44 research outputs found

    Die Bedeutung des Kriegs in der Ukraine für Polen

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    Der Angriffskrieg des russischen Präsidenten Putin auf die Ukraine hat in Polen eine beispiellose Welle der Hilfsbereitschaft ausgelöst. Polen und Ukrainer verbindet eine jahrhundertelange Geschichte, die insbesondere im 20. Jahrhundert etliche, auf beiden Seiten unterschiedlich wahrgenommene tragische Ereignisse umfasst. Die jetzige Offenheit nicht nur der polnischen politischen Klasse (in dieser Frage sind die sonst tief zerstrittenen Lager von Regierung und Opposition vereint), sondern auch der überwältigenden Mehrheit der polnischen Gesellschaft gegenüber den Ukrainern bietet die Chance, langfristig eine auch emotionale Annäherung zwischen beiden Gesellschaften zu erreichen und eventuell auch einen Teil der demografischen Probleme Polens zu lösen

    Polens Gewerkschaften auf der Suche nach ihrem Platz im postsozialistischen System

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    "Überwog in der Volksrepublik Polen jahrzehntelang die Funktion der Gewerkschaften, Transmissionsriemen der Partei zu sein, so trat nach dem Entstehen der "Solidarität" die Interessenvertretung der Arbeiter in den Vordergrund. Nach dem Runden Tisch von 1989 und der Einführung von Demokratie und Marktwirtschaft haben beide großen Gewerkschaften, die früher parteiloyale OPZZ und die "Solidarität", Schwierigkeiten, ihre neue Rolle zu bestimmen. Die "Solidarität" litt vier Jahre unter der Doppelrolle, die Wirtschaftspolitik der aus ihrem Umfeld hervorgegangenen Regierungen mittragen zu müssen und gleichzeitig die Interessen der Arbeiternehmer zu wahren, während die OPZZ nicht auf den Transformationsprozeß der Wirtschaft, sondern auf die mit ihm verbundenen sozialen Kosten abhob. Mit dem Regierungswechsel von 1993 haben sich die Positionen der beiden großen Gewerkschaften einander angenähert. Ein zentrales Problem für beide bildet ihre mangelnde Verankerung in der expandierenden Privatwirtschaft." (Autorenreferat)"In the People's Republic of Poland the trade unions were for decades primarily transmission belts of the Party, whereas the representation of workers' interests was stressed only after the rise of "Solidarity". After the Round Table of 1989 and the introduction of democracy and market economy both of the big trade unions, the formerly party-connected OPZZ and "Solidarity", had difficulties in defining their new role. "Solidarity" suffered for four years from the double function to support the economic policy of the governments whose members stemmed from its own ranks and at the same time to defend the interests of the employees. The OPZZ did not stress the process of economic transformation, but the social costs connected with it. With the 1993 change of government the positions of the two big trade unions have been reconciling. A central problem for both of them is their weak implantation in the expanding sector of the private economy." (author's abstract

    Linear Elastic FE-Analysis of Porous, Laser Welded, Heat Treatable, Aluminium High Pressure Die Castings based on X-Ray Computed Tomography Data

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    The welding of aluminium high pressure die castings is a well known and broadly investigated challenge in various fields of industry and research. Prior research in this specific field mainly focused on the optimisation of the welding and the casting process and on the cause of the frequently occurring porosity and incomplete fusion phenomena, whereas the impacts of these defects have hardly been addressed. Therefore, the underlying study presents the investigation of weldments in EN AC-AlSi10MnMg high pressure aluminium die castings by linear elastic finite element analysis based on X-ray computed tomography as a novel approach. Hereby, four laser weldments with differing surfaces and pore contents were investigated by X-ray computed tomography and tensile testing. Based on the voxel datasets of the porous weldments, triangular finite element meshes were generated and a numerical finite element analysis was conducted. Good agreement of the stress–strain curves between the simulations and the experiments was achieve

    Quantitative comparison of presumed-number-density and quadrature moment methods for the parameterisation of drop sedimentation

