7 research outputs found

    Метод виявлення малорозмірних повітряних об’єктів оглядовими радіолокаційними станціями

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    We proposed the introduction of an additional mode of dispersed reception and the combination of one-position and multiple reception of signals to the existing one-position observation radar. We improved the algorithm for detection of an air object at its irradiation by several transmitters. We provided compensation of a delay time and Doppler frequency in each receiving channel to a separate volume of an observation radar upgrading the algorithm. The improved algorithm for detection of an air object at its irradiation by several transmitters is reduced to: coherent processing of received signals in each processing channel in each element corresponding to the relevant separate volume and the relevant separate Doppler frequency; quadratic detection in each processing channel in each element corresponding to the relevant separate volume and the relevant separate Doppler frequency; weight summation of detector outputs for each processing channel in each element corresponding to the relevant separate volume and the relevant separate Doppler frequency.We constructed a structural diagram of the detector of an air object at its illumination by several transmitters. Each receiving channel of a signal is a multichannel for distance and speed. The diagram provides reception, coherent processing of echo signals from third-party sources, compensation of delay and Doppler frequency differences relative to a separate volume of the observation radar and incoherent weight summation.We carried out estimation of the efficiency of detection of an air object at its irradiation by several transmitters. We established that the transition from a single-channel detection of an air object to the detection of an air object at the incoherent combination of two channels results in a significant shift of detection characteristics to the left.We selected the number of receiving channels to be combined. We established that it is most effective to combine two, at most three, reception channels.We constructed a structural diagram of channels that process echo signals of an observation radar by combining the methods of one-position and differential signal reception. For combining of one-position and dispersed location modes of observation radars, we provided complexing of corresponding digital reception devices and digital signal processing systems. The main principle underlying the combination of the mentioned receiving devices is the informational supplement without violating the standard modes of operation of observation radar.Предложено введение в существующую однопозиционную обзорную РЛС дополнительного режима разнесенного приема и объединение однопозиционного и разнесенного приема сигналов. Усовершенствован алгоритм обнаружения малоразмерных воздушных объектов при его облучении несколькими передатчиками. Разработанная схема обнаружителя обеспечивает прием, согласованную обработку эхо-сигналов внешних источников, компенсацию разности в задержке и частоте Допплера относительно разрешающего объема обзорной РЛС и некогерентное весовое суммирование. Установлено, что наиболее эффективным является объединение двух, максимум трех каналов приемаЗапропоновано введення в існуючу однопозиційну оглядову РЛС додаткового режиму рознесенного прийому та об’єднання однопозиційного та рознесеного прийому сигналів. Удосконалено алгоритм виявлення повітряного об’єкта при його опроміненні декількома передавачами. Розроблена схема виявлювача забезпечує прийом, узгоджену обробку ехо-сигналів сторонніх джерел, компенсацію різниць в затримці та частоті Допплера відносно роздільного об'єму оглядової РЛС та некогерентне вагове підсумовування. Встановлено, що найбільш ефективним є об’єднання двох, максимум трьох каналів прийом

    Метод виявлення малорозмірних повітряних об’єктів оглядовими радіолокаційними станціями

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    We proposed the introduction of an additional mode of dispersed reception and the combination of one-position and multiple reception of signals to the existing one-position observation radar. We improved the algorithm for detection of an air object at its irradiation by several transmitters. We provided compensation of a delay time and Doppler frequency in each receiving channel to a separate volume of an observation radar upgrading the algorithm. The improved algorithm for detection of an air object at its irradiation by several transmitters is reduced to: coherent processing of received signals in each processing channel in each element corresponding to the relevant separate volume and the relevant separate Doppler frequency; quadratic detection in each processing channel in each element corresponding to the relevant separate volume and the relevant separate Doppler frequency; weight summation of detector outputs for each processing channel in each element corresponding to the relevant separate volume and the relevant separate Doppler frequency.We constructed a structural diagram of the detector of an air object at its illumination by several transmitters. Each receiving channel of a signal is a multichannel for distance and speed. The diagram provides reception, coherent processing of echo signals from third-party sources, compensation of delay and Doppler frequency differences relative to a separate volume of the observation radar and incoherent weight summation.We carried out estimation of the efficiency of detection of an air object at its irradiation by several transmitters. We established that the transition from a single-channel detection of an air object to the detection of an air object at the incoherent combination of two channels results in a significant shift of detection characteristics to the left.We selected the number of receiving channels to be combined. We established that it is most effective to combine two, at most three, reception channels.We constructed a structural diagram of channels that process echo signals of an observation radar by combining the methods of one-position and differential signal reception. For combining of one-position and dispersed location modes of observation radars, we provided complexing of corresponding digital reception devices and digital signal processing systems. The main principle underlying the combination of the mentioned receiving devices is the informational supplement without violating the standard modes of operation of observation radar.Предложено введение в существующую однопозиционную обзорную РЛС дополнительного режима разнесенного приема и объединение однопозиционного и разнесенного приема сигналов. Усовершенствован алгоритм обнаружения малоразмерных воздушных объектов при его облучении несколькими передатчиками. Разработанная схема обнаружителя обеспечивает прием, согласованную обработку эхо-сигналов внешних источников, компенсацию разности в задержке и частоте Допплера относительно разрешающего объема обзорной РЛС и некогерентное весовое суммирование. Установлено, что наиболее эффективным является объединение двух, максимум трех каналов приемаЗапропоновано введення в існуючу однопозиційну оглядову РЛС додаткового режиму рознесенного прийому та об’єднання однопозиційного та рознесеного прийому сигналів. Удосконалено алгоритм виявлення повітряного об’єкта при його опроміненні декількома передавачами. Розроблена схема виявлювача забезпечує прийом, узгоджену обробку ехо-сигналів сторонніх джерел, компенсацію різниць в затримці та частоті Допплера відносно роздільного об'єму оглядової РЛС та некогерентне вагове підсумовування. Встановлено, що найбільш ефективним є об’єднання двох, максимум трьох каналів прийом

