65 research outputs found

    Teoria mbi parandalimin e konflikteve. Çfarë mund të përfitojë Kosova nga kjo?

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    Në këtë punim bëhet fjalë për teorinë e konceptit mbi parandalimin e një konflikti. Nëse politikanët kosovarë duan që vërtet ta stabilizojnë shtetin e ri, atëherë duhet të gjejnë zgjidhje dhe t’i marrin në konsideratë rekomandimet e teorisë mbi parandalimin e një konflikti, dhe pastaj ta gjejnë mënyrën e tyre për t’i zgjidhur problemet nga fusha e politikës, shoqërisë, ekonomisë dhe kulturës. Me vonë, vendimmarrësit dhe zyrtarët e lartë duhet t’i hartojnë strategjitë e tyre të veçanta dhe politikat mbi parandalimin e konflikteve, për t’u zvogëluar kështu mundësitë e një shkallëzimi të ri të dhunës. Ky punim paraqet disa arsye historike dhe bashkëkohore mbi origjinën e dhunës dhe lidhjen e tyre me parandalimin e konflikteve. Punimi, po ashtu, sqaron zhvillimin e konceptit të parandalimit të konflikteve bashkëkohore, duke filluar që nga nisma e KB-së në vitin 1960, e cila u avancua në mënyrë gjithëpërfshirëse në Bashkimin Evropian, dhe nga disa organizata të tjera ndërkombëtare. Dallimi në mes të parandalimit struktural dhe parandalimit operativ të konflikteve shpjegohet në fund të këtij punimi, duhet theksuar se, parandalimi struktural i konflikteve është i domosdoshëm për Kosovën, si shtet i ri, i cili u shfaq rishtas në fushën politike në Ballkanin Perëndimor

    The Theory of Conflict Prevention. What can Kosovo draw out of it?

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    The article discusses the theories of the concept of conflict prevention. Kosovo political elites should, if they really want to stabilize the new country, take findings and recommendations of the theory of conflict prevention into consideration, and then find their own way (practice) how to address the problems, related to conflict prevention arising from political, social, economic and cultural sphere. Afterwards, the decisionmakers and high officials have to model their own specific strategies and policies of conflict prevention in order to reduce possibilities of new escalation of violence. The article discusses some historical and modern explanations of origins of violence and the relation between them and conflict prevention. The article also explains the development of the concept of modern conflict prevention, beginning in the framework of the United Nations in 1960’s and culminating in comprehensive approach of conflict prevention in the European Union and some other international organizations. Difference between structural and operation conflict prevention is explained in last part of the article, with argumentation the structural conflict prevention is necessity for Kosovo as a newly emerged political entity in the Western Balkans

    Limits to the European Union’s Normative Power in a Post-conflict Society: EULEX and Peacebuilding in Kosovo

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    Peacebuilding; EULEX; Kosovo; European Union; Conflict prevention; Normative power; Post-conflict; IECE

    Sensor system with real time data analysis

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    Maintaining and controlling the appropriate temperature and other conditions of the cold chain for perishable products is important research area, since in case of improper handling, we lose huge amounts of food. With the implementation of smart sensor systems and algorithms, we can detect deviations and respond appropriately to them. In the master's thesis, we developed a prototype sensor system for real-time data monitoring and analysis with a supportive web application. The microcontroller NodeMCU ensures communication with sensors for temperature, humidity, oxygen, carbon dioxide, ethylene and light; the data is recorded on a memory card or sent via Wi-Fi connection to the server. Based on temperature measurement, we dynamically predicted the shelf life of the fish. We tested our system with fruit and vegetables for analysis of ripening under cold storage conditions and the effect of ethylene in apples on cucumbers

    Similarity-based visualization of sounds

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    The thesis focuses on the visualization of a collection of sound recordings by the criterion of mutual similarity. The product of the thesis is an online application, which includes a graphic visualization of the calculated data and metadata of the observed recordings. The studied group consists of sound recordings, which we acquired from the website of the Work With Sounds project and a few other sites. First we calculated 27 low-level features of each recording, which were the basis on which we determined the similarities. Then we used hierarchical clustering to combine the recordings into groups. The final visualization was made with SVG graphic elements, which are based on data and generated by the D3 JavaScript library. We used the library to realise the user interaction and make it possible to see the picture of sound and play the recording. The visualization is based on the zoomable circle packing method

    The Attitudes of People Living at the Slovenian State Border Toward Immigrants: A Case Study of the Municipalities Kostel and Osilnica