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    In numerical weather prediction models, parameterisations are used as an alternative to spectral modelling. One type of parameterisations are the so-called methods of moments. In the present study, two different methods of moments, a presumed-number-density-function method with finite upper integration limit and a quadrature method, are applied to a one-dimensional test case (‘rainshaft’) for drop sedimentation. The results are compared with those of a reference spectral model. An error norm is introduced, which is based on several characteristic properties of the drop ensemble relevant to the cloud microphysics context. This error norm makes it possible to carry out a quantitative comparison between the two methods. It turns out that the two moment methods presented constitute an improvement regarding two-moment presumed-number-density-function methods from literature for a variety of initial conditions. However, they are excelled by a traditional three-moment presumed-number-density-function method which requires less computational effort. Comparisons of error scores and moment profiles reveal that error scores alone should not be taken for a comparison of parameterisations, since moment profile characteristics can be lost in the integral value of the error norm

    Pyrene Mineralization by Mycobacterium sp. Strain KMS in a Barley Rhizosphere

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    To determine whether the soil Mycobacterium isolate KMS would mineralize pyrene under rhizosphere conditions, a microcosm system was established to collect radioactive carbon dioxide released from the labeled polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon. Microcosms were designed as sealed, flow-through systems that allowed the growth of plants. Experiments were conducted to evaluate mineralization of 14C-labeled pyrene in a sand amended with the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons degrading Mycobacterium isolate KMS, barley plants, or barley plants with roots colonized by isolate KMS. Mineralization was quantified by collecting the 14CO2 produced from 14C-labeled pyrene at intervals during the 10-d incubation period. Roots and foliar tissues were examined for 14C incorporation. Mass balances for microcosms were determined through combustion of sand samples and collection and quantification of 14CO2 evolved from radiolabeled pyrene. No pyrene mineralization was observed in the sterile control systems. Greater release of 14CO2 was observed in the system with barley colonized by KMS than in microcosms containing just the bacterium inoculum or sterile barley plants. These findings suggest that phytostimulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons mineralization could be applied in remediation schemes

    Modulation Techniques for Biomedical Implanted Devices and Their Challenges

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    Implanted medical devices are very important electronic devices because of their usefulness in monitoring and diagnosis, safety and comfort for patients. Since 1950s, remarkable efforts have been undertaken for the development of bio-medical implanted and wireless telemetry bio-devices. Issues such as design of suitable modulation methods, use of power and monitoring devices, transfer energy from external to internal parts with high efficiency and high data rates and low power consumption all play an important role in the development of implantable devices. This paper provides a comprehensive survey on various modulation and demodulation techniques such as amplitude shift keying (ASK), frequency shift keying (FSK) and phase shift keying (PSK) of the existing wireless implanted devices. The details of specifications, including carrier frequency, CMOS size, data rate, power consumption and supply, chip area and application of the various modulation schemes of the implanted devices are investigated and summarized in the tables along with the corresponding key references. Current challenges and problems of the typical modulation applications of these technologies are illustrated with a brief suggestions and discussion for the progress of implanted device research in the future. It is observed that the prime requisites for the good quality of the implanted devices and their reliability are the energy transformation, data rate, CMOS size, power consumption and operation frequency. This review will hopefully lead to increasing efforts towards the development of low powered, high efficient, high data rate and reliable implanted devices

    Kultura pamięci i wspomnień w Niemczech po drugiej wojnie światowej

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    The time ofF Nazism and especially of World War II is the most important point of reference for historical memory of German society. It underwent considerable change during the last two generations. In the 1950s Germans felt victims of the war, misled by a clique of criminals around Hitler. 1958 marked the beginning of a series of processes against perpetrators of war crimes. Since the 1960s discussion on individual and collective involvement in and support for National Socialism has not ceased until now. Attempts to rule off this discussion or to historicize and thereby to relativize the uniqueness of National Socialism have vividly been refuted. Today in several central places in Berlin there are monuments remembering different groups of victims of National Socialism, in some cases after heated debates

    La VIII Legislatura del SEJM: Un barómetro de la coyuntura política en Polonia

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