159 research outputs found

    Opis dviju novih vrsta, Phoxinellus krbavensis i P. jadovensis, rediskripcija vrste P. fontinalis Karaman, 1972 i rasprava o rasprostranjenju vrsta roda Phoxinellus (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) u Hrvatskoj i u Bosni i Hercegovini

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    Including description of two new species, ten Phoxinellus species are reported from Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina. Phoxinellus krbavensis, new species, and Phoxinellus jadovensis, new species, together with P. adspersus and P. ghetaldii, constitute a group which is characterized by an irregular spotted color pattern, an elongate caudal peduncle, a large postcleithrum, an increased number of precaudal anal-fin pterygiophores, and the presence of a large genital papilla in females. P. krbavensis also differs from all congeners in having a short, highly interrupted lateral line formed from small, separated poorly ossified scales, commonly 20–40, extremely reduced body scales, a very short V-A distance, and the highest number of gill rakers (usually 11). P. jadovensis is distinguished from the other species of the group in having a conical slightly pointed snout, a terminal mouth, body scales embedded, poorly ossified, and spaced, and a long lateral line, commonly 51–60 total scales. P. pstrossii, described from the Trebišnjica River is tentatively considered to be a synonym for P. ghetaldii. P. fontinalis, a poorly-known striped Phoxinellus, differs from all other species of the genus in particular by having a strongly laterally compressed, humped body with a straightened ventral profile and a short caudal peduncle, well developed scales, an incomplete interrupted lateral line with (17)23–37(56) total scales, terminating in the area between the pectoral and anal fins, and a rel-atively elongate abdominal vertebral region, total count usually 23+16 or 23+17 with numerous both predorsal (15) and intermediate (5) vertebrae.Zajedno s opisom dviju novih vrsta poznato je deset opisanih vrsta roda Phoxinellus iz Hrvatske i Bosne i Hercegovine. Dvije nove vrste, P. krbavensis i P. jadovensis zajedno s P. adspersus i P. ghetaldii tvore skupinu koju karakteriziraju: nepravilne točkaste šare, izduženi korijen repa, veliki postkleitrum, povećani broj pterigiofora u podrepnoj peraji, te povećana genitalna kvržica kod ženki. P. krbavensis se od srodnih vrsta razlikuje po kratkoj i vrlo isprekidanoj bočnoj pruzi, koju čini najčešće 20 do 40 sitnih razdvojenih i slabo okoštalih ljusaka, veoma kratkoj A–V udaljenosti, te najvećem broju škržnih lukova (najčešće 11). P. jadovensis se razlikuje od drugih vrsta iz skupine po koničnom, blago zašiljenom rostrumu, terminalnim ustima, slabo osificiranim uraslim ljuskama i dugoj neprekinutoj bočnoj pruzi s najčešće ukupno 51 do 60 ljusaka. P. pstrossii opisan iz rijeke Trebišnjice je najvjerojatnije sinonim P. ghetaldii. P. fontinalis je dosad slabo poznata Phoxinellus vrsta koja se razlikuje od ostalih vrsta roda po izrazito bočno spljoštenom grbavom tijelu s izravnatim trbušnim profilom i kratkim korijenom repa, dobro razvijenim ljuskama, nepotpunom i isprekidanom bočnom prugom s ukupno (17)23–37(56) ljusaka koja završava između prsne i podrepne peraje, relativno produženim abdominalnim dijelom kralježnice (najčešće 23+16 ili 23+17) s brojnim predleđnim (15) i središnjim (5) kralješcima

    Synthesis and Characterization of Two Novel Zinc(II) Complexes with Ciprofloxacin. Crystal Structure of [C17H19N3O3F]2 ⋅ [ZnCl4] ⋅ 2H2O

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    The complexation of ZnII ions with quinolone in aqueous solution depends mainly upon pH. To investigate the pH dependence of the complexation between ZnII and the quinolone derivative Ciprofloxacin (abbreviation cfH), UV-Vis spectroscopy was used. The crystal structure of the compound [C17H19N3O3F]2 ⋅ [ZnCl4] ⋅ 2H2O (compound I) was determined by X-ray diffraction, which showed the structure to be ionic, consisting of a tetrachlorozincate(II) dianion and two protonated, monocationic Ciprofloxacin molecules. Compound II ([Zn(cf)2] ⋅ 3H2O) was obtained as microcrystals from an aqueous solution of Ciprofloxacin hydrochloride and zine sulphate adjusted to pH = 8 by the addition of sodium hydroxide. Both complexes were characterized by elemental analysis, mass speetrometry, TG analysis and IR spectroscopy. From the analysis of these results we have proposed a probable mode of bonding for the complexation of ZnII to Ciprofloxacin in compound II

