780 research outputs found

    2D continuous spectrum of shear Alfven waves in the presence of a magnetic island

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    The radial structure of the continuous spectrum of shear Alfven modes is calculated in the presence of a magnetic island in tokamak plasmas. Modes with the same helicity of the magnetic island are considered in a slab model approximation. In this framework, with an appropriate rotation of the coordinates the problem reduces to 2 dimensions. Geometrical effects due to the shape of the flux surface's cross section are retained to all orders. On the other hand, we keep only curvature effects responsible of the beta induced gap in the low-frequency part of the continuous spectrum. New continuum accumulation points are found at the O-point of the magnetic island. The beta-induced Alfven Eigenmodes (BAE) continuum accumulation point is found to be positioned at the separatrix flux surface. The most remarkable result is the nonlinear modification of the BAE continuum accumulation point frequency

    Advanced modelling of the Planck-LFI radiometers

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    The Low Frequency Instrument (LFI) is a radiometer array covering the 30-70 GHz spectral range on-board the ESA Planck satellite, launched on May 14th, 2009 to observe the cosmic microwave background (CMB) with unprecedented precision. In this paper we describe the development and validation of a software model of the LFI pseudo-correlation receivers which enables to reproduce and predict all the main system parameters of interest as measured at each of the 44 LFI detectors. These include system total gain, noise temperature, band-pass response, non-linear response. The LFI Advanced RF Model (LARFM) has been constructed by using commercial software tools and data of each radiometer component as measured at single unit level. The LARFM has been successfully used to reproduce the LFI behavior observed during the LFI ground-test campaign. The model is an essential element in the database of LFI data processing center and will be available for any detailed study of radiometer behaviour during the survey.Comment: 21 pages, 15 figures, this paper is part of the Prelaunch status LFI papers published on JINST: http://www.iop.org/EJ/journal/-page=extra.proc5/jins

    Technical Development of a New Semispherical Radiofrequency Bipolar Device (RONJA): Ex Vivo and In Vivo Studies

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    The aim of this study is to inform about the development of a new semispherical surgical instrument for the bipolar multielectrode radiofrequency liver ablation. Present tools are universal; however they have several disadvantages such as ablation of healthy tissue, numerous needle punctures, and, therefore, longer operating procedure. Our newly designed and tested semispherical surgical tool can solve some of these disadvantages. By conducting an in vivo study on a set of 12 pigs, randomly divided into two groups, we have compared efficiency of the newly developed instrument with the commonly used device. Statistical analysis showed that there were no significant differences between the groups. On average, the tested instrument RONJA had shorter ablation time in both liver lobes and reduced the total operating time. The depth of the thermal alteration was on average 4 mm larger using the newly tested instrument. The new radiofrequency method described in this study could be used in open liver surgery for the treatment of small liver malignancies (up to 2 cm) in a single application with the aim of saving healthy liver parenchyma. Further experimental studies are needed to confirm these results before clinical application of the method in the treatment of human liver malignancies

    Hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor stimulates the Ras-guanine nucleotide exchanger

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    Hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor (HGF/SF) induces mitogenesis and cell dissociation upon binding to the protein-tyrosine kinase receptor encoded by the MET proto-oncogene (p190MET). The signal transduction pathways downstream from the receptor activation are largely unknown. We show that HGF/SF activates Ras protein. HGF/SF stimulation of metabolically labeled A549 cells raised the amount of Ras-bound radiolabeled guanine nucleotides by over 5-fold. Furthermore, following HGF/SF stimulation of these cells, 50% of Ras was in the GTP-bound active state. The uptake by Ras of radiolabeled GTP was also increased by 5-fold following HGF/SF stimulation in digitonin-permeabilized A549 cells. Moreover, HGF/SF treatment of A549 cells leads to stimulation of the cytosolic Ras-guanine nucleotide exchange activity, measured as accelerated release of [3H]GDP from purified recombinant Ras protein in vitro, in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Likewise, treatment with the protein-tyrosine kinase inhibitor 3-(1',4'-dihydroxytetralyl)methylene-2-oxindole of GTL-16 cells (featuring a p190MET receptor constitutively active) significantly decreased the cytosolic Ras-guanine nucleotide exchange activity. These data demonstrate that HGF/SF activates Ras protein by shifting the equilibrium toward the GTP-bound state and increases the uptake of guanine nucleotides by Ras, through mechanism(s) including the activation of a Ras-guanine nucleotide exchanger

    B-mode polarization forecasts for GreenPol

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    We present tensor-to-scalar ratio forecasts for GreenPol, a hypothetical ground-based B-mode experiment aiming to survey the cleanest regions of the Northern Galactic hemisphere at five frequencies between 10 and 44 GHz. Its primary science goal would be to measure large-scale CMB polarization fluctuations at multipoles 500\ell \lesssim 500, and thereby constrain the primordial tensor-to-scalar ratio. The observations for the suggested experiment would take place at the Summit Station (72deg N, 38deg W) on Greenland, at an altitude of 3216 meters above sea level. In this paper we simulate various experimental setups, and derive limits on the tensor-to-scalar ratio after CMB component separation using a Bayesian component separation implementation called Commander. When combining the proposed experiment with Planck HFI observations for constraining polarized thermal dust emission, we find a projected limit of r<0.02 at 95 % confidence for the baseline configuration. This limit is very robust with respect to a range of important experimental parameters, including sky coverage, detector weighting, foreground priors etc. Overall, GreenPol would have the possibility to provide deep CMB polarization measurements of the Northern Galactic hemisphere at low frequencies.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures. To be submitted to A&