269 research outputs found

    Self: um conceito em desenvolvimento

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    Diversas definições de self coexistem nas teorias e práticas psicológicas. Essa variedade é resultante de bases epistemológicas a partir das quais se adotam estratégias diferentes para abordar e demarcar os limites do objeto em questão e descrevê-lo. Este estudo teve como objetivo oferecer uma revisão dos conceitos de self e uma reflexão sobre como esse conceito se articula nas diferentes abordagens teóricas da psicologia. Destaca-se que dilemas centrais à psicologia do desenvolvimento atravessam o conceito de self. Por essa razão, apresenta-se a tese de que, ao analisar cada definição de self, deve-se buscar responder como cada teoria colocou-se diante das dicotomias estabilidade versus transformação, específico versus universal e mundo interno versus mundo externo.Diversas definiciones de self coexisten en las teorias y prácticas psicológicas. Esta diversidad resulta de bases epistemologícas donde diferentes estrategias son seleccionadas para aproximar, describir y limitar el objecto blanco. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo ofrecer una revisión de los conceptos de self y una reflexión sobre cómo este concepto se articula en diferentes enfoques teóricos de la psicología. El impacto de los dillemas centrales de la psicologia de desarrollo en el concepto del self tambien son discutidos. Así, este artículo sugiere una aproximación sistemática para analisar cada definiccion del self: se debe intentar responder como cada teoría se posicionó delante de las dicotomías estabilidad versus transformación, especifico versus universal y mundo interno versus mundo externo.Many definitions for the self coexist in the psychological theory and praxis. This diversity is a result of epistemological basis from which different strategies are selected in order to approach, describe and limit the target object. This paper aims to provide a review on concepts concerning the self and a reflection on how this concept is articulated in different Psychology theoretical approaches. The impact of the central dilemmas of developmental Psychology to the concept of self is also discussed. Thus, this paper suggests a systematic approach in order to analyze each self definition: One should seek to answer how each theory has positioned itself in relation to the dicotomies of stability versus transformation, specific versus universal, and inner world versus external world


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    Diante do atual cenário agrícola, o presente trabalho procede uma reflexão sobre a realidade da reforma agrária em São Paulo, com base em acúmulos e observações do projeto “Da microbacia ao agricultor familiar: uma releitura do agroecossistema”, conduzido em assentamentos da região central do Estado. As reflexões remetem às principais características e peculiaridades dos assentamentos, os problemas que afetam a produção e os produtores, a sustentabilidade do processo a médio e longo prazo, bem como questões que se avaliam como centrais ao processo em si e às comunidades assentadas. Nas áreas trabalhadas verificou-se a adoção e implementação do padrão tecnológico da “Revolução Verde”, possivelmente inadequado a tal segmento por não estar conseguindo promover, a contento, a geração e a distribuição da renda, justiça social, produção de alimentos e a sustentabilidade dos agroecossistemas. Discute-se também enfoques e propostas que se avaliam como passíveis de contribuir para a superação ou a mitigação de alguns dos óbices atuais. A análise fundamenta-se nos pressupostos da Agroecologia, enquanto um campo das ciências agrárias e biológicas, cujo marco teórico conceitual, princípios e orientações podem contribuir para a superação de muitos problemas identificados nos assentamentos, sendo eles geridos por órgão federal ou estadual.-------------------------------------------------------In front of the actual agricultural scene, the present work proceeds some reflections about the reality of agrarian reform in São Paulo, based on accumulations and observing during the project “Da microbacia ao agricultor familiar: uma releitura do agroecossistema”, accomplished in rural establishments located on central region of the state. The reflections remits to the principals characteristics and peculiarities of establishments, the problems that affects the produce and the producers, the sustainability of agriculture process at medium and long term, and the questions that evaluated as central in the process and over the settled communities itself. On the worked areas it was verified that the adoption and implement of the “green revolution” technological model probably was been inadequate, such couldn’t promote the yield, the social justice, the food production and the sustainability of familiar agroecossistems. It was elaborated a reflexion about the focus and proposals which evalues as able to contribute for mitigation and overcome of some actual problems. The analysis takes over the agroecology as a field of agrarians and biological sciences, which theoretical conceptual mark, principles and orientations can contribute on overcome of various impediments identified on establishments, been they administrated by federal or state institutions.sustentabilidade, agroecologia, reforma agrária, agricultura familiar, sustainability, agroecology, agrarian reform, family agriculture, Environmental Economics and Policy, Farm Management,

