99 research outputs found

    Learning with Generative Artificial Intelligence Within a Network of Co-Regulation

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    The emergence of generative artificial intelligence (AI) has created legitimate concerns surrounding academic integrity and the ease with which such technologies might lead to cheating in assessment, in particular. However, fixating solely on potential misconduct is overshadowing a more profound, transformative interaction between learners and machines. This commentary article delves into the relationship between students and AI, aiming to highlight the need for revised pedagogical strategies in the AI age. We argue that the much-discussed approaches that prioritise AI literacy or augmented critical thinking might be inadequate. Instead, we contend that a more holistic approach emphasising self-regulated learning (SRL) and co-regulation of learning is needed. SRL promotes autonomy, adaptability, and a deeper understanding, qualities indispensable for navigating the intricacies of AI-enhanced learning environments. Furthermore, we introduce the notion of a network of co-regulation, which underscores the intertwined learning processes between humans and machines. By positioning the self at the core of this network, we emphasise the indispensable role of individual agency in steering productive human-AI educational interactions. Our contention is that by fostering SRL and understanding co-regulated dynamics, educators can better equip learners for an interconnected AI-driven world

    Adipose-derived stem cells and platelet-rich plasma for preventive treatment of bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw in a murine model

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    This is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery. A definitive version was subsequently published in Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery 43.7 (2015) DOI: 10.1016/j.jcms.2015.04.026Objectives: The main challenge in treating bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ) is the absence of an effective established treatment. We aimed to compare different potentially preventive treatments for BRONJ after dental extractions in zoledronic acid (ZA)-treated animals. We studied the local application of different combinations of adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs) with or without previous stimulation with bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP-2) and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) in rats. Material and methods: Fifty-six male Wistar rats were treated with ZA for 9 weeks. Dental extractions were performed in the eighth week, and the animals were divided into 4 groups. In group 1 (n ¼ 14), alveolar coverage with mucoperiosteal flap was performed. In group 2 (n ¼ 14), PRP was applied over the sockets and covered with the flap. In group 3 (n ¼ 15), allogeneic ASCs with PRP were applied and covered with the flap. In group 4 (n ¼ 13), animals were treated with ASCs cultured with BMP-2, PRP, and flap coverage. Histologic, fluorescence, and radiologic studies of the maxillae were performed. Results: ASC-treated animals showed lower frequency of osteonecrosis (14% vs 50%, p ¼ 0.007) and greater bone turnover (p ¼ 0.024) and osteoclast count (p ¼ 0.045) than those not receiving the ASC treatment. Conclusions: In this high-risk model, ASC-based treatments seem to prevent BRONJ more effectively than mucosal flap with or without PRP. The combination of ASCs and PRP appears to be synergistic, and the addition of BMP-2 could further improve the resultsThis study was supported by a grant from the Spanish Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs (FIS PI10/01991) and a RETICS grant from ISCIII (RD12/0019/0035) and the Education Council of Madrid (P2010/BMD-2420)

    Structural and Technological Characterization of Tropical Smallholder Farms of Dual-Purpose Cattle in Mexico

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    Dual-purpose cattle smallholder farms (DP) exhibit a critical economic situation. The objective of this research was building a typology for DP in tropical conditions and characterizing them technologically. This will help developing more effective public policies in DP farms located in tropical conditions. A sample of 1.475 farms located in the tropical area of Mexico was selected. The typology was built using multiple correspondence analysis (MCA). Subsequently, five groups were identified by a hierarchical cluster analysis with Ward’s method. Groups 1 and 2, covered a 46.5% of the farms; these ones presented a small-scale productive model with low levels of technological adoption, improvements were mainly associated to the area of reproduction and genetics. Very small farms (Group 3) showed orientation to subsistence. They need to improve all the technological areas. Groups 4 and 5 (29.4% of the sample) were the biggest and more specialized farms. Group four farms were located in dry tropics and showed the highest levels of technological adoption in the areas of reproduction, management, and feeding. These farms require improvement in the areas of reproduction, animal health, and feeding. Group 5 farms were located in the wet tropics and showed specialization in reproduction, genetics, and animal health areas. In this last group, it is necessary to improve management and feeding areas

    Structural and Technological Characterization of Tropical Smallholder Farms of Dual-Purpose Cattle in Mexico

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    Dual-purpose cattle smallholder farms (DP) exhibit a critical economic situation. The objective of this research was building a typology for DP in tropical conditions and characterizing them technologically. This will help developing more effective public policies in DP farms located in tropical conditions. A sample of 1.475 farms located in the tropical area of Mexico was selected. The typology was built using multiple correspondence analysis (MCA). Subsequently, five groups were identified by a hierarchical cluster analysis with Ward’s method. Groups 1 and 2, covered a 46.5% of the farms; these ones presented a small-scale productive model with low levels of technological adoption, improvements were mainly associated to the area of reproduction and genetics. Very small farms (Group 3) showed orientation to subsistence. They need to improve all the technological areas. Groups 4 and 5 (29.4% of the sample) were the biggest and more specialized farms. Group four farms were located in dry tropics and showed the highest levels of technological adoption in the areas of reproduction, management, and feeding. These farms require improvement in the areas of reproduction, animal health, and feeding. Group 5 farms were located in the wet tropics and showed specialization in reproduction, genetics, and animal health areas. In this last group, it is necessary to improve management and feeding areas

