227 research outputs found


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    Este artigo tem como objetivo investigar o papel do educador como possível mediador no processo de construção do conhecimento por meio da discussão sobre o papel das mídias no processo formativo acadêmico.Utilizou-se como investigação a pesquisa bibliográfica norteada pelos referenciais teóricos e análises de entrevistas. Ao final das análises e das reflexões teóricas, compreende-se que a mediação só é possível por meio de uma troca enfim, da dialogicidade

    Anatomical aspects and phytochemical potential of Caryocar villosum (Aubl.) Pers. (pequiá)/ Aspectos anatômicos e potencial fitoquímico de Caryocar villosum (Aubl.) Pers. (pequiá)

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    The knowledge of anatomical and phytochemical structures of many species has drawn the attention of researchers in several areas, because these species are characterized by the production of chemical compounds, mainly fixed and essential oils, which are of great industrial interest. The “pequiá” tree is a majestic tree from primary forest and represents huge economic potential. This work aimed to study the anatomical aspects, extraction and characterization of the fixed oil present in the fruit and the seed of Caryocar villosum. There were used fifty fruits of pequiá collected from the municipality of Tartarugalzinho (Amapá). The identification of species was made by comparison with exsiccates available in the Amapá Herbarium – HAMAB. For anatomical and phytochemical analyses, conventional methodology was used. The result in the macerate of the mesocarp corresponds to a yellow mass impregnated by lipids; in the endocarp there were registered trichomes which secret these lipids, forming an arc in all its extension. In the solvent-based phytochemical analyses of the mass of pericarp, mesocarp and fixed oil seed, favorable and satisfactory oil yields were obtained. The analyses of the acidity, saponification, ester and peroxide indexes are parameters that are related to the quality of the oil, therefore, the values obtained meet the Anvisa/2015 Resolution. It is thus concluded that the fixed oil obtained from the mesocarp/seed of C. villosum is indicated for alimentary purposes, with potential to reduce total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol, as well as in cosmetic industry. Therefore, anatomical analyses help phytochemical studies (CNPq/IEPA)

    Cissus Sicyoides: Pharmacological Mechanisms Involved In The Anti-inflammatory And Antidiarrheal Activities

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the pharmacological mechanisms involved in anti-inflammatory and antidiarrheal actions of hydroalcoholic extract obtained from the leaves of Cissus sicyoides (HECS). The anti-inflammatory effect was evaluated by oral administration of HECS against acute model of edema induced by xylene, and the mechanisms of action were analysed by involvement of arachidonic acid (AA) and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2). The antidiarrheal effect of HECS was observed and we analyzed the motility and accumulation of intestinal fluid. We also analyzed the antidiarrheal mechanisms of action of HECS by evaluating the role of the opioid receptor, α2 adrenergic receptor, muscarinic receptor, nitric oxide (NO) and PGE2. The oral administration of HECS inhibited the edema induced by xylene and AA and was also able to significantly decrease the levels of PGE2. The extract also exhibited significant anti-diarrheal activity by reducing motility and intestinal fluid accumulation. This extract significantly reduced intestinal transit stimulated by muscarinic agonist and intestinal secretion induced by PGE2. Our data demonstrate that the mechanism of action involved in the anti-inflammatory effect of HECS is related to PGE2. The antidiarrheal effect of this extract may be mediated by inhibition of contraction by acting on the intestinal smoothmuscle and/or intestinal transit. © 2016 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.17

    Bioética na pesquisa de engenharia biomédica : diminuição do uso de animais em experimentos científicos

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    Atividades de pesquisa utilizando animais são realizadas desde a antiguidade, o bem-estar do animal não era prioridade. Com a evolução da pesquisa, houve, também, a crescente preocupação com a ética e métodos que poderiam substituir o uso de cobaias animais nos experimentos científicos. Tal conscientização manifestou-se já no início do século XIX, na Inglaterra, com o surgimento de movimentos que se dedicavam a mudar as atitudes do homem em relação aos animais. Desde então, ativistas argumentam que métodos alternativos são capazes de substituir a utilização de animais em pesquisa, e que, por isso, a utilização de seres vivos é considerada como obsoleta. Por outro lado, alguns cientistas argumentam que a experimentação é o que traz frutos das pesquisas. O presente trabalho apresenta um levantamento de dissertações e teses defendidas no Instituto de Biologia da Universidade de Brasília no ano de 2017 que realizaram testes in vitro e in vivo além de trazer uma reflexão sobre o assunto e visa ressaltar as vantagens do uso de métodos alternativos. Para este estudo, foram utilizados artigos e dissertações das bases de dados CAPES e PubMed, bem como outras referências presentes neles. Concluiu-se que, embora não haja tecnologia suficiente para erradicar o uso de animais em experimentos, existem diversos métodos alternativos que não comprometem o estudo realizado

    An Intracellular Arrangement of Histoplasma capsulatum Yeast-Aggregates Generates Nuclear Damage to the Cultured Murine Alveolar Macrophages

