1,204 research outputs found


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    In this work, the use of genetic algorithms is proposed as detectors of straight line segments that characterize a rural road. The segment detection process consists of iterative procedures on digital images, where each step results in two possible segments for the centerlines. The validation of the results produced by the proposed algorithms was based on a manually vectorized reference image. The accuracy index was computed as the percentage of wrongly detected pixels. Despite the modest number of experiments, the results have shown the proposed method to be promising.Nesse trabalho, é proposto o uso dos algoritmos genéticos no processo de detecção de linhas retas, ou segmentos, que caracterizam o eixo de estradas vicinais. O processo de detecção de segmentos é realizado de forma iterativa, em imagens digitais, onde dois segmentos candidatos ao eixo de estradas são detectados em cada passo (iteração). A validação dos resultados, obtidos pelo método proposto, foi realizada com base em uma imagem de referência, vetorizada manualmente. O índice de acurácia foi computado como a porcentagem de pixels detectados erroneamente. Embora o número de experimentos seja modesto, os resultados mostram que o método proposto é promissor

    Adjustment of altitudes by using observations of zenith angle with reciprocal and simultaneous readings

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    Ciente da importância do ajustamento de observações para a realização de trabalhos topográficos e geodésicos realizou-se, neste trabalho, o ajustamento de ângulos zenitais com leituras recíprocas e simultâneas, visando encontrar valores estimados para as altitudes dos marcos estudados. Este trabalho foi realizado numa poligonal pertencente à Rede Planimétrica do Sistema Geodésico Brasileiro (SGB) de primeira ordem. Todos os marcos dessa poligonal estão situados no campus da Universidade Federal de Viçosa. O método de ajustamento utilizado foi o método dos mínimos quadrados (MMQ). O modelo usado foi o paramétrico. Os resultados obtidos indicaram o procedimento utilizado nesse estudo como satisfatório.Knowing the importance of the adjustment of observations for the topographical and geodesic works, in this paper, the adjustment of zenithal angles with reciprocal and simultaneous readings was used, seeking for estimated values for the altitudes of the a set of marks. This work was accomplished in a polygonal belonging to the Planimetric Network of the Brazilian Geodesic System (SGB) of first order. All the marks of that polygonal are placed at the campus of the Federal University of Viçosa. The adjustment was performed by the Least Square Method. The parametric model was applied, and the obtained results indicated that the procedure used was satisfactory


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    Introduction: Studies on the association between motor developmental delay and events observed during the neonatal period are performed after discharge. In such cases, the associations found may be interfered by factors occurring between discharge from the NICU and evaluation. Evaluate newborns before hospital discharge can prevent these effects.The purpose of this study is to identify factors related to motor developmental delay of newborns when being discharged from Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. The method chosen to carry out this investigation was a prospective cohort, populationbased and analytic-descriptive study, and 178 newborns were assessed through the Test of Infant Motor Performance. Binomial logistic regression has been developed for analyzing the associated factors. Among the results obtained, 58.4% of them were premature, 56.2% were low weight newborns and 59.0% were male. The participants were selected among those with the following characteristics: Birth Weight (BW) 2304.3 g, Gestational Age (GA) 35.33 weeks. Morbidity occurred in 23.6% of the participants and 34.8% showed changes in the motor performance (64.7% in the ones below 1501g and 27.8% in the ones above 1500g). Upon completion of the TIMP, it was possible to conclude that the factors associated with motor developmental delay in the binomial logistic regression were prematurity, seizures, being female

    Influências do programa de melhoria do acesso e qualidade nos processos de trabalho na atenção básica

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    Objective: To assess the perception of professionals of Family Health Strategy Teams on the National Program for Access and Quality Improvement in Primary Care and the possible changes in the work processes resulting from its implementation. Method: Oral history methodology conducted with members of Basic Health Units’ teams who participated in the first two cycles of the Program in São Paulo. Results: Six team members participated in the research. The professionals described the use of information to support the planning, diverged on the changes in the organization of the service and identified contributions to the direction of the teams and the control of the activities. The implementation of the Program led to changes in professional practice and favored autonomy and teamwork. The Community Health Workers stood out in the information acquisition process, and the teams found difficulties to organize the information. The collection and retrieval of information contributed to broaden the professionals’ view of the service, and the interviewees criticized the fragility of information dissemination in the Units. Conclusion: Despite its limitations, the Program led to direct improvements in the work of the teams in Primary Care

    Development of a management support tool for stricto sensu graduate programs: A contingency approach to project management

