70 research outputs found


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    Kombucha is a plant-based fermented beverage that contains probiotic bacteria such as lactic acid bacteria (LAB). This research was conducted to prove the potential of probiotics in LAB isolates of kombucha tea leaves and robusta coffee leaves with various concentrations. This research used a completely randomized design (CRD). The variables tested were the measurement of total lactic acid bacteria, total acid, and probiotic characterization of LAB isolates (LAB resistance to low pH and bile salts, and antibacterial activity test). The results were analyzed and discussed using ANOVA with a significance level of P < 0.05 only for total acid and descriptive analysis on microbiological response. The best probiotic potency was selected using the multiple attribute method. The results showed that LAB isolates from kombucha tea leaves and robusta coffee leaves with various concentrations had resistance to pH 2 and pH 3, resistance to bile salts 3%, and antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli bacteria. The LAB isolate of kombucha robusta coffee leaves at a concentration of 0.6% has the best probiotic potential. Kombucha merupakan minuman fermentasi berbasis tanaman yang mengandung bakteri probiotik seperti bakteri asam laktat (BAL). Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk membuktikan potensi probiotik pada isolat BAL kombucha daun teh dan daun kopi robusta dengan berbagai konsentrasi. Penelitian laboratorium menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL). Variabel yang diuji adalah pengukuran total bakteri asam laktat, total asam, ketahanan BAL terhadap pH rendah dan garam empedu, serta uji aktivitas antibakteri. Hasil penelitian dianalisa dan dibahas menggunakan ANOVA dengan signifikansi P < 0.05 hanya untuk total asam dan analisa deskriptif pada respons mikrobiologis. Potensi probiotik terbaik dipilih menggunakan metode multiple attribute. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa isolat BAL dari kombucha daun teh dan daun kopi robusta dengan berbagai konsentrasi memiliki ketahanan terhadap pH 2 dan pH 3, ketahanan terhadap garam empedu 3%, serta aktivitas antibakteri terhadap bakteri Staphylococcus aureus dan Escherichia coli. Isolat BAL kombucha daun kopi robusta pada konsentrasi 0,6% mempunyai potensi probiotik terbaik

    Comparative Study Production of Exopolysaccharide (EPS) by Lactic Acid Bacteria (L. casei and L. plantarum) in Different Media (Dates and Mulberry juice)

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    Exopolysaccharides (EPS) are polysaccharides that are secreted by some strains of bacteria. E PS contribute in health improvement where it has prebiotic properties, immunostimulatory, anti- tumoral, and hypocholesterolemic effects. A number of Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) has ability t o synthesise Exopolysaccharides (EPS). This study aimed to determine the ability LAB (L. casei and L. plantarum B2) to produce EPS in different media (dates and mulberry juice). L. casei sh owed higher EPS production (3413.33 mg/L) than L. plantarum (3316.67 mg / L) were grown in medium dates juices. Based on the type of media, EPS production in dates juice medium higher t han mulberry juice as medium, and there are differences production of EPS by both types of isol ates (L. casei and L. plantarum) in both media. The growth rate of LAB does not always show a positive correlation with EPS formation


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    This research was aimed to study the influence of rice bran and skim milk fermentation media on the growth of lactic acid bacteria and their ability in fermenting complex carbohydrates into short chain fatty acids (SCFA). Indigenous lactic acid bacteria (LAB) were isolated from rice bran and commercial probiotic separately and used for fermenting rice bran and skim milk media. Randomized block design was used with 2 factors i.e. fermenting media type and LAB type. The results showed that fermenting rice bran gave significant effect on the LAB growth, indicated by total LAB cell count, total acid concentration, pH and antibacterial activity. The best treatment was J2-B with total LAB count 1.01 ´ 1010 cfu/mL, total acid 1.14%, pH 3.88 and clear zone diameters against Staphylococcus aureus 13.04 mm, Listeria monocytogenes 12.88 mm, Escherichia coli 12.83 mm and Salmonella typhi 12.53 mm. LAB fermenting rice bran for 48 hours produced lactic acid and SCFA. The highest concentrations of lactic acid (122.1313 mM), acetic acid (10.503 mM), and butyric acid (1.56 mM) were produced by fermentation using LAB J2, L. acidophilus, and L. casei isolate, respectively; whereas the highest propionic acid concentration (6,07 mM) was produced by control fermentation.Keywords: Probiotic, indigenous isolate, rice bran, SCFA, skimmed milk ABSTRAKPeneltian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dedak dan skim milk sebagai media fermentasi bakteri asam laktat, dan kemampuannya mengubah sumber karbon komplek dedak menjadi asam lemak rantai pendek (short chain fatty acids, SCFA). Bakteri asam laktat lokal diisolasi dari dedak dan probiotik. Desain percobaan adalah acak kelompok dengan 2 faktor, yaitu jenis media fermentasi dan jenis bakteri asam laktat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa media fermentasi dengan menggunakan dedak menunjukkan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan bakteri yang ditunjukkan dari total sel bakteri asam laktat, total asam yang dihasilkan, pH dan aktivitas antibakteri. Fermentasi dengan menggunakan isolat J2-B menghasilkan total bakteri asam laktat 1,01 ´ 1010 cfu/mL, total asam 1,14%, pH 3,88 dan zona hambatan dengan bakteri uji Staphylococcus aureus 13,04 mm, Listeria monocytogenes 12,88 mm, Escherichia coli 12,83 mm dan Salmonella typhi 12,53 mm. Proses fermentasi bakteri asam laktat menggunakan media dedak selama 48 jam mampu menghasilkan asam laktat dan SCFA. Konsentrasi tertinggi asam laktat (122,13 mM), asam asetat (10,50 mM), dan asam butirat (1,56 mM) masing-masing dihasilkan oleh fermentasi menggunakan BAL J2, isolat L. acidophilus, dan isolat L. casei; sedangkan konsentrasi tertinggi asam propionat (6,07 mM) dihasilkan oleh fermentasi kontrol.Kata kunci: Probiotik, isolat lokal, dedak, SCFA, susu ski

