49 research outputs found


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    This article deals with the potential to use emoji in the studying process. The purpose of the article is a determination of the potential for use of emoji in the educational process as a partial substitute of the traditional text. There were used the following methods to solve the desired goal: the analysis of the scientific works regarding the matters under the inquiry, synthesis of ideas; generalization of the own pedagogical experience; method for description of the interactive forms of teaching during seminars and lessons in secondary school. The author of this article created the algorithm to use emoji in the history classes at school and university. According to the results of poll among pupils and students emoji is more popular in secondary school. During the classes emoji can be used in various ways: partial emoji translation of the text; emoji testing; quest; using emoji in literary Internet projects. Using emoji has methodical, psychological and technical advantages such as the decrease of the volume of the educational material; the increase of the emotional interest of pupils and students; the development of the logical and associative thinking; conducting classes by dint of smartphones and messengers; distance learning. Using emoji in the studying process engages not only innovation technologies, but also higher nervous system of person, the language of symbolic logic.

    Information technologies in the educational process of higher educational institutions

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    Informatization of the educational process, in general, and the educational system of the higher educational establishments, in particular, is one of the most significant tasks of restructuring and shaping the education system in accordance with society requirements. Educational institutions nowadays have an opportunity to disseminate new material in a way that responds to the unique needs of each student thanks to using computer networks and online technologies. The purpose of the academic paper is to identify and provide a brief assessment of the primary trends in implementing information technologies in higher educational institutions (HEIs) in terms of the specifics of their application in the educational process. Methodology. In the course of the research, analytical and bibliographic methods. At the same time, induction, deduction, analysis, synthesis of information, system-structural, comparative, logical-linguistic methods, abstraction, and idealization were applied to study and process data. By the way, the research authors also conducted a questionnaire in online mode. Results. Based on the research results, the primary and most significant theoretical aspects of using information tools in higher educational institutions, as well as the standpoints of scientists and heads of departments of higher educational institutions on key aspects of the issue outlined

    Integration of Internet memes when teaching philological disciplines in higher education institutions

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    A rapid increase of available information affects students’ perception of any message and formation of priorities; the period of concentration on one subject is reduced; students prefer concise vivid visual images. Internet memes become a part of students’ daily communication and broadcast today’s cultural and information realities. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of Internet memes integration while mastering philological disciplines (for example, English) by Ukrainian students. The authors experimented to check the methodology proposed within one program unit. We conducted the experiment in the 2020-2021 academic year and involved 68 students and 5 teachers of Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education, Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs and Mykhailo Tuhan-Baranovskyi Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade. The authors conducted pre- and post-experimental surveys and informal interviews to compare academic achievements and provided a system of tasks integrating memes. Implementing the experiment, we clarified the dominant way of students’ perception and processing of information and revealed the expediency of integrating memes into teaching English. The authors determined the dynamics of the levels of students’ motivation to learn English through Internet memes integration and established quantitative values of the levels using the method of mathematical statistics. The conclusions emphasize the need to improve teachers’ pedagogical skills, developed critical and creative thinking to integrate memes into educational activities. The authors stress the relevance of the further detailed study of the educational potential of memes in teaching not only philological disciplines but also other subjects of the curriculum

    Preparation and characterisation of new biomaterials based on chitosan iodide with biologically active dyes

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    New composite materials were obtained based on chitosan iodide and organic dyes – methylene blue and fuchsine in fucorcin (Castellani liquid) – by using a simple synthetic procedure. The materials were characterised by scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, temperature-programmed desorption mass spectrometry, infrared spectroscopy and visible and ultraviolet light spectroscopy. The dyes in the composites were distributed uniformly and did not form separate phases. These composites could form structured porous sponges and films and therefore be used in various fields of application. The materials displayed antibacterial activity against antibiotic resistant gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria

    Light-Induced Thiol Oxidation of Recoverin Affects Rhodopsin Desensitization

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    The excessive light illumination of mammalian retina is known to induce oxidative stress and photoreceptor cell death linked to progression of age-related macular degeneration. The photochemical damage of photoreceptors is suggested to occur via two apoptotic pathways that involve either excessive rhodopsin activation or constitutive phototransduction, depending on the light intensity. Both pathways are dramatically activated in the absence of rhodopsin desensitization by GRK1. Previously, we have shown that moderate illumination (halogen lamp, 1,500 lx, 1–5 h) of mammalian eyes provokes disulfide dimerization of recoverin, a calcium-dependent regulator of GRK1. Here, we demonstrate under in vivo conditions that both moderate long-term (metal halide lamp, 2,500 lx, 14 h, rat model) and intense short-term (halogen lamp, 30,000 lx for 3 h, rabbit model) illumination of the mammalian retina are accompanied by accumulation of disulfide dimer of recoverin. Furthermore, in the second case we reveal alternatively oxidized derivatives of the protein, apparently including its monomer with sulfinic group. Histological data indicate that thiol oxidation of recoverin precedes apoptosis of photoreceptors. Both disulfide dimer and oxidized monomer (or oxidation mimicking C39D mutant) of recoverin exhibit lowered α-helical content and thermal stability of their apo-forms, as well as increased Ca2+ affinity. Meanwhile, the oxidized monomer and C39D mutant of recoverin demonstrate impaired ability to bind photoreceptor membranes and regulate GRK1, whereas disulfide dimer exhibits notably improved membrane binding and GRK1 inhibition in absence of Ca2+. The latter effect is expected to slow down rhodopsin desensitization in the light, thereby favoring support of the light-induced oxidative stress, ultimately leading to photoreceptor apoptosis. Overall, the intensity and duration of illumination of the retina affect thiol oxidation of recoverin likely contributing to propagation of the oxidative stress and photoreceptor damage

