1,901 research outputs found

    O custo de desperdício de materiais de consumo em um centro cirúrgico

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    OBJETIVOS: identificar los tipos, las cantidades y el costo de los materiales de consumo encaminados, utilizados, extornados y desperdiciados en las cirugías; clasificar los desperdicios como pérdidas evitables y no evitables, y calcular el índice de desperdicio de los materiales de consumo en el intraoperatorio en el Centro Quirúrgico de un hospital universitario de Sao Paulo. MÉTODO: estudio de caso, descriptivo y exploratorio, con abordaje cuantitativo. La muestra de conveniencia correspondió a 105 tipos de materiales de consumo encaminados para 275 cirugías, observadas entre febrero y mayo de 2011. RESULTADOS: los ítems más desperdiciados fueron hilos quirúrgicos, hilo quirúrgico de algodón y las compresas de gasas. El costo total del desperdicio fue de R709,84.Elporcentajepromediodedesperdicioenlamuestrafuede9,34 709,84. El porcentaje promedio de desperdicio en la muestra fue de 9,34%, siendo 1,23% evitable y 8,14% no evitable. CONCLUSIÓN: el estudio evidenció que la administración eficiente de los recursos materiales reduce costos de los procesos y disminuye desperdicios.OBJETIVOS: identificar os tipos, as quantidades e o custo dos materiais de consumo encaminhados, utilizados, estornados e desperdiçados nas cirurgias; classificar os desperdícios como perdas evitáveis e não evitáveis, e calcular o índice de desperdício dos materiais de consumo no intraoperatório no Centro Cirúrgico de um hospital universitário de São Paulo, SP. MÉTODO: estudo de caso, descritivo e exploratório, com abordagem quantitativa. A amostra de conveniência correspondeu a 105 tipos de materiais de consumo encaminhados para 275 cirurgias observadas, entre fevereiro e maio de 2011. RESULTADOS: os itens mais desperdiçados foram fios cirúrgicos, fio cirúrgico algodão e as compressas de gaze. O custo total de desperdício foi de R 709,84. O percentual médio de desperdício na amostra foi de 9,34%, sendo 1,23% evitável e 8,14% não evitável. CONCLUSÃO: o estudo evidenciou que o gerenciamento eficiente dos recursos materiais reduz custos dos processos e diminui desperdícios.OBJECTIVES: to identify the types, quantities and cost of the consumable materials sent, used, returned unopened and wasted in surgical operations; to classify the incidences of waste as avoidable or unavoidable losses, and to calculate the rate of waste of the consumable materials in the peri-operative period in the Surgical Center of a São Paulo university hospital. METHOD: a descriptive-exploratory case study with a quantitative approach. The convenience sample corresponded to 105 types of consumable materials sent for the 275 operations observed between February and May 2011. RESULTS: the items wasted most were surgical sutures, surgical cotton sutures, and gauze compresses. The total cost of the waste was R$ 709.84. The mean percentage of waste in the sample was 9.34%, of which 1.23% was avoidable and 8.14% unavoidable. CONCLUSION: the study evidenced that the effective management of material resources reduces the costs of the processes, and reduces waste

    Alignment of Business Models and Software: Using an Architecture-Centric Method to the Case of a Healthcare Information System

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    The alignment of business issues with technological service-oriented solutions has proven to be a crucial aspect of modern business development. In this regard, the provision of methods to solve the gap between business and technology becomes absolutely necessary. This paper presents a proposal to systematize that leap by defining a development method centred on the concept of Architecture. The use of different architectural models at different levels of abstraction (along with the definition of model transformations between them) allows for the establishment of a trace between the business-level elements and software elements that are derived from them. Key benefits of our proposal are, on the one hand, the provision of a method for business-technology alignment and, on the other hand, the definition of a new model to represent the structure of a business. This proposal has been refined and validated using the case of an information system for the management of paediatric percentiles

    Towards a service-oriented MDA-based approach to the alignment of business processes with IT systems: From the business model to a web service composition model