    PRODUKSI SELULOSA BAKTERIAL DARI AIR BUAH KELAPA DALAM BERBAGAI KONSENTRASI SUKROSA DAN UREA (Production Of Bacterial Cellulose From Coconut Fruit Water In The Varies Of Sucrose And Urea Concentration)

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    di industri kertas dan tekstil. Penggunaan tanaman hutan untuk produksi serat selulosa secara kontinyu mengakibatkan dampak negatif pada lingkungan. Limbah air buah kelapa dapat dimetabolisme oleh bakteri anggota Genus Gluconacetobacter (Acetobacter) menghasilkan selulosa bakterial sebagai alternatif bagi selulosa tanaman. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mempelajari pengaruh peningkatan konsentrasi sukrosa dan urea pada produktivitas selulosa bakterial dalam medium air buah kelapa. Starter suspensi mikrobia 10% dengan densitas 2,2 x 107 sel/ml (90% bakteri dan 10 % khamir) diinokulasikan ke medium air buah kelapa 150 mL dengan variasi konsentrasi sukrosa dan urea yang dibiakkan secara statis selama tujuh hari pada suhu ruang. Produktivitas selulosa tertinggi 10,849 gram pada formula medium dengan konsentrasi sukrosa 5 % dan urea 0,25 %. Kata kunci: Acetobacter, selulosa, sukrosa, ure

    Pengaruh Pemberian Antibiotika Saat Budidaya Terhadap Keberadaan Residu Pada Daging Dan Hati Ayam Pedaging Dari Peternakan Rakyat

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    The use of antibiotics in animal husbandry cannot be avoided either as an act of therapy, supportive or prevention. This study was aimed to determine the existence of antibiotic residues in broiler chicken products which were produced by poultry farm and to determine the safety level of residues in the product which was associated with a drug application and harvesting time. Thigh meat and liver samples of broiler were taken when thinning and harvesting time in poultry farm at Pamijahan- Bogor using purposive sampling method. Residue testing was conducted through bioassay screening test. Positive results were followed by a confirmatory test using HPLC. Total positive samples were detected residues reached 27.08% which included the macrolide group reached 22.92% and tetracycline group reached 4.17%. These residues were found in the liver, reaching 50% of the total sample of the liver. In addition, 53.85% of the positive samples came from broiler chicken samples taken during thinning period. Macrolide antibiotics in liver samples were detected in the form of erythromycin with the level compounds between 0085 - 0702 ppm. Moreover, 90.9% of the samples had levels exceeding MRL defined in SNI 01-6366-2000 and CAC/MRL-2-2012. Tetracycline antibiotic was detected in the form of doxycycline with the level compounds between 0-0067 ppm on thigh meat and 0-0085 ppm in the liver although these levels were still below the MRL. The residues existence was closely related to the drug dose and farmer's knowledge about withdrawal time

    Characteristics of Vegetables Following Growth-Promoting Bacteria Applications as an Environmentally Friendly Cultivation Innovation

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    The focus of this research was to determine how plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) can affect the soil and physical characteristics of Chinese cabbages, tomatoes, and carrots. A two-factor randomized block design was used. The first factor examined was the time spent soaking the seeds in PGPR solution and the alternatives tested were 0, 10, 20, or 30 minutes. The second factor was the PGPR concentration used when watering the plants in the beds and the alternatives tested were 0, 1.25, 2.5, or 3.75 cc/L. The study found that using PGPR had an effect on soil organic matter and NPK levels, plant height, and yields that differed slightly from the characteristics obtained through conventional practices. The texture and brightness of the Chinese cabbages, tomatoes, and carrots were affected by PGPR treatment. The average texture of the Chinese cabbages, tomatoes, and carrots from the PGPR application was 23.46, 22.82, and 34.14 kg m/sec2, respectively, with brightness levels of 40.19, 34.06, and 39.10. The Chinese cabbages, tomatoes, and carrots from conventional farming practices had textures of 27.12, 23.03, and 31.13 kg m/sec2, respectively, and brightness levels of 58.11, 34.16, and 43.04. The texture and brightness level of the Chinese cabbages, tomatoes, and carrots produced by PGPR application were nearly identical to those produced by conventional farming practices. Keywords: plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria, characteristics, Chinese cabbages, tomatoes, and carrot

