23 research outputs found

    Multiple Myeloma Includes Phenotypically Defined Subsets of Clonotypic CD20+ B Cells that Persist During Treatment with Rituximab

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    Potential progenitor B cell compartments in multiple myeloma (MM) are clinically important. MM B cells and some circulating MM plasma cells express CD20, predicting their clearance by treatment with anti-CD20. Here we describe two types of clonotypic CD20+ B cell in peripheral blood of myeloma patients, identified by their expression of CD19 and CD20 epitopes, their expression of CD45RA and their light scatter properties. Thus, the circulating component of the MM clone includes at least two distinct CD19+ CD20+ B cell compartments, as well as CD138+ CD20+ plasma cells. To determine whether either or both B cell subsets and the CD20+ plasma cell subset were depleted by anti-CD20 therapy, they were evaluated before, during and after treatment of patients with rituximab (anti-CD20), followed by quantifying B cell subsets over a 5 month period during and after treatment. Overall, all three types of circulating B lineage cells persist despite treatment with rituximab. The inability of rituximab to prolong survival in MM may result from this failure to deplete CD20+ B and plasma cells in MM

    Comparison of blood and synovial fluid Th17 and novel peptidase inhibitor 16 Treg cell subsets in juvenile idiopathic arthritis

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    Objective. Early recognition and treatment of juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) can prevent joint damage and minimize side effects of medication. The balance between proinflammatory and antiinflammatory mechanisms is known to be important in JIA, and we therefore investigated T cell subsets including Th cells, autoaggressive Th17 cells, and regulatory T cells (Treg), including a novel Treg subset in peripheral blood (PB) and synovial fluid (SF) of patients with JIA. Methods. Fifty children with JIA were enrolled in our study. Frequency, phenotype, and function of T lymphocytes in PB and SF were characterized using flow cytometry. Migration capabilities of PB and SF cells were compared. Results. Synovial T cells showed different phenotype and function compared with PB T cells, with an increased proportion of memory T cells, expression of CCR4, CCR5, CXCR3, interleukin 23R, and an increased ratio of Th17 to Treg. Although Treg were increased in SF compared with the PB, we found a significant decrease in the numbers of peptidase inhibitor 16 (PI16)+ Treg in active joints compared with peripheral blood. Coexpression of CCR4 and CCR6 was reduced on PI16+ Treg in PB and SF of patients with JIA compared with healthy children, however the ability of these cells to migrate toward their ligands was unaffected. Conclusion. This is a comprehensive characterization of novel PI16+ Treg and Th17 cells in matched blood and synovial fluid samples of patients with JIA. Despite an increased number of Treg within the inflamed joint, lower numbers of PI16+ Treg but high numbers of Th17 cells might contribute to the inability to control disease.Randall H. Grose, Deborah J. Millard, Chris Mavrangelos, Simon C. Barry, Heddy Zola, Ian C. Nicholson, Weng Tarng Cham, Christina A. Boros and Doreen Krumbiege

    PI16 is expressed by a subset of human memory Treg with enhanced migration to CCL17 and CCL20

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    The peptidase inhibitor PI16 was shown previously by microarray analysis to be over-expressed by CD4-positive/CD25-positive Treg compared with CD4-positive/CD25-negative Th cells. Using a monoclonal antibody to the human PI16 protein, we found that PI16-positive Treg have a memory (CD45RO-positive) phenotype and express higher levels of FOXP3 than PI16-negative Treg. PI16-positive Treg are functional in suppressor assays in vitro with potency similar to PI16-negative Treg. Further phenotyping of the PI16-positive Treg revealed that the chemokine receptors CCR4 and CCR6 are expressed by more of the PI16-positive/CD45RO-positive Treg compared with PI16-negative/CD45RO-positive Treg or Th cells. PI16-positive Treg showed enhanced in vitro migration towards the inflammatory chemokines CCL17 and CCL20, suggesting they can migrate to sites of inflammation. We conclude that PI16 identifies a novel distinct subset of functional memory Treg which can migrate to sites of inflammation and regulate the pro-inflammatory response at those sites.Ian C. Nicholson, Christos Mavrangelos, Daniel R.G. Bird, Suzanne Bresatz-Atkins, Nicola G. Eastaff-Leung, Randall H. Grose, Batjargal Gundsambuu, Danika Hill, Debbrah J. Millard, Timothy J. Sadlon, Sarah To, Heddy Zola, Simon C. Barry, Doreen Krumbiege

    Immune activation in irritable bowel syndrome: can neuroimmune interactions explain symptoms?