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    Avtorja v članku preučujeta stališča prebivalcev občin Kostel in Osilnica ob slovensko-hrvaški meji do ljudi na poti. Na tem območju skušajo migranti množično prečkati mejo, zato je posrednih ali neposrednih stikov med lokalnim prebivalstvom in migranti več kot drugod po državi. Zanimalo ju je, ali so stališča tamkajšnjega prebivalstva v primerjavi s stališči celotnega prebivalstva Slovenije o vprašanjih, povezanih z migranti, drugačna, in ali so povezana z nekaterimi demografskimi dejavniki (s spolom, starostjo, z izobrazbo, veroizpovedjo). Pričujočo mikroštudijo, ki temelji na terenski anketi, leta 2020 izvedeni v Kostelu in Osilnici, postavljata tudi v kontekst raziskav Slovensko javno mnenje.The authors explore the attitudes of residents of Kostel and Osilnica, two Slovenian municipalities bordering Croatia, toward people on the move. In this area, immigrants attempt to cross the border in large numbers; hence, the contact between the local population and the immigrants is more regular than elsewhere. The authors explore how the attitudes of locals living near the border compare to those of the general population of Slovenia and whether these attitudes are correlated with gender, age, education, and religion. The authors contextualize this micro-study, based on surveying in Kostel and Osilnica in 2020, within the large-scale surveying of Slovenia as a whole (Slovenian Public Opinion Survey)

    Tri spletne aplikacije o slovenskih narečjih

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    Potreba po večji prisotnosti narečnih vsebin na spletu in njihovi interaktivni multimedijski predstavitvi, predvsem strokovno zasnovanih dialektoloških virov in orodij, je spodbudila interdisciplinarno sodelovanje različnih fakultet Univerze v Ljubljani, zlasti Filozofske fakultete (FF) in Fakultete za računalništvo in informatiko (FRI), ki je v letih 2017 in 2018 obrodilo sadove v obliki treh prostodostopnih in odprtokodnih spletnih aplikacij o slovenskih narečjih – to so Slovenski narečni atlas (SNA, 2017), Interaktivna karta slovenskih narečnih besedil (IKNB, 2018) in Slovar starega orodja v govoru Loškega Potoka (SSOLP, 2018). Članek v prvem delu prinaša splošen pregled slovenskih spletnih dialektoloških virov in orodij, v drugem delu pa podrobnejšo predstavitev funkcionalnosti navedenih treh aplikacij, ki so uporabnikom trenutno na voljo. V diskusijskem delu pregleda je izpostavljen del okoliščin nastanka obravnavanih aplikacij in z nastankom povezanih omejitev, nakazane pa so tudi možne rešitve, ki bi jih veljalo preudariti za zagotovitev njihovega dolgoročnega razvoja

    Measuring line design for temporary overvoltage measurements

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    Namen magistrske naloge je sestava koncepta merilne proge za izvajanje določenih testov po standardu za prenapetostne zaščite v nizkonapetostnih elektroenergetskih inštalacijah. V podjetju, v katerem sem bil zaposlen, so se testi že izvajali, so pa bile tekom izvajanja testov ugotovljene določene pomanjkljivosti tako z vidika skladnosti izvedbe testa s standardom kot z vidika varnosti operaterja na merilni progi. V magistrskem delu so najprej predstavljene prenapetosti, njihove vrste in vplivi, v nadaljevanju pa prenapetostni odvodniki, njihov način delovanja in karakteristike ter lastnosti. Opisani so standardi, ki definirajo minimalne zahteve za prenapetostne zaščite v nizkonapetostnih elektroenergetskih inštalacijah, in proces njihovega nastajanja ter dopolnjevanja. Po teoretični predstavitvi prenapetostnih zaščit sledi koncipiranje merilne proge, in sicer s preučevanjem obstoječih merilnih prog, z iskanjem njihovih prednosti, ki jih je cilj obdržati, in z identifikacijo neželenih slabosti. Pri koncipiranju so predstavljeni sestavni deli koncepta merilne proge, shema ter način delovanja. V zaključku je obravnavano obstoječe stanje tehnike merilnih prog. Izvedena je primerjava obstoječih rešitev s predlaganim konceptom in ovrednoten je doprinos predlaganega koncepta.The main purpose of this thesis is to draw up a concept of the measuring line for the implementation of specific tests according to surge protection standard in low voltage installations. The company I had previously been employed at had already been performing the tests. However, during the process some shortcomings in terms of standard compliance and in terms of safety of the measuring line operator were identified. The first part of this thesis introduces overvoltage, its types and its effects. Further on, surge arresters, their operating mode, characteristics and features are presented. Standards which define minimum surge protection requirements in low voltage power installations are later on described along with the processes of their formation and complementation. Based on the theoretical presentation of the overvoltage protection a measuring line conceptualizing follows by studying the already existing measuring lines. The basic components of the measuring line’s concepts, the scheme and the operation mode are later on presented along with their advantages that are to be kept and disadvantages that are to be removed. The conclusion focuses on the state of the art and examines the existing measuring lines currently available on the market. They are compared to the presented concept and the concept’s contribution is evaluated

    The meaning of examining regional security complexes

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    From October last year to January this year, students of a double-degree master programme in the field of defence studies theoretically and practicallyexamined regional security complexes within the lessons of securitystudies. This issue of the magazine presents the concept and meaning of examining regional security complexes and basic premises of a methodological apparatus or analytical concept through which the examination was conducted. In the next issues of the magazine the students will present basic results of researches on four regional security complexes, namely Mercosur countries, West African countries, Northeast Asia and former Soviet Union countries