    Adaptation of the Self-Absorption Scale to Brazilian adults

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    Self-absorption is defined as an excessive perseveration of attention that one displays toward their own reflections. The Self-Absorption Scale (SAS) measures this negative deconstructive dimension of self-consciousness and distinguishes whether its focus is related to private or public aspects of oneself. The objective of this study was to adapt the SAS to Brazil and to gather evidences of factorial and convergent validity for the Scale. Seven hundred and twenty two Brazilian adults answered the translated version of SAS, the Self-Consciousness Scale (SCS), and the Rumination-Reflection Questionnaire (RRQ). Factor analysis revealed two main components (private and public self-absorption). The adapted SAS fulfilled expectations concerning factorial and convergent validity. It can be used in future research in Brazil. Keywords: self-consciousness; self-absorption; rumination; psychometrics; adaptation.Autoabsorção é definida como perseveração excessiva da atenção que o indivíduo destina às suas reflexões internas. A Escala de Autoabsorção (EAA) propõe mensurar essa faceta negativa e desconstrutiva da autoconsciência humana e distinguir se seu foco está voltado para aspectos públicos ou privados. O objetivo desse estudo foi adaptar a EAA para o Brasil e reunir evidências de validade fatorial e convergente. Setecentos e vinte e dois brasileiros adultos responderam a versão traduzida da EAA, a Escala de Autoconsciência (EAC) e o Questionário de Ruminação e Reflexão (QRR). Análise fatorial indicou a presença de duas dimensões (autoabsorção privada e autoabsorção pública). A versão brasileira da EAA apresentou validade fatorial e convergente satisfatórias, podendo ser utilizada em pesquisas futuras no Brasil.Palavras-chave: autoconsciência; autoabsorção; ruminação; psicometria; adaptação

    A lógica da dialogicidade narrativa no Repertório de Posições Pessoais

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the logical relations behind the concept of dialogical self and its instrumental counterpart ”“ the Personal Position Repertoire (PPR). This analysis relied on empirical evidence provided by the application of the PPR to 17 participants between 19 and 34 years old (11 women). Results suggested two different contexts for the phenomenon of dialogicality: the possibility for a person to perceive her or himself as a multiplicity of characters, and to construct narratives about her or himself from different points-of-view. These results indicate that the PPR is able to demonstrate the basic spatial structure of the dialogicality but not the dialogicality in action, that is an outcome of the self’s narrative nature. To conclude, some limitations and possibilities for the PPR are discussed.Este estudo teve o objetivo de analisar as relações lógicas que fundamentam a abordagem dialógica do self e sua contraparte instrumental, o Repertório de Posições Pessoais (RPP). Metodologicamente, a análise tomou por base a evidência empírica fornecida pela aplicação do RPP a 17 participantes com idade entre 19 e 34 anos (11 mulheres). Os resultados sugeriram dois diferentes contextos para o fenômeno de dialogicidade do self: a possibilidade de uma pessoa perceber-se como uma multiplicidade de características, e a possibilidade de construir narrativas sobre si a partir de diferentes pontos de vista. Esses resultados indicaram que o RPP é capaz de demonstrar a estrutura espacial da dialogicidade, mas não a dialogicidade em ação. A dialogicidade não é avaliada diretamente pelo instrumento, mas revela-se um resultado da natureza narrativa do self. Para concluir, são discutidas limitações e possibilidades da abordagem dialógica do self, bem como do instrumento de avaliação proposto