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate the contribution of a project management approach to develop a tool to support the management of Brazilian stricto sensu graduate programs (SS-GP). The Adaptive approach was chosen by applying the Project Management Life Cycle (PMLC) method. Design/methodology/approach – The study corresponds to the concept of applied research. The qualitative approach was used. The research strategy was the action research, where participants cooperate to understand their environment, identify problems and seek a solution, simultaneously producing and using the knowledge produced. Findings – The results showed one possible way to apply a contingency project management approach to develop the tool. In addition, indicated that its application facilitated the project work, especially when finding a solution for the project’s development and when dealing with the changes inherent to the uncertainties about the problem. Research limitations/implications – The lack of more updated information and the limitation of time and resources led to the reduction of the environment scope and of the number of functionalities developed. Practical implications – To contribute to the generation of knowledge and expertise to support the management of SS-GP in activities such as providing information to the CAPES evaluation system, academic production analysis, collaborative researcher network analysis and post-graduation program monitoring and evaluation. Originality/value – To fill a gap pointed out by several studies, that it is not possible to automatically generate input lists to be processed by ScriptSucupira tool, based on filtered criteria, comprising the entire universe of the Brazilian SS-PG. The creators of ScriptSucupira also declared to ignore the existence of an artifact similar to that

    The Maré Museum: an integrated project of community development

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     The Maré Museum, founded on 8 May 2006, arose from the desire of the inhabitants of the community to have a place of memory, a place that is immersed in the past and looks to the future, a place that reflects on this community, on their conditions and identities and on their territorial and cultural diversity. The intention of the Maré Museum is to break with the tradition that the experiences to be recollected and the places of memory to be remembered are those elected by the official version, the "winner" version of the story that restricts the representations of history and memory of large portions of the population. The Maré Museum, as a pioneer initiative in the city scene, proposed to expand the museological concept, so that it is not restricted to intellectual social groups and cultural spaces that are not accessible to the general population. The museum has established recognition that the slum is a place of memory and so has initiated a museographic reading of the Mare community. ..

    The Maré Museum: an integrated project of community development

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    Cadernos de SociomuseologiaThe Maré Museum, founded on 8 May 2006, arose from the desire of the inhabitants of the community to have a place of memory, a place that is immersed in the past and looks to the future, a place that reflects on this community, on their conditions and identities and on their territorial and cultural diversity. The intention of the Maré Museum is to break with the tradition that the experiences to be recollected and the places of memory to be remembered are those elected by the official version, the "winner" version of the story that restricts the representations of history and memory of large portions of the population. The Maré Museum, as a pioneer initiative in the city scene, proposed to expand the museological concept, so that it is not restricted to intellectual social groups and cultural spaces that are not accessible to the general population. The museum has established recognition that the slum is a place of memory and so has initiated a museographic reading of the Mare community. .


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    Este trabalho objetivou apreender os sentidos e significados de estudantes universitárias de Enfermagem sobre a atuação da Polícia Militar na sociedade. O estudo foi fundamentado na perspectiva teórica da Psicologia sócio-histórica de Vigotski e método do materialismo histórico dialético. A coleta de informações ocorreu por meio da entrevista semiestruturada, com a participação de oito universitárias, entre 18 e 29 anos, sendo uma participante do primeiro ao oitavo módulo do curso de Enfermagem da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás. O processo de sistematização e análise se deu por meio do aporte metodológico dos núcleos de significação. Os resultados apontam que os sentidos e significados das estudantes atribuídos à Polícia Militar, por um lado, que é uma instituição responsável pela segurança da cidade e proteção da sociedade. Por outro, que policiais militares no exercício de suas atribuições, tem posturas arbitrárias, ultrapassam normas e desrespeitam a dignidade humana

    Epidemilogical aspects of a malaria focus in the districts of São Luis, MA

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    O estudo foi realizado na localidade de Residencial Paraíso, São Luis, Maranhão, de 1999 a 2001, com o objetivo de analisar os aspectos epidemiológicos da malária, tendo sido constatado que a localidade é receptiva e vulnerável. Houve 129 casos, com maior acometimento do sexo masculino e da faixa etária de 20 a 29 anos. O Plasmodium vivax foi o agente responsável pelas infecções, tendo como vetor o Anopheles aquasalis. Foram identificadas evidências de transmissão extradomiciliar.The study was developed in the neighborhood of Residencial Paraíso, São Luis, Maranhão, Brazil, from 1999 to 2001. The aim was to analyze the epidemiological aspects of malaria. The location is receptive and vulnerable to malaria. There were 129 cases. Men from 20 to 29 years of age were most involved. Plasmodium vivax was the agent of all cases and Anopheles aquasalis was the vector. There was no evidence of transmission occurring outside of the houses