151 research outputs found

    Voice and Body: Emotional Proximity and Physical Distance in Marie de France’s ‘Laustic’

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    Through the lens of feminist theoretical questions and gender studies, this paper explores the relationship between voice and body and the emotional and physical distance that occurs between genders in Marie de France’s Laustic. As a medieval woman writer, Marie provides a textual space to examine the emotional closeness and psychological distance that occurs within the patriarchal structure that delineates gender relations within the convention of marriage. This lai or poetic narrative articulates the loss and pain incurred by segregation and the designation of woman as other, as well as the empowering pleasure that can be realised when one’s voice is accepted and heard. The reciprocal space that is created when speaking and listening is equally exchanged transcends physical distance and allows a unique sense of emotional proximity to be established and explored. Although this medieval text offers a perspective which may seem far removed from the present cultural environment, it illuminates the existing affective dynamics between men and women with a poignant view of gender relations. Through the combined use of literary and cultural disciplines, this paper will navigate the different ranges of emotional intimacy and psychological detachment between genders in patriarchal social structures

    Sofferenza, malessere e disgrazia. Metafore del dolore e senso del male nell'opera paleo-babilonese "Un uomo e il suo dio": un approccio interdisciplinare

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    The Old-Babylonian text “A man and his god” has enjoyed a wide reputation for its many parallels with the biblical story of Job, and has been the subject of accurate philological analysis. This composition describes the suffering and pain of desperate man calls his God for healing. The aim of this work is to show how you can apply to the Mesopotamian literary texts dealing with the issue of suffering, pain and discomfort-disgrace, the theoretical and methodological tools of medical anthropology. An anthropological approach to the problem of illness in Mesopotamia can understand, in a deeper sense, the symbolic, socio-cultural and political complexity. The essay provides much food for thought on the concept of sickness and the body in the Old-Babylonian Mesopotamia. The affliction of the protagonist is both physical and mental. The words of the poem does not refer only and exclusively to the sphere of physical suffering. The verbs are used in their more general semantic value, showing a man debilitated, helplessly, the victim of an imbalance, which upsets not only the physical and psychological well-being, but also social relations. The pains are part of a broad category which is that of misfortune. Therefore, there is a clear distinction between the evils that affect physically and emotionally man and the events of the most varied nature, which affects his difficult life. The ignorance of the divine will seems to be the human condition. The miserable situation of the sufferer is determined by an inscrutable divine decision

    Studying Gender in Medieval Europe: Historical Approaches

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    Guarding the Guardians: Expanding Auditor Negligence Liability to Third-Party Users of Financial Information

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    The nature of today\u27s financial information is changing faster than the public user can respond. The public is beginning to rely more heavily on the auditors of this information, imposing upon the professional a level of social responsibility unparalleled by that of prior years. This increasing reliance on the accounting profession is the focus of this Article. This paper will raise and discuss two interrelated issues. First, to whom, if anyone, should an auditor be held liable for negligence in the performance of his professional duties? Second, accepting the current system of legal responsibilities, what is the profession doing to satisfy society\u27s demands for more and better information? This Article will present and analyze these questions in terms of the accountant\u27s common law negligence liability to third-party users of financial information. This Article will discuss the distinction between professional standards and legal standards. It will then focus on a discussion of the common law as it relates to the notion of holding a CPA liable to a third-party user of audited financial statements. It will conclude by discussing some policy implications of expanding the scope of the CPA\u27s responsibility to third persons and suggest a few general guidelines for a more effective system of allocating the risks and responsibilities of financial information among the producers and users of the information

    Etnografie Sonore / Sound Ethnographies

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    Nonostante nell’ultimo ventennio si sia assistito in Italia a un incremento significativo delle ricerche sulle musiche di tradizione orale e l’Etnomusicologia svolga un ruolo sempre più importante nell’accademia e in varie istituzioni pubbliche e private, si avvertiva l’assenza di una rivista italiana in questo settore. Troppi anni sono trascorsi dalla pubblicazione di Culture musicali. Quaderni di etnomusicologia (1982-1990), promossa da Diego Carpitella con la collaborazione della prima gen..

    Per un'etnomusicologia storica del Vicino Oriente antico

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    Obra ressenyada: A. GARCIA-VENTURA, C. TAVOLIERI, L. VERDERAME (eds.), The Study of Musical Performance in Antiquity. Archeology and Written Sources. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018

    Rilievi e indagini diagnostiche non distruttive per l’individuazione delle cripte - La Cattedrale di Ragusa

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    I diversi operatori, che si occupano di Beni Storici e Culturali, si avvalgono sempre più spesso delle soluzioni tecnologiche avanzate offerte dalla moderna Geomatica, facendo ricorso ad integrazioni delle sue discipline, per meglio studiare, indagare e monitorare un bene di interesse storico. Oggi si tentano nuove integrazioni con altre discipline che, tradizionalmente, non riguardano il campo del rilievo propriamente detto. Questo è, ad esempio, il caso dello studio condotto sulla Cattedrale di San Giovanni a Ragusa, nel quale si è partiti dal rilievo laser scanning di una porzione della chiesa e del suo pregiatissimo pavimento, sotto il quale secondo uno schizzo dei primi anni del XIX secolo (Fig. 1) dovrebbero trovarsi delle sepolture, per poi proseguire lo studio con l’ausilio del Georadar, strumento utilizzato tradizionalmente da geofisici e geologi per indagare il terreno. Ciò è stato fatto al fine di verificare l’effettiva presenza di strutture ipogee senza però agire con indagini invasive. Il risultato dell’elaborazione dei dati georadar, trasformato in una ricostruzione tridimensionale del sottopavimento, è stato affiancato alla ricostruzione tridimensionale della chiesa, realizzata dall’elaborazione dei dati del rilievo laser scanning. Tale integrazione ha permesso di confermare la presenza di strutture ipogee e di capire in che relazione sono queste ultime con gli avvallamenti presenti nel pavimento della chiesa. Del modello tridimensionale completo si è, infine, realizzata una versione navigabile (VRML), capace di offrire una visualizzazione e un’interazione anche ad utenti privi di conoscenze informatiche approfondite

