2,929 research outputs found

    Conceptual perspective of value for the client: a strategy for market expansion

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    This article aims to analyze the conceptual perspective of value for the client as a strategy of market expansion. The research is the result of a literature review, followed by an exploratory analysis of the publications carried out in the last decade on the concept of value theme based on Woodruff's proposal (1997), which presents a new philosophy for the definition of Value. Thus, the present study, from the perspective of a theoretical essay, addresses the question of value and its contextualization’s, where the concept of value is emphasized according to the theoretical marketing framework. In addition, the possible uses of value in marketing activities were highlighted, such as: market analysis and segmentation, positioning, planning and development of products and brands and communication strategy

    Results of socio-environmental strategies and pratices in flexographic processes

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    This study aims to identify the results of social and environmental sustainability strategies in flexographic printing processes of labels and labels. The research consisted of a literature review, followed by an exploratory-descriptive study of qualitative nature. Data collection took place in a primary way through a semi-structured on-site interview with the company's owner, and also involved access to documents. In conclusion, the article analyzes the results of two years in relation to social and environmental practices and the identification of sustainability practices obtained in the company

    The management of innovation to generate added value in the flexographic processes: a case study in the company suppry etiquetas

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    The present study has as its theme the management of innovation to generate added value in flexographic processes, being delimited in the analysis of the processes of the company Suppry Etiquetas. It is questioned how innovation management can generate added value in the flexographic processes of the company Suppry Etiquetas. The objective was to understand how innovation management can generate added value in the company's processes. Methodologically, the research was characterized as an exploratory case study, with the data being analyzed qualitatively. Data collection occurred through a literature review in books, magazines, and on site, with a semi-structured interview with the company owner, with the application of a questionnaire containing 7 questions. As main results of the research we highlight that the innovations of processes all of them represented some kind of cost reduction, and implementation of the program 5s, being this very important for the organization of the company. In the innovation of products in addition to the two new products that started to be produced by the company, it is worth mentioning resale items that had an increase of 57,07% in revenue, after the realization of a change of strategy

    Value co-creation: a study of life quality at an university in the south Brazil

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    This article aimed to analyze the life quality in a private higher education institution, from the point of view of students, through the value co-creation in higher education. Methodologically, research is characterized as a case study, and the unit of analysis was a University located in the Rio Pardo/RS Valley, in the south of Brazil where five students from the courses of administration and accounting sciences were selected to apply the research. The data collection was done through interviews, carried out through there is a script of questions previously established. The results highlight that the life quality in the university is directly related to the co-creation, on the one hand there is the desire to learn from the students and on the other the quality of the information that is passed on to them. The research also shows that the quality of life in the University is directly linked to student satisfaction and value creation, resulting from individual or joint actions (institution, professor and student)

    Internacionalizando doces: o caso de uma empresa do ramo alimentício situada no Vale do Taquari/RS

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    O caso de ensino, realizado a partir do estudo da empresa do segmento de candies, atende aos seguintes objetivos educacionais: (a) entender o processo pelo qual uma empresa do segmento de candies se internacionalizou; (b) analisar e avaliar os riscos e dificuldades do processo de internacionalização; (c) analisar e avaliar a escolha entre a expansão no mercado doméstico e aprofundamento da internacionalização; (d) Investimentos em uma nova unidade em outra região visando facilitar a logística de exportação e consequente redução de preços dos produtos vendidos. Também na entrevista com o responsável do setor internacional, onde o mesmo relata que no ano de 1998 aconteceu por acaso uma venda internacional para a Venezuela. O caso pode ser utilizado em cursos de graduação e pós-graduação – stricto e lato sensu. Pode ser utilizado, também, em workshops de discussões sobre as dificuldades e soluções encontradas por empresas brasileiras em seu processo de internacionalização

    Thermal behavior and decomposition kinetics of rifampicin polymorphs under isothermal and non-isothermal conditions

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    The thermal behavior of two polymorphic forms of rifampicin was studied by DSC and TG/DTG. The thermoanalytical results clearly showed the differences between the two crystalline forms. Polymorph I was the most thermally stable form, the DSC curve showed no fusion for this species and the thermal decomposition process occurred around 245 ºC. The DSC curve of polymorph II showed two consecutive events, an endothermic event (Tpeak = 193.9 ºC) and one exothermic event (Tpeak = 209.4 ºC), due to a melting process followed by recrystallization, which was attributed to the conversion of form II to form I. Isothermal and non-isothermal thermogravimetric methods were used to determine the kinetic parameters of the thermal decomposition process. For non-isothermal experiments, the activation energy (Ea) was derived from the plot of Log β vs 1/T, yielding values for polymorph form I and II of 154 and 123 kJ mol-1, respectively. In the isothermal experiments, the Ea was obtained from the plot of lnt vs 1/T at a constant conversion level. The mean values found for form I and form II were 137 and 144 kJ mol-1, respectively.O comportamento térmico de duas formas polimórficas da rifampicina foi estudado por DSC e TG/DTG. Os resultados termoanalíticos mostraram claramente as diferenças entre as duas formas cristalinas. O polimorfo I é a forma mais estável termicamente, a curva DSC não mostrou a fusão dessa espécie e o processo de decomposição térmica ocorreu próximo a 245 ºC. A curva DSC do Polimorfo II apresentou dois eventos consecutivos, um endotérmico (Tpico = 193,9 ºC) e outro exotérmico (Tpico = 209,4 ºC), devido à fusão seguida de recristalização, a qual foi atribuída à conversão da forma II à forma I. Métodos termogravimétricos isotérmicos e não-isotérmicos foram empregados para determinar os parâmetros cinéticos do processo de decomposição térmica. Para experimentos não-isotérmicos, a energia de ativação (Ea) foi obtida a partir do gráfico de Log β vs 1/T, e os valores 154 e 123 kJ mol-1 foram encontrados, respectivamente, para os polimorfos I e II. Para os experimentos isotérmicos, a Ea foi obtida a partir do gráfico de lnt vs. 1/T a um nível de conversão constante. O valor médio encontrado foi 137 e 144 kJ mol-1, respectivamente, para a forma I e forma II.CNPqCoordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES)FAPES


