36 research outputs found

    Nueva Residencia Estudiantil de la Universidad Nacional San Cristóbal de Huamanga

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    La presente tesis muestra el análisis y estudio de la provincia de Ayacucho a través del cual propone un proyecto que pueda responder a la falta de infraestructura de vivienda educativa para la Universidad Nacional San Cristóbal de Huamanga (UNSCH), que brinde servicios de hospedaje temporal, comedor, gimnasio, áreas comunes (lavandería, estacionamiento de bicicletas, áreas de estudio, patios, etc) en sinergia con una biblioteca, espacios coworking y espacios comerciales anclados a la ciudad mediante plazas públicas que puedan generar una conexión entre la vida universitaria y la vida urbana de su entorno. Los equipamientos que corresponden a la UNSCH al igual que muchos equipamientos educativos en el Perú generan bordes a través de muros perimetrales que fragmentan la ciudad, creando una barrera entre el interior de estos equipamientos y su entorno, conllevando a la creación de calles inseguras, poco transitadas y espacios residuales aprovechados como botaderos de basura. A partir de esta problemática la presente tesis trabaja estos espacios convirtiéndolos en espacios transfronterizos, que puedan romper esta barrera y generar bordes de oportunidad entre la vida dentro de los muros y fuera de estos, conectándolos a través de plazas abiertas. Es importante entender que la vivienda estudiantil es un espacio proyectado para jóvenes universitarios de la USCH, muchos de los cuales son alumnos migrantes, que carecen de un apoyo familiar y económico en la ciudad, por lo que crear un espacio transfronterizo es vital, ya que esto permitirá que los estudiantes puedan generar colectividad con sus compañeros y la población, así mismo mostrar su trabajo a través de ferias temporales, creando lazos de conexión con la sociedad, a la que prontamente se integrarán

    Diseño de un sistema de control interno para mejorar la gestión financiera en la empresa Inversiones Adventistas B-A E.I.R.L. en la ciudad de Chiclayo, año 2020

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    La presente investigación titulada Diseño de un sistema de control interno para mejorar la gestión financiera en la empresa Inversiones Adventistas B-A E.I.R.L., en la ciudad de Chiclayo, año 2020, nace a raíz de la ausencia de controles en la logística de sus operaciones generando deficiencias en la gestión financiera por lo que se planteó como objetivo diseñar un sistema de control interno que permita mejorar dicha gestión en la empresa Inversiones Adventistas B-A E.I.R.L. De acuerdo con su enfoque, la investigación es cuantitativa - correlacional, por el fin que persigue es propositiva, de diseño no experimental y de corte transversal. Se utilizaron como instrumentos para recolectar datos, la entrevista, la cual fue aplicada a la gerente general, y el cuestionario, aplicado al personal de la empresa, los cuales fueron analizados con el método de regresión lineal simple para contrastar la hipótesis, utilizando el programa SPSS y obteniendo como resultado método un R simple de 0.999, R2 del 0.997 y un nivel de significancia de 0.033, valores que están dentro de los límites recomendados por los autores, probando así la hipótesis de que un diseño de sistema de control interno mejora la gestión financiera

    Eficácia antimicrobiana dos sistemas adesivos. Uma alternativa eficaz: revisão da literatura

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    Adhesive systems are used in daily clinical practice; however, the main disadvantage is polymerization shrinkage, which could lead to microleakage, plaque accumulation, secondary caries, and hypersensitivity. For this reason, antimicrobial agents have been incorporated, such as light-curing quaternary ammonium methacrylate, fluoride ion-releasing glass fillers, pyrogallol, and nanoparticles of silver, calcium, and fluorinated graphene. In recent years, some of these have been shown to have good antimicrobial effectiveness and, in turn, do not interfere with adhesion in restorations. Thus, these antimicrobial adhesive systems could contribute to better long-term results. The best-performing nanoparticles were amorphous calcium phosphate and silver nanoparticles.Los sistemas adhesivos se utilizan en la práctica clínica diaria; sin embargo, su principal desventaja es la contracción por polimerización que podría ocasionar la aparición de microfiltraciones, acumulo de placa, caries secundaria e hipersensibilidad. Por este motivo, se han venido incorporando agentes antimicrobianos, como el metacrilato de amonio cuaternario fotopolimerizable, los rellenos de vidrio que liberan iones de flúor, el pirogalol y las nanopartículas de plata, calcio y grafeno fluorado. En los últimos años, algunos de estos han demostrado tener una buena efectividad antimicrobiana, que, a su vez, no interfieren con la adhesión en las restauraciones. De tal manera, estos sistemas adhesivos antimicrobianos podrían favorecer a obtener mejores resultados a largo plazo. Las nanopartículas que presentaron mejores resultados fueron el fosfato de calcio amorfo y las compuestas de plata.Os sistemas adesivos são utilizados na prática clínica diária; no entanto, a principal desvantagem é a contração da polimerização, que pode levar a microinfiltração, acumulação de placa, cáries secundárias e hipersensibilidade. Por este motivo, foram incorporados agentes antimicrobianos, como o metacrilato de amónio quaternário fotopolimerizável, cargas de vidro que libertam iões de flúor, pirogalol e nanopartículas de prata, cálcio e grafeno fluorado. Nos últimos anos, algumas destas substâncias demonstraram ter uma boa eficácia antimicrobiana e não interferem com a adesão nas restaurações. Assim, estes sistemas adesivos antimicrobianos poderiam conduzir a melhores resultados a longo prazo. As nanopartículas com melhor desempenho foram o fosfato de cálcio amorfo e as nanopartículas de prata

