, «Classes sociales des étudiants du CEGEP du Nord-Ouest.

    Synthesis and structural characterization of cyclic aryl ethers

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    Publisher's version/PDFThe facile preparation of macrocyclic ethers is achieved using S[subscript N]Ar reactions of (dichlorobenzene)CpFe[superscript +) complexes with various dinucleophiles, followed by photolytic demetallation; X-ray crystallography gives unequivocal structural proof for one of these macrocycles

    An improved method for statistical studies of the internal kinematics of HII regions: the case of M 83

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    We present the integrated Halpha emission line profile for 157 HII regions in the central 3.4' x 3.4' of the galaxy M 83 (NGC 5236). Using the Fabry-Perot interferometer GHaFaS, on the 4.2 m William Herschel on La Palma, we show the importance of a good characterization of the instrumental response function for the study of line profile shapes. The luminosity-velocity dispersion relation is also studied, and in the log(L)-log(sigma) plane we do not find a linear relation, but an upper envelope with equation log(L)=0.9 *log(sigma)+38.1. For the adopted distance of 4.5 Mpc, the upper envelope appears at the luminosity L=10^38.5 ergs, in full agreement with previous studies of other galaxies, reinforcing the idea of using HII regions as standard candles.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Anti-hypercholesterolemic and anti-atherosclerotic effects of polarized-light therapy in rabbits fed a high-cholesterol diet

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    The effects of polarized-light therapy (PLT) on high-cholesterol diet (HCD)-induced hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerosis were investigated in comparison with that of lovastatin in rabbits. Hypercholesterolemia was induced by feeding male New Zealand white rabbits with 1% cholesterol in diet for 2 weeks and maintained with 0.5% cholesterol for 6 weeks, followed by normal diet for 2 weeks for recovery. Lovastatin (0.002% in diet) or daily 5-min or 20-min PLT on the outside surface of ears was started 2 weeks after induction of hypercholesterolemia. Hypercholesterolemic rabbits exhibited great increases in serum cholesterol and low-density lipoproteins (LDL) levels, and finally severe atheromatous plaques formation covering 57.5% of the arterial walls. Lovastatin markedly reduced both the cholesterol and LDL, but the reducing effect (47.5%) on atheroma formation was relatively low. By comparison, 5-min PLT preferentially decreased LDL, rather than cholesterol, and thereby potentially reduced the atheroma area to 42.2%. Notably, 20-min PLT was superior to lovastatin in reducing both the cholesterol and LDL levels as well as the atheromatous plaque formation (26.4%). In contrast to the increases in blood alanine transaminase and aspartate transaminase following lovastatin treatment, PLT did not cause hepatotoxicity. In addition, PLT decreased platelets and hematocrit level. The results indicate that PLT attenuates atherosclerosis not only by lowering blood cholesterol and LDL levels, but also by improving blood flow without adverse effects. Therefore, it is suggested that PLT could be a safe alternative therapy for the improvement of hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerosis
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