4,127 research outputs found

    Application Of Optical Method In Measuring Mechanical Vibrations In A Cantilever Beam

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    The pertinent literature discloses a family of optical profile measuring techniques highlighting the moire methods. The Moire technique is based on the interference of two superimposed optical grids which produce fringe patterns which can be processed to analyze the DYNAMIC MEASUREMENT IN MATERIALS mechanical behavior. The goal of this research is to experimentally determine the mechanical displacement of a slim cantilever beam by means of Moire technique with Phase Shift. Photomechanical experimental arrangement included a digital camera, a multimedia projector and a PC. The occurrence of oscillations has been adequately analyzed. The results showed data from which useful information can withdraw, being of great importance to support agricultural machinery projects and development.371849

    Higher Order Asymptotics of Decaying Solutions of some Generalized Burgers Equations

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    We study the large-time behavior of solutions to a generalized Burgers Equation, with initial zero mass data. Our main purpose is to present a modified version of the Renormalization Group map, which is able to provide the higher order asymptotic properties of the solution to the Cauchy problem of a class of nonlinear time-evolution problems.Comment: 25 page

    Avaliação da cultura de segurança do paciente na Amazônia Ocidental

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    Introdução: A cultura de segurança do paciente é fator contribuinte para a manutenção do bem-estar do usuário no sistema de saúde, pois por meio dela obtém-se uma sistematização organizada e de qualidade do cuidado ao paciente, prevenindo possíveis intercorrências que possam trazer danos. Objetivo: Analisar a Cultura de Segurança do Paciente (CSP) na perspectiva dos profissionais de saúde no Hospital de Referência do Alto Rio Juruá, na Amazônia Ocidental Brasileira. Método: Trata-se de um estudo transversal desenvolvido em um hospital público de médio porte em um município da Amazônia Ocidental. O questionário Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture, da Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality foi aplicado em 280 profissionais, no período dezembro de 2016 a fevereiro de 2017. Foi realizada a análise descritiva dos dados e a consistência interna do instrumento. Resultados: Os resultados apontam as melhores avaliações nas dimensões de Trabalho em equipe nos âmbitos das unidades (60%) e Aprendizado organizacional (60%). Os aspectos com os piores resultados foram as dimensões de Respostas não punitivas aos erros (18%) e Frequência de eventos relatados (32%). A análise de confiabilidade interna (Alpha de Cronbach) das dimensões variou entre 0,35 a 0,90. Conclusão: A cultura do medo parece predominar nesse hospital, contudo o estudo demonstrou que há possibilidades de melhoria em todas as dimensões da CSP. Os valores do Alpha de Cronbach apresentaram semelhança com os resultados obtidos pelo processo de validação.Introduction: The safety culture of the patient is a contributing factor for the maintenance of the user’s well-being in the health system because, through it, an organized systematization and quality of patient care are obtained, preventing possible intercurrences that can cause damages. Objective: To analyze the Patient Safety Culture (PSC) from the perspective of health professionals at the Reference Hospital of the Upper Juruá River, in the Brazilian Western Amazon. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study developed in a medium-sized public hospital in a municipality in Western Amazonia. The Survey for Patient Safety Culture survey of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality was applied to 280 professionals from December 2016 to February 2017. Descriptive analysis of the data and the internal consistency of the instrument were performed. Results: The results indicate the best evaluations in the dimensions of Teamwork in the scopes of the units (60%) and Organizational learning (60%). The aspects with the worst results were the dimensions of non-punitive responses to errors (18%) and frequency of events reported (32%). The internal reliability (Cronbach’s Alpha) analysis of the dimensions ranged from 0.35 to 0.90. Conclusion: The "culture of fear" seems to predominate in this hospital, however, the study showed that there is scope for improvement in all dimensions of CSP. The values of Cronbach’s Alpha presented similarity to the results obtained by the validation process

    A linguagem cinematográfica e a (des) "construção" da identidade do professor

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    As profissões que tem em seu campo de atuação o objetivo de servir à comunidade (médicos, policiais, professores entre outros) são, constantemente, retratadas nas telas de cinema. O fascínio que tais atividades exercem no imaginário coletivo é um ‘arsenal’ nas mãos de roteiristas e diretores no cinema nacional e mundial. Este é um dado que nos permite perceber a importância dessas profissões no contexto social nos níveis locais, regionais, nacionais e internacionais. São representações que ajudam os expectadores a ‘construir’ e ‘identificar’ identidades no ideário de uma coletividade homogênia ou não. Essas identidades são criadas a partir de uma conjuntura ficcional/realista. Ora baseada em ‘fatos reais’, ora fruto da ‘inspiração’ (ou direcionamento ideológico) do artista e do status quo vigente. Sem adentrar profundamente por essa seara político-ideológica das montagens cinematográficas tem-se, nesse relato de experiência, o seguinte objetivo: analisar a construção da identidade do professor numa ‘figuração cinematográfica’ em três espaços geográficos (países) com conjunturas sociais, econômicas, culturais e políticas bastante diferenciadas. O enfoque é similar – o professor e sua representatividade social. Esta profissão, PROFESSOR, é mostrada por meio de três filmes escolhidos e trabalhados nas turmas de licenciatura em Geografia como instrumento metodológico para a reflexão e entendimento da profissão do professor nas aulas de Estágio e Prática de Ensino. A utilização de filmes como instrumento de ensino aprendizagem, tem o objetivo maior de desenvolver uma análise mais critica a respeito do cinema e de suas produções que possui grande alcance social e político. Assim, desenvolver uma forma de ‘assistência crítica’ torna-se essencial para utilização do filme como um dos procedimentos metodológicos didáticos no qual o professor pode utilizar em sua prática cotidiana. O trabalho foi desenvolvido com os acadêmicos do 3º ano de Licenciatura em Geografia da Universidade Estadual de Goiás – UEG em Anápolis – GO. A atividade proporcionou aos alunos um “exercício de reflexão” e de ‘solução de problemas’ à medida que se colocavam ‘no lugar’ daquele profissional numa idéia de alteridade

