272 research outputs found

    Nova liga ternária Ti26Zr24Nb para aplicação biomédica : comportamento em corrosão, desgaste e tribocorrosão

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    As ligas de titânio, especialmente, Ti6Al4V e TiNi, são tradicionalmente utilizadas na aplicação como biomateriais em virtude de sua resistência mecânica, resistência à corrosão e biocompatibilidade. No entanto, a adição de elementos como Al, V e Ni, tem impulsionado o desenvolvimento de novas ligas de titânio, devido às restrições quanto à adição desses elementos os quais têm sido associados a reações alérgicas, citotóxicas e a doenças neurológicas. Por estes motivos, as ligas de titânio, com predominância da fase β e contendo elementos biocompatíveis como Nb, Ta e Zr, têm despertado interesse pelas suas propriedades mecânicas similares às dos tecidos duros e pela isenção dos elementos anteriormente citados (Al, V e Ni). No entanto, ainda não há um consenso quanto à composição mais adequada destas ligas, tampouco informações suficientes quanto ao seu comportamento em corrosão e, especialmente em tribocorrosão. Neste trabalho, uma nova composição de liga ternária de titânio fase β, a Ti26Zr24Nb, foi avaliada quanto à resistência à corrosão e tribocorrosão realizadas em solução de Hanks com pH 7,4 à temperatura de 37°C, não aerada. Adicionalmente, considerando pesquisas que apontam a obtenção de uma superfície nanoestruturada como favorável ao processo de osseointegração, foram realizados estudos quanto ao efeito da nanotexturização, obtida pelo processo de eletropolimento da liga Ti26Zr24Nb, sobre o comportamento eletroquímico. Resultados obtidos mostraram que a liga Ti26Zr24Nb, nas condições avaliadas, apresenta desempenho equivalente ao do Ti6Al4V em termos de resistência à corrosão com e de -200 m e 10-8 A/cm², respectivamente. A liga Ti26Zr24Nb apresentou comportamento passivo e grande capacidade de repassivação, com baixo volume de desgaste em tribocorrosão (0,04 mm³) apresentando mecanismos de desgaste abrasivo e adesivo. Adicionalmente, os resultados demonstram que o eletropolimento da liga Ti26Zr24Nb promoveu a formação de uma superfície nanoestruturada de rugosidade (Ra=6 nm) e elevada molhabilidade superficial, sem prejuízos ao desempenho eletroquímico. Esses resultados obtidos indicam a possibilidade de um desempenho promissor da liga Ti26Zr24Nb para aplicações biomédicas.Titanium alloys, especially Ti6Al4V and TiNi, are traditionally used as biomaterials due to their mechanical strength, corrosion resistance and biocompatibility. However, the addition of elements such as Al, V and Ni, has driven the development of new titanium alloys, due to restrictions on the addition of these elements that have been associated with allergic, cytotoxic reactions and neurological diseases. For these reasons, titanium alloys, with predominance of the β phase, containing biocompatible elements such as Nb, Ta and Zr have aroused interest for their mechanical properties like those of hard tissues and for the absence of the elements Al, V and Ni. However, there is still no consensus on the most appropriate composition of these alloys, nor sufficient information on their behavior in corrosion and, especially in tribocorrosion. In this work, a new titanium β phase titanium alloy composition, Ti26Zr24Nb, was evaluated for corrosion and tribocorrosion resistance performed in Hanks' solution with pH 7.4 at 37°C, not aerated. In addition, considering research that points to obtaining a nanostructured surface as favorable to the osseointegration process, studies were carried out on the effect of nanotexturing, obtained by the electropolishing, on the electrochemical behavior. Results obtained showed that the Ti26Zr24Nb, under the evaluated conditions, alloy presents a performance equivalent to that of Ti6Al4V in terms of corrosion resistance with and of -200 mVECS and 10-8 A/cm², respectively. The Ti26Zr24Nb alloy showed passive behavior and great capability of repassivation, with a low volume of tribocorrosion wear (0.04 mm³) with abrasive and adhesive wear mechanisms. In addition, the results demonstrate that the electropolishing of the Ti26Zr24Nb alloy promoted the formation of a nanostructured surface of roughness (Ra=6 nm) and high surface wettability, without loss of the electrochemical performance. These results indicate the possibility of a promising performance of the Ti26Zr24Nb alloy for biomedical application

    Heuristics and Stock Buying Decision: Evidence from Brazil, Pakistan, and Malaysia Stock Markets