    Development of a rangefinding method for determining the coordinates of targets by a network of radar stations in counter-battery warfare

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    The increase in the accuracy of determining the coordinates of targets is explained by the use of a network of counter-battery radar stations and the rangefinding method for determining the coordinates of targets. The main advantage of using the rangefinding method for determining the coordinates of targets in a network of counter-battery radar stations is to ensure the required accuracy in determining the coordinates of targets without using accurate measurement of angular coordinates. The minimum geometry of the system, which ensures the use of the rangefinding method for determining coordinates, is given. The method of determining the coordinates of targets by a network of counter-battery radar stations has been improved. In contrast to the known ones, information about the range to the target is additionally used in a spatially distributed network of radar stations for counter-battery combat. The boundaries of the working zones of the network of two and three counter-battery radar stations are calculated. The features of creating a continuous strip using the rangefinding method for determining the coordinates of the target are considered. Statistical modeling of the rangefinding method for determining the plane coordinates of the target has been carried out. It has been established that the use of the rangefinding method ensures the determination of the planar coordinates of the target in a sector of at least 120°. The targets are at a distance of direct radio visibility in relation to the counter-battery radar. The root-mean-square error in determining the target range in this case is no more than 50 m. It has been established that the creation of continuous bands of a low-altitude radar field at a certain height is possible by arranging radar stations in a line. In this case, the distance between the counter-battery radar stations should be no more than half the target detection range at this heigh

    Geschichtete Identitäten

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    Imperiale Situationen werden in den Kulturwissenschaften zunehmend auch als kulturell komplexe Möglichkeitsräume betrachtet. Wenig Aufmerksamkeit wurde bisher dem Verhältnis von subjektiv-individuellen und ‚kollektiven‘ Zugehörigkeitskonzepten gewidmet, wie auch der Frage, wie in imperialen Kontexten Selbst- und Fremdentwürfe verhandelt werden. Scheinbar homogene Größen wie Nation oder Region können dabei höchstens von teilweiser Bedeutung sein. Kulturelle Identitäten sind im Kontext imperialer Erfahrungen historisch und lebensweltlich „geschichteter", sie zeigen Merkmale der Gleichzeitigkeit unterschiedlicher Zeit- und Erfahrungsräume – und sie konstituieren und reflektieren sich nicht zuletzt in Erzählungen. Solchen Konstellationen und Erzählungen aus verschiedenen Zeiträumen geht das vorliegende Buch nach, wobei die Regionen Ost- und Südosteuropas im Fokus stehen, die besonders reiche und vielfältige Erfahrungen europäischer Identitätsbildung in imperialen Kontexten aufweisen.

    Tetrahydrated bis(monoaqua-bis(ethylenediamine)copper(II))-diaqua-bis(ethylenediamine)copper(II) dicitrate

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    The crystals of the first copper(II) ethylenediamine complex containing citrate anion have been prepared and characterized. Despite the archetypical character of the copper(II) ethylenediamine complexes, some structural peculiarities were found to be interesting since they are quite rare even among the mentioned type of the complex compounds i.e. a presence of both mono and diaqua-bis(ethylenediamine)copper(II) cations together in the same crystal structure, intramolecular hydrogen bonding of the citric anion, cis,trans-configuration of the citric anion and the disordered C-C bond of the ethylenediamine molecule in the monoaquabis(ethylenediamine)copper(II) cation, which in fact is a co-existence of two energetically close dd and dk conformers. The Raman as well as FTIR spectra were recorded and discussed. Finally, the magnetic measurements have shown paramagnetic behavior of the prepared complex in a wide range of temperatures

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    Imperiale Situationen werden in den Kulturwissenschaften zunehmend auch als kulturell komplexe Möglichkeitsräume betrachtet. Wenig Aufmerksamkeit wurde bisher dem Verhältnis von subjektiv-individuellen und ‚kollektiven‘ Zugehörigkeitskonzepten gewidmet, wie auch der Frage, wie in imperialen Kontexten Selbst- und Fremdentwürfe verhandelt werden. Scheinbar homogene Größen wie Nation oder Region können dabei höchstens von teilweiser Bedeutung sein. Kulturelle Identitäten sind im Kontext imperialer Erfahrungen historisch und lebensweltlich „geschichteter", sie zeigen Merkmale der Gleichzeitigkeit unterschiedlicher Zeit- und Erfahrungsräume – und sie konstituieren und reflektieren sich nicht zuletzt in Erzählungen. Solchen Konstellationen und Erzählungen aus verschiedenen Zeiträumen geht das vorliegende Buch nach, wobei die Regionen Ost- und Südosteuropas im Fokus stehen, die besonders reiche und vielfältige Erfahrungen europäischer Identitätsbildung in imperialen Kontexten aufweisen.