74 research outputs found


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    This article deals with the essence of the educational project , and its mutantiation in the works of scientists and teacher. It is underlined the portance of the usage of a method of the projects and its practical importance ar one of the ways of increasing of the educational of the senior pupils.У статті розкрито сутність навчального проекту, його обгрунтування в працях учених та педагагів-практиків. Обумовлено доцільність використання в навчальному процесі методу проектів та його практичне значення як один із засобів підвищення активізації пізнавальної діяльності старшокласників

    Формування інноваційної спрямованості майбутнього фахівця при викладанні податкових дисциплін

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    Приемы создания фасцинативного эффекта в стихотворении Бориса Слуцкого «Расстреливали Ваньку-взводного…»

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    The present article is a linguopoetic analysis of the mechanism of formation of fascinativity in the poem by Boris Slutskii “They were shooting Vanka-vzvodnyi...”. We regard the fascinativity as a result of the unification of all the components of the poetic text. When analyzing the poetic language of this poem, we found elements and techniques which form the effect of fascination. These include the techniques of cinematography, tempo change, repetition, contraposition and phonetic writing. In the perspective of poetic grammar, we notice the active participation of units of the morphological level, which actualise their internal forms as a result of verse juxtaposition, in creating the fascinating effect. Verb forms take part in the creation of montage. Morphological rhymes in combination with lexical selection serve to form a linear narrative, which is able to strengthen the fascinating influence on the recipient. The importance of studying the artistic heritage of Boris Slutskii is determined by the interest of modern linguistics in the examination of the author's unique techniques of creating poetic expressiveness. The research makes extensive use of the interpretative method.The present article is a linguopoetic analysis of the mechanism of formation of fascinativity in the poem by Boris Slutskii “They were shooting Vanka-vzvodnyi...”. We regard the fascinativity as a result of the unification of all the components of the poetic text. When analyzing the poetic language of this poem, we found elements and techniques which form the effect of fascination. These include the techniques of cinematography, tempo change, repetition, contraposition and phonetic writing. In the perspective of poetic grammar, we notice the active participation of units of the morphological level, which actualise their internal forms as a result of verse juxtaposition, in creating the fascinating effect. Verb forms take part in the creation of montage. Morphological rhymes in combination with lexical selection serve to form a linear narrative, which is able to strengthen the fascinating influence on the recipient. The importance of studying the artistic heritage of Boris Slutskii is determined by the interest of modern linguistics in the examination of the author's unique techniques of creating poetic expressiveness. The research makes extensive use of the interpretative method.Данная статья представляет собой лингвопоэтический анализ механизма формирования фасцинативности стихотворения Бориса Слуцкого «Расстреливали Ваньку-взводного…». Фасцинативность рассмотрена нами как результат объединения всех составляющих поэтического текста. При анализе поэтического языка данного стихотворения мы обнаружили элементы и приемы, формирующие эффект фасцинации. К ним относятся приемы кинематографичности, изменения темпа, повтора, противопоставления и звукописи. В ракурсе поэтической грамматики отмечаем активное участие в создании фасцинативного эффекта единиц морфологического уровня, которые в результате стихового соположения актуализируют свои внутренние формы. Глагольные формы принимают участие в создании монтажа. Морфологические рифмы в паре с лексическим отбором служат для формирования линейного нарратива, который способен усиливать фасцинирующее воздействие на адресата. Актуальность изучения творческого наследия Бориса Слуцкого обусловлена интересом современной лингвистики к изучению уникальных авторских приемов создания поэтической выразительности. В исследовании широко используется интерпретационный метод


