46 research outputs found


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    There are still some companies that do not apply ERP with company/organizational processing. ERP implementation is very important for companies, therefore it is necessary to find the right vendor to be applied to the company. So this research is needed to find out which vendors are most widely used in global business. The method used in this research is to find data in the literature and related journals. This research results in an ERP vendor that relatively dominates the market is SAP

    Review Buku: Mencari Formulasi Komunikasi Islam di Tengah Gelombang Media Online

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    Jurnalistik online adalah terminologi baru di era komunikasi digital. Ia merupakan suatu model jurnalistik yang berkembang dari jurnalistik konvensional, yang tidak hanya berbeda dari segi konten, tetapi juga teknologi, pendekatan dan karakternya. Buku ini mengulas jurnalistik online beserta topik-topik yang bersinggungan dengannya, seperti jurnalisme sipil, media online, kode etik jurnalistik online, gaya penulisan jurnalis online dan teknik-teknik penulisannya. Buku ini juga mengulas fenomena media sosial, blog dan tren radio-tv berbasis internet

    Masa Depan Teknologi Komunikasi Data, Menebak Arah Perkembangannya

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    ABSTRAKDengan perkembangan saat ini, kebutuhan internet dapat juga disebut kebutuhan pokok. Apalagi pada saat ini, di saat pandemi COVID-19 ini semua aktivitas dilakukan di rumah. Kegiatan belajar mengajar, bisnis, agama (kajian online) semua dilakukan melalui online (Youtube, Teleconference) semua itu menggunakan jaringan internet. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan jaringan internet yang cepat dan juga stabil. Hadirnya teknologi jaringan 5G akan banyak mendapatkan berbagai informasi dengan cepat dan mudah. Semua ini akan dibahas melalui tulisan kami. Disini kita akan mendapat gambaran seperti apa teknologi jaringan yang akan datang. Salah satunya yang paling terlihat berbeda dari sebelumnya yaitu dari segi kecepatan, dari yang sebelumnya (Mb/s) menjadi (Gb/s). Hasil penelitian ini akan menggambarkan apa yang akan terjadi di masa depan jika teknologi ini benar-benar akan diadopsi oleh pemerintah. Kita hanya dapat menunggu langkah apa yang akan dilakukan oleh pemerintah dalam menyediakan regulasi yang dapat menjamin agar 5G tidak menimbulkan masalah pada pihak tertentu.Kata kunci: Teknologi, Jaringan, 5

    Implementation of Supply Chain Management in Managing Vehicle Spare Parts Using CodeIgniter Framework

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    Company Z is a business entity engaged in the distribution of motorcycle parts in partnership with local shops in the supply chain. The process of recording parts distribution services, service returns and report services is still done manually. So this process is quite vulnerable to data loss that has been recorded. Therefore, a more effective and efficient recording system is needed. The system will be designed using the concept of Supply Chain Management which includes the process of purchasing goods, selling goods, managing suppliers, returning goods and managing reports. In this study the authors used a descriptive qualitative research method with interview, observation and document collection data collection techniques. The system is designed using a codeigniter framework and uses a MySQL database. The system that has been designed can provide solutions in recording the purchase, sales, management, product returns, and report management services that have been carried out based on the website so that it becomes more effective and efficien


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    This research aims to evaluate the protective potency of freeze-dried egg yolk powder on Garut ram sperm during the liquid semen preservation process. Semen with good sperm quality was divided into three groups and diluted using the following Tris diluents: fresh egg yolk-Tris (FEY-Tris), commercial egg yolk powder-Tris (CEY-Tris), and freeze-dried egg yolk powder-Tris (DEY-Tris). Semen that had been diluted was observed every 12 hours until sperm progressive motility was 50%. Sperm quality was tested for progressive motility percentages, viability, intact plasma membrane (IPM), and intact acrosome (IA). Fresh egg yolk had a particle size of 14460.00±330.76 nm, with polydispersity index value (PI) and zeta potential (ZP) being 1.00±0.11 and -9.22±0.30 mV, respectively. The particle size of commercial egg yolk powder was 877.90±168.86 nm with PI value 0.34±0.04 and ZP-28.7±1.24 mV. The particle size of freeze-dried egg yolk powder was 1296.00±86.73 nm, with PI value 0.70±0.04 and ZP -34.5±0.64 mV. Progressive motility percentage showed that DEY-Tris diluent managed to survive to 51.11±6.06% for 168 hours, compared to FEY-Tris (51.25±6.74%) which survived for 156 hours, although no longer than CEY-Tris diluent (53.47±6.33%) which survive for 180 hours (P0.05). Higher sperm motility was also supported by viability percentage, IPM, and IA, which were all higher (P0.05). In conclusion, freeze dried egg yolk powder mixed with Tris buffer was able to maintain sperm quality during the liquid semen preservation process

