10 research outputs found

    Implementation of PjBL-STEM to Improve Students' Creative Thinking Skills On Static Fluid Topic

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    This research aims to investigate the influence of Project-Based Learning (PjBL)- Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) on Students' Creative Thinking Skills. The research method was quasi-experiment using a nonequivalent control group design. Samples were taken using purposive sampling technique from two of 11th-grade science classes as an experimental and a control groups. This study used a test instrument of creative thinking skills. Research data were analyzed using SPSS and Microsoft Excel software. Hypothetical test results were assessed using independent sample t-test, obtained sig value (2-tailed) = 0.01 indicating sig value < 0.05. According to statistical analysis, there is a significant difference between the control class and the experiment class. The n-gain value was obtained with a score of 0.59 (a medium category). This result shows that the application of PJBL-STEM can improve students' creative thinking skills in the static fluid topic (Pascal law)


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    This study aims to validate the feasibility of chemistry lab kit made from simple materials on the concept of chemical compounds polarity for high school students in remote areas. Educational research and development model includes needs assessment, product design, expert validity test and limited scale test used in this research. The research instrument used in the form of a questionnaire aimed to test the validity of experts analyzed using Likert scale. A limited scale test conducted on 20 students of 10th grade SMA Negeri 1 Pamarayan Serang to find out the feasibility and practical aspects of the tool. Respondents' opinion on the products obtained through questionnaires and analyzed using descriptive analysis by making the percentage scale of each statement on the questionnaire. The results showed the profile of the chemistry lab kit of chemical compounds polarity made of wood, plastic bottles and magnets with a total mass of ± 0.8 Kg. Based on the results of assessment analysis and validation of experts in the field of education obtained an average assessment of feasibility aspects of 77.50% included in good category. Analysis of the students' assessment of the practicality of the lab kit obtained an average value of 86.6% which is included in the category of very good. While the results of student responses in some aspects of the lab kit in the learning proccess  obtained average value of 76.1% in the category good. The lab kit also facilitate students to understand the test of compounds polarity based on the ability to answer questions which obtained average score of 85.55 in the category of excellent. Keywords: Chemistry lab kit, Chemical compound polarity, Simple MaterialsPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji kelayakan KIT praktikum yang dibuat dari material sederhana pada konsep kepolaran senyawa kimia untuk siswa SMA di daerah terpencil. Model penelitian dan pengembangan pendidikan meliputi penilaian kebutuhan, perancangan produk, uji validitas pakar dan uji coba skala terbatas digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan berupa angket yang ditujukan untuk uji validitas pakar yang dianalisis menggunakan skala likert. Uji skala terbatas yang dilakukan terhadap 20  siswa kelas 10 SMA Negeri 1 Pamarayan kabupaten Serang untuk mengetahui aspek kelayakan dan kepraktisan alat. Pendapat responden terhadap produk diperoleh melalui angket dan dianalisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif dengan membuat skala persentasi setiap pernyataan pada angket. Hasil penelitian menunjukan profil kit praktikum pengujian kepolaran senyawa sederhana terbuat dari bahan kayu, botol plastik dan magnet dengan massa total ± 0,7 Kg. Berdasarkan hasil analisis penilaian dan validasi pakar di bidang pendidikan diperoleh rata-rata penilaian aspek kelayakan sebesar 77,50% yang termasuk dalam kategori baik. Analisis penilaian siswa terhadap aspek kemudahan penggunaan (kepraktisan) alat uji senyawa kepolaran diperoleh rata-rata nilai sebesar 86,6% yang termasuk dalam kategori sangat baik. Sedangkan hasil tanggapan siswa dalam beberapa aspek penilaian terhadap penggunaan alat uji senyawa kepolaran dalam pembelajaran diperoleh rata-rata nilai sebesar 76,1 dikategorikan baik. KIT Praktikum pengujian kepolaran sederhana juga dapat memfasilitasi siswa untuk memahami uji kepolaran senyawa berdasarkan kemampuan menjawab soal evaluasi yang diperoleh rata-rata nilai sebesar 85,55 dikategorikan sangat baik. Kata kunci: KIT Praktikum, Pengujian Kepolaran, Material Sederhan

    Simple and Low-Cost Chemical Experiment Kits to Observe the Concept of Gas Laws

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    This study aimed to develop a simple and low-cost chemical experiment kits to facilitate students in the school which has limited chemistry laboratory facilities. The topic of the experiment was the concepts of gas laws. The research was conducted in a private school in a rural area of Banten, Indonesia using educational research and development method. 10th-grade high school students (n=27) participated in this study. The research result indicated that the experiment kits facilitate the teacher to explain the chemical concepts of gas laws. Learning using the gas laws experiment kits also had positive responses from students. The results showed that the kits were eligible to be applied in the high school chemistry learning.</p


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    Penelitian yang berjudul “Analisis Pemahaman Konsep Siswa SMA Kelas X pada Materi Persamaan Kimia dan Stoikiometri melalui Penggunaan Diagram Submikroskopik serta Hubungannya dengan Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah” bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat pemahaman siswa pada materi persamaan kimia dan stoikiometri serta hubungannya dengan kemampuan pemecahan masalah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa SMA Negeri di Kota Bandung pada kelas X sebanyak 30 siswa. Instrumen penelitian be

