Measuring line design for temporary overvoltage measurements


Namen magistrske naloge je sestava koncepta merilne proge za izvajanje določenih testov po standardu za prenapetostne zaščite v nizkonapetostnih elektroenergetskih inštalacijah. V podjetju, v katerem sem bil zaposlen, so se testi že izvajali, so pa bile tekom izvajanja testov ugotovljene določene pomanjkljivosti tako z vidika skladnosti izvedbe testa s standardom kot z vidika varnosti operaterja na merilni progi. V magistrskem delu so najprej predstavljene prenapetosti, njihove vrste in vplivi, v nadaljevanju pa prenapetostni odvodniki, njihov način delovanja in karakteristike ter lastnosti. Opisani so standardi, ki definirajo minimalne zahteve za prenapetostne zaščite v nizkonapetostnih elektroenergetskih inštalacijah, in proces njihovega nastajanja ter dopolnjevanja. Po teoretični predstavitvi prenapetostnih zaščit sledi koncipiranje merilne proge, in sicer s preučevanjem obstoječih merilnih prog, z iskanjem njihovih prednosti, ki jih je cilj obdržati, in z identifikacijo neželenih slabosti. Pri koncipiranju so predstavljeni sestavni deli koncepta merilne proge, shema ter način delovanja. V zaključku je obravnavano obstoječe stanje tehnike merilnih prog. Izvedena je primerjava obstoječih rešitev s predlaganim konceptom in ovrednoten je doprinos predlaganega koncepta.The main purpose of this thesis is to draw up a concept of the measuring line for the implementation of specific tests according to surge protection standard in low voltage installations. The company I had previously been employed at had already been performing the tests. However, during the process some shortcomings in terms of standard compliance and in terms of safety of the measuring line operator were identified. The first part of this thesis introduces overvoltage, its types and its effects. Further on, surge arresters, their operating mode, characteristics and features are presented. Standards which define minimum surge protection requirements in low voltage power installations are later on described along with the processes of their formation and complementation. Based on the theoretical presentation of the overvoltage protection a measuring line conceptualizing follows by studying the already existing measuring lines. The basic components of the measuring line’s concepts, the scheme and the operation mode are later on presented along with their advantages that are to be kept and disadvantages that are to be removed. The conclusion focuses on the state of the art and examines the existing measuring lines currently available on the market. They are compared to the presented concept and the concept’s contribution is evaluated

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