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    Professional standards for educational managers establish the compliance of a person with the professional requirements; therefore, it is important to study them in order to develop the content of university training programs for school principals. The aim of the present research is to examine the experience of standardization of educational managers’ professional activity in the countries of different socio-economic development and various degrees of participation in the global educational integration processes, as well as to highlight the possible use of best practices to develop and implement the most effective university training programs for educational managers. We conducted the study during 2018 – 2020 according to the methodology of the aspect analysis, having distinguished two aspects: functional and behavioural. We analysed the professional standards within the framework of regional clusters taking as a basis the mutual convergence and interaction of their educational systems, namely regions that are the generators of integration processes; regions that respond positively to integration processes but do not initiate them; regions that are inert to the integration of educational processes. Furthermore, we chose a few countries from each cluster, which adopted the standards at the state level or at the level of individual administrative units within a particular country. The results of the analysis made it possible to identify general and special trends, peculiar to certain groups of countries. The results obtained within the framework of the study made it possible for us to develop the construct of the standard that takes into account the particular features of socio-economic development of Ukraine.

    Управління службово-трудовою адаптацією персоналу органів внутрішніх справ: сучасні проблеми

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    Золотько, Д. О. Управління службово-трудовою адаптацією персоналу органів внутрішніх справ: сучасні проблеми / Д. О. Золотько // Вісник Національного університету внутрішніх справ. - 2002. – Вип. 19. - С. 271-274Зазначено, що однією із найважливіших складових систем управління персоналом в органах внутрішніх справ є управління службово-трудовою адаптацією персоналу, яке має за мету прискорення процесу адаптації (взаємне пристосування працівника і організації), що ґрунтується на поступовому входженні працівника у нові професійні, соціальні та організаційно-економічні умови праці та забезпечення його успішності. Отмечено, что одной из важнейших составляющих системы управления персоналом в органах внутренних дел является управление служебно-трудовой адаптацией персонала, которое имеет цель ускорения процесса адаптации (взаимное приспособление работника и организации), основывается на постепенном вхождении работника в новые профессиональные, социальные и организационно экономические условия труда и обеспечения его успешности. It is noted that one of the most important components of the personnel management system in the internal affairs bodies is the management of personnel adaptation, which aims to accelerate the adaptation process (mutual adaptation of the employee and the organization), based on the gradual entry of the employee into new professional, social and organizational and economic conditions labor and ensuring its success

    On assessing the efficiency of executive authorities in achieving the national development goals

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    Objective: to identify and characterize the current trends in improving approaches to evaluating the performance of executive authorities, taking into account the trends and prospects for improving their activities to implement the goals and objectives of national, federal, and regional projects.Methods: general scientific methods of the systematic approach aimed at a holistic perception of the research object, such as comparison, grouping, other statistical methods, as well as the scenario approach and expert assessments.Results: the issues of management system in the activities of government bodies that affect the efficiency of public servants are identified, systematized and characterized. Based on the analysis of the dynamics and structure of the number of state and municipal employees and their remuneration in the Russian Federation, Southern Federal district and Volgograd region, the differences in the work of state and municipal employees at different levels are reasoned and proposals are developed for the use of a system of key performance indicators (KPI) linked to the goals and objectives of national projects at all levels of executive power. Taking into account the example of calculating KPI, an algorithm for its implementation is proposed, the positive and negative consequences of this system in executive authorities are justified.Scientific novelty: the article for the first time gives an assessment of the prospects for implementing KPI for state and municipal employees with a detailed justification of both advantages and risks of implementing such a system, taking into account the impact of national projects’ goals and objectives on the content and working conditions of executive authorities involved in their implementation.Practical significance: the findings and results of the study can be used in the educational process when studying the use of KPI to improve the efficiency of state and municipal employees at the level of individual governance bodies; the article is also of interest for implementation or development of the KPI system at regional and municipal levels of executive authorities

    Morphological characteristic of intracerebral hemorrhage in rats and correlation of its volume with results of behavioral tests