    Freeing the performer's mind: A network analysis of music performance anxiety, negative affect, self-consciousness and mindfulness among music performers

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    Music performance anxiety (MPA) is a common damaging phenomenon in musicians' careers. Mindfulness stands as a promising construct to prevent MPA. However, the relationships between mindfulness and MPA are scarcely explored, alongside other relevant attention-based (e.g., self-consciousness) or emotion-based constructs (e.g., negative affect). This study explores the relationships between these constructs. A sample of 151 musicians was assessed to explore the relationships between these constructs. Self-reports of mindfulness, MPA, negative affect, and self-consciousness were applied. We implemented network analysis following a general (second-order) and specific (first-order) framework. Networks showed dispositional mindfulness as negatively associated with negative affect and MPA in both general and facet levels, while mindfulness in past performances was only negatively associated with negative affect. MPA was positively associated with negative affect and self-consciousness. Mindfulness displayed light or no associations with self-consciousness. Therefore, mindfulness seems to be a relevant construct toward MPA. We propose a preliminary model to improve mindfulness research and interventions applied to music performers. We also outline limitations and future direction

    Virtual Education in Health Emergencies: Increasing the Use of Technology in University Education

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    The onset of the pandemic forced people to undergo fundamental educational and social change, creating other situations and lifestyles where technology has become commonplace. The face-to-face became the virtual space where telecommunication changed to the information channel where the work of distance learning has been built. This article aims to reflect on how the change brought about by the pandemic has affected the learning-teaching of university students and the impact of the pandemic on their studies. Information was gathered by searching for bibliographical information and analyzing the different sources found

    Influencia de las nanopartículas de óxido de cerio en la remoción de arsénico III de soluciones acuosas en laboratorio - Huancayo, 2022

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la influencia de las nanopartículas de óxido de cerio en la remoción de arsénico III de soluciones acuosas en laboratorio - Huancayo, 2022, para ello se empelo el método hipotético-deductivo, tipo aplicada con enfoque cuantitativo y un diseño factorial de 2 3 . La solución acuosa de As (III) fue sintetizada en el laboratorio de análisis ambientales, con una concentración inicial de 4.94 ppm, dicha solución acuosa fue tratada con variaciones de pH de 5 y 7, donde a un pH de 5 se tuvo la mayor remoción de As(III) con un 74.17 % y a mayor pH de 7 se tuvo menor remoción de As(III) con un 58.94 %, con una masa de nanopartículas de óxido de cerio de 10 mg y 25 mg, donde a una masa de 25 mg se muestra la mayor remoción de As (III) con un 83.94 % y a menor masa de nanopartículas de óxido de cerio se tuvo menor remoción de As (III) con un 49.17 %, con un tiempo de contacto de 30 min y 60 min, donde a un tiempo de 60 min se muestra la mayor remoción de As(III) con un 71.07 % y a menor tiempo se tuvo menor remoción de As (III) con un 62.04 % y el modelo de adsorción fue la isoterma de Freundlich por el hecho que tiene un R2 de 0.9475, con una capacidad de adsorción de 64.83 mg/g y la adsorción se considera favorable. Afirmando que la utilización de las nanopartículas de óxido de cerio es beneficiosa para la remoción de arsénico

    Anthropometric indicators for obesity and its relationship with depressive symptoms: analysis of a Peruvian national survey

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    Background: The association between obesity and depression has been frequently reported. However, it still remains unclear which anthropometric indicators for obesity could be the best measure to explain its linkage with depressive symptoms

    The Fruit Intake–Adiposity Paradox: Findings from a Peruvian Cross-Sectional Study