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    Applying both qualitative and quantitative approaches, we investigate the influence of anchoring and adjustment, representativeness, and availability heuristics on stock buying decisions of individual investors at the Brazilian stock market and their relations with demographic aspects. We also compared the results with investors from Pakistan and Malaysia. To collect the data, a survey was administered. Data were analyzed by description, correlation, and regression analysis. The results show that all three heuristics are likely to affect the Brazilian investor’s stock buying decisions. The effect of heuristics is similar across genders, type of subscriber, and level of education groups. However, for the older group and those with income higher than BRL15,000.00 per month (about USD 3,000.00), the anchoring heuristic exhibit a more extreme effect. From these findings, this paper reveals the presence of the heuristics in stock market decisions in developing countries, such as Brazil, as well as Pakistan and Malaysia. However, the effect on Asian’ individual investors is more prevalent

    Desvelar a feminilidade da amazona ciborgue: a construção da alteridade

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    This work addresses gender relations and the dynamics of domination that permeates modern society, influenced by a history of excess traditions that determined the woman as a body to serve and be dominated. The main focus of the work is to analyze the feminist social movements, because they are putting into practice and creating a mentality Amazon, mythological figure who should be resumed as a driving force for this fight, which is mainly for cultural and strongly influences political and social space, and still Cyborg, in order to work with the importance that play a globalizing flows, technology and global market on the dominant cultural maintenance. The aim is a gender culture of the Amazons Cyborg, a fight that is not only about women’s liberation, but of all subjects with no space in the western world and capitalism. We work with highly methodology literature from a critical and reflexive hermeneutic method.O presente trabalho aborda as relações de gênero, e a dinâmica de dominação que permeia a sociedade moderna, influenciada por um passado de excesso de tradições que determinavam a mulher como um corpo para servir e ser dominada. O foco principal do trabalho é analisar os movimentos sociais feministas; por estarem colocando em prática e criando uma mentalidade Amazona, figura mitológica que deve ser retomada, como força motriz para esta luta, que é, sobretudo, de índole cultural e exerce forte influência sobre o espaço político e social; e ainda Ciborgue, tendo em vista trabalhar com a importância que exercem os fluxos globalizantes, tecnologia e mercado global sobre a manutenção cultural dominante. Pretende-se uma cultura de gênero das Amazonas Ciborgue, uma luta que não visa apenas a libertação da mulher, mas de todos os sujeitos sem espaço no mundo ocidental e capitalista. Trabalha-se, com metodologia eminentemente bibliográfica, a partir de um método crítico e hermenêutico reflexivo


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    O presente trabalho aborda as relações de gênero, e a dinâmica de dominação que permeia a sociedade moderna, influenciada por um passado de excesso de tradições que determinavam a mulher como um corpo para servir e ser dominada. O foco principal do trabalho é analisar os movimentos sociais feministas; por estarem colocando em prática e criando uma mentalidade Amazona, figura mitológica que deve ser retomada, como força motriz para esta luta, que é, sobretudo, de índole cultural e exerce forte influência sobre o espaço político e social; e ainda Ciborgue, tendo em vista trabalhar com a importância que exercem os fluxos globalizantes, tecnologia e mercado global sobre a manutenção cultural dominante. Pretende-se uma cultura de gênero das Amazonas Ciborgue, uma luta que não visa apenas a libertação da mulher, mas de todos os sujeitos sem espaço no mundo ocidental e capitalista. Trabalha-se, com metodologia eminentemente bibliográfica, a partir de um método crítico e hermenêutico reflexivo

    Diagnosis of the Basic Sanitation of the Prata Lagoon and Maresia Lagoon, Prosai-Maués Project, Located in the Municipality of Maués - Amazonas

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    The discussion about the quality of Environmental Sanitation (ES) services is currently highlighted because it is directly linked to the population\u27s quality of life. Assessing the scope of SA services has become an important tool for the management of municipalities and states, as it allows the adaptation to the reality of the population to improve future planning, foreseeing the expansion of SA services. The Municipal Basic Sanitation Plan - PMSB was established by Law No. 11.455 / 2007 as an important planning tool for basic sanitation services. It consists of programs, projects and actions aimed at improving the conditions of services that constitute basic sanitation: water supply, sanitation, as well as urban solid waste management and urban river water. With the accelerated urban growth in the municipality of Maués and the intense aggressions to the environment, the PROSAI-MAUÉS ES indicators were identified and diagnosed, which propose improvements in the urban, environmental and basic sanitation conditions of the municipality with the recovery of Lagoas do Silver and Maresia, which for many years have suffered from pollution around the lagoons. The lagoons in question were chosen for the implementation of PROSAI-MAUÉS, explained by the occupation of its margins by low-income population installed on stilts, the existence of flood risk points and the need for renewal of this urban fragment of tourist importance. On-site research was conducted using observation techniques and photographic recording to describe the conditions of local sanitation services. The experience of the PROSAI-MAUÉS project indicates that it is necessary to seek the institutional strengthening of the entities involved with the local society since the early stages. from the initial planning and execution to the final phase of monitoring and follow-up of the services provided by the basic sanitation works, thus ensuring the sustainability of the Program for future generations