    The inclusion of indigenous knowledge in science and chemistry education to promote education for sustainable development (The case of indigenous knowledge of the Baduy community in Indonesia)

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    This dissertation is a cumulative doctoral work. It consists of six main chapters outlining five journal articles and a book chapter that discuss a literature review and four studies. The dissertation studies focus on the inclusion of indigenous knowledge (IK) in science and chemistry education to promote education for sustainable development (ESD). The first chapter analyses the general literature background and research framework of the study. This chapter presents an analytical literature review discussed in "A Multi-Perspective Reflection on How Indigenous Knowledge and Related Ideas Can Improve Science Education for Sustainability" (Zidny et al., 2020). It encompasses the theoretical framework, didactic model, educational research framework, and the educational values of the inclusion of IK in science and chemistry education. The second chapter outlines the research background of the Indonesian science curriculum and the current state of implementation of ESD in Indonesia. The significance of indigenous communities for this study is also presented with a special focus on the Baduy community in the Banten province, Java Island, Indonesia. The profile of the Baduy community is discussed in the book chapter "Indigenous Knowledge as a Socio-Cultural Context of Science to Promote Transformative Education for Sustainable Development: Insights into a Case Study on The Baduy Community (Indonesia)” (Zidny & Eilks, 2018) The third chapter presents four major studies that are part of research-based development of didactic teaching-learning-designs on the inclusion of IK and perspectives into science and chemistry education. The first study in this chapter (section 3.1) attempts to map out and explore indigenous, science-related knowledge from the Baduy community. From the findings, an educational analysis was conducted to identify contexts and content for science learning as well as for integrating indigenous science (ISc) into socioscientific issues-based education. This study is part of the book chapter by Zidny and Eilks (2018) and a paper entitled "Exploring Indigenous Science to Identify Contents and Contexts for Science Learning to Promote Education for Sustainable Development" (Zidny et al., 2021). The second study in chapter 3 (section 3.2) focuses on implementing a first teaching intervention on the integration of IK and Western modern science (WMSc) in chemistry education. The teaching intervention adopted model 3 of the ESD-based pedagogical approaches suggested by Burmeister et al. (2012) focusing on the controversial sustainability issue of pesticides use. The lesson was implemented in two groups on different educational levels, encompassing upper secondary school and university chemistry student teachers. The lesson's main activities start from the controversial issues of pesticides use to encourage learners to think critically, express their arguments, and solve chemistry problems in classroom task activities. Feedback from the learners about the lesson and the learning design was collected. This study is described in "Integrating perspectives from indigenous knowledge and Western science in secondary and higher chemistry learning to contribute to sustainability education" (Zidny & Eilks, 2020). The analysis and evaluation of the students’ activities is discussed in the third study in chapter 3 (section 3.3). This study attempted to explore the initial level of students’ arguments and their ability to link the context with chemistry concepts. Based on the findings, information from the analysis was used to evaluate and improve the learning design. This study is described in "A case study on students' application of chemical concepts and use of arguments in teaching on the sustainability-oriented chemistry issue of pesticides use under the inclusion of different scientific worldviews" (Zidny et al., 2021, under review a). The final study in chapter 3 (section 3.4) focuses on a second teaching intervention on the inclusion of ISc as a starting point to promote green and sustainable chemistry education. The teaching intervention adopted models 1 and 2 of ESD-based approaches suggested by Burmeister et al. (2012), namely adopting green chemistry lab practices and content. The lesson was implemented in an environmental chemistry course (elective course) with second-year undergraduate student teachers in Indonesia. This study is described in "Learning about phytochemical aspects of botanical pesticides adapted from ethnoscience as a contribution to green and sustainable chemistry education" (Zidny & Eilks, under review b) Chapter 5 summarizes all the studies in the research project and outlines the implication of the studies. In chapter 6, the published works of the thesis are presented

    Learning about Pesticide Use Adapted from Ethnoscience as a Contribution to Green and Sustainable Chemistry Education

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    This study shows how students can learn about green and sustainable chemistry by using the knowledge perspective of a local indigenous culture as a starting point. This learning approach encourages students to learn chemistry by connecting culture with learning about green chemistry. The cultural context selects the use of a phytochemical agent (d-limonene) from a local plant (Citrus grandis), which is a traditional botanical pesticide that is used by the Baduy tribe in Western Java, Indonesia. A simple low-cost extraction method that uses a kitchen microwave was chosen to introduce modern green extraction methods to learners. This facilitates the students&rsquo; ability to evaluate the &ldquo;greenness&rdquo; of this method, as compared to more conventional extraction methods, such as Soxhlet and steam distillation. The learning activities were conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic with the help of an online learning management system (SPADA) and Google Meet. The students&rsquo; feedback and selected results are discussed below

    A Multi-Perspective Reflection on How Indigenous Knowledge and Related Ideas Can Improve Science Education for Sustainability

