Fertilización de base en un cultivo inicial de pecan con dos marcos de plantación de alta densidad


91-97The fruit of the pecan tree, Carya illinoensis Koch, is considered a very healthy food. In Argentina, pecan cultivation has been expanding rapidly but very little research has been conducted on pecan fertilization and planting systems. The objectives of this study were to characterize some physical-chemical and chemical properties in a pecan crop, and compare different basal fertilization (FB) treatments under two high density plantation frames (MP). Plantation was conducted in Villanueva (Buenos Aires province), on a Tapthoargic Hapludoll, with 10 x 10 m frames (real part: MR) and 8 x 8 m frames (staggered: TR). The experimental design was a split plot with four replications. The main plots were the two frames and the subplots were the different fertilization treatments: Compost (C), Phosphorus (P), slow release Nitrogen (N), and an unfertilized control (T). The determinations to assess the growth of pecan plants were: plant height and stem diameter. With regard to soil fertility, phosphorus fertilization and the addition of compost significatively increased the levels of Bray-P. The organic fertilizer treatment (compost) showed a significant increase in the height of the pecan plantation under the 8 x 8 m frame, which was not apparent in any case for the stem diameter, with a MP x FB significant interaction (P = 0.01) for height variation in the first year. The plantation frame with or without basal fertilization had no effect on pecan volume during the study period

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