    Da regulação à emancipação: a juventude e uma nova política mestiça subvertendo o paradigma de política judicializada

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    This paper addresses three categories that are intertwined in the paradigm of Western modernity: politics, law and youth. However, each one with its temporality, its code of signs and symbols and their dynamics, which prevents integration and complementarity between these three conceptual frameworks and participatory. It is understood that the modern political paradigm was evacuated and taken by the dynamic regulation of the law, both have acted from a humanist totalitarian intent with respect to youth, making regulation impossible and liberation unthinkable. Advocates is a plural paradigms of social, interconnected, but each from its temporality, the Law and its emancipatory potential, the policy and its capacity building and participatory, both recognizing the youth as otherness, and not as a repository of humanity hegemonic and totalitarian, constituting a new paradigm of politics mixed integrating policy, law and youth in a process of emancipation. This paper is a theoretical approach, and some eminently bibliographic material, adopting a reflective critical bias.O presente trabalho aborda três categorias que se entrelaçam no paradigma de modernidade Ocidental: a política, o Direito e a juventude. Entretanto, cada um com a sua temporalidade, seu código de signos e símbolos e suas dinâmicas, o que impede uma integração e complementaridade entre estas três estruturas conceituais e participativas. Entende-se que o paradigma Político moderno foi esvaziado e tomado pela dinâmica de regulação do Direito, ambos tem atuado a partir de uma intencionalidade humanista totalitária com relação à juventude, tornando a regulação impossível e a emancipação impensável. Propugna-se por paradigmas plurais de construção social, interligados, mas cada a partir de sua temporalidade, o Direito e sua potencialidade emancipatória; a política e sua capacidade construtiva e participativa; ambos reconhecendo a juventude como alteridade, e não como repositório de humanidade hegemônica e totalitária, constituindo um novo paradigma de política mestiça integrando a política, o direito e a juventude em um processo de emancipação. Este trabalho é uma abordagem teórica, e parte de material eminentemente bibliográfico, adotando-se um viés crítico reflexivo


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    SCIENTIFIC INITIATION: PERCEPTION OF THE ACCOUNTING SCIENCES STUDENTS FROM UNIVERSITY OF MATO GROSSO STATE (UNEMAT), CAMPUS OF TANGARÁ DA SERRA-MT ABSTRACT The university plays an important role in encouraging scientific research, which is based on the support of professors to provide the academic insertion to research as the main stimulus to activities that foster Scientific Initiation (SI). The study’s general purpose was to identify the perception of Accounting Sciences course academics regarding to the Scientific Initiation. As for the methodology, the research was classified as descriptive with a quantitative data approach. The collection took place through the application of a closed questionnaire in 2018 second semester, to students enrolled from the 1st to the 8th semester, in the Accounting Sciences course from University of Mato Grosso Campus of Tangará da Serra - MT. The population consisted of 242 academics, of which 153 participated in the research. It is concluded that there was a female predominance (57%) and that the majority of academics (72%) have some perception on the topic of Scientific Initiation, however 69% of the interviewees claimed to have no scientific production; 77% unware the programs to promote scientific research, which is probably reflected in the low participation in scientific projects (8%). Keywords: Research. Scientific Initiation. Knowledge. Improvement.INICIACIÓN CIENTÍFICA: PERCEPCIÓN DE LOS ESTUDIANTES DE LICENCIATURA EN CIENCIAS CONTABLES DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ESTADO DE MATO GROSSO (UNEMAT), CAMPUS TANGARÁ DA SERRA-MT RESUMEN La universidad desempeña un papel importante en el fomento a la investigación científica, la cual se basa en el apoyo de los profesores para proporcionar la inserción del estudiante de licenciatura a la investigación como el principal estímulo a las actividades que fomentan la Iniciación Científica (IC). El objetivo general del estudio fue identificar la percepción de losdel estudiantes de Licenciatura en Ciencias Contables en relación con el tema de Iniciación Científica. En cuanto a la metodología, la investigación se clasificó como descriptiva con un enfoque cuantitativo de los datos. La recolección se llevó a cabo mediante la aplicación de un cuestionario cerrado aplicado en el segundo semestre del año de 2018, a estudiantes matriculados del 1 ° al 8 ° semestre, en el curso de Ciencias Contables, en el campus de la Universidad del Estado de Mato Grosso, Tangará da Serra - MT. La población total se constituya de 242 académicos, de los cuales 153 participaron en la investigación. Se concluye que hubo un predominio de mujeres (57%) y que la mayoría de los académicos (72%) tienen una percepción sobre el tema de la Iniciación Científica, sin embargo, el 69% de los entrevistados afirmaron no tener producción científica; El 77% desconoce los programas para promover la investigación científica, lo que probablemente refleja la baja participación de proyectos científicos (8%). Palabras clave: Investigación. Iniciación Científica. Conocimiento. Perfeccionamiento.A universidade exerce papel importante no incentivo à pesquisa científica, o qual tem como base o apoio dos professores para propiciar a inserção do acadêmico à pesquisa como principal estímulo às atividades que fomentam a Iniciação Científica (IC). O estudo teve como objetivo geral identificar a percepção dos acadêmicos do curso de Ciências Contábeis em relação ao tema Iniciação Científica. Quanto a metodologia a pesquisa classificou-se como descritiva com abordagem quantitativa dos dados. A coleta ocorreu por meio da aplicação de questionário fechado aplicado no segundo semestre de 2018, aos alunos matriculados do 1º ao 8º semestre, no curso de Ciências Contábeis, na Universidade de Mato Grosso Campus de Tangará da Serra – MT. A população foi composta por 242 acadêmicos, sendo que destes, 153 participaram da pesquisa. Conclui-se que houve predominância do gênero feminino (57%) e que a maioria dos acadêmicos (72%) tem alguma percepção sobre o tema Iniciação Científica, contudo 69% dos entrevistados alegou não possuir nenhuma produção científica e 77% desconhece os programas de fomento à pesquisa científica, o que provavelmente se reflete na baixa participação em projetos científicos (8%).   Palavras-chave: Pesquisa. Iniciação Científica. Conhecimento. Aperfeiçoamento.&nbsp