    1H-NMR Urinary Metabolic Profile, A Promising Tool for the Management of Infants with Human Cytomegalovirus-Infection

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    Abstract: Congenital human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infection is the most common mother-to-child transmitted infection in the developed world. Certain aspects of its management remain a challenge. Urinary metabolic profiling is a promising tool for use in pediatric conditions. The aim of this study was to investigate the urinary metabolic profile in HCMV-infected infants and controls during acute care hospitalization. Urine samples were collected from 53 patients at five hospitals participating in the Spanish congenital HCMV registry. Thirty-one cases of HCMV infection and 22 uninfected controls were included. Proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H-NMR) spectra were obtained using NOESYPR1D pulse sequence. The dataset underwent orthogonal projection on latent structures discriminant analysis to identify candidate variables affecting the urinary metabolome: HCMV infection, type of infection, sex, chronological age, gestational age, type of delivery, twins, and diet. Statistically significant discriminative models were obtained only for HCMV infection (p = 0.03) and chronological age (p < 0.01). No significant differences in the metabolomic profile were found between congenital and postnatal HCMV infection. When the HCMV-infected group was analyzed according to chronological age, a statistically significant model was obtained only in the neonatal group (p = 0.01), with the differentiating metabolites being betaine, glycine, alanine, and dimethylamine. Despite the considerable variation in urinary metabolic profiles in a real-life setting, clinical application of metabolomics to the study of HCMV infection seems feasible

    Doença de Huntington e os transtornos de humor

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    Introdução: A DH é um distúrbio neurodegenerativo autossômico dominante, causado por repetições CAG expandidas no gene HTT no braço curto do cromossomo quatro, que é responsável pela síntese da proteína huntingtina. O gene mutante leva a alterações neuropatológicas características, devido ao ganho tóxico de função, incluindo o acúmulo de inclusões nucleares e citoplasmáticas da huntingtina mutante nos neurônios. Essa doença é tradicionalmente classificada por distúrbios dos movimentos involuntários caracterizado por contrações musculares não rítmicas e aleatórias que podem afetar qualquer parte do corpo. A patologia tem maior ocorrência na América do Norte, Europa e Austrália, com uma prevalência de cerca de seis casos por 100.000. O início da doença ocorre frequentemente entre as idades de 30 a 45 anos. Objetivo: O trabalho objetiva relacionar a DH com as diferentes alterações de humor e suas consequências, bem como identificar as relações celulares e moleculares da DH relacionando com as alterações de humor, além de reconhecer as alterações fisiológicas e hormonais resultantes da DH. Material e método: Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa de literatura na qual os artigos foram pesquisados nos bancos de dados Publisher Medline (PubMed) e Scientific Eletronic Library online (sciELO). Os descritores em Ciência da Saúde (DeCS) usados para obtenção de estudos foram “Huntington disease”, “mood disorders”, “psychiatric disorder”. Dessa forma, foram recuperados 187 artigos, dos quais somente 25 foram selecionados, conforme os critérios de inclusão: artigos publicados entre 2013 e 2018, pertinência com o tema escolhido e trabalhos na integra; e critérios de exclusão: artigos que não relacionam a DH e alterações de humor e aqueles que tratam a DH o transtorno de humor como tema secundário. Resultados: As alterações comportamentais características no estágio inicial da doença de Huntington: depressão, irritabilidade, inflexibilidade mental e apatia. Apatia presente em 32% dos pacientes com pré-DH, aumentando para 62% dos pacientes em DH precoce, sendo o melhor correlato comportamental da doença. A prevalência dessas síndromes psiquiátricas tende a aumentar coma progressão da doença. Há piora da irritabilidade, apatia, comprometimento cognitivo, bem como dos sintomas motores com a progressão da doença. Perda de volume cerebral decorrente da neurodegeneração, gerando dano. Sintomas neuropsiquiátricos, como psicose, às vezes presentes mais de 10 anos antes do diagnóstico formal de DH. Pacientes com idade de início precoce e história familiar de HD parecem ter maior risco de desenvolver psicose. A depressão maior é o sintoma mais comum entre portadores de DH présintomáticos. Distúrbios do humor podem preceder o início do fenótipo motor por 4-10 anos, tornando-os um dos primeiros sintomas da DH. Conclusão: A relação entre a doença de Huntington e o transtorno de humor foi evidenciado em todos os artigos analisados. Desse modo, fica evidente o desenvolvimento de sintomas como a depressão, a apatia, a irritabilidade e a psicose em pacientes acometidos por DH, principalmente antes do aparecimento dos sintomas motores. Ademais os sintomas comportamentais e psiquiátricos podem afetar mais o paciente do que os sintomas motores, o que leva à necessidade de mais pesquisas sobre o tratamento e prevenção desses sintomas na DH, melhorando a qualidade de vida desses pacientes