45 research outputs found


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    The development of this research aims to produce a set of models of teaching elementary school children to write stories that integrate approaches, methods, instructional media in developing creative writing children stories among elementary school students. In particular, this research is expected to produce outputs (products) in the form:1) a model in the development of primary school children to write stories, 2) examples Subjects who can lead the development of writing skills of primary school children's story, 2). Examples of children's story of the development of elementary school students, were excavated from the real experience of the students, the which can be built into a part of the creative industries are rooted in ideas of elementary school students.This research trying to empower the potential that exists in elementary school students. The second stage of the research that will come in the learning models will be implemented a to write stories (experimental) in elementary school, and the results will be applied in the form of models of teaching materials in writing stories and examples of stories. If this research can be continued into the third stage will be Followed by a revision of the results of children's stories written by elementary school students. Furthermore, mass production in cooperation with publishers and Obtain intellectual property rights Keywords: Writing, Children's Stories, Copyrigh


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    The aim of this research is to fmd out the effect of instructional approach toward the result of narrative writing of fifth grade elementary school student. The research compared two approaches: Process Skill Approach (PSA) and Goal Oriented Approach (GOA) group of students who study. The result of the research are. (1) There is a significant difference between group of students who study with RA by F o = 9.8401>Ft = 4.20. (2) There is a significant difference between the result of narrative writing by group of student who has high interest in reading and study with Goal Oriented Approach (GOA) and the group of student who has high interest in reading and study with Process Skill Approach by Fo 6.3161>F t 0.643. (3) There is a significant difference between the result of writing by group of student who has low interest in reading and study with Process Skill Approach and the result of writing by group of student who has low interest and study with Goal Oriented Approach by F o 12.2084>Ft 0.0643. (4) There is and interaction between the learning approach and reading interest toward writing of fifth grade elementary school student by Fo 84.6164>Ft 4.20.Based on that analysis, we can see that the skill process approach is more effective, entirely and for the student who has low reading interest in reading GOA is more effective

    Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah terhadap Kinerja Guru Sekolah Dasar

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah terhadap Kinerja. Guru di SDN Sunter Jaya 03 Jakarta Utara. Populasi dalam penelitian ini ada 30 guru di Guru di SDN Sunter Jaya 03 Jakarta Utara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan uji F diperoleh Fhitung = 10,037 dengan nilai sig = 0,03 < 0,05 dapat disimpulkan bahwa Ho ditolak. Hal ini menyatakan bahwa ada pengaruh kepemimpinan kepala sekolah terhadap kinerja guru. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh kepemimpinan kepala sekolah terhadap kinerja guru sebesar 15,1% sedangkan sisanya dipengaruhi faktor lain. Disimpulkan bahwa kepemimpinan kepala sekolah memberikan pengaruh terhadap kinerja guru di Guru di SDN Sunter Jaya 03 Jakarta Utara. Disarankan agar kepala sekolah sebaiknya lebih memperhatikan kompensasi yang berkenaan dengan besarnya honorarium atau gaji dengan upaya yang dilakukan, pemberian insentif atau bonus yang diberikan secara adil dan pemberian kompensasi yang tepat waktu. Kepala sekolah sebagai pelaksana supervisi sebaiknya tetap menjalankan kegiatan pengontrolan terhadap ketertiban pembuatan perencanaan pengajaran yang disesuaikan dengan kurikulum yang sedang berlaku dan tidak mengurangi rutinitas kunjungan kelas yang dilaksanakan sewaktu-waktu ke kelas-kelas pada saat kegiatan belajar mengajar sedang berlangsung

    Analysis Of Basic Teachers Professionality In Improving Creativity In The Digital Era

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    The purpose of this study is to describe the professional competence of teachers in increasing creativity in the digital era. The research method used in this research is qualitative with the type of library research, which is a series of studies relating to the library data collection method, or research where the object of research is explored through a variety of library information with a philosophical and pedagogical approach. The results showed that to drive better change in the world of education with a priority to increase the quality of teachers, it is necessary to have teachers who are creative and have the quality to bring change and innovation both academically and non-academically. Creative teachers always develop diverse learning activities. The learning process in front of the class for creative teachers does not only deliver material but has a sense of responsibility to guide, create, experiment, inspire, and motivate students to continue to be creative

