140 research outputs found

    Tidal friction in the solid earth

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    The earth's imperfectly elastic response to body and loading tidal forces is discussed using complex Love numbers and complex mass loading coefficients. Exact analytical expressions were derived relating the energy dissipation within an inhomogeneous, compressible solid earth to the surface values of these complex characteristic numbers, thus relating the global dissipation function Q to the phase shifts in the potential, gravity, tilt, strain and displacement tides. Integration of a global ocean tidal model shows that energy dissipated in the solid earth due to ocean loading is at least 10% of that dissipated in the body tides

    Hate Crime in the News: The Media’s Role in Agenda Setting

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    Examining the extant literature on hate crimes shows that there has been an evolutionary process of Hate Crime legislation (HC). Similar to other social movements such as civil rights, the hate crime movement also had various waves which eventually lead to the passage of legislation. By and large, however, HC research has focused on victims and offenders of hate crimes as well as motivations of bias. Moreover, less research has been done on the media’s portrayal and coverage of HC. Since the media is a noted influencer in social issues (Culotta, 2002; Quisenberry, 2001), we sought to answer how the news media are reporting incidences of hate crimes – particularly LGBTQ+- and compare them with official crime statistics reported by law enforcement agencies. In order to answer these questions, our research utilized a qualitative content analysis using QSR NVivo 12.0 to identify potential themes and trends which may be overlooked in simple quantitative methods. Our dataset comes from the Hate Crime Index ("ProPublica," 2018), for the month of June 2018. Official FBI data is also utilized for comparison, spanning from 2012 to 2016. Our results suggest that the media reports HC within an overall internal Agenda Setting Orientation. During analysis, two main themes were identified that show the (i) media report both the failures and challenges of law enforcement in dealing with HC issue and, (ii) that media highlights various best practices some agencies engage in. Limitations and future research directions are discussed

    Stronger Together: Tiny-housers’ Views of Community

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    Over the last decade, tiny homes (generally described as homes smaller than 500 ft2) have grown in popularity thanks to recent representation in the media (Ford and Gomez‐Lanier 2017). An increasing number of people have begun to adopt this reimagined way of living, and some tiny-housers have sought to live near other tiny-housers, forming tiny house communities (Kilman 2016, Mangold et al. Forthcoming). Little systematic research focusing on the tiny-housers views of community exists. To provide initial insights, 30 interviews were conducted with people at various stages in their tiny house journeys. The 30 interviews were transcribed and analyzed in Nvivo 11. Preliminary findings suggest that many of these tiny-housers want to redefine the normative American concept of community by rejecting sub-urban frameworks and borrowing elements from both strong place and interest-based community models. They seek to accomplish this vision through one or more of the following: (i) increased community participation, (ii) shared spaces and resources, and (iii) development of significant relationships with neighbors rooted in mutual support and frequent interaction. While participants strive for this type of community, they also insist upon a clear recognition of personal space and boundaries. Participants also express an interest in having diverse communities, yet desire to maintain many common interests and goals. These community elements are not entirely unique to the tiny house movement. The small space, however, both encourages and facilitates this kind of community participation. Key words: Tiny house, lifestyle, downsizing, good life, alternative lifestyle, minimalism Ford, Jasmine and Lilia Gomez‐Lanier. 2017. Are Tiny Homes Here to Stay? A Review of Literature on the Tiny House Movement. Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal 45(4):394-405. Kilman, Charlie. 2016. Small House, Big Impact: The Effect of Tiny Houses on Community and Environment. Undergraduate Journal of Humanistic Studies 2. Mangold, Severin, Chelsey Willoughby, Devin Hing, Codey Collins and Toralf Zschau. Forthcoming. Why Live Tiny? A New Multi-Dimensional Model. Sociological Spectrum