    Verdade e fake news: um olhar a partir do direito fundamental de acesso à informação

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    This article was produced from the deductive methodology, with bibliographic analysis of articles and ac-ademic law and social works. Its main objective is to discuss the relationship between the fundamental rights of public transparency and access to information in a society that is daily affected by the dissemina-tion of news and false information, shared not only by individuals, but also by political agents themselves.Este artigo foi produzido a partir da metodologia dedutiva, com análise bibliográfica de artigos e de trabalhos acadêmicos das áreas de Ciências Jurídicas e sociais. Seu principal objetivo é discorrer sobre as relações existentes entre os direitos fundamentais de transparência pública e acesso às informações em uma sociedade cotidianamente afetada pela veiculação de notícias e informações falsas, compartilhadas não só por particulares, mas também pelos próprios agentes políticos

    Energy Efficiency Analysis in a Higher Education Institution in Manaus - Amazonas

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    Thinking about solving the problem of high consumption and high cost in the electricity bill, this study proposes to present proposals to increase the energy efficiency of the site. In this sense, it is proposed an energy efficiency analysis of a Public Higher Education Institution in the Municipality of Manaus, Amazonas. A building survey was performed on the appliances and components of the building\u27s electrical system, as well as an assessment of electricity bills to measure consumption. In order to verify voltage, current and power, electric measuring instruments were used to elaborate proposals aiming at increasing the energy efficiency of the site. Through the results obtained during the building survey at the IES, it was possible to observe the anomalies of the systems and indicate proposals for repair or replacement of equipment to increase the energy efficiency of the building. From the results obtained from the invoice it was possible to propose a new value of demand contract and by comparing the collected data, we identified the appliances that make the electric system less efficient, in this case, the air conditioners. Recurring payment problems with overconsumption were encountered. Adhering to the proposal of a new contract value with possible annual savings of R 22,543.92referringtothepaymentofthedemandportionintheelectricitybill.ItisalsoproposedtoreplacecurrentlampswithLEDtubelamps,reducingenergyconsumptionby9,122kWh/monthandsavingR 22,543.92 referring to the payment of the demand portion in the electricity bill. It is also proposed to replace current lamps with LED tube lamps, reducing energy consumption by 9,122 kWh / month and saving R 3,263.57 per month. As for the proposal presented for the HVAC system, given the exchange of existing appliances for new and energy efficient, was not viable. Despite representing a reduction of 41869.91 kWh / month, the expected investment is not paid

    Impacts of the Adoption of IFRS 16 for Companies with Intensive Use of Mobile Assets

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    This study analysed through an event study if the IFRS 16 disclosure on January 2016 and its implementation on January 2019 affected the value of the companies. The IFRS 16 addresses the accounting for lease and its operation. Before its effectiveness, operating lease and rental were recorded in the financial statements as operating expenses, known as off-balance sheet. This change consisted in classifying the current operating lease and rental, changing the entry in the financial statement of “operating expenses” for “depreciation and interest”, without changing the total amount, that is, without impact on the profit for the year. According to the cash flow analysis, a change on the value of the company is not expected. The mining segment was chosen because it has an intensive use of mobile assets. This segment uses operating lease and rental in order to have available operational mobile assets. A total of 1002 companies on the Toronto, London, and Sydney stock exchanges were analysed on the two reference dates. Variations in abnormal returns suggested that the value of companies was affected by the IFRS 16 disclosure and implementation