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    Indigenous knowledge provides specific views of the world held by various indigenous peoples. It offers different views on nature and science that generally differ from traditional Western science. Futhermore, it introduces different perspectives on nature and the human in nature. Coming basically from a Western perspective on nature and science, the paper analyzes the literature in science education focusing on research and practices of integrating indigenous knowledge with science education. The paper suggests Didaktik models and frameworks for how to elaborate on and design science education for sustainability that takes indigenous knowledge and related non-Western and alternative Western ideas into consideration. To do so, indigenous knowledge is contextualized with regards to related terms (e.g., ethnoscience), and with Eastern perspectives (e.g., Buddhism), and alternative Western thinking (e.g., post-human Bildung). This critical review provides justification for a stronger reflection about how to include views, aspects, and practices from indigenous communities into science teaching and learning. It also suggests that indigenous knowledge offers rich and authentic contexts for science learning. At the same time, it provides chances to reflect views on nature and science in contemporary (Western) science education for contributing to the development of more balanced and holistic worldviews, intercultural understanding, and sustainability.Correction: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11191-021-00194-2 (WOS:000628490300001)</p


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    Submicro diagrams can be used as an assessment to determine the understanding of chemical concepts. Students can visualize a concept and develop a mental model for the concept through the submicro diagrams. The purpose of this study was to get submicroscopic level description that shows students understanding to chemical equations and stoichiometry. This research used descriptive method. The subjects were 10 grade high school students in Bandung. The research instrument is a diagnostic test of concepts understanding that involve the use of submicro diagrams. The results of diagnostic tests shows that only a small percentage of students are categorized in the level of understanding of concepts. While the rest are scattered into the level understand  the concepts partially, understand the concepts with specific misconceptions, misconceptions and do not understand the concept. Students  did not have full understanding of the concepts and  misconceptions is due to  weakness ability of students to interpreting the explanation of symbolic form into the submicro diagram model and vice versaDiagram submikroskopik dapat digunakan sebagai alat uji untuk mengetahui pemahaman konsep kimia. Siswa dapat memvisualisasikan konsep dan mengembangkan model mental untuk konsep tersebut melalui diagram submikroskopis. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan gambaran level submikroskopik yang menunjukan pemahaman konsep siswa pada materi persamaan kimia dan stoikiometri. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa SMA kelas 10 di Kota Bandung. Instrumen penelitian berupa tes diagnostik pemahaman konsep yang melibatkan penggunaan diagram submikroskopik. Hasil tes diagnostik pemahaman konsep dengan menggunakan diagram submikroskopik menunjukkan bahwa hanya sebagian kecil siswa yang termasuk dalam tingkat paham konsep. Sedangkan sisanya tersebar kedalam tingkat paham sebagian konsep, paham sebagian dengan spesifik miskonsepsi, miskonsepsi dan tidak paham konsep. Tidak dimilikinya pemahaman konsep secara utuh dan miskonsepsi pada siswa salah satunya disebabkan oleh lemahnya kemampuan siswa dalam menafsirkan penjelasan dari bentuk simbolik ke dalam bentuk model diagram submikroskopik dan sebaliknya.</p

    Exploring Indigenous Science to Identify Contents and Contexts for Science Learning in Order to Promote Education for Sustainable Development

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    Indigenous science is comprised of the science-related knowledge and associated practices of indigenous cultures. Indigenous science provides rich contexts that can contribute to understanding the relationship of sociocultural life and environmental ethics in certain communities. It can also lead to better reflection upon Western modern views of science. Based on a qualitative analysis of indigenous science in the Baduy community (Indonesia), we describe how indigenous science can provide relevant contexts for students to learn scientific concepts, as well as help them to recognise the value of promoting sustainability. We present potential topics encompassing the sociocultural context of Baduy science that can be associated with sustainability issues. Topics were identified from six themes (agriculture, medicine, natural dyes, household chemicals, renewable energy, and astronomy). Potential implications of these topics to science learning are also presented. We view contextualization of science teaching and learning by indigenous science as a promising source to enhance students’ perception of the relevance of science learning. It can also promote education for sustainable development


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    Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyakat ini secara umum bertujuan untuk membangun kualitas bangsa dan masyarakat dalam masa pandemi Covid-19 dengan meningkatkan pemahaman dan kesadaran masyarakat akan bahaya covid 19 dan cara pencegahanya serta menggalakan hidup produktif dimasa pandemi. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, beberapa program kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat telah dilakukan melalui kegiatan kuliah kerja mahasiswa (KKM) tematik Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa di Desa Jatake secara daring dan luring. Program kegiatan tersebut diantaranya mencakup edukasi tentang pola hidup bersih dan sehat, pelatihan cara meningkatkan saturasi oksigen, pembuatan tanaman hias, webinar tentang vaksinasi dan ketahanan pangan, edukasi literasi media, dan kegiatan pendukung lainnya. Berdasarkan data hasil angket tanggapan masyarakat, respon warga masyarakat terhadap program kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah positif dan terfasilitasi dengan adanya kegiatan edukasi untuk menjalankan protocol kesehatan dan membiasakan hidup produktif ditengah pandemi