10,080 research outputs found

    Automatic offensive language detection from Twitter data using machine learning and feature selection of metadata

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    The popularity of social networks has only increased in recent years. In theory, the use of social media was proposed so we could share our views online, keep in contact with loved ones or share good moments of life. However, the reality is not so perfect, so you have people sharing hate speech-related messages, or using it to bully specific individuals, for instance, or even creating robots where their only goal is to target specific situations or people. Identifying who wrote such text is not easy and there are several possible ways of doing it, such as using natural language processing or machine learning algorithms that can investigate and perform predictions using the metadata associated with it. In this work, we present an initial investigation of which are the best machine learning techniques to detect offensive language in tweets. After an analysis of the current trend in the literature about the recent text classification techniques, we have selected Linear SVM and Naive Bayes algorithms for our initial tests. For the preprocessing of data, we have used different techniques for attribute selection that will be justified in the literature section. After our experiments, we have obtained 92% of accuracy and 95% of recall to detect offensive language with Naive Bayes and 90% of accuracy and 92% of recall with Linear SVM. From our understanding, these results overcome our related literature and are a good indicative of the importance of the data description approach we have used

    Lógica de organização territorial Guarani: concepções do modo de ser

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    O objetivo da pesquisa é demonstrar que a cultura Guarani possui uma lógica de organização territorial estreitamente relacionada com as características do território. Parte-se do conceito de Paisagem Cultural para reconhecer essa lógica, e se valora como ao longo da história se produzem sucessivas intenções de aculturação, que fundamentalmente se baseiam na pretensão de impor modelos urbanos como meio civilizatório. Apesar de todo o processo de aculturação, se pretende demonstrar que os Guaranis ainda preservam traços de sua antiga organização, servindo como suporte para manter suas tradições e seu modo de vida. Neste artigo, apresentamos os padrões culturais dos seus assentamentos, baseando-se principalmente nas narrativas de jesuítas, para depois comparar com a legislação portuguesa de 1755, que inicia um sistema de urbanização utilizando a população indígena como meio de organização e defesa do território.The main research objective is to demonstrate that the Guarani’s culture has an organization pattern closely linked to the territorial features. We use the concept of Cultural Landscape to recognize this logic, and we try to show how successive attempts of acculturation happen along the time, based on the intention to impose a different urban model as a means of civilization. However we want to show how the Guaranis still try to defend traces of their old organization, serving as a basis to maintain their traditions and their way of life. In this article we present the cultural patterns of their settlements, based mainly in the narratives of the Jesuits, comparing them with the Portuguese legislation of 1755, which starts a settlement system and requires the formation of cities as the unique alternative to the territorial native organization

    Inverse problems for linear parabolic equations using mixed formulations -Part 1 : Theoretical analysis

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    We introduce in this document a direct method allowing to solve numerically inverse type problems for linear parabolic equations. We consider the reconstruction of the full solution of the parabolic equation posed in Ω × (0, T)-Ω a bounded subset of R N-from a partial distributed observation. We employ a least-squares technique and minimize the L 2-norm of the distance from the observation to any solution. Taking the parabolic equation as the main constraint of the problem, the optimality conditions are reduced to a mixed formulation involving both the state to reconstruct and a Lagrange multiplier. The well-posedness of this mixed formulation-in particular the inf-sup property-is a consequence of classical energy estimates. We then reproduce the arguments to a linear first order system, involving the normal flux, equivalent to the linear parabolic equation. The method, valid in any dimension spatial dimension N , may also be employed to reconstruct solution for boundary observations. With respect to the hyperbolic situation considered in [10] by the first author, the parabolic situation requires-due to regularization properties-the introduction of appropriate weights function so as to make the problem numerically stable

    A mixed formulation for the direct approximation of L2-weighted controls for the linear heat equation

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    This paper deals with the numerical computation of null controls for the linear heat equation. The goal is to compute approximations of controls that drive the solution from a prescribed initial state to zero at a given positive time. In [Fernandez-Cara & Münch, Strong convergence approximations of null controls for the 1D heat equation, 2013], a so-called primal method is described leading to a strongly convergent approximation of distributed control: the controls minimize quadratic weighted functionals involving both the control and the state and are obtained by solving the corresponding optimality conditions. In this work, we adapt the method to approximate the control of minimal square integrable-weighted norm. The optimality conditions of the problem are reformulated as a mixed formulation involving both the state and its adjoint. We prove the well-posedeness of the mixed formulation (in particular the inf-sup condition) then discuss several numerical experiments. The approach covers both the boundary and the inner situation and is valid in any dimension.Coordenação de aperfeiçoamento de pessoal de nivel superiorMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovació

    On some geometric inverse problems for nonscalar elliptic systems

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    In this paper, we consider several geometric inverse problems for linear elliptic systems. We prove uniqueness and stability results. In particular, we show the way that the observation depends on the perturbations of the domain. In some particular situations, this provides a strategy that could be used to compute approximations to the solution of the inverse problem. In the proofs, we use techniques related to (local) Carleman estimates and differentiation with respect to the domain

