272 research outputs found

    Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) management in peatlands

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    Peatlands are serving as one of the most important terrestrial carbon stores in the United Kingdom and globally. In the UK, the current trend of peatlands turning from carbon sinks to carbon sources is widely observed and reported. As numerous factors may affect the carbon cycle of peatlands, including climate, land management, hydrology and vegetation, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was commonly used as an indicator of peatland carbon changes. Besides the function as an indicator of carbon turnover in peatland, increasing DOC in the stream water also raises concern in water companies as the removal of DOC from water represents a major cost of water treatment. This thesis investigates the impacts of land management such as drain blocking and revegetation on stream DOC changes. By building a pilot column study, this thesis also assessed the potential of bank filtration serving as DOC treatment in UK. Results of drain blocking shows the management was a significant impact on the DOC changes. However, later investigation of peak flow events indicates such positive impacts from drain blocking were minor in terms of high peak flow events. Since the majority of DOC export occurred during such peak flow events, drain blocking were found not as an efficient management of DOC changes. The field study of revegetation observed minor effects of revegetation on stream DOC. The results of column bank filtration indicate low DOC removal rate under the current stream DOC level in UK. The bank filtration may efficient remove DOC when higher DOC input applied. However, it is not suitable for UK peatland under current DOC export

    Focal mechanisms and aftershock locations of the Songpan earthquakes of August 1976 in Sichuan, China

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    The precursory swarm, three mainshocks (M = 7.2,6.7, 7.2), and aftershocks of the Songpan earthquakes have been reanalyzed using both local and teleseismic data. The three mainshocks of this sequence occurred on the Huya fault over a 7-day period. Relocations of the aftershocks using local arrival times show that three fault strands were activated during this sequence. Each mainshock occurred on a separate strand, each one south of the strand activated in the previous mainshock, and the aftershock zones of each mainshock appear to abut rather than overlap. Fault plane solutions determined by matching teleseismic P waveforms at World-Wide Standard Seismograph Network stations with synthetic seismograms are consistent with the observed aftershock zones. The first and third mainshocks (M_0 = 1.3 ×10^(19) and 8.4 × 10^(18) N m, respectively) showed almost identical senses of motion, a combination of reverse and left-lateral strike-slip motion, on parallel strands, striking N15°W, that were separated by a large rightstepping en echelon offset. The second mainshock (M_0 = 4.0 × 10^(18) N m), occurred in this offset on a fault at a steep angle (∼125°) to the other two strands and showed almost pure reverse motion. Differences in the orientations of the slip vectors of the three mainshocks show that the first mainshock increased the normal and shear stresses on the fault segment that moved in the second mainshock and that the second mainshock decreased the normal stress on the fault segment activated by the third mainshock. These changes in normal stresses may have given rise to the longer time between the first and second events (5 days) as compared with the time between the second and third events (30 hours). A precursory swarm that preceded the Songpan sequence by 3 years occurred in a volume that surrounded the northernmost part of the planar aftershock zone. The time between the start of the swarm and the mainshocks and the magnitude of the largest event in the swarm are similar to those seen for precursory swarms in Soviet Central Asia

    Using field measurements across land cover types to evaluate albedo-based wind friction velocity and estimate sediment transport

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    The soil surface wind friction velocity (us*) is an essential parameter for predicting sediment transport on rough surfaces. However, this parameter is difficult and time-consuming to obtain over large areas due to its spatiotemporal heterogeneity. The albedo-based approach calibrates normalized shadow retrieved from any source of albedo data with laboratory measurements of aerodynamic properties. This enables direct and cross-scale us* retrieval but has not been evaluated against field measurements for different cover types. We evaluated the approach's performance using wind friction velocity (u*) measurