13 research outputs found

    Typology of humor in Serbia oral prose

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    Студија Типологија хумора у српској усменој прози бави се комплексним феноменом хумора, указујући на његову обредну, историјско-цивилизацијску, социо- психолошку, културолошку и естетску димензију. Основ хумора (комичног и смешног) анализира се у обредном и магијском контексту и у вези с природом и људском потребом да њоме овлада. Такође, и у контексту савременог живота у којем комично означава и црнохуморну (трагикомичну), апсурдну визију света, која га и удаљава од његових првобитних обредно-магијских корена. Проблем који се намеће односи се на дефинисање појма хумора у теоријско- методолошком смислу, јер постоје знатне разлике у приступима и научним тумачењима. У овој студији хумор се карактерише као општа категорија у оквиру које комично и смешно представљају елементе његовог естетског и појавног изражавања, при чему се сва три појма користе без значајних значењских дистинкција...The paper Typology of humor in Serbian oral prose deals with complex phenomenon of humor, pointing to its ritual, historical and civilizational, sociopsyhological, cultural and aesthetic dimension. The basis of humor ( comic and funny ) is analysed in ritual and magical context and it is connected with nature and people need to master it. In context of modern life in which comic means black comedy (tragycomic), absurd vision of the world, which moves him away from his original ritual and magical roots. Problem that arises refers to the definition of the term humor in theoretical and methodology sense, because there are significant differences in approaches and scientific interpretations.In this paper humor is characterized as a general category in which comic and funny represent elements of its aesthetical expression and manifestation, all three terms being used without significant semantic distinctions..

    New trends in the development of battery

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    Among civilized priorities and challenges for humanity, energy occupies the most important and certainly the most attractive place in terms of research as well as in scientific and technological developments. The question of energy, in relation trinity energy-materials-information (EMI) is directly correlated with the triad of the synthesis (the technological process of obtaining materials)- structure of- material properties (srb. sinteza-struktura-svojstva materijala (SSS)). Storage of energy (electricity, heat, cooling energy ...) is an important issue and a weak point in the energy sector. Fossil fuels provide the internal storage of energy which is not the case for wind, solar, etc. The nanostructure of materials can be a useful for the storage of heat or for the isolation of heat storage. Storing electrochemical energy is widely applied, especially in portable devices, which are mainly related to the battery. Li, as the material is the most used because it is the lightest metal and has a very high energy density. Due to the lack of lithium in the United States, and the world, new research substitute lithium for magnesium ions, for already listed battery system. These studies are done at the Illinois State University, in Chicago. After the commercialization of lithium-ion battery research for the cathode active material concentrates on lithium that contains at the forefront the transition-metal oxides with a 4V class high electromotive force because it can serve as a lithium of carbonic negative electrode. Unfortunately all classes 4V rechargeable cathode: LiCoO2, LiNiO2, LiMn2O4, have a core problem of costs and environmental impact, because their cathodes include the use of rare metals such as redox center. The problems become more serious, especially for the most expensive LiCoO2, with further expansions of the market for electric vehicles, which are expected in the near future

    Air quality and thermal comfort measurements in the offices using the low-cost sensors and monitors

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    The subjective experience of the environment where people live defines the comfort of that environment. The elements of environmental comfort are the air quality, thermal comfort, visual comfort, and sound comfort. The air quality in the room where people stay can significantly affect their concentration, i.e., the ability to work and study. The concentration of CO 2 in the room is used as an indicator of ventilation, that is, as an indicator of the air quality in the observed room. The thermal comfort defines a state of satisfaction with the thermal environment. The thermal comfort is achieved when the environment properties are such that they ensure the release of BAKAR 48 (2023) 1 COPPER body heat within the comfortable limits. This paper presents a part of the air quality and thermal comfort measurement results in the selected office in the Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor from 2020 to 2022. Based on the analysis of measurement results, it was determined that the air quality in the selected office was satisfactory on an average of more than 90% of the working time, and the thermal comfort on an average of about 60% of the working time