    O habitat Caipira e o cultivo do milho no Alto Vale do Paraíba

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    A paisagem natural do Alto Vale do Paraíba é composta de pequenos morros, rios, ribeirões e fragmentos remanescentes de mata atlântica, que no passado cobriu todo o seu território. No período do ciclo do ouro, os caminhos induziram a formação de cidades atualmente preservadas como patrimônio material do Brasil colonial. Com o declínio do ciclo do ouro, essas cidades passaram a nuclear uma cultura de subsistência que ocorria nos seus arredores e no interior das matas. Essa cultura, chamada de Caipira, tem suas origens na miscigenação entre portugueses e índios, que a partir do plantio das roças de milho desenvolveram seus utensílios, técnicas, tradições, arquitetura, organização espacial e, sobretudo uma estreita ligação com os elementos naturais do Alto Vale do Paraíba.El paisaje natural de Alto Valle do Paraíba, en el sureste de Brasil se compone de pequeñas colinas, ríos, arroyos y algunos fragmentos que quedan de bosque atlántico, que una vez cubrieron todo su territorio. Durante el período de oro de la minería, las vías indujeron la formación de ciudades actualmente conservados como patrimonio material del Brasil colonial. Con el declive del oro, estas ciudades se convirtieron en el núcleo de una cultura de subsistencia que se dio dentro de los bosques. Esta cultura, llamada Caipira, tiene su origen en el mestizaje portugués e indio y sus características incluyen la siembra de la milpa, las herramientas, las técnicas, las tradiciones, la arquitectura, la organización espacial y, sobre todo, un estrecho vínculo con los elementos naturales de Alto Valle do Paraíba.The natural landscape of the Upper Paraíba Valley in southeastern Brazil is composed of small hills, rivers, streams and a few remaining fragments of Atlantic forest, which once covered all its territory. During the period of gold mining, pathways induced the formation of cities currently preserved as material heritage of the colonial Brazil. With the decline of gold, these cities became the nucleus of a subsistence culture that occurred within the forests. This culture, called Caipira, has its origins in Portuguese and Indian miscegenation and its characteristics include planting the cornfields, tools, techniques, traditions, architecture, spatial organization and above all, a close link with the natural elements of the Upper Paraiba Valley.Peer Reviewe

    Recomendações para a produção de mudas de cajueiro em tubetes.

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    Recomendacoes para a producao de mudas de cajueiro em tubetes.bitstream/item/33816/1/Ct-068.pd

    Rodlet cells changes in Oreochromis niloticus in response to organophosphate pesticide and their relevance as stress biomarker in teleost fishes

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    Rodlet cells are frequently found in teleost fishes and although their role in organisms is not completely understood. The occurrence of these cells are related to stress and may undergo changes in contaminated environments, thereby allowing their use as biomarkers. This hypothesis is tested in the present study. Thirty specimens of Oreochromis niloticus were divided into three groups, two groups were exposed to organophosphate pesticide methyl parathion at nominal concentrations of 4 mgl-1 and 8 mgl-1 and one group was kept as control. After ten days, the gills were removed for microscopic study and the number and area of the rodlet cells were analyzed and compared with a well-established method of assessing histological damages in fishes. No significant differences were found in the area of the cells, but there were significant differences in the number of rodlet cells among examined concentrations. The present study provides evidence for the use of this new biomarker in teleost fishes and discusses some of the potential confounding factors of this approach


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    Total hip arthroplasty consists of a complex surgical procedure that aims to restore the individual's joint capacity and mobility, in addition to causing pain. It is commonly recommended when there is an aggravated degenerative process in the joint, in addition to constant pain, caused even in a resting state. The complexity of the intervention lies in the fact that it requires well-trained professionals to perform the procedure, in addition to presenting some possible risks of complications for the patient's physical integrity and health. It is not by chance that there is a multidisciplinary team involved in the stages that comprise intervention, care and rehabilitation. Among the professionals is the nurse, who has a series of duties aimed at patient care. Based on these considerations, the project aims to discuss the importance of nursing in the care of patients undergoing total hip arthroplasty. For this, the work proposes to approach the relevant anatomy of the hip and the general aspects of arthrosis, a disease that, when developing, causes injuries to the joint. In addition, we will seek to discuss the total hip arthroplasty and identify the importance of the nurse in the care process of the patient undergoing this intervention. The project will consist of a bibliographic review, with selection of articles and studies in general directly in some databases, such as the Electronic Scientific Online Library (Scielo) and Virtual Health Library (VHL).A artroplastia total do quadril consiste em um procedimento cirúrgico complexo que tem como alguns de seus objetivos devolver a capacidade articular e a mobilidade do indivíduo, além de cessar as dores. Comumente é recomendado quando há um processo degenerativo agravado na articulação, além das constantes dores, provocadas até mesmo em estado de repouso. A complexidade da intervenção está no fato de que demanda profissionais bem capacitados para realizar o procedimento, além de apresentar alguns possíveis riscos de complicação para a integridade física e a saúde do paciente. Não por acaso há uma equipe multidisciplinar envolvida nas etapas que compreendem a intervenção, os cuidados e reabilitação. Entre os profissionais está o enfermeiro, que possui uma série de atribuições voltadas para o cuidado ao paciente. Mediante essas considerações, o projeto tem como objetivo discutir a importância da Enfermagem nos cuidados aos pacientes submetidos à artroplastia total do quadril. Para isso o trabalho propõe abordar sobre a anatomia relevante do quadril e os aspectos gerais da artrose, uma doença que ao se desenvolver, provoca agravos para a articulação. Além disso, buscar-se-á discorrer sobre a artroplastia total do quadril e identificar a importância do enfermeiro no processo de cuidado do paciente submetido à essa intervenção. O projeto consistirá numa revisão bibliográfica, com seleção de artigos e estudos em geral diretamente em algumas bases de dado, como a Biblioteca Eletrônica Científica Online (Scielo) e Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS)