228 research outputs found

    The glauconitic levels of the Salamanca Formation, Chubut: its agronomic effectiveness as a potassium fertilizer alternative

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    Las secuencias marinas del Maastrichtiano-Paleoceno inferior representadas por la Formación Salamanca y unidades equivalentes, presentan niveles con glauconita que podrían suplir parcialmente las importaciones de potasio para uso en la industria de fertilizantes. La prospección y muestreo se realizó en las nacientes del río Chico, Chubut, donde los espesores de los niveles glauconíticos alcanzan 20 metros. El trabajo se dividió en fases: fase 1, prospección, muestreo y análisis sedimentológicos y químicos de rutina; fase 2a, ensayos de concentración y tratamiento, y fase 2b, ensayos agronómicos donde se compara la efectividad agronómica de las areniscas glauconíticas (GL) con el fertilizante potásico tradicional (KCl). Estos últimos se realizaron en cámara de cultivo, con las fracciones 125 ∝m y 250 ∝m, (2,85 y 2,82 % K2O respectivamente) de GL y con KCl, variando las dosis aplicadas, más una muestra testigo resultando en total 7 tratamientos. A lo largo de las 4 cosechas no se observó un comportamiento diferencial significativo entre GL1, GL2 (125) y el testigo. Ambos tratamientos de GL 250 ∝m presentaron una mayor biomasa acumulada, superando al testigo en un 44 y 60 % respectivamente. Como conclusión, los tratamientos con GL (125) presentaron resultados poco diferenciables del testigo, en tanto que en GL (250) los valores alcanzados superaron a los obtenidos con la fertilización con KCl. Probablemente la mayor participación de feldespato potásico junto a un incremento en la velocidad de lixiviación por riego en la fracción 125 ∝m origine el rendimiento diferencial observado. La gran extensión areal de la Formación Salamanca y la continuidad de los niveles glauconíticos alienta a continuar su evaluación como fertilizante o enmienda.The Maastrichtian-Early Palaeocene Salamanca Formation and equivalent marine sequences show several glaucony levels, which could be used as a source of potassium and could partially replace current fertilizer requirements met from import. First agronomic assays are shown comparing the efficiency of greensands (GL) with a traditional potassium fertilizer (KCl). Prospection and sampling took place in the heads of Rio Chico to east of Lago Colhué Huapi, Chubut, where glauconitic levels thickness reach to 20m. This research was separated in phases: phase 1, prospection, sampling, and sedimentological and chemical routine analyses, phase 2a, concentration and ore treatment assays, and phase 2b:, agronomic assays. This last phase, was done in culture chamber, with 125 ∝m and 250 ∝m fractions (2,85 and 2,82 % K2O respectively) and KCl. Varying the dose, seven treatments were completed. In successive harvests (four in total) was observed that GL1 and GL2 (125), did not present a significantly differential behavior with the control. Both treatments of GL 250 ∝m showed major accumulated biomass, overcoming the control in 44 and 60 % respectively. As conclusion, better results were obtained by 250 ∝m overcoming even to the KCl fertilization. Probably the major participation of K feldspars in the 125 ∝m and fast leaching of K in this fraction during successive irrigations of soil would originate the minor observed yield. The great areal extension of the Salamanca Formation and the continuity of the glauconitic levels encourage continuing the evaluation as fertilizer or amendment.Fil: Castro, Liliana Norma. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Ciencias Geológicas; ArgentinaFil: Scasso, Roberto Adrian. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Ciencias Geológicas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Branzini, Agustina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía; ArgentinaFil: Zubillaga, Marta Susana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía; ArgentinaFil: Fazio, Ana Maria. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Ciencias Geológicas; ArgentinaFil: Tourn, Selvia M.. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Ciencias Geológicas; ArgentinaFil: Zubillaga, María M.. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Ciencias Geológicas; Argentin

    Sustainable management in pecan cultivation in Argentina

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    243-248Pecan nut "Carya illinoinensis" is native from central and western U.S.A. and arrived in Argentina in the nineteenth century. The difference with other nuts is that it presents an 80 percent oil composition, with polyunsaturated fatty acids omega 3 and 6 that help to reduce cholesterol and also prevent the risk of cardiovascular disease. It contains an antioxidant: vitamin E, and has a high content of fibre that helps to prevent colon cancer. Reduces bad cholesterol, helps keep blood pressure low and is recommended especially for patients with cancer and cardiac problems. A pecan sustainable farming system intends to be productive but at the same time, to preserve enviromental quality, favouring the use of biological practices over chemical inputs. Surface application of compost to pecan trees, is a common practice in organic orcharding. The objectives of the work were to compare compost and vermicompost with liquid fertilizer and a control without fertilization in a completely random block design with four replications, in a one-year crop with a planting frame of 8m x 8m. The application of organic amendments produced statistically significant changes in soil properties with reference to inorganic fertilizer, especially in the total carbon, microbial biomass carbon and phosphorus. Compost and vermicompost treatments produced statistically significant increases in factors related to production as tree height and diameter

