10,546 research outputs found

    Denying the Dream: How the Proposed Changes to the US Naturalization Test Would Prevent Immigrants from Becoming Citizens

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    This report details how (as of September 2003) efforts by the US Citizenship and Immigration Service (former Immigration and Naturalization Service) to redesign the citizenship test could threaten the aspirations of many immigrants, particularly Latinos and others with lower levels of education, to gain US citizenship

    InfluĂȘncia dos cancros ginecolĂłgicos e de mama no ajustamento conjugal

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    Tese de mestrado integrado em Psicologia (Psicologia ClĂ­nica e da SaĂșde - NĂșcleo de SaĂșde e Doença), apresentada Ă  Universidade de Lisboa atravĂ©s da Faculdade de Psicologia e de CiĂȘncias da Educação, 2008Nesta investigação pretende-se avaliar a influĂȘncia dos cancros ginecolĂłgicos ou de mama no nĂ­vel de ajustamento conjugal, atravĂ©s da percepção retrospectiva da mulher. A visĂŁo prospectiva da mulher acerca do ajustamento marital tambĂ©m Ă© objectivo deste estudo. Desta amostra fizeram parte 17 mulheres com cancro ginecolĂłgico ou de mama. Estas encontravam-se em perĂ­odo de internamento depois da cirurgia. Foi aplicada Ă s participantes uma tradução da RevisĂŁo da Escala de Ajustamento DiĂĄdico (Busby, Christensen, Crane & Larson, 1995) duas vezes, a primeira baseada na fase atĂ© o conhecimento do diagnĂłstico, e a segunda referente ao perĂ­odo desde o conhecimento do diagnĂłstico atĂ© ao pĂłs-cirurgico. Por Ășltimo, realizou-se uma entrevista semiestruturada, que visava explorar as diferenças nas respostas da Escala nos dois momentos, o apoio do companheiro na doença e a percepção futura do nĂ­vel de ajustamento conjugal. Os resultados mostraram que existe um aumento no nĂ­vel de ajustamento marital na fase posterior ao diagnĂłstico. Ainda que algumas participantes tenham afirmado a inexistĂȘncia de alteraçÔes na vida conjugal depois do diagnĂłstico, outras manifestaram a implementação de mudanças positivas, como a aproximação do casal. Estas percepçÔes levam a que o futuro do casal nĂŁo seja uma preocupação para estas mulheres, que reconhecem a importĂąncia do apoio do marido neste processo. Apesar das dificuldades com que estes casais se deparam ao longo desta vivĂȘncia, estas mulheres reconhecem a existĂȘncia de aspectos positivos que decorrem da mesma.The aim of the present study is to assess the influence of gynaecologic and breast cancer on the marital adjustment level, through a woman’s retrospective perception. The woman’s prospective perception is an additional aim of this study. Data was collected on 17 women with gynaecologic and breast cancer. These women were hospitalised, after the surgery. The participants answered a Portuguese translation of the Revised Dyadic Adjustment Scale (RDAS; Busby, Christensen, Crane, & Larson, 1995). This scale was applied twice, the first application was carried out in the period before diagnosis, and the second application took place during the phase since diagnosis knowledge up to the moment after surgery. Finally, a semi-structured interview was conducted to explore the different responses of these two moments assessed by the scale, as well as the husband’s support through the illness and the woman’s future perception of the adjustment marital level. The results indicate that there is an increase in the marital adjustment level in the post-diagnosis phase. Although some participants affirmed that there were no changes in conjugal life after diagnosis, others revealed positive changes like an increase in the couple’s closeness. These perceptions imply that these women are not concerned with the future status of their relationship and that they recognise their husband’s support through this process. In spite of the difficulties encountered by these couples living through the process of this disease, these women are able to recognise the positive outcomes that are derived from it

    Open source environment to define constraints in route planning for GIS-T

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    Route planning for transportation systems is strongly related to shortest path algorithms, an optimization problem extensively studied in the literature. To find the shortest path in a network one usually assigns weights to each branch to represent the difficulty of taking such branch. The weights construct a linear preference function ordering the variety of alternatives from the most to the least attractive.Postprint (published version

    The Libyan Spring and NATO: an opportune responsibility

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    Texto da comunicação apresentada a 6th Graz Workshop on the Future of Security, Graz, Áustria, 10-11 de junho de 2013In the context of popular demonstrations and political upheavals of the Arab Spring, this paper addresses the 2011 intervention in Libya as a case for deepening the understanding of individual-centred security policies. Drawing on a conceptual and normative approach of R2P and NATO, it seeks to denaturalize the idea that Operation Unified Protector is a success in organizational terms, in order to uncover the underlying implications of “efficiency” in running an intervention based on R2P. It argues that there is a dissonance between the normative evolution towards ethics and military deeds which blurs the significance of responsibility. This results in a twisted sense of cosmopolitanism which primarily affects the referent object of security that has been dominant in contemporary interventionism, i.e., the unsecured civilian

    Equivalences et forme prénexe pour les formules booléennes quantifiées

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    Équivalences et forme prĂ©nexe pour les formules boolĂ©ennes quantifiĂ©es.

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    La plupart des procĂ©dures pour rĂ©soudre le problĂšme de validitĂ© desformules boolĂ©ennes quantifiĂ©es prennent en entrĂ©e seulement des formules sous forme normale conjonctive. Or, il est rarement naturel d’exprimer un problĂšme directement sous cette forme. Dans ce travail, nous exhibons un motif possĂ©dant d’intĂ©ressantes propriĂ©tĂ©s, particuliĂšrement lors de la mise sous forme prĂ©nexe. Les rĂ©sultats expĂ©rimentaux montrent qu’utiliser nos Ă©quivalences logiques amĂ©liore le temps de rĂ©solution par les diffĂ©rentes procĂ©dures

    Drones and the uninsurable security subjects

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    This paper engages with the security dynamics underlying the use of drones and their impact on security subjects – individuals and groups that are the ultimate recipients of specific security policies, regardless of whether these have beneficial effects on them. Using Mark Duffield’s distinction between the insured Global North and the non-insured Global South, this paper discusses how drones generate a radical dissociation between the intervener and the intervened that ultimately produces new security environments at the margins of the international system. These new security environments are defined by the articulation between space, technologies and bodies: bodies of invisible subjects; bodies that are uninsurable

    Visibility and politics: an Arendtian reading of the US drone policy

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    This article analyses the critical connections between drones as lethal technological devices, visibility, and the very possibility of politics. Drawing on Hannah Arendt’s core postulates on politics, modern security and society, it problematises the political implications of using drones as a prominent security instrument in contemporary life. This reading is unpacked through the concept of visibility as a critical reference to analyse how security policies are dealt with politically. It suggests that drones have operated as an instrument of double invisibility, both to those living in the contexts where they are employed, and to those under whose name they are being used. The consequences of this invisibility for political life and the practice of security are also discussed in the light of the policy under the Obama administration

    A generalization of the S-function method applied to a Duffing-Van der Pol forced oscillator

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    In [1,2] we have developed a method (we call it the S-function method) that is successful in treating certain classes of rational second order ordinary differential equations (rational 2ODEs) that are particularly `resistant' to canonical Lie methods and to Darbouxian approaches. In this present paper, we generalize the S-function method making it capable of dealing with a class of elementary 2ODEs presenting elementary functions. Then, we apply this method to a Duffing-Van der Pol forced oscillator, obtaining an entire class of first integrals