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    In recent years, the automation of business processes has become one of the most prominent and promising uses of Web service technology. Consequently several languages have been created for the execution of business processes, making it possible to define new and more complex services or business processes which are implemented for example by means of Web service composition. Nevertheless, these kinds of languages are not suitable for use in the early stages of the development process of information systems. Special methodologies or techniques are therefore necessary to allow systems analysts to understand services from a business point of view, while facilitating the design and development ofWeb service composition. In this paper, we present a service-oriented approach to information system development that starts by identifying, through business modeling, the services required by the customers of a business, to make it possible to create a Web service composition model. This model will facilitate the transformation to specific languages for business process execution, thereby reducing the development efforts made in service-oriented applications. The method proposed is illustrated by means of a Web application for the management of medical images, which we have taken as a case study

    Migrating Traditional Web Applications to CMS-based Web Applications

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    AbstractIn recent years, Content Management Systems (CMS) have proven to be the best platforms for maintaining the large amount of digital content managed by Web applications. Thus, many organizations have experienced the necessity to base its Web applications on these CMS platforms. To do this, they start a migration process which is complex and error prone. To support this process, we propose a method based on the principles of Architecture-Driven Modernization (ADM) which automates the migration of Web applications to CMS-based Web applications. This article focuses on the implementation of two artifacts of this method: 1) the DSL ASTM_PHP, a modeling language for defining a model from PHP code (ASTM_PHP model) and 2) the model-to-model transformation rules which generate automatically a KDM model from a ASTM_PHP model. To show the feasibility of this implementation, we use a case study based on a widget implemented in PHP which lists the online users of a Web application

    A Toolkit for ADM-based Migration: Moving from PHP Code to KDM Model in the Context of CMS-based Web Applications

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    In the last few years, many organizations have based their Web applications on Content Management Systems (CMS) because of the advantages they provide to manage their huge amount of digital content. The objectives of these organizations change, for this reason they may see the necessity of migrating their CMS-based Web applications to other CMS platforms meeting better their needs. Thus, we propose a method based on Architecture-Driven Modernization (ADM) to automate this migration process. In this paper we present the toolkit supporting this ADM-based migration method. For space restrictions, we focus on the implementation of two modules of this ADM-based toolkit: i) the ASTM_PHP DSL, a modeling language which allows to model the code of a system implemented in PHP (ASTM_PHP models) and ii) the model-to-model transformation rules which allow to generate KDM models from the information captured in the ASTM_PHP models. To show its usability, we present a case study where a widget listing online users of a CMS-based Web application is migrated from Drupal to Wordpress

    Horrendo hermano siamés : cinismo y perversión en Estrella distante de Roberto Bolaño

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    Fundador del movimiento poético infrarrealista en México, en el plano narrativo, Roberto Bolaño se ocupa constantemente de la representación de la dictadura y postdictadura chilena de los setenta. En el año 1996, Bolaño publica su novela corta Estrella distante, considerada como una de las más logradas según la crítica. Esta novela nace del último capítulo de otra novela del mismo escritor, La literatura nazi en América. Dicho texto está conformado por capítulos que relatan la historia de personajes latinoamericanos que, a través de la literatura y el arte, exponen un discurso fascista que surge y se fortalece a partir de las dictaduras militares que se viven tanto en Chile y Argentina del siglo XX. El último relato de La literatura nazi, ‘Ramírez Hoffman, el infame’, narra la historia de dicho personaje quien anticipará la existencia de Carlos Wieder en Estrella distante. La historia es casi la misma, excepto por su extensión y la variación de alguno de los nombres de los personajes. Es, por ese motivo, que el narrador deja clara la intención de retomar el relato y convertirla en una novela: “Arturo [Belano] deseaba una historia más larga, no espejo ni explosión de otras historias sino espejo y explosión en sí misma” (11). Es por esta razón, que desde el inicio de Estrella distante ya se plantea el tema del doble no solo como la relación entre ambos textos, sino también como el motivo en el que se basa toda la estructura textual. En Estrella distante se reconoce a uno de los personajes más recurrentes de toda la obra de Bolaño, Arturo Belano, -ya unánimemente considerado el álter ego del escritor, su propio doble- quien se encuentra tras las pistas del impenetrable poeta Carlos Wieder. La novela se construye a partir del golpe de Estado del 11 de setiembre de 1973; acontecimiento a partir del cual se revela la representación de ideologías en Chile durante la dictadura de Pinochet y cómo, después de ella, Belano adopta una óptica melancólica, crítica y desencantada que se difunde a través de toda la obra narrativa de Roberto BolañoTesi