    Seismic risk mapping for Germany

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    International audienceThe aim of this study is to assess and map the seismic risk for Germany, restricted to the expected losses of damage to residential buildings. There are several earthquake prone regions in the country which have produced Mw magnitudes above 6 and up to 6.7 corresponding to observed ground shaking intensity up to VIII?IX (EMS-98). Combined with the fact that some of the earthquake prone areas are densely populated and highly industrialized and where therefore the hazard coincides with high concentration of exposed assets, the damaging implications from earthquakes must be taken seriously. In this study a methodology is presented and pursued to calculate the seismic risk from (1) intensity based probabilistic seismic hazard, (2) vulnerability composition models, which are based on the distribution of residential buildings of various structural types in representative communities and (3) the distribution of assets in terms of replacement costs for residential buildings. The estimates of the risk are treated as primary economic losses due to structural damage to residential buildings. The obtained results are presented as maps of the damage and risk distributions. For a probability level of 90% non-exceedence in 50 years (corresponding to a mean return period of 475 years) the mean damage ratio is up to 20% and the risk up to hundreds of millions of euro in the most endangered communities. The developed models have been calibrated with observed data from several damaging earthquakes in Germany and the nearby area in the past 30 years

    Development of a PIGE-Detection System for In-situ Inspection and Quality Assurance in the Evolution of Fast Rotating Parts in High Temperature Environment Manufactured From TiAl

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    Intermetallic γ-titanium aluminides are a promising material in high temperature technologies. Their high specific strength at temperatures above 700°C offers the possibility for their use as components of aerospace and automotive industries. With a specific weight of 50% of that of the widely used Ni-based superalloys TiAl is very suitable as material for fast rotating parts like turbine blades in aircraft engines and land based power stations or turbocharger rotors. Thus lower mechanical stresses and a reduced fuel consumption and CO2-emission are expected. To overcome the insufficient oxidation protection the halogen effect offers an innovative way. After surface doping using F-implantation or liquid phase-treatment with an F-containing solution and subsequent oxidation at high temperatures the formation of a protective alumina scale can be achieved. By using non-destructive ion beam analyses (PIGE, RBS) F was found at the metal/oxide interface. For analysis of large scale components a new vacuum chamber at the IKF was installed and became operative. With this prototype of in-situ quality assurance system for the F-doping of manufactured parts from TiAl some performance test measurements were done and presented in this paper.Received: 01 March 2013; Revised: 24 April 2013; Accepted: 25 April 201

    Simultaneous magma and gas eruptions at three volcanoes in southern Italy: an earthquake trigger?

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    In September 2002, a series of tectonic earthquakes occurred north of Sicily, Italy, followed by three events of volcanic unrest within 150 km. On October 28, 2002, Mt. Etna erupted; on November 3, 2002, submarine degassing occurred near Panarea Island; and on December 28, 2002, Stromboli Island erupted. All of these events were considered unusual: the Mt. Etna NE-rift eruption was the largest in 55 yr, the Panarea degassing was one of the strongest ever detected there, and the Stromboli eruption, which produced a landslide and tsunami, was the largest effusive eruption in 17 yr. Here, we investigate the synchronous occurrence of these clustered unrest events, and develop a possible explanatory model. We compute short-term earthquake-induced dynamic strain changes and compare them to long-term tectonic effects. Results suggest that the earthquake-induced strain changes exceeded annual tectonic strains by at least an order of magnitude. This agitation occurred in seconds, and may have induced fluid and gas pressure migration within the already active hydrothermal and magmatic systems

    Towards an improved seismic risk scenario for Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic

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    A risk scenario for Bishkek, capital of the Kyrgyz Republic, is evaluated by considering a magnitude 7.5 earthquake occurring over the Issyk-Ata fault.The intensity values predicted through the application of an attenuation relationship and a recently compiled vulnerability composition model are used as inputs for seismic risk assessment, carried out using the CREST (Cedim Risk Estimation Tool) code. Although the results of this study show a reduction by as much as a factor of two with respect to the results of earlier studies, the risk scenario evaluated in this paper confirms the large number of expected injuries and fatalities in Bishkek, as well as the severe level of building damage. Furthermore, the intensity map has also been evaluated by performing stochastic simulations. The spectral levels of the ground shaking are converted into intensity values by applying a previously derived conversion technique. The local site effects are empirically estimated considering the spectral ratios between the earthquakes recorded by a temporary network deployed in Bishkek and the recordings at two reference sites. Although the intensities computed via stochastic simulations are lower than those estimated with the attenuation relationship, the simulations showed that site effects, which can contribute to intensity increments as large as 2 units in the north part of the town, are playing an important role in altering the risk estimates for different parts of the town