    Засоби формування професійної компетентності майбутніх інженерів-педагогів: педагогічні та психологічні умови

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    The article considers the psychological and pedagogical conditions of the future engineers-teachers’ professional competence formation, pedagogical creativity as a component of pedagogical skills, as well as features of working with talented and gifted students as an important factor in effective professional development. The psychological and pedagogical principles of linguistic activity of able and gifted students were studied. Scientific approaches to understanding of “ability” and “dedication” and their influence on language activity of non-philological specialties students are defined. The psychological and pedagogical principles of organization of interaction of the teacher and students were formulated. Pedagogical psychology investigates the processes of development of students’ thinking, attention and memory, ability to perceive language facts and phenomena in their dialectical unity. For gifted students there are high enough development of thinking, long-term memorization of educational material, high efficiency, developed self-control skills in educational activity, ability to give doubt and scientific thinking certain stereotypes. They are distinguished by an increased propensity to mental activity, originality, the formation of different kinds of memory, respect, assembly, speed of reaction, richness of imagination. For effective work with gifted students teachers have to know their psychological and pedagogical peculiarities and specifics of their learning, to be recognized with the concept of diligence, to understand the content of understanding “ability”, “dedication”, “talent”, types of diligence. It is important in the teaching of the future profession, that students are aware of their own activities, both theoretical and practical. The development of professional competence is the development of creative individuality, the formation of readiness to accept the new, the development of receptivity to pedagogical innovationsУ статті розглянуто психолого-педагогічні умови формування професійної компетентності майбутніх інженерів-педагогів, педагогічну творчість як складову педагогічної майстерності, а також особливості роботи з талановитими та обдарованими студентами як важливий чинник ефективного професійного розвитку. Досліджено психолого-педагогічні принципи мовної діяльності здібних та обдарованих учнів. Визначено наукові підходи до розуміння понять «здатність» та «обдарованість» та їх вплив на мовну діяльність студентів нефілологічних спеціальностей. Сформульовано психолого-педагогічні принципи організації взаємодії вчителя та учнів. Педагогічна психологія досліджує процеси розвитку мислення студентів, уваги й пам’яті, умінь сприймати мовні факти та явища в їх діалектичній єдності. Для обдарованих учнів характерні досить високий розвиток мислення, тривале запам'ятовування навчального матеріалу, висока працездатність, розвинені навички самоконтролю в навчальній діяльності, здатність надавати сумніву і науковому мисленню певні стереотипи. Вони відрізняються підвищеною схильністю до розумової діяльності, неординарністю, сформованістю видів пам’яті, уважністю, зібраністю, швидкістю реакції, багатством уяви. Для ефективної роботи з обдарованими студентами викладачі мають знати їх психолого-педагогічні особливості та специфіку їх навчання, бути обізнані з концепцією обдарованості, розуміти зміст понять «здібність», «обдарованість», «талант», види обдарованості. У навчанні майбутній професії важливо, щоб студенти усвідомлювали власну діяльність, як теоретичну, так і практичну. Розвиток професійної компетентності – це розвиток творчої індивідуальності, формування готовності сприймати нове, розвиток сприйнятливості до педагогічних інноваці

    Innovative and cultural transformations of educational environment of the future: digitalization, barriers for traditional learning

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    The purpose of the article is to characterize innovative and cultural transformations of the educational environment on the principles of digitalization and the existing barriers. The objectives of the study were to find out the use of digital tools and to outline the barriers hindering their implementation; to describe the efficient algorithm of implementation of innovative and cultural transformations. Within the framework of research, one analyzed 31 works devoted to the problems of transformations of educational environment and its digitalization from 2018 to 2022. As a result, theoretical research is linked to 5 articles. 4 articles described the prospects of future development of education under digital changes, and 6 studies were oriented towards the impact of COVID on digitalization. Also, the course of transformations in developed (USA, Finland, Norway, and Turkey) and developing countries (Ukraine, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Thailand, China) was analyzed. A systematic literature review and synthesis of conceptual research results on the problem were used. The case study to describe the peculiarities of implementation of digital technologies and to identify barriers of traditional learning within the educational process was carried out. To collect and process the data an interviewing, a pedagogical observation, an in-depth review, an open-ended survey, and methods of statistical analysis were used. The results evaluated that all the participants of the survey consider digitalization an effective innovative transformation and both teachers and learners have similar preference in using various digital tools. Also, the study revealed that teachers and learners face a number of barriers that complicate the educational process. To enhance the efficiency of educational environment and to achieve pedagogical intentions one outlined the measures to remove the barriers identified. The study showed that a barrier-free digital educational environment could enhance the efficiency of education of the future where learners will be prepared to various challenges of information society

    Global cooperation of research and educational activities in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals

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    The global community has 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that are closely connected. Specific areas of actions are designed to realize their ambitious vision of a peaceful, socially inclusive world that uses natural resources at a constant level, with major changes at the economic, social, research, educational and environmental levels, with universal respect for human rights, equality and self-determination of all people, as well as environmental protection and social development. UN, UNESCO, OECD, EU implemented strategies and tactics for the development of education (in particular, higher) and science in the context of the formation of sustainable development of society «Sustainable Development Goal 4 – SDG-Education 2030» and «Quality Education» according to «The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development». Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4) – aims to provide comprehensive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities. Given the global scarcity of resources and related distribution issues, SDR should contribute to the peaceful coexistence of freedom and prosperity and an enabling environment for present and future generations. SDG facilitates the communication of sustainable development and its specific implementation. Education for sustainable development should be viewed as a common problem and a regulatory idea throughout the global education and science system