    Identification of hazardous nanoparticles present in the Caribbean Sea for the allocation of future preservation projects

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    The deposition of remaining nanoparticles in the Caribbean Sea generates the formation of potentially dangerous elements, which influence at the imbalance of ecosystems. The detection of nanoparticles is not simple and the use of conventional methods is difficult application, which is why we highlight the immediacy and importance of this research for the areas of marine biology, urbanism, engineering and geosciences, applied in the Caribbean Sea. The general objective of this study is to evaluate the use of advanced methods for the determination of toxic nanoparticles, which can directly affect the development of marine organisms in the aquatic ecosystem in waters of the Caribbean Sea, favoring the construction of future international public policies with the elaboration of projects capable of mitigating these levels of contamination. The morphology and structure of nanoparticles were analyzed by emission scanning electron microscope with a high-resolution electron microscope. The nanoparticles smaller than 97 nm were identified in different proportions. The morphological analyses indicated nanoparticles' presence in the form of nanotubes, nanospheres, and nanofibers, which were shown in an agglomerated form. The presence of potentially hazardous elements, such as As, Cd, Pb, Mg, Ni and V were verified. In addition, the presence of asbestos in the form of minerals was confirmed, and that of titanium dioxide was found in large quantities. The results provide new data and emphasize the possible consequences to the in the Caribbean Sea, with the identification of dangerous elements (As, Cb, Pb, Hg, Ni and V), harmful to the marine ecosystem. Therefore, there is a need for strict control to reduce contamination of the Caribbean Sea and avoid risks to the ecosystem and public health, through suggestions of international public policies, through constant monitoring and the application of environmental recovery projects in this marine estuary

    Point Projection Mapping System for Tracking, Registering, Labeling and Validating Optical Tissue Measurements

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    Validation of newly developed optical tissue sensing techniques for tumor detection during cancer surgery requires an accurate correlation with histological results. Additionally, such accurate correlation facilitates precise data labeling for developing high-performance machine-learning tissue classification models. In this paper, a newly developed Point Projection Mapping system will be introduced, which allows non-destructive tracking of the measurement locations on tissue specimens. Additionally, a framework for accurate registration, validation, and labeling with histopathology results is proposed and validated on a case study. The proposed framework provides a more robust and accurate method for tracking and validation of optical tissue sensing techniques, which saves time and resources compared to conventional techniques available

    Impact of percentage and particle size of sugarcane biochar on the sorption behavior of clomazone in Red Latosol

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    Biochar is a carbonaceous material that has excellent potential as a fertilizer and soil conditioner. However, there is a lack of information concerning the effects of the amount and particle size of this pyrogenic material on the soil sorption capacity. In this work, evaluation was made of changes in clomazone (CMZ) sorption in a Red Latosol following soil conditioning using different percentages (0.25, 0.5, and 1% w/w) of sugarcane biochar in three particle sizes (<106, 106-508, and 508-610 μm). The conditioned soils presented apparent sorption coefficients (Kd) up to 1300 times higher than that of pure soil, besides changes in the behavior of CMZ sorption. The biochar particle size and percentage influenced sorption of the herbicide as well as its retention in the amended soil during desorption processes. Both sorption and desorption Freundlich constants were linearly correlated with the external surface area of the biochar present in the soil

    Assessment of squash seed vigor using computerized image analysis.

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    Este trabalho procurou verificar a eficiência do SVIS® (Seed Vigor Imaging System) para determinar o vigor de sementes de abóbora colhidas durante diferentes estádios de maturação. Utilizou-se a cultivar híbrida Jabras, proveniente do cruzamento entre Cucurbita maxima (linhagem feminina) e Cucurbita moschata (linhagem masculina)

    Taxonomic bias in amphibian research : Are researchers responding to conservation need?

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    Amphibians are very diverse, widely distributed, and the most endangered class of vertebrates. As with other taxa, effective conservation of amphibians needs to be supported by detailed scientific knowledge. However, species rich and broadly distributed taxa are typically characterized by high variability in research effort. Our objective was therefore to understand which factors (ecological and cultural) have led some amphibian species to be more researched than others. We used two proxies of research effort: i) the total number of articles on Web of Science (WoS) that mention the scientific name (or synonyms) of each species, and; ii) the number of conservation science articles on WoS that mention the scientific name (or synonyms) of each species. These measures were used as dependent variables in zero hurdle regression models with the aim of identifying the most important factors driving species-level knowledge production. Well researched species (generally, and for conservation) tend to have a longer history of scientific research, come from countries with high scientific capacity, have large body size, and to be present in man-made habitats. Endangered species tend to be less researched, generally and for conservation, possibly because they are often more difficult to study: many endangered amphibians are restricted to small, fragmented and remote habitats in countries with low scientific capacity. We conclude with a discussion of how taxonomic biases in research effort on amphibians can be addressed given the limited funds available for conservation research.Peer reviewe