    Differentiation Learning to Improve Students Potential in Elementary School

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    Student potential is the capacity or ability and characteristics/nature of individuals related to human resources that have the possibility to be developed and or support the development of other potentials contained in students. In the process of implementing learning today, many teachers have not implemented differentiation learning so many students have not developed their potential. The purpose of this study was to determine the learning of differentiation can increase the potential of students in elementary schools. The method used in this study is that literature review is research that examines or critically reviews the knowledge, ideas, or findings contained in the academic-oriented literature, as well as formulating theoretical and methodological contributions to certain topics. The results showed that differentiation is to provide opportunities for students to show what students understand. Also, in this way the teacher can find out what method should be given to students whose grasping power is lacking, sufficient and good. By understanding the potential of students, teachers can give an accurate picture of their strengths and weaknesses, the strengths and weaknesses of students, and can identify potentials that need to be improved and weaknesses that need to be minimized. With differentiation learning, it guides students in increasing the potential that exists within themselves. The conclusion of the teacher must be able to guide students to be able to develop according to their characteristics, and the potential possessed by these students, this is closely related to differentiated learning. One of the values and roles of teachers is to create learning that favors students, namely learning that liberates students' thinking and potential. Differentiation can be implemented in the content, process, and product of learning

    Analisis Kebutuhan Pembelajaran dalam Jaringan (Daring) Berbasis Multimedia

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membuat analisis kebutuhan untuk mengevaluasi perencanaan program yang sedang berlangsung dan bertujuan untuk memperbaiki program perencanaan selanjutnnya yang berkaitan dengan proses pembelajran yang meliputi perancangan, pengembangan, pemanfaatan dan pengelolahan dan penilaian. Multimedia merupakan pengabungan antara pengunaan komputer untuk menyampaikan materi pembelajaran, metode yang di gunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif melalui teknik pengumpulan data dengan mengunakan observasi, wawancara dan angket guru dan siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukan pelaksanaan pengajaran mengunakan pembelajaran jarak jauh dengan penyusunan bahan ajar yang sudah di sesuaikan oleh pemerintah, perumusan tujuan pembelajaran. dan pemenfaatan beberapa plafom adapun faktor yang di butuhkan dalam pembelajaran dalam jaringan berbasis multimedia yaitu: 1. Kemampuan untuk mendisain pembelajaran dalan jaringan, 2. Pelaksanaan pelatihan guru untuk dapat mengunakan multimedia, 3. Kemampuan mengunakan multimedia dalam pembelajarna dalam jaringan 4. Menjadikan multimedia sebagai sarana pembelajaran, 5. Sekolah mampu merencanakan,mengelolah dan mengevaluasi multimedia yang di gunaka

    Inductive Training Model in Improving Teacher Competence through Teacher Working Groups

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    Professionalism is a demand in various professions, including elementary school teachers. The important thing in a profession is a professional attitude and quality of work. This research was conducted with the aim of providing an overview of how the inductive training model develops attitude assessment instruments in improving teacher competence through teacher working groups in accordance with the steps of the inductive training model. The research approach used in this study is a descriptive qualitative approach to obtain information on how the inductive training model improves teacher competence through teacher working groups. In general, there are four data collection techniques used in this study, namely participant observation, in-depth interviews, documentation studies, and combination/triangulation. The steps in implementing the inductive training model are starting with measuring the ability of the trainees; grouping of abilities in the area of the training program; compare participants' abilities with training materials; establish ability and skills gaps; developing training processes; then carry out the training; and carry out research and measurement. The research was conducted by conducting pretest and posttest with the results obtained after carrying out training on developing an attitude assessment instrument, post-test results increased by 97%

    The Effect of Principal Leadership Style, Work Motivation, and Professional Competence of Primary School Teacher Performance in Kendari City

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    This study aimed to determine the effect of the principal's leadership style, motivation, and professional competence on the performance of an elementary school teacher in the town of Kendari. The design of this research was path analysis. The study samples were 241 primary school teachers and they were taken by using a simple random sampling technique. Data were collected by questionnaire and analyzed statistically using path analysis with the program Linear Structural Relations (LISREL). The professional competence was equal ρy23 = 0.389, t = 4.751, table = 1,97 means t&gt; t table, then H0 was rejected and H1 was accepted The results showed that: (1) there was a positive direct influence between headmaster leadership style to the performance of primary school teachers in the city of Kendari, (2) there was a direct positive influence between work motivation on the performance of primary school teachers in the city Kendari. The conclusion of this research are: (1) There is a positive direct influence on the performance of the leadership style of primary school teachers in Kendari; (2) There is a positive direct influence on the performance of work motivation of primary school teachers in Kendari; (3) There is a positive direct influence on the performance of the professional competence of primary school teachers in Kendari; (4) There is a positive direct influence on the performance of motivational leadership style work in Kendari; (5) There is a positive direct influence leadership style to the professional competence of teachers of primary schools in Kendari