    Comparison of rRNA-based reverse transcription PCR and rDNA-based PCR for the detection of streptococci in root canal infections

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    Objective: The rDNA-based method is unable to distinguish between alive and dead cells. Alternatively, bacterial viability can be assessed by molecular methods based on ribosomal RNA (rRNA). Therefore, this study aimed to detect viable streptococci in root canal samples using rRNA-based reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), compared to an rDNA-based PCR assay. Methodology: Microbiological root canal samples were obtained from 32 teeth with primary endodontic infections before (S1) and after chemomechanical preparation (S2), and after removal of intracanal medication (S3). RNA and DNA were extracted, and complementary DNA (cDNA) was synthesized from RNA using RT reaction. cDNA and genomic DNA were subjected to PCR with primers complementary to the 16S rRNA sequences of Streptococcus spp. McNemar’s test was used to compare the detection rate of both assays (P<0.05). Results: Streptococci were detected in 28.12% (9/32) and 37.5% (12/32) of S1 samples using rRNA- and rDNA-based PCR assays, respectively. In contrast, they were detected in only 6.25% (2/32) of S2 samples using rRNA-based RT-PCR, compared to 15.62% (5/32) using rDNA-based PCR. Finally, in S3 samples, streptococci were not detected by rRNA, whereas rDNA-based PCR still detected the bacteria in 12.5% (4/32) of the samples. The total number of PCR-positive reactions in the rDNA-based PCR was higher than in the rRNA-based assay (P<0.05). Conclusions: The rRNA-based RT-PCR showed a lower detection rate of streptococci when compared to the rDNA-based PCR, suggesting that the latter may have detected dead cells of streptococci in root canal samples

    Epidemiologic study of odontogenic and non-odontogenic cysts in children and adolescents of a Brazilian population

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    The objective of this study was to describe the frequency of cystic lesions in a Brazilian population of patients histopathologically diagnosed in the first and second decade of life. Retrospective descriptive cross-sectional study was performed. Biopsy records were obtained from the archives of a Brazilian referral center between 1980 and 2016. A total of 2.114 biopsy records of pediatric patients were analyzed with oral and maxillofacial lesions. Data such as gender, age, anatomical location, and histopathological diagnosis were collected and categorized. Among all oral and maxillofacial lesions (n=2.114), were diagnosed 294 cases of odontogenic cysts (13.9%) and 16 cases of non-odontogenic cysts (0.8%). The most frequent lesions in each group were, respectively: radicular cyst (n=145) and epidermoid cyst (n=4). These lesions were most common in female (n=158), with a mean age of 14 years. For intraosseous lesions, the mandible (n=148) was the most affected anatomic site; moreover, the floor of the mouth (n=6) was most affected by cysts in soft tissues. Odontogenic cysts were relatively common in population studied, but non-odontogenic cysts were rare in these patients

    Postharvest control of anthracnose in avocado with cassava starch and corn starch films

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of cassava starch and corn starch films on the control of anthracnose in avocado. The fruits were inoculated with conidia suspension and were then immersed in solutions with cassava starch and corn starch alone or in combination at concentrations of 1, 2, 3 and 4% under curative and preventive methods. The variables analysed included mean damaged area, area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) and fruit fresh weight. Under the curative method, the mean damaged area and AUDPC were reduced in fruits treated with 1% and 4% cassava starch and 1% corn starch. Under the preventive method, fruits treated with 2% cassava starch or 2% corn starch alone resulted in reduced mean damaged area and AUDPC. The combinations of cassava starch and corn starch at 2, 3, and 4% were effective in reducing the mean damaged area and AUDPC under curative control. Under the preventive method, the combinations of cassava starch and corn starch at 2 and 3% reduced the AUDPC, and the mean damaged area was decreased with both starches at 3%. Scanning electron microscopy images revealed a layer of protective film on the fruit's surface that probably prevented the pathogen from penetrating. In addition, there was deformation of hyphae promoted by the action of the films