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    Histoplasma capsulatum is responsible for a human systemic mycosis that primarily affects lung tissue. Macrophages are the major effector cells in humans that respond to the fungus, and the development of respiratory disease depends on the ability of Histoplasma yeast cells to survive and replicate within alveolar macrophages. Therefore, the interaction between macrophages and H. capsulatum is a decisive step in the yeast dissemination into host tissues. Although the role played by components of cell-mediated immunity in the host's defense system and the mechanisms used by the pathogen to evade the host immune response are well understood, knowledge regarding the effects induced by H. capsulatum in host cells at the nuclear level is limited. According to the present findings, H. capsulatum yeast cells display a unique architectural arrangement during the intracellular infection of cultured murine alveolar macrophages, characterized as a formation of aggregates that seem to surround the host cell nucleus, resembling a crown. This extranuclear organization of yeast-aggregates generates damage on the nucleus of the host cell, producing DNA fragmentation and inducing apoptosis, even though the yeast cells are not located inside the nucleus and do not trigger changes in nuclear proteins. The current study highlights a singular intracellular arrangement of H. capsulatum yeast near to the nucleus of infected murine alveolar macrophages that may contribute to the yeast’s persistence under intracellular conditions, since this fungal pathogen may display different strategies to prevent elimination by the host's phagocytic mechanisms

    Assessment of Physical-Chemical Characteristics of Water and Sediments from a Brazilian Tropical Estuary: Status and Environmental Implications

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    The environmental quality of the Jacuípe River's estuary (very important in northeastern Brazil) was assessed during 2007 and 2008. In water, concentrations (mg L−1) of NO2− (<0.004 to 0.016), NO3− (0.01 to 0.33), soluble PO43− (<0.02 to 0.22), dissolved oxygen (3.9 to 9.6), total contents (mg L−1) of Cd (<0.001), Cu (<0.01), Pb (<0.01), and Zn (<0.1), pH (5.60 to 8.00), and electrical conductivity (0.12 to 48.60 mS cm−1) agreed with environmental standards. In sediments, clay and total organic matter (%, m/m) varied, respectively, from 8.8 to 12.0 and from 1.1 to 8.8, while infrared, thermogravimetric profile, electronic micrograph, as well as X-Ray analyses showed desirable adsorptive characteristics. However, maximum exchangeable levels (mg kg−1) of Cd (1.3), Cu (44.6), Pb (35.7), and Zn (43.7) and their respective maximum pseudototal concentrations (mg kg−1): 19.4, 95.1, 68.2, and 30.3 were below the recommended limits. In this sense, it was possible to demonstrate good environmental preservation even with the growing number of industries and touristic activities in the evaluated estuarine area

    Feira de Ciências: uma experiência interdisciplinar na formação de professores de ciências das séries iniciais do ensino fundamental

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    O presente artigo se configura como um relato de experiência didática vivenciada por professores e alunos do Curso de Pedagogia da Universidade do Estado do Pará (UEPA). A experiência relatada diz respeito ao processo de planejamento, organização e realização de uma Feira de Ciências por duas turmas de 5º. Período de Pedagogia, sob a orientação das professoras das disciplinas Química e Biologia daquelas turmas. O evento, cujo tema central foi Ciência, Tecnologia e Meio ambiente, possibilitou a pesquisa, produção de material e socialização dos conhecimentos construídos acerca dos sub-temas associados a temática central, tendo sido percebido pelos sujeitos envolvidos no processo como de relevante significado para formação desses futuros profissionais da educação básica, na medida em que permitiu a vivência de uma prática interdisciplinar, além de promover articulação teórico-prática dos conteúdos trabalhado

    Fulfillment of the Brazilian Agenda of Priorities in Health Research

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    This commentary describes how the Brazilian Ministry of Health's (MoH) research support policy fulfilled the National Agenda of Priorities in Health Research (NAPHR). In 2003, the MoH started a democratic process in order to establish a priority agenda in health research involving investigators, health managers and community leaders. The Agenda was launched in 2004 and is guiding budget allocations in an attempt to reduce the gap between scientific knowledge and health practice and activities, aiming to contribute to improving Brazilian quality of life. Many strategies were developed, for instance: Cooperation Agreements between the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Science and Technology; the decentralization of research support at state levels with the participation of local Health Secretariats and Science and Technology Institutions; Health Technology Assessment; innovation in neglected diseases; research networks and multicenter studies in adult, women's and children's health; cardiovascular risk in adolescents; clinical research and stem cell therapy. The budget allocated by the Ministry of Health and partners was expressive: US$419 million to support almost 3,600 projects. The three sub-agenda with the higher proportion of resources were "industrial health complex", "clinical research" and "communicable diseases", which are considered strategic for innovation and national development. The Southeast region conducted 40.5% of all projects and detained 59.7% of the resources, attributable to the concentration of the most traditional health research institutes and universities in the states of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. The second most granted region was the Northeast, which reflects the result of a governmental policy to integrate and modernize this densely populated area and the poorest region in the country. Although Brazil began the design and implementation of the NAPHR in 2003, it has done so in accordance with the 'good practice principles' recently published: inclusive process, information gathering, careful planning and funding policy, transparency and internal evaluation (an external independent evaluation is underway). The effort in guiding the health research policy has achieved and legitimated an unprecedented developmental spurt to support strategic health research. We believe this experience is valuable and applicable to other countries, but different settings and local political circumstances will determine the best course of action to follow

    Prevalence of self-reported constipation in adults from the general population

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    OBJECTIVE To estimate the prevalence of self-reported constipation and associated factors in the general population of a Brazilian city. METHOD Secondary analysis of an epidemiological study, population-based, cross-sectional study, about bowel habits of Brazilian population. A total of 2,162 individuals were interviewed using two instruments: sociodemographic data and the adapted and validated Brazilian version of the "Bowel Function in the Community" tool. RESULTS There was a prevalence of 25.2% for the self-reported constipation, 37.2% among women and 10.2% among men. Stroke and old age were associated with constipation in the three statistical models used. CONCLUSION The prevalence found showed to be similar to the findings in the literature, although some associated factors obtained here have never been investigated