6 research outputs found

    Üliõpilaste akadeemilise kirjaoskuse arendamine Vikipeedia ülesande kaudu

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    Üliõpilaste akadeemilise kirjaoskuse arendamine on üks ülikooliõpingutele seatud eesmärke, kuid selle täitmist võivad takistada mitmesugused tegurid, sh üli õpilaste vähene huvi kirjutamisülesande vastu. Üks võimalus suurendada üliõpilaste huvi on asendada traditsiooniline referaat või essee veebis vabalt kättesaadava vikiartikliga. Siinses uurimuses on seatud eesmärgiks välja selgitada vikiülesande võimalused toetada üliõpilaste akadeemilise kirjaoskuse arengut. Tartu Ülikooli väljendusõpetuse kursuste õppejõudude, õppeassistentide ja üliõpilastega tehtud fookusrühma intervjuudest ilmneb, et vikiartikli ülesande kaudu saab peale kirjutamisoskuse muu hulgas arendada üliõpilaste digi- ja infopädevust, uurimis- ja analüüsioskust. Ühtlasi on Vikipeediasse kui avalikku veebientsüklopeediasse kirjutamine tugev motivaator, mis sunnib üliõpilasi pingutama, kuid see võib osa üliõpilaste jaoks olla ka stressiallikas, sest nad tunnevad suurt vastutust loodud artikli eest.  Summar

    Cross-linguistic patterns in the acquisition of quantifiers.

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    Learners of most languages are faced with the task of acquiring words to talk about number and quantity. Much is known about the order of acquisition of number words as well as the cognitive and perceptual systems and cultural practices that shape it. Substantially less is known about the acquisition of quantifiers. Here, we consider the extent to which systems and practices that support number word acquisition can be applied to quantifier acquisition and conclude that the two domains are largely distinct in this respect. Consequently, we hypothesize that the acquisition of quantifiers is constrained by a set of factors related to each quantifier's specific meaning. We investigate competence with the expressions for "all," "none," "some," "some…not," and "most" in 31 languages, representing 11 language types, by testing 768 5-y-old children and 536 adults. We found a cross-linguistically similar order of acquisition of quantifiers, explicable in terms of four factors relating to their meaning and use. In addition, exploratory analyses reveal that language- and learner-specific factors, such as negative concord and gender, are significant predictors of variation.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the National Academy of Sciences via http://dx.doi.org/10.1073/pnas.160134111

    Cross-linguistic patterns in the acquisition of quantifiers

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    Learners of most languages are faced with the task of acquiring words to talk about number and quantity. Much is known about the order of acquisition of number words as well as the cognitive and perceptual systems and cultural practices that shape it. Substantially less is known about the acquisition of quantifiers. Here, we consider the extent to which systems and practices that support number word acquisition can be applied to quantifier acquisition and conclude that the two domains are largely distinct in this respect. Consequently, we hypothesize that the acquisition of quantifiers is constrained by a set of factors related to each quantifier's specific meaning. We investigate competence with the expressions for "all," "none," "some," "some. not," and "most" in 31 languages, representing 11 language types, by testing 768 5-y-old children and 536 adults. We found a cross-linguistically similar order of acquisition of quantifiers, explicable in terms of four factors relating to their meaning and use. In addition, exploratory analyses reveal that language-and learner-specific factors, such as negative concord and gender, are significant predictors of variationLituanistikos katedraVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Research data supporting "Cross-linguistic patterns in the acquisition of quantifiers"

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    Response_Data.csv: Participant responses ('correct' or 'incorrect') to sentences with quantifiers ('all', 'none', 'some', 'some...not', 'most') in 31 languages presented in the context of different visual displays. Item_Coding.csv: How sentences with quantifiers ('all', 'none', 'some', 'some...not', 'most') were coded.European Cooperation in Science and Technology - COST [COST Action A33

    Research data supporting "Cross-linguistic patterns in the acquisition of quantifiers"

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    Response_Data.csv: Participant responses ('correct' or 'incorrect') to sentences with quantifiers ('all', 'none', 'some', 'some...not', 'most') in 31 languages presented in the context of different visual displays. Item_Coding.csv: How sentences with quantifiers ('all', 'none', 'some', 'some...not', 'most') were coded