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    O presente documento, possui a finalidade de apresentar os resultados, e dificuldades, naimplementação dos métodos utilizados para realização das atividades de ensino referentes à monitoriada disciplina de Eletrônica Digital I, até então ministrada pelo professor Dr. José Carlos da Silva, eofertada no 1º período da faculdade de Engenharia da Computação da UNIFESSPA, segundo o PPCde 2015 do curso


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    O presente documento tem a finalidade de apresentar uma série de informações a respeito damonitoria para disciplina prática de laboratório como: os resultados, e dificuldades, na implementação dosmétodos utilizados para realização das atividades de ensino referentes à monitoria da disciplina de EletrônicaDigital I, até então ministrada pelo professor Dr. José Carlos da Silva, e ofertada no 1º período da faculdadede Engenharia da Computação da UNIFESSPA, segundo o PPC de 2015 do curso

    Isolation of Leptospira borgpetersenii in synanthropic Didelphis albiventris in Jaboticabal, São Paulo, Brazil

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    A leptospirose é uma zoonose de veiculação hídrica e, portanto, se destaca pela possibilidade de contaminação ambiental, o que facilita a transmissão cruzada entre animais domésticos, selvagens e humanos. Espécies de gambás são importantes reservatórios dessa enfermidade, tornando-os potenciais disseminadores do agente. Com o objetivo de verificar a presença de Leptospira spp. e de anticorpos contra Leptospira spp. no Campus da Universidade Estadual Paulista, em Jaboticabal, foram capturados gambás (Didelphis albiventris) de vida livre para a colheita de amostras de sangue e de urina. As análises sorológicas foram efetuadas pela técnica de Soroaglutinação Microscópica (SAM). Alíquotas de urina foram semeadas nos meios Ellinghausen-McCullough-Johnson-Harris (EMJH) e Fletcher sem antibióticos. As amostras que apresentaram crescimento de espiroquetas foram levadas ao Laboratório de Leptospirose do Instituto de Patobiologia, no Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Agropecuaria, Buenos Aires, Argentina e foram genotipadas com a técnica de Múltiplos Locus de Números Variáveis de Repetição em Tandem (MLVA). Dos 15 animais examinados pela SAM, nove (60,0%) foram reagentes à sorovariedade Patoc. Foi isolada e identificada a espécie patogênica Leptospira bosrpetersenii de três Didelphis albiventris. Os achados de isolamento da espécie patogênica Leptospira borgpetersenii na cultura de urina de três Didelphis albiventris são um grande descobrimento para as áreas da medicina veterinária preventiva e da saúde pública e reforçam a discussão sobre o importante papel dos animais selvagens de vida livre como reservatórios desse agente para animais domésticos e seres humanos, situação que serve de alerta para melhorias nas práticas sanitárias.Leptospirosis is a waterborne disease and, therefore, stands out for the possibility of environmental contamination, the cross transmission between domestic and wild animals and humans. Opossum species are important reservoirs of this disease making them potential pathogen spreaders. Aiming to verify the presence of Leptospira spp. and the antibodies against Leptospira spp. in the Campus of São Paulo State University, in Jaboticabal, São Paulo, Brazil, freeliving wild life opossum (Didelphis albiventris) were captured for blood and urine sampling. Serological analysis was performed Microscopic Agglutination Test (MAT). Aliquots of urine were seeded in media Ellinghausen-McCullough- Johnson-Harris (EMJH) and Fletcher without antibiotics. The samples in which there was growth of leptospires were forwarded to the Leptospirosis Laboratory of the Institute of Pathobiology in the National Institute of Agricultural Technology, Buenos Aires, Argentina and were genotyped using Multiple Locus Variable number tandem repeat Analysis (MLVA). Of the 15 analyzed animals, nine (60.0%) were reactant to Patoc serovar. The pathogenic specie Leptospira borgpetersenii was isolated and identified in three Didelphis albiventris. The isolation findings of pathogenic specie Leptopsira borgpetersenii in the urine culture of three Didelphis albiventris in a university campus are a major discovery in the area of preventive veterinary medicine and public health and open a discussion about the important role of free-living wild animals as reservoirs of this agent to domestic animals and humans, a condition that serves as a warning for the improvement of health practices