    Determinación de herramientas de la web 2.0 que favorecen el proceso de inter aprendizaje de los estudiantes de Primer Año de Bachillerato del Colegio de Bachillerato “Mariscal Antonio José de Sucre” de la parroquia de Achupallas, en las materias de Informática Aplicada a la Educación, Matemáticas y Lengua y Literatura

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    La investigación es Determinar herramientas de la web 2.0 que favorecen el proceso de inter aprendizaje en los estudiantes de primer año de Bachillerato del colegio “Mariscal Antonio José de Sucre de la Parroquia de Achupallas, Cantón Alausi, Provincia de Chimborazo, en las Materias de Informática Aplicada a la Educación, Matemáticas y Lengua y Literatura. Para conocer la situación actual del colegio en cuestión se empleó la prueba T Student cuyos resultados fueron utilizados en un estudio comparativo entre la enseñanza tradicional y enseñanza virtual con la utilización de herramientas web 2.0, el total de la población fue de 36 estudiantes y 3 docentes. La investigación se enmarco en el método científico se necesitó obtener resultados reales como el desarrollar el inter-aprendizaje y mejorar su rendimiento académico. La herramienta web 2.0 utilizada fue Google Docs, permite trabajar colaborativamente en tiempo real, permite compartir archivos, documentos, realizar foros, trabajos síncronos y asíncronos, evaluaciones, tanto para estudiantes como docentes que la utilicen en el contexto educativo. Se evaluó el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes en dos escenarios, antes y después de utilizar la herramienta web 2.0, obteniendo que el 65,5% de estudiantes desarrollaron su inter – aprendizaje, el 88,9 % mejoraron sus calificaciones en las materias inmersas en esta investigación. Concluimos que la herramienta web 2.0 favoreció el proceso de inter – aprendizaje en los estudiantes, se recomienda a todos los docentes de la institución utilizar la herramienta Google Docs, por ser una herramienta educativa innovadora, actual y de gran utilidad en el proceso enseñanza – aprendizaje.The research aims to determine the tolos of Web 2.0 that support the process of inter learning in the first years of Baccalaureate at school “Mariscal Antonio José de Sucre” pa Achupallas village, Alausi canton, Chimborazo Province, in subjects of Applied Informatics for Education, Mathermatics and Language Arts. To know the current situation of the schoool in question the T Student test was used and the results were used in a comparative study between traditional teaching and elearning with the use of web 2.0 tools, the total population was 36 students and 3 teachers. The research was part of the scientific method, it was needed to obtain real results as a developed inter-learning and improve academic performance. The web 2.0 tool used was Google Docs, it allows to work collaborattivelly in real time, it allows you to share files, documents, holding fórums, synchronous and asynchronous work, evaluations for both students and teachers to use it in the educational context. The academic performance of students in two scenarios were evaluated before and after using the web 2.0 tool, obtaining that a 65.5% of the students developed their inter-learning, 88.9% improved their score in the subjects immersed in this investigation. We conclude that the web 2.0 tool favored the process of inter-student learning, is recommended to all teachers of the institution to use the Google Docs tool being an innovative, current and useful educational tool in the teaching – learning process


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    Jalan Pemuda Sungailiat merupakan kawasan pendidikan, pada jalan ini terdapat beberapa jenjang sekolah, yakni Taman Kanak-kanak (TK), Sekolah Dasar (SD), Sekolah Luar Biasa (SLB), Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP), Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) dan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK). Jalan ini cukup ramai pada hari kerja, yakni pukul 06.30-07.00 WIB dan pukul 13.00-14.30 WIB. Hal ini diakibatkan oleh kendaran yang keluar-masuk dari sekolah-sekolah di kawasan ini. Banyaknya  sekolah mempengaruhi jumlah pergerakan siswa dan guru di kawasan pendidikan ini. Hal ini berpotensi menimbulkan kemacetan arus lalu lintas apabila tidak ada perencanaan dan antisipasi terhadap bertambahnya jumlah perjalanan ke kawasan ini. Penelitian ini menghasilkan model yang dapat memperkirakan pergerakan pada kawasan ini di masa mendatang. Model tarikan perjalan total (smp/jam) memiliki persamaan Y=24,941+0,313X1, nilai X1 adalah jumlah siswa, dengan nilai R2 sebesar 0,970. Model tarikan perjalanan menggunakan sepeda Y=─0,511+0,232X7,  X7 adalah kepemilikan sepeda, dengan nilai R2 sebesar 0,716. Model tarikan perjalanan menggunakan sepeda motor Y=─0,856+0,891X8, X8 adalah kepemilikan sepeda motor, dengan nilai R2 sebesar 0,977. Model tarikan perjalanan menggunakan mobil Y=1,340+0,449X9, nilai X9 adalah jumlah kepemilikan mobil, dengan nilai R2 sebesar 0,934. Model tarikan perjalanan menggunakan angkutan umum Y=─0,369+3,015X10, nilai X10 adalah jumlah tidak memiliki kendaraan, dengan nilai R2 sebesar 0,905