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Manajemen Penyewaan Lapangan Futsal "ZUPER"

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    Zuper futsal field rental is a business entity engaged in the field of rental services that require the existence of an information system. Information systems in a company play an important role in the progress and management of a company as well as in the zuper rental system that is to be able to support and provide satisfactory services to each customer. The system that exists in some futsal fields in general is still simple with menual management, most of the problems that are often encountered are the process of recording data and transactions requiring a long time. The possibility of errors in writing a data and the security of the document is not guaranteed, because many lost documents will make it difficult for you to do a data search or report printing. Designing an application in the form of a program that functions to process and simplify business processes that occur on the Zuper futsal field, starting from the data processing of tenants, leasing transactions, to printing reports are expected to be the best solution to solve problems that exist in a business entity to support efficiency and the effectiveness of working on a field renta

    Responsive Strategy Versus Efficiency Strategy On New Product Launches (A Study Literature)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategi yang tepat antara strategi responsif dan strategi efisien pada peluncuran produk baru, mengingat diperlukan strategi yang berbeda pada perlakuan kedua jenis produk tersebut. Dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif, data dalam penelitian ini didapat melalui pengumpulan referensi yang relevan. Dengan menggunakan kajian pustaka tersebut juga dapat membandingkan karakteristik strategi dari produk inovatif dan produk fungsional. Hasil penelitian menunjukan produk fungsional cenderung menggunakan strategi efisiensi. Sementara strategi responsif lebih tepat digunakan pada produk inovatif.


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    Dalam perusahaan tata kelola merupakan hal yang wajib dan sangat diperlukan, begitu juga dengan salah satu bagian dari tata kelola perusahaan ialah tata kelola teknologi informasi(TI), yang mengatur alur maupun kinerja teknologi informasi dalam perusahaan. Demi terciptanya tata kelola yang baik dibutuhkan buku panduan atau framework dalam membuatnya dan framework yang paling terkenal dalam tata kelola TI ialah COBIT dan ITIL yang memiliki kelebihan dan kelemahan masing-masing, namun apakah dampak dari popularitas kedua framework tersebut mempengaruhi kinerja perusahaan. Kata Kunci: tata kelola teknologi informasi, COBIT, ITIL

    Implementasi Sistem Basis Data Cloud Computing pada Sektor Pendidikan

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    Abstract- Information and communication technology is growing rapidly. One of the emerging technologies is cloud computing. Cloud computing is a computing service that leverages the Internet network as its supporters. Cloud computing technology can be implemented in various fields, including education. This research is about how the implementation of cloud computing on the education and benefits sectors will be gained when cloud computing is implemented. The purpose of this research is to find out if cloud computing might be applied to the education sector, as well as the benefits provided by cloud computing. This research uses qualitative descriptive methods with the technique of data collection in the form of literary studies. Based on the research conducted the results that the services presented by the cloud computing have a variety of benefits, can primarily improve efficiency and effectiveness in the education sector.Keywords: cloud computing, education Abstrak- Teknologi informasi dan komunikasi berkembang semakin pesat. Salah satu teknologi yang sedang berkembang saat ini adalah komputasi awan. Komputasi awan merupakan layanan komputasi yang memanfaatkan jaringan internet sebagai pendukungnya. Teknologi komputasi awan bisa diterapkan di berbagai bidang, termasuk di bidang pendidikan. Penelitian ini berisi tentang bagaimana penerapan komputasi awan pada sektor pendidikan dan manfaat yang akan diperoleh ketika komputasi awan diterapkan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah komputasi awan mungkin diterapkan pada sektor pendidikan, serta manfaat yang diberikan oleh komputasi awan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa studi literatur. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan diperoleh hasil bahwa layanan-layanan yang disajikan oleh komputasi awan memiliki beragam manfaat, utamanya dapat meningkatkan efisiensi dan  efektifitas pada sektor pendidikan.Kata kunci: komputasi awan, pendidika