    Typology of humor in Serbia oral prose

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    Студија Типологија хумора у српској усменој прози бави се комплексним феноменом хумора, указујући на његову обредну, историјско-цивилизацијску, социо- психолошку, културолошку и естетску димензију. Основ хумора (комичног и смешног) анализира се у обредном и магијском контексту и у вези с природом и људском потребом да њоме овлада. Такође, и у контексту савременог живота у којем комично означава и црнохуморну (трагикомичну), апсурдну визију света, која га и удаљава од његових првобитних обредно-магијских корена. Проблем који се намеће односи се на дефинисање појма хумора у теоријско- методолошком смислу, јер постоје знатне разлике у приступима и научним тумачењима. У овој студији хумор се карактерише као општа категорија у оквиру које комично и смешно представљају елементе његовог естетског и појавног изражавања, при чему се сва три појма користе без значајних значењских дистинкција...The paper Typology of humor in Serbian oral prose deals with complex phenomenon of humor, pointing to its ritual, historical and civilizational, sociopsyhological, cultural and aesthetic dimension. The basis of humor ( comic and funny ) is analysed in ritual and magical context and it is connected with nature and people need to master it. In context of modern life in which comic means black comedy (tragycomic), absurd vision of the world, which moves him away from his original ritual and magical roots. Problem that arises refers to the definition of the term humor in theoretical and methodology sense, because there are significant differences in approaches and scientific interpretations.In this paper humor is characterized as a general category in which comic and funny represent elements of its aesthetical expression and manifestation, all three terms being used without significant semantic distinctions..

    Occurrence of Phytophthora species in the management unit „Turjak-Vršine“

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    Numerous studies have shown that several Phytophthora species are directly connected with the tree decline in various forests, and that these organisms are the main cause of decay and loss of fine roots, necrosis as well as of the wounds of mother roots. Due to the previously recorded symptoms and high risk to forestry and biodiversity posed by the presence of these species, a study was performed in the Forest Estate „Šumarstvo“ - Raška, in the forest management unit „Turjak-Vršine“, Forest administration in Novi Pazar. The aims of the research were to isolate and identify the Phytophthora species and their associated hosts. The samples of rhizophere soil, water and necrotic tissues were taken, and the isolation was performed according to a known methodology, using baits and direct setting of tissue culture on the media. Eleven hosts were tested, five hosts were positive and a total of 29 isolates were obtained. The hosts with the most isolates obtained were Alnus glutinosa with 12 and Fagus sylvatica with 7 isolates. The most frequently isolated species was Phytophthora plurivora, which occurred on three hosts. P. cactorum was also obtained, and the identification of five other isolates is currently going on. This is the first record of P. plurivora, P. gonapodyides and Phytophthora spp. on alder trees in Serbia. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR 37008: Održivo gazdovanje ukupnim potencijalima šuma u Republici Srbiji

    Uticaj različite temperature sušenja na antioksidativna svojstva jabuke sorte Idared i Golden Delicious

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    The apple (Malus × domestica Borkh.) is the most consumed in the fresh form fruits but can also been used as an important raw materials in the food industry for the production of juices, nectars, baby foods, refreshing soft drinks, spreads (marmalade, jam), compote, apple vinegar, brandy and dried fruits. In this paper, the apple cultivars ‘Idared’ and ‘Golden Delicious’ were dried in the laboratory dehydrator (air temperature of 60 °C for a period of 4 h and air temperature of 70 °C for a period of 3 h) in order to determine whether elevated temperature has an effect on the antioxidant properties of the processed apple. The total phenolic content as well as antioxidant activity were evaluated by three compatible UV-VIS spectrophotometric methods. The results showed that the total phenolic content as well as antioxidant activity significantly increased after drying calculated in relation with unprocessed samples, for both apple cultivars. These results indicate the assumption that an increase of the investigated properties could occur due to the non-selective methods for the determination of total phenolics, and also because of the potential formation of Maillard reactions products, which have been confirmed to increase the antioxidant activity of various food products.Plodovi jabuke (Malus × domestica Borkh.) se najviše koriste kao stono voće, a značajna su sirovina i u prehrambenoj industriji za proizvodnju sokova, nektara, dečije hrane, osvežavajućih bezalkoholnih pića, namaza (marmelada, džemova), kompota, jabukovog sirćeta, rakija i sušenih plodova. U ovom radu, plodovi jabuke sorte Idared i Golden Delicious sušeni su u laboratorijskom dehidratoru na različitim temperaturama (temperatura vazduha od 60 °C u trajanju od 4 h i temperatura vazduha od 70 °C u trajanju od 3 h) radi utvrđivanja uticaja primenjenih temperatura sušenja na antioksidativna svojstva osušenog proizvoda. Sadržaj ukupnih fenola, kao i antioksidativna aktivnost određeni su trima kompatibilnim UV-VIS spektrofotometrijskim metodama. Rezultati su pokazali da su u osušenim uzorcima jabuke sadržaj ukupnih fenola i antioksidativna aktivnost bili značajno veći u odnosu na sveže uzorke kod obe ispitivane sorte. Ovakvi rezultati ukazuju na pretpostavku da je do povećanja ispitivanih svojstava moglo doći kako zbog neselektivnosti metode za određivanje ukupnih fenola, tako i zbog potencijalnog stvaranja produkata Maillard-ovih reakcija, za koje je potvrđeno da povećavaju antioksidativnu aktivnost različitih prehrambenih proizvoda