    Osteonecrosis of the jaws and bisphosphonates : report of fifteen cases: therapeutic recommendations

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    Recently there have been reports of osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ) in patients with chronic therapy with bisphosphonates (Bps). So far three drugs have been linked: Pamidronate of disodium, Zoledronic acid and Alendronate of sodium. It is due to a non detected side effect in clinical trials before commercialization, and reverberates significantly in the quality of life of these patients. Most of the cases are seen in oncology patients that have received long term concurrent antineoplasic therapy and were treated sporadically with steroids, together with Bps endovenous, for treatment of cancer and its symptoms. Among these cases we find the reported by R.E. Marx (1), S.L. Ruggiero (2) and J. V. Bagán (3). In this report fifteen cases diagnosed, treated and followed up at the author´s surgery department are presented and some suggestions are given in order to reduce the incidence in patients with cancer who are going to receive Bps, as well as in patients with established ONJ being treated with these drugs who may need a surgical intervention

    Los niveles glauconíticos de la Formación Salamanca, Chubut : su efectividad agronómica como fuente alternativa de fertilizante potásico

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    391-398The Maastrichtian-Early Palaeocene Salamanca Formation and equivalent marine sequences show several glaucony levels, which could be used as a source of potassium and could partially replace current fertilizer requirements met from import. First agronomic assays are shown comparing the efficiency of greensands (GL) with a traditional potassium fertilizer (KCl). Prospection and sampling took place in the heads of Rio Chico to east of Lago Colhué Huapi, Chubut, where glauconitic levels thickness reach to 20m. This research was separated in phases: phase 1, prospection, sampling, and sedimentological and chemical routine analyses, phase 2a, concentration and ore treatment assays, and phase 2b, agronomic assays. This last phase, was done in culture chamber, with 125 um and 250 um fractions (2,85 and 2,82 percent K 2O respectively) and KCl. Varying the dose, seven treatments were completed. In successive harvests (four in total) was observed that GL1 and GL2 (125), did not present a significantly differential behavior with the control. Both treatments of GL 250 um showed major accumulated biomass, overcoming the control in 44 and 60 percent respectively. As conclusion, better results were obtained by 250 um overcoming even to the KCl fertilization. Probably the major participation of K feldspars in the 125 um and fast leaching of K in this fraction during successive irrigations of soil would originate the minor observed yield. The great areal extension of the Salamanca Formation and the continuity of the glauconitic levels encourage continuing the evaluation as fertilizer or amendment

    Los niveles glauconíticos de la Formación Salamanca, Chubut : su efectividad agronómica como fuente alternativa de fertilizante potásico

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    391-398The Maastrichtian-Early Palaeocene Salamanca Formation and equivalent marine sequences show several glaucony levels, which could be used as a source of potassium and could partially replace current fertilizer requirements met from import. First agronomic assays are shown comparing the efficiency of greensands (GL) with a traditional potassium fertilizer (KCl). Prospection and sampling took place in the heads of Rio Chico to east of Lago Colhué Huapi, Chubut, where glauconitic levels thickness reach to 20m. This research was separated in phases: phase 1, prospection, sampling, and sedimentological and chemical routine analyses, phase 2a, concentration and ore treatment assays, and phase 2b, agronomic assays. This last phase, was done in culture chamber, with 125 um and 250 um fractions (2,85 and 2,82 percent K 2O respectively) and KCl. Varying the dose, seven treatments were completed. In successive harvests (four in total) was observed that GL1 and GL2 (125), did not present a significantly differential behavior with the control. Both treatments of GL 250 um showed major accumulated biomass, overcoming the control in 44 and 60 percent respectively. As conclusion, better results were obtained by 250 um overcoming even to the KCl fertilization. Probably the major participation of K feldspars in the 125 um and fast leaching of K in this fraction during successive irrigations of soil would originate the minor observed yield. The great areal extension of the Salamanca Formation and the continuity of the glauconitic levels encourage continuing the evaluation as fertilizer or amendment

