776 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini di lakukan di Kecamatan Indrapuri Kabupaten Aceh Besar tujuan penelitian ini, untuk mengetahui keuntungan rata-rata usaha yang diperoleh pengusaha peternakan ayam ras petelur di Kecamatan Indrapuri Kabupaten Aceh Besar dan untuk mengetahui strategi pengembangan usaha peternakan ayam ras petelur di Kecamatan Indrapuri Kabupaten Aceh Besar ditinjau dari analisis SWOT. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survey. Dalam analisis ini digunakan asumsi-asumsi yaitu harga bahan baku dan sarana produksi berdasarkan harga standar yang berlaku pada saat penelitian dilakukan. harga jual hasil usaha berdasarkan harga yang berlaku pada saat penelitian dilakukan. Perumusan pilihan strategi pengembangan usaha usaha dan pemasaran ayam ras petelur di Kecamatan Indrapuri dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis SWOT. Analisis SWOT merupakan metode perencanaan strategis yang digunakan untuk mengevaluasi kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang, dan ancaman yang terlibat dalam sebuah usaha. bahwa rata-rata keutungan yang diterima pada usaha peternakan ayam ras petelur adalah Rp. 22.218.002/siklus. Dari analisis hasil SWOT strategi usaha yang baik diterapkan usaha peternakan ayam ras petelur di Kecamatan Indrapuri Kabupaten Aceh Besar yaitu strategi SO yaitu berupaya memenuhi kapasitas usaha peternakan ayam ras petelur dengan menambah hasil produksi. Untuk menambah hasil produksi sangat diperlukan adanya penambahan modal sehingga peminjaman modal atau melakukan investasi sangat diperlukan

    Bacillus as Siderophore and Iron-bioremoval Bacteria

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    ome Bacillus strains can produce siderophore. Siderophore is a chelating agent for ferric iron as a response to low iron environment. Bacillus has ability as iron bioremoval. The aim of this research was to get siderophore Bacillus strain which could resist to iron and to know the ability of its bioremoval. This research used Bacillus isolated from Kalimas Surabaya ie: A6, DA11, and SS19. The strains were screened for siderophore bacteria in Fe-CAS agar medium. Ferric bioreduction was analysed on medium contained FeCl3.6H2O 50; 100; and 150 mg/L. Ferric bioremoval was measured by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy method. Bacillus A6, DA11, and SS19 could produce siderophore and also stand to media containing 150 mg/L FeCl3.6H2O. Bacillus DA11 had the highest ability of ferric bioremoval, which was 26.841 mg/L from 33.365 mg/L concentration, with efficiency 80.5%

    Overview of metal contacts technology on semiconductor

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    Over the past decades, researcher confronts new difficulties and breakthrough due to semiconductor innovation and these chances are evident in the endeavours that have been laid by semiconductor and optoelectronic devices. Semiconductor defined as a material which conducts electricity conditionally, hence making it useful in controlling for optoelectronic devices. It possesses intermediate conductivity, ranging between a conductor and an insulator. The superiority of metal-semiconductor plays a significant role in the performances of semiconductor devices and it is a powerful tool for improving performance in many areas of modern life

    Microfinancing Influence on Micro-Entrepreneurs Business Growth: Mediating Role of Psychological and Social Capital

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    This paper is set out to uncover the phenomena of micro-enterprises business growth by hypothesizing microfinancing, social and psychological capital as factors. This research is important due to the fact that the paucity of information on how microfinancing, social and psychological capital relate to micro-enterprises business growth would obscure the ways in which they survive. In Malaysia, microfinance is used as one of the tools to alleviate poverty, as well as to improve the livelihood and standards of living of the poor and those who are financially excluded.  However, almost three decades after the introduction of microfinancing programmes, the performance of microfinancing recipients’ i.e. micro-enterprises in Malaysia is not satisfactory. Besides providing loans to these micro-entrepreneurs, other aspects of facilitation, including the inculcation of the entrepreneur’s intangible resources, need to be addressed. Therefore, this research examines the mediating effect of micro-entrepreneurs’ psychological and social capital on the relationship between microfinance provisions and the business growth of micro-enterprises. The samples are identified from two microfinance providers, i.e., Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia (AIM) and the National Entrepreneur Group Economic Fund (TEKUN) micro credit financing scheme recipients’ databases. A total of 250 useable survey questionnaires was collected and analysed to test the hypothesised relationship. The data was analysed using Partial Least Square-SEM and the structural model was examined to test the hypotheses. The findings show that micro-entrepreneurs’ psychological and social capital have a significant mediating effects on the relationship between provision of microfinance and the business growth of micro-enterprises in Kelantan. This research offers the practical implication that the effects of micro finance provision on the business growth of micro-enterprises are better exerted through micro-entrepreneurs’ psychological and social capital. This theoretically supports the applicability of the Resource-based View (RBV) theory to explain the mediating effect of psychological and social capital on the relationship between microfinance provisions and business growth. Research paper Keywords: Micro-enterprise, Business growth, Psychological capital, Social capital, Mediation, Microfinance institutions Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Nordin, N., Siti-Nabiha, A.K., & Kamalia, Z. (2019). Microfinancing Influence on Micro-Entrepreneurs Business Growth: Mediating Role of Psychological and Social Capital, Journal of Entrepreneurship, Business and Economics, 7(2), 130–161