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    "Due to the increase in obesity worldwide, international organizations have promoted the adoption of a healthy lifestyle, as part of which fruit consumption stands out. However, there are controversies regarding the role of fruit consumption in mitigating this disease. The objective of the present study was to analyze the association between fruit intake and body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC) in a representative sample of Peruvians. This is an analytical cross-sectional study. Secondary data analysis was conducted using information from the Demographic and Health Survey of Peru (2019–2021). The outcome variables were BMI and WC. The exploratory variable was fruit intake, which was expressed in three different presentations: portion, salad, and juice. A generalized linear model of the Gaussian family and identity link function were performed to obtain the crude and adjusted beta coefficients. A total of 98,741 subjects were included in the study. Females comprised 54.4% of the sample. In the multivariate analysis, for each serving of fruit intake, the BMI decreased by 0.15 kg/m2 (β = −0.15; 95% CI −0.24 to −0.07), while the WC was reduced by 0.40 cm (β = −0.40; 95% CI −0.52 to −0.27). A negative association between fruit salad intake and WC was found (β = −0.28; 95% CI −0.56 to −0.01). No statistically significant association between fruit salad intake and BMI was found. In the case of fruit juice, for each glass of juice consumed, the BMI increased by 0.27 kg/m2 (β = 0.27; 95% CI 0.14 to 0.40), while the WC increased by 0.40 cm (β = 0.40; 95% CI 0.20 to 0.60). Fruit intake per serving is negatively related to general body adiposity and central fat distribution, while fruit salad intake is negatively related to central distribution adiposity. However, the consumption of fruit in the form of juices is positively associated with a significant increase in BMI and WC.

    The Fruit Intake–Adiposity Paradox: Findings from a Peruvian Cross-Sectional Study

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    Due to the increase in obesity worldwide, international organizations have promoted the adoption of a healthy lifestyle, as part of which fruit consumption stands out. However, there are controversies regarding the role of fruit consumption in mitigating this disease. The objective of the present study was to analyze the association between fruit intake and body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC) in a representative sample of Peruvians. This is an analytical cross-sectional study. Secondary data analysis was conducted using information from the Demographic and Health Survey of Peru (2019–2021). The outcome variables were BMI and WC. The exploratory variable was fruit intake, which was expressed in three different presentations: portion, salad, and juice. A generalized linear model of the Gaussian family and identity link function were performed to obtain the crude and adjusted beta coefficients. A total of 98,741 subjects were included in the study. Females comprised 54.4% of the sample. In the multivariate analysis, for each serving of fruit intake, the BMI decreased by 0.15 kg/m2 (β = −0.15; 95% CI −0.24 to −0.07), while the WC was reduced by 0.40 cm (β = −0.40; 95% CI −0.52 to −0.27). A negative association between fruit salad intake and WC was found (β = −0.28; 95% CI −0.56 to −0.01). No statistically significant association between fruit salad intake and BMI was found. In the case of fruit juice, for each glass of juice consumed, the BMI increased by 0.27 kg/m2 (β = 0.27; 95% CI 0.14 to 0.40), while the WC increased by 0.40 cm (β = 0.40; 95% CI 0.20 to 0.60). Fruit intake per serving is negatively related to general body adiposity and central fat distribution, while fruit salad intake is negatively related to central distribution adiposity. However, the consumption of fruit in the form of juices is positively associated with a significant increase in BMI and WC

    The Fruit Intake–Adiposity Paradox: Findings from a Peruvian Cross-Sectional Study

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    "Due to the increase in obesity worldwide, international organizations have promoted the adoption of a healthy lifestyle, as part of which fruit consumption stands out. However, there are controversies regarding the role of fruit consumption in mitigating this disease. The objective of the present study was to analyze the association between fruit intake and body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC) in a representative sample of Peruvians. This is an analytical cross-sectional study. Secondary data analysis was conducted using information from the Demographic and Health Survey of Peru (2019–2021). The outcome variables were BMI and WC. The exploratory variable was fruit intake, which was expressed in three different presentations: portion, salad, and juice. A generalized linear model of the Gaussian family and identity link function were performed to obtain the crude and adjusted beta coefficients. A total of 98,741 subjects were included in the study. Females comprised 54.4% of the sample. In the multivariate analysis, for each serving of fruit intake, the BMI decreased by 0.15 kg/m2 (β = −0.15; 95% CI −0.24 to −0.07), while the WC was reduced by 0.40 cm (β = −0.40; 95% CI −0.52 to −0.27). A negative association between fruit salad intake and WC was found (β = −0.28; 95% CI −0.56 to −0.01). No statistically significant association between fruit salad intake and BMI was found. In the case of fruit juice, for each glass of juice consumed, the BMI increased by 0.27 kg/m2 (β = 0.27; 95% CI 0.14 to 0.40), while the WC increased by 0.40 cm (β = 0.40; 95% CI 0.20 to 0.60). Fruit intake per serving is negatively related to general body adiposity and central fat distribution, while fruit salad intake is negatively related to central distribution adiposity. However, the consumption of fruit in the form of juices is positively associated with a significant increase in BMI and WC.