    Spatio-Temporal Dynamics in Physico-Chemical Properties, Phytoplankton and Bacterial Diversity as an Indication of the Bovan Reservoir Water Quality

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    The study aimed to investigate the physico-chemical properties as well as phytoplankton and bacterial community diversity of Bovan Lake reservoir in Serbia to gain insight into the seasonal dynamic of water quality. All analyses were performed at three localities and water depths in spring, summer, autumn, and winter 2019. Seven phytoplankton phyla comprising 139 taxa were detected at all three localities (Chlorophyta 58%, Bacillariophyta 14%, Cyanobacteria 9%, Chrysophyta 5%, Dinophyta 5%, Euglenophyta 5%, and Cryptophyta 4%). Winter 2019 was characterized by the presence of 36 unique species in all phyla except Euglenophyta. Bacterial diversity analyses showed that Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Cyanobacteria, and Verrucomicrobia dominated the water intake locality at all three water depths (0.5, 10, and 20 m below the surface). In general, the physico-chemical parameters, phytoplankton, and bacterial community composition depended on the season and the water depth and showed that Bovan Lake was of satisfactory ecological status and water quality at all localities, and meets the needs for all intended purposes

    Dry Olive Leaf Extract in Combination with Methotrexate Reduces Cell Damage in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis PatientsA Pilot Study

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    The effects of co-administration of dry olive leaf extract (DOLE) with standard methotrexate (MTX) therapy on the parameters of cell damage and inflammation in patients with early and long-term rheumatoid arthritis (RA) were evaluated at baseline, 3 and 6weeks. Patients were assigned to groups: the early phase RA group on MTX monotherapy (E MTX), and the two RA groups that received co-treatment with DOLE and MTX: early (E MTX+DOLE) and long-term phase patients (L-t MTX+ DOLE). Baseline values indicated increased parameters of cell damage and disruption of redox balance in all groups. After three weeks the E MTX+DOLE group maintained high catalase activity, exhibited decrease of lipid peroxidation and protein damage indicatorsthiols and nitrites, while levels of DNA damage and pro-inflammatory interleukin-6 were significantly reduced. In E MTX group catalase activity remained unaltered while significant lipid peroxidation and DNA damage reductions were seen only after six weeks. L-t MTX+DOLE group showed only modest alterations of cell damage parameters during six weeks. Combined administration of DOLE with MTX contributes to faster reduction of cell damage, restores oxidative balance and improves interleukin-6 suppression during high disease activity in early phase RA, but not in long term patients. Copyrigh

    Comparing environmental impacts of alien plants, insects and pathogens in protected riparian forests

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    The prioritization of alien species according to the magnitude of their environmental impacts has become increasingly important for the management of invasive alien species. In this study, we applied the Environmental Impact Classification of Alien Taxa (EICAT) to classify alien taxa from three different taxonomic groups to facilitate the prioritisation of management actions for the threatened riparian forests of the Mura-Drava-Danube Biosphere Reserve, South East Europe. With local experts we collated a list of 198 alien species (115 plants, 45 insects, and 38 fungi) with populations reported in southeast European forest ecosystems and included them in the EICAT. We found impact reports for 114 species. Eleven of these species caused local extinctions of a native species, 35 led to a population decrease, 51 to a reduction in performance in at least one native species and for 17 alien species no effects on individual fitness of native species were detected. Fungi had significantly highest impact and were more likely to have information on their impacts reported. Competition and parasitism were the most important impact mechanisms of alien species. This study is, to our knowledge, the first application of EICAT to all known alien species of several taxonomic groups in a protected area. The impact rankings enabled to identify taxa that generally cause high impacts and to prioritize species for the management in protected areas according to their impact magnitudes. By following a standardized impact protocol, we identified several alien species causing high impacts that do not appear on any expert-based risk list, which are relevant for policymakers. Thus, we recommend that alien species be systematically screened to identify knowledge gaps and prioritize their management with respect to spatio-temporal trends in impact magnitudes