    Contemporary Dental Ceramics

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    The aim of this study was to provide an overview of evolution of ceramic systems and future perspectives related to computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technology. Dental ceramics were introduced to restorative dentistry at the beginning of the XX century as porcelain jacket crowns. However, their limited use in clinical practice was mainly associated to the mechanical shortcomings. In the early sixties porcelain-fused to-metal restorations were developed and for years have represented the “gold standard”, thanks to their good mechanical properties and to somewhat satisfactory esthetics. In the last thirty years, the growing demand for highly esthetic restorations has led to development of new all-ceramic materials and techniques. All-ceramic restorations combine esthetic veneering porcelains (consisting of a glass and a crystalline phase of fluoroapatite, aluminum oxide, or leucite) with strong ceramic cores, mainly made of lithium-disilicate, aluminum-oxide or zirconium-oxide. The most common complication is fracture that can initiate from several different sites on the surface, at interfaces, or within the material. While conventional methods of ceramic fabrication usually contain internal porosity, CAD/CAM technology ensures almost no internal defects. Such improvements in ceramic processing have allowed better structural reliability and greatly contributed to the success of all ceramic systems

    Catastrophe Survived? The Failure of the Tragic in Moira Buffini'sWelcome to Thebes

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    In Moira Buffini's Welcome to Thebes (2010) Antigone fails to reach her tragic destiny, the city of Thebes fails to become an autonomous democratic state, and the audience fails to witness the splendour of the ancient heroine. In this paper I consider these three failures as interrelated and dependent upon one another, arguing, along psychoanalytic lines, that they register changing attitudes towards knowledge and the Other which ultimately determine the meaning of ‘failure’. However, in order to better appreciate the contemporary scope of failure, I draw on both Lacan and Baudrillard, highlighting convergences between the two theorists. In particular, I argue that Lacan's notion of the inconsistent Other can be supplemented by Baudrillard's notion of the impossible exchange. Further, the relevance of these notions for theatre and spectatorship is discussed in detail, as they both invite spectators to reflect on their own involvement in the scene they witness and the ontological conditions of (their own) absence and presence. Failure to do so possibly indicates an irreparable loss of the critical capacity which we have always considered central to radical thought

    Validation of the Short Version (TLS-15) of the Triangular Love Scale (TLS-45) Across 37 Languages

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    Love is a phenomenon that occurs across the world and affects many aspects of human life, including the choice of, and process of bonding with, a romantic partner. Thus, developing a reliable and valid measure of love experiences is crucial. One of the most popular tools to quantify love is Sternberg’s 45-item Triangular Love Scale (TLS-45), which measures three love components: intimacy, passion, and commitment. However, our literature review reveals that most studies (64%) use a broad variety of shortened versions of the TLS-45. Here, aiming to achieve scientific consensus and improve the reliability, comparability, and generalizability of results across studies, we developed a short version of the scale—the TLS-15—comprised of 15 items with 5-point, rather than 9-point, response scales. In Study 1 (N = 7,332), we re-analyzed secondary data from a large-scale multinational study that validated the original TLS-45 to establish whether the scale could be truncated. In Study 2 (N = 307), we provided evidence for the three-factor structure of the TLS-15 and its reliability. Study 3 (N = 413) confirmed convergent validity and test–retest stability of the TLS-15. Study 4 (N = 60,311) presented a large-scale validation across 37 linguistic versions of the TLS-15 on a cross-cultural sample spanning every continent of the globe. The overall results provide support for the reliability, validity, and cross-cultural invariance of the TLS-15, which can be used as a measure of love components—either separately or jointly as a three-factor measure

    Narcissism and the strategic pursuit of short-term mating : universal links across 11 world regions of the International Sexuality Description Project-2.

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    Previous studies have documented links between sub-clinical narcissism and the active pursuit of short-term mating strategies (e.g., unrestricted sociosexuality, marital infidelity, mate poaching). Nearly all of these investigations have relied solely on samples from Western cultures. In the current study, responses from a cross-cultural survey of 30,470 people across 53 nations spanning 11 world regions (North America, Central/South America, Northern Europe, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Southern Europe, Middle East, Africa, Oceania, Southeast Asia, and East Asia) were used to evaluate whether narcissism (as measured by the Narcissistic Personality Inventory; NPI) was universally associated with short-term mating. Results revealed narcissism scores (including two broad factors and seven traditional facets as measured by the NPI) were functionally equivalent across cultures, reliably associating with key sexual outcomes (e.g., more active pursuit of short-term mating, intimate partner violence, and sexual aggression) and sex-related personality traits (e.g., higher extraversion and openness to experience). Whereas some features of personality (e.g., subjective well-being) were universally associated with socially adaptive facets of Narcissism (e.g., self-sufficiency), most indicators of short-term mating (e.g., unrestricted sociosexuality and marital infidelity) were universally associated with the socially maladaptive facets of narcissism (e.g., exploitativeness). Discussion addresses limitations of these cross-culturally universal findings and presents suggestions for future research into revealing the precise psychological features of narcissism that facilitate the strategic pursuit of short-term mating