24 research outputs found

    Is Dhul Qarnayn, Alexander the Great? Reflecting on Muhammad Rāghib al–Ṭabbākh�s contribution on a translated manuscript discovered in Timbuktu on Dul Qarnayn

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    This article emanates from a manuscript found in Timbuktu and digitised. The digitised version was subsequently translated by a team of translators and published as a book: Qissat Dhul Qarnayn [Tale of the two-horned one]. The most important question raised in reading this manuscript was the identity of Dhul Qarnayn. Subsequently to this manuscript being published as a book, a book written by Muḥammad Rāghib al-Ṭabbākh in 1949 in Arabic was examined, and it detailed a comprehensive scholarly study of the different views among scholars at that time about Dhul Qarnayn and Alexander the Great. This article reflects on the views of Muḥammad Rāghib al-Ṭabbākh in his book together with the manuscript found in Timbuktu and brings together views that attempt to establish and understand who Dhul Qarnayn is or was and his adventures. INTRADISCIPLINARY AND/OR INTERDISCIPLINARY IMPLICATIONS : The article elaborates on a topic that has been discussed by historians and theologians of the Jewish, Christian and Islamic faiths. It forms part of the discussion on apocalyptic literature. Within the Islamic context, it is often discussed among scholars dealing with the exegesis of the Qur’an and the Hadith. Some Sufi scholars tend to discuss it as well. It has intrigued some archaeologists. It highlights some civilisational issues at the time.http://www.ve.org.zaam2018Science of Religion and Missiolog

    Kitāb Aḫbār Makka ... wa-mā ǧāʾa fīhā min āṯār

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    von Abul-Walîd Muhammed ben Abdallah Azrakí. Nach den Handschriften zu Berlin, Gotha, Leyden, Paris und Petersburg herausgegeben von Ferdinand WüstenfeldNebent.: Geschichte und Beschreibung der Stadt MekkaTeilw. in arab. Schrift, arab.S

    Arabe 1629

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    Contient : MUḤAMMAD IBN ʿABD ALLĀH ABŪ AL-WALĪD AL-AZRAQĪ, Aẖbār Makka al-mukarrama ; محمد بن عبد الله أبو الوليد الأزرقي. أخبار مكة المكرمة ; Risālat al-Mahdī ilā Ahl Makka ; رسالة المهدي إلى أهل مكةNumérisation effectuée à partir d'un document de substitution.Copie exécutée par Muḥammad ibn Qāsim ibn Muḥammad al-Nuwayrī (BROCKELMANN (C), Geschichte der arabischen Literatur, Suppl. II 34) et achevée à la fin de ǧumādā II 762/mai 1361 (f. 154v).Marque de possession au nom de ʿAffatī (?) (f. 1), marque de waqf (f. 1v, 8v, 19v...) ; cachet (f. 79). Rapporté par Sevin (cf. liste dans OMONT, Missions, II p. 1113-1116). - Notice de ʿUmar Efendī sur le contreplat supérieur (cf. ms Arabe 1490), une notice anonyme, une notice de J. Ascari datée de 1738

    Ribāṭs in Mecca during the medieval period: a descriptive study based on literary sources

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    ḤaramandḤimā: Sacred Space in the Pre-Islamic Ḥijāz

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    Conclusion: From Yathrib to the Prophet’s City

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    The Construction of a Sacred Topography

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