    Fertilización de base en un cultivo inicial de pecan con dos marcos de plantación de alta densidad

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    91-97The fruit of the pecan tree, Carya illinoensis Koch, is considered a very healthy food. In Argentina, pecan cultivation has been expanding rapidly but very little research has been conducted on pecan fertilization and planting systems. The objectives of this study were to characterize some physical-chemical and chemical properties in a pecan crop, and compare different basal fertilization (FB) treatments under two high density plantation frames (MP). Plantation was conducted in Villanueva (Buenos Aires province), on a Tapthoargic Hapludoll, with 10 x 10 m frames (real part: MR) and 8 x 8 m frames (staggered: TR). The experimental design was a split plot with four replications. The main plots were the two frames and the subplots were the different fertilization treatments: Compost (C), Phosphorus (P), slow release Nitrogen (N), and an unfertilized control (T). The determinations to assess the growth of pecan plants were: plant height and stem diameter. With regard to soil fertility, phosphorus fertilization and the addition of compost significatively increased the levels of Bray-P. The organic fertilizer treatment (compost) showed a significant increase in the height of the pecan plantation under the 8 x 8 m frame, which was not apparent in any case for the stem diameter, with a MP x FB significant interaction (P = 0.01) for height variation in the first year. The plantation frame with or without basal fertilization had no effect on pecan volume during the study period

    Elaboración de una Unidad Didáctica de apoyo a la enseñanza presencial de programas y guías de aprendizaje a través de las TIC

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    Una de las muchas competencias que un docente debe desarrollar para realizar una docencia de calidad es la planificación de sus asignaturas, lo cual en la Universidad de Deusto se verifica a través del programa y de la guía de aprendizaje. La elaboración de estos dos instrumentos requiere contar, no solo con cursos presenciales, sino con documentación de apoyo actualizada y fácilmente accesible. A través de un proyecto de innovación y gracias a la utilización de las TIC se ha diseñado, implementado y validado una “asignatura para docentes”, que acompaña a dichos cursos presenciales, en la plataforma institucional. La novedad no es el uso de la plataforma en sí, sino la forma en que se ha diseñado la Unidad Didáctica: siguiendo el ciclo de aprendizaje establecido en la Universidad, y utilizando metodologías activas, recursos variados y un proceso de evaluación formativa y feedback. De este modo, no solo se forma en contenidos, sino que se ofrece al profesorado una Unidad que le sirve como ejemplo de lo que se le pide desarrollar en sus propias asignaturas. Los resultados en cuanto a seguimiento de fases, cumplimiento de objetivos e indicadores de impacto han sido muy satisfactorios

    Transferencia tecnológica, docencia e investigación de técnicas que utilizan isótopos estables en el área de la salud.

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    La utilización de isótopos estables se encuentra ampliamente difundida a nivel mundial, sin embargo, no son comúnmente utilizados en países en desarrollo debido al elevado costo de los isótopos estables y del equipamiento para su medición. La Universidad de Buenos Aires ha dado el primer paso en la utilización de éstas técnicas mediante la creación del Laboratorio de Isótopos Estables Aplicados a Biología y Medicina, en Noviembre de 2002. Dicho laboratorio fue creado en el contexto de los proyectos internacionales ARCAL LIV RLA-6042 y RLA 6054, subsidiados por el Organismo Internacional de Energía Atómica (OIEA) en cooperación con la Universidad de Buenos Aires. La instalación de un Espectrómetro de Masa y la puesta a punto del 13CTest del Aire Espirado para el diagnóstico de la infección por H. pylori permitió el desarrollo de proyectos de investigación relacionados con dicha bacteriay al mismo tiempo posibilitó la realización de servicios de transferencia tecnológica a entidades públicas y privadas a nivel nacional e internacional. En nuestra experiencia durante estos 12 años de trabajo, hemos realizado aproximadamente 18.000 determinaciones para el diagnóstico de la infección por H. pylori. Por otro lado, el espectrómetro de masa también es utilizado en diferentes actividades docentes de grado y posgrado. La promoción y armonización de estas nuevas metodologías isotópicas para la región ha sido nuestro primer desafío; para ello hemos implementado cursos regionales y pasantías para profesionales de diferentes países a través de la Secretaria de Ciencia y Técnica de la Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. El objetivo de nuestro trabajo es presentar las metas y logros alcanzados por este laboratorio y su vinculación con la investigación, docencia y transferencia tecnológica en nuestro país.publishedVersio