    EtnografĂ­a del deseo: Bases teĂłricas

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    Zulaika propone adentrarse en los mecanismos simbólicos de la materia etnográfica. Situar el deseo en el centro al abordar la tarea de estudiar aspectos expresivos y emergentes de la cultura es ciertamente innovador; Zulaika se ubica firmemente en el terreno de la antropología simbólica y cognitiva, y recoge aspectos teorizados por Sperber y que están en deuda con la semiótica y el psicoanálisis

    The map and the territory: Ontological and epistemological questions about terrorism

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    El principio de Gregory Bateson de que “el mapa no es el territorio, y el nombre no es la cosa nombrada”** debe ser aplicado al terrorismo al igual que a todo sistema de comunicación humana. Entre el acto terrorista y su nombramiento/escritura se da un proceso de clasificación por el cual la realidad misma del acto queda transformada. El terrorismo actúa como catalizador que confunde categorías semánticas diversas entre lo real y lo fingido en marcos de comportamiento básicos como “guerra”, “amenaza”, “juego”, o “ritual”. La dinámica entre terrorismo y contraterrorismo está inmersa en este juego de confusiones semánticas entre mapa y territorio. La Cosa en sí kantiana de las acciones que se sitúan en el marco “esto es guerra” y “esto es juego” son categóricamente diferentes. La negación y constitución mutua de esta dinámica está en el centro mismo de la realidad del terrorismo. El artículo argumenta que una ontología y epistemología del terrorismo, para que sean válidas, deben tomar en cuenta el principio básico de las relaciones mapa/territorio (para lo cual una teoría del juego y la fantasía puede ser tan relevante como las teorías sobre la guerra); igualmente debe estudiar los aspectos mitológicos de la figura del terrorista basados en parte en la fantasía. Lejos de equiparar la fantasía con lo “noreal”, para la teoría sicoanalítica la fantasía constituye una dimensión básica de la realidad subjetiva. La manipulación del eje del tiempo (esperando el terror futuro, la teoría militar de la prevención) es otra clave importante para estudiar la ontología del terrorismo. Finalmente hay que tener presente la arista entre terrorismo/contraterrorismo como la realidad decisiva que simultáneamente estigmatiza y constituye ambas superficies antagónicasThe paper argues that the principle that “the map is not the territory, and the name is not the thing named”**, essential to any system of human communication, must be applied to terrorism as well. In between the terrorist act and its naming/writing there is a process of classification by which reality itself is transformed. Terrorism acts as a catalyst to confuse various semantic categories between the factual and the feigned, the real and the bluff, in basic performance frames such as “war,” “threat,” “play,” or “ritual.” The dialectics between terrorism and counterterrorism is plagued with such confusions between map and territory. The Thing itself of the events situated in the frame “this is war” and “this is play” are categorically different. The mutual denial and mutual constitution of such dialectics is at the center of the reality of terrorism. It is argued that a valid ontology and epistemology of terrorism must take into account the basic principle of the map/territory relations (for which a theory of play and fantasy might be as relevant as theories of war); furthermore, it must analyze the mythological aspects of the figure of the Terrorist. Far from comparing fantasy with the “non real”, for the psychoanalytic theory, fantasy represents a basic dimension of the subjective reality. The manipulation of the time axis (waiting for the future terror, the military theory of prevention) is another important key to the study of the ontology of terrorism. Eventually, there is also to be considered the edge between terrorism/ counterterrorism the decisive reality simultaneously stigmatizes and constitutes both antagonistic surface
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