    Produksi Selulosa Bakterial dari Air Buah Kelapa Dalam Berbagai Konsentrasi Sukrosa dan Urea

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    Selulosa adalah biopolimer alamiah yang sebagian besar diperoleh dari tanaman dan telah diaplikasikan secara luas terutama di industri kertas dan tekstil. Penggunaan tanaman hutan untuk produksi serat selulosa secara kontinyu mengakibatkan dampak negatif pada lingkungan. Limbah air buah kelapa dapat dimetabolisme oleh bakteri anggota Marga Gluconacetobacter menghasilkan selulosa bakterial sebagai alternatif bagi selulosa tanaman. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mempelajari pengaruh peningkatan konsentrasi sukrosa dan urea pada produktivitas selulosa bakterial dalam medium air buah kelapa. Starter suspensi setiap biakan mikrobia sebanyak 10% dengan densitas 2,2 x 10 7 sel/mL diinokulasikan ke medium air buah kelapa 150 mL dengan variasi konsentrasi sukrosa (0,0; 2,5; 5,0; 7,5; dan 10,0%) dan urea (0,0; 0,2; 0,5; 0,7; dan 1,0%) yang dibiakkan secara statis selama 14 hari pada suhu ruang (25 o C). Isolat bakteri AK3 memiliki similaritas fenotip 87,14% dengan G. xylinus BTCC B-796 dengan potensi produksi selulosa lebih rendah dibandingkan yang diproduksi oleh G. xylinus BTCC B-796 dan starter nata de coco. Variasi konsentrasi sukrosa dan urea tidak perpengaruh pada produksi selulosa oleh G. xylinus BTCC B-796 tetapi berpengaruh nyata pada produksi selulosa oleh isolat AK3 dan starter komersial nata de coco

    The isolation of exopolysaccharide-producing lactic acid bacteria from lontar (Borassus flabellifer L.) sap

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    Background and Objectives: Lontar (Borassus flabellifer L.) is widely grown in Indonesia and one of its products is palm sap. Palm sap contains a high level of sugar, making it suitable as a medium to increase the lactic acid bacteria (LAB) production of exopolysaccharides (EPS). This study aimed to isolate the EPS-producing LAB from palm sap and evaluate its EPS production. LAB isolation was carried out on MRS agar containing 0.5% CaCO3. Materials and Methods: The screening and production of EPS were carried out on MRS media supplemented with 10% sucrose. The molecular identification of the selected EPS-producing LAB was based on 16S rDNA. A quantitative analysis of EPS polymer dry mass and total sugar was conducted using one-way ANOVA. Results: In this study, five EPS-producing LABs were found: Fructobacillus fructosus N4, Leuconostoc mesenteroides N5, Leuconostoc mesenteroides N7, Leuconostoc mesenteroides N9, and Fructobacillus fructosus N10. The highest EPS yield in liquid media was 10.997 ± 1.591 g/L by Leuconostoc mesenteroides N7, whereas the lowest was 4.505 ± 0.459 g/L by Fructobacillus fructosus N10

    Bacterial Community Structure in Sago Pith and Sago Waste Water and Its Poten-tial Uses as Organic Acids Producer

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    Sago is one of the commodities in South Sulawesi. The extraction process of sago flour produces wastewater that still contains organic matter and smells sour. The sour odor produced allows acid-producing bacteria that can be used for waste treatment. This research aims to explore the bacterial community structure in sago pith and sago wastewater through high-throughput sequencing technology and its potential uses as organic acids producer. Samples were obtained from a traditional sago factory in Pa-lopo City, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The acidity degree, total dissolvedsolids, and temperature were measured in the sago pool at the sampling area, while the nutrient contents were analyzed by titration method in Testing Laboratory of Food Quality and Food Safety, Brawijaya University. Bacterial cells in the sago wastewater were ac-quired through a multilevel filtering process on filter paper with pore nitrocellulose membrane sizes of 0.45 and 0.20 μm. Total DNA trapped in the nitrocellulose mem-brane with a pore size of 0.20 μm was isolated using FastDNA Spin Kit (MPBIO),and the V3-V4 regions of 16S rDNA (341f-806r) were amplified. Amplicons were analyzed by Miseq of Illumina and further analyzed by Muscle v.3.8.31, QIIME v.1.7.0, and R v.2.15.3. The result shows that nutrient content in sago pith is higher than in sago wastewater. Both samples are dominated by Phylum Proteobacteria and share 189 common bacterial species. The dominant bacteria that can produce organic acid in sago pith are Dysgonomonassp., Propionispira sp., and Lactobacillus pento-sus.While, Lactobacillus mali and Gluconobacter frateurii are the dominant organic acid-producer bacteria in sago wastewater