    Investigation of superstorm Sandy 2012 in a multi-disciplinary approach

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    At the end of October 2012, Hurricane Sandy moved from the Caribbean Sea into the Atlantic Ocean and entered the United States not far from New York. Along its track, Sandy caused more than 200 fatalities and severe losses in Jamaica, The Bahamas, Haiti, Cuba, and the US. This paper demonstrates the capability and potential for near-real-time analysis of catastrophes. It is shown that the impact of Sandy was driven by the superposition of different extremes (high wind speeds, storm surge, heavy precipitation) and by cascading effects. In particular the interaction between Sandy and an extra-tropical weather system created a huge storm that affected large areas in the US. It is examined how Sandy compares to historic hurricane events, both from a hydro-meteorological and impact perspective. The distribution of losses to different sectors of the economy is calculated with simple input-output models as well as government estimates. Direct economic losses are estimated about USD 4.2 billion in the Caribbean and between USD 78 and 97 billion in the US. Indirect economic losses from power outages is estimated in the order of USD 16.3 billion. Modelling sector-specific dependencies quantifies total business interruption losses between USD 10.8 and 15.5 billion. Thus, seven years after the record impact of Hurricane Katrina in 2005, Hurricane Sandy is the second costliest hurricane in the history of the United States

    Investigation of superstorm Sandy 2012 in a multi-disciplinary approach

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    At the end of October 2012, Hurricane Sandy moved from the Caribbean Sea into the Atlantic Ocean and entered the United States not far from New York. Along its track, Sandy caused more than 200 fatalities and severe losses in Jamaica, The Bahamas, Haiti, Cuba, and the US. This paper demonstrates the capability and potential for near-real-time analysis of catastrophes. It is shown that the impact of Sandy was driven by the superposition of different extremes (high wind speeds, storm surge, heavy precipitation) and by cascading effects. In particular the interaction between Sandy and an extra-tropical weather system created a huge storm that affected large areas in the US. It is examined how Sandy compares to historic hurricane events, both from a hydro-meteorological and impact perspective. The distribution of losses to different sectors of the economy is calculated with simple input-output models as well as government estimates. Direct economic losses are estimated about USD 4.2 billion in the Caribbean and between USD 78 and 97 billion in the US. Indirect economic losses from power outages is estimated in the order of USD 16.3 billion. Modelling sector-specific dependencies quantifies total business interruption losses between USD 10.8 and 15.5 billion. Thus, seven years after the record impact of Hurricane Katrina in 2005, Hurricane Sandy is the second costliest hurricane in the history of the United States

    Site effect assessment in Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan) using earthquake and noise recording data

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    Kyrgyzstan, which is located in the collision zone between the Eurasian and Indo-Australian lithosphere plates, is prone to large earthquakes as shown by its historical seismicity. Hence, an increase in the knowledge and awareness by local authorities and decision makers of the possible consequence of a large earthquake, based on improved seismic hazard assessments and realistic earthquake risk scenarios, is mandatory to mitigate the effects of an earthquake. To this regard, the Central Asia Cross-Border Natural Disaster Prevention (CASCADE) project aims to install a cross- border seismological and strong motion network in Central Asia and to support microzonation activities for the capitals of Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan. During the first phase of the project, a temporary seismological network of 19 stations was installed in the city of Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan. Moreover, single-station noise recordings were collected at nearly 200 sites. In this study, the site amplifications occurring in Bishkek are assessed by analyzing 56 earthquakes extracted from the data streams continuously acquired by the network, as well as from the single-station noise measurements. A broadband amplification (starting at ∼0:1 and 0.2 Hz), is shown by the standard spectral ratio (SSR) results of the stations located within the basin. The reliability of the observed low-frequency amplification was validated through a time–frequency analysis of denoised seismograms. Discrepancies between horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio and SSR results are due to the large amplification of the vertical component of ground motion, probably due to the effect of converted waves. The single-station noise results, once their reliability was assessed by their comparison with the earthquake data, have been used to produce the first fundamental resonance frequency map for Bishkek, whose spatial variation shows a good agreement with the presence of an impedance contrast within the Tertiary sedimentary cover.Published3068-30824.1. Metodologie sismologiche per l'ingegneria sismicaJCR Journalope