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    The intracerebral hemorrhage is associated with severe complications and high mortality. Currently there are no effective methods of treatment of this disease while the standard collagenase model of intracerebral hemorrhage is not described sufficiently. Objective. To analyze morphological characteristics of the collagenase model of intracerebral hemorrhage, and develop the regression formula predicting the hemorrhage volume based on the results of behavioral tests. Materials and methods. The experiments were carried out on 7 white male rats weighing 250-400 g aged 11-13 months. All animals underwent surgery to simulate intracerebral hemorrhage. Rats were anesthetized and then, stereotactically, using a needle with a diameter of 0.47 mm, 0.2 units of collagenase type IV were slowly injected into the left striatum. The day after the intracerebral hemorrhage, functional disabilities developed in rats were studied using beam walking test, neurological score test and adhesive removal test. Immediately after performing behavioral tests, the rats were sacrificed by decapitation. After the brain formalin fixation, serial sections on a vibromicrotome of 200 µm thick each in the anteroposterior direction with following morphological examination were made. Results. It was revealed that the collagenase model of intracerebral hemorrhage is associated with a large variability of the hemorrhage volume. It also had an irregular rugged shape and marks of repeated diapedetic hemorrhages of about 0.6 mm depth. The center of intracerebral hemorrhage along the anteroposterior axis was in average 0.5 mm posterior of the actual site of collagenase injection.The combined use of the neurological score test, the beam walking test and the adhesive removal test in the collagenase model can help estimate the probable intracerebral hemorrhage volume on the 1st day using the regression formula. Conclusions. Technical details identified in our study can help researchers in planning and conduction of correct experiments related to intracerebral hemorrhage

    Electrooptical behavior of twisted-wedge nematic structures

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    A new type of domain in twisted-wedge negative nematics is reported. The wedge shape allows the separation of ordinary and extraordinary beams that can be studied separately. In these conditions, at least five different regions can be detected, depending on applied voltages and frequencies. Both rays are shown to yield different diffraction patterns. The relative light intensity of several spots of these paterns is also studied

    Development of the related anemic syndrome in various types of endocrine pathology (literature review)

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    Anemia is a public health problem in almost all countries in the world, negatively affects human health, affects all sectors of the population and creates serious negative socio-economic consequences. The fact of anemia is the basis for stating a pathological condition that requires a nosological diagnosis with the identification of the causes of anemia. The article presents a review of modern literature, covering the impact of endocrine pathology on the development of various types of anemia in humans. The importance of biologically active substances in normal erythropoiesis is described, the role of erythropoietin and the action of hormones of the endocrine glands on its formation are considered. Endocrine pathologies such as hypo- and hyperthyroidism, hypo- and hyperparathyroidism, diabetes mellitus, insufficiency of the pituitary, hypothalamus, sex glands, adrenal glands and features of the development of anemic conditions are discussed. An analysis of the literature showed that an increase or decrease in the function of individual endocrine glands leads to a disruption in the formation of erythropoietin, impaired absorption of iron, folic acid and vitamin B12 and, as a result, ineffective erythropoiesis. Anemia negatively affects the course of the underlying disease, significantly worsening its prognosis, and its treatment is more often effective only in conjunction with the adjustment of hormonal status. Despite significant progress in the study of the pathogenesis of anemia, the emergence of new scientific data on the issues and mechanisms of regulation of erythropoiesis, classification options for anemia are still being discussed, the criteria for diagnosing a number of anemias and its combination with chronic diseases of endocrine and non-endocrine nature are being reviewed. У статті представлений огляд сучасної літератури, що висвітлює питання впливу ендокринної патології на розвиток різних видів анемій у людини. Описується значення біологічно активних речовин в нормальному еритропоезі, розглядається роль еритропоетину і дію гормонів ендокринних залоз на його розвиток. Обговорюються такі ендокринні патології, як гіпо- та гіпертиреоїдизм, гіпо- та гіперпаратиреоїдизм, цукровий діабет, недостатність функції гіпофіза, гіпоталамуса, статевих залоз, наднирників і особливості розвитку анемічних станів при них. Аналіз літератури показав, що анемія негативно впливає на перебіг основного захворювання, істотно погіршуючи його прогноз, а її лікування частіше ефективно тільки спільно з коригуванням гормонального статусу