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    Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a functional disorder of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract characterized by pain or discomfort from the lower abdominal region, which is associated with altered bowel habit. Despite its prevalence, there is currently a lack of effective treatment options for patients. IBS has long been considered as a neurological condition resulting from alterations in the brain gut axis, but immunological alterations are increasingly reported in IBS patients, consistent with the hypothesis that there is a chronic, but low-grade, immune activation. Mediators released by immune cells act to either dampen or amplify the activity of GI nerves. Release of a number of these mediators correlates with symptoms of IBS, highlighting the importance of interactions between the immune and the nervous systems. Investigation of the role of microbiota in these interactions is in its early stages, but may provide many answers regarding the mechanisms underlying activation of the immune system in IBS. Identifying what the key changes in the GI immune system are in IBS and how these changes modulate viscerosensory nervous function is essential for the development of novel therapies for the underlying disorder.Patrick A. Hughes, Heddy Zola, Irmeli A. Penttila, L. Ashley Blackshaw, Jane M. Andrews, and Doreen Krumbiege

    Analysis of Receptors for Cytokines and Growth Factors in Human Disease

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    The physiological importance of cytokines and other factors which control cell and tissue growth and differentiation is widely appreciated. While physiological studies have included the cellular receptors for these factors, studies on their role in disease have concentrated on the measurement of cytokines themselves or soluble receptor components. This reflects in part the technical difficulty of measuring cell surface expression of receptors, which occur at and are functional at very low concentrations. In this review, the potential va lue of surface-expressed receptors as markers of disease is assessed, and methods are described which allow measurements with standard equipment for flow cytometry and tluorescence microscopy

    Medical Applications of Leukocyte Surface Molecules—the CD molecules

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    Leukocytes are the cells of the immune system and are centrally involved in defense against infection, in autoimmune disease, allergy, inflammation, and in organ graft rejection. Lymphomas and leukemias are malignancies of leukocytes, and the immune system is almost certainly involved in most other cancers. Each leukocyte expresses a selection of cell surface glycoproteins and glycolipids which mediate its interaction with antigen, with other components of the immune system, and with other tissues. It is therefore not surprising that the leukocyte surface molecules (CD molecules) have provided targets for diagnosis and therapy. Among the “celebrities” are CD20, a target for lymphoma therapeutic antibodies which earns $2 billion annually (and makes a significant difference to lymphoma patients), and CD4, the molecule used by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) as an entry portal into cells of the immune system. This short review provides a background to the CD molecules and antibodies against them, and summarizes research, diagnostic, and therapeutic applications of antibodies against these molecules

    Development of a Cluster of Differentiation Antibody-Based Protein Microarray

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    Protein microarrays combine aspects of DNA microarrays and ELISA for the parallel interrogation of a biological sample using a multiplex of protein biomarkers. Here we report the development of a protein microarray consisting of a subset of CD antibodies and CRP. Several preparations (culture supernatant, ascites fluid and purified Ig) of each antibody were used in a forward phase protein microarray. Microarrays were fabricated using a non-contact printer delivering 300 pL (± 30 pL) to specific locations on polyacrylamide gel-based substrates. Following production, microarrays were blocked for non-specific binding and incubated with sera conjugated directly with Cy3. Using CRP as a control biomarker, 12 clinical samples (inflammatory conditions and controls) were interrogated using the protein microarray format and results compared to CRP measured by conventional immunoassay. The data obtained from the microarray correlated with CRP assessed by immunoassay. Subsequently CRP ‘positive’ samples were interrogated for CD antigen expression; which revealed CD25 and CD45RO expression in all samples. Whilst this study focussed on a subset of CD antibodies, it is anticipated that this array could be expanded to include a larger number of CD antibodies and allow screening of sera from multiple conditions in order to identify disease markers