    Reports of the CEC Courses at the Rome Conference

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    Representing WSDL with extended UML

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    Web services are emerging to provide a systematic and extensible framework for interactions of applications, built on existing Web protocols and based on open XML standards. In spite of the existence of several middleware platforms that support Web service development, the lack of a solid methodological base for the development of Web services, as well as service-oriented applications, give rise to the need of methods or modeling techniques that guarantee the quality in the development of this kind of applications.Keywords: UML extension, WSDL, Web Service Modeling, Web Information Systems

    Teaching in service systems: new challenges through Services Science Management and Engineering

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    Objeto: Los servicios dominan las sociedades desarrolladas. Al despliegue de los mismos han contribuido los procesos de servitización, que supone añadir servicios a los productos que tradicionalmente ofrece la empresa. Así, el objetivo del presente trabajo es vincular el desarrollo de los servicios y la servitización con las necesidades formativas en este ámbito, y analizar las experiencias formativas en Ciencia, Gestión e Ingeniería de los servicios a nivel internacional, ofreciendo un análisis del interés académico y profesional de esta nueva disciplina. Diseño/metodología: Se presenta una revisión de la oferta formativa a nivel internacional en la disciplina Ciencia, Gestión e Ingeniería de Servicios, cuyo objeto de estudio es el Servicio, entendido como el proceso interactivo de creación de valor entre el proveedor y el usuario. Aportaciones y resultados: Se pone de manifiesto la omnipresencia de los sistemas de servicios y el proceso de servitización en las economías desarrolladas. Se detecta la necesidad de una formación específica en el ámbito de los servicios. Se identifica la oferta formativa disponible en forma de títulos de Grado y Máster en distintos países. Se relaciona el desarrollo de titulaciones en estos países con el grado de desarrollo del sector servicios, en cuanto a su contribución al PIB. Implicaciones prácticas: Este trabajo ofrece evidencia práctica sobre la forma en la que se puede encontrar el proceso de servitización dentro de la esfera educativa, al presentar una nueva disciplina denominada Ciencia, Gestión e Ingeniería de Servicios. Diferentes actores sociales están profundamente interesados en su desarrollo (academia, empresas, administraciones). Valor añadido: La formación en la disciplina Ciencia, Gestión e Ingeniería de Servicios tiene notable interés académico y profesional. Se detecta que la formación específica en Ciencia de servicios es un tema a abordar a la hora de entender y promover el proceso de servitización.Purpose: Services dominate developed societies. The deployment of these processes has contributed servitization, adding services to products traditionally offered by the company. Thus, the aim of this paper is to link the services development and servitization with instruction needs in this area and to analyze the educational experiences in Science, Management and Engineering Services internationally, offering an analysis of academic and professional interest. Design/methodology/approach: An international review of Science, Management and Engineering Services discipline is established. The object of study of this discipline is the service, understood as the interactive process of value creation between the supplier and the user Findings and Originality/value: The work shows services and servitization omnipresence in developed economies. It detects the need for specific teaching in the services field. It identifies the educational offer in form of Degree and Master in different countries. It relates the development of Service Science, Management and Engineering courses in these countries with the development degree of the services sector in terms of contribution to GDP. Practical implications: This work provides practical evidence about the way in which servitization process is into academia, introducing a new discipline named Science, Management and Engineering Services. Different stakeholders are deeply interested in its development (academia, business, and governments). Originality/value: The course in the Science, Management and Engineering Services has outstanding academic and professional interest. It detects that specific courses in Service Science is an issue to be tackled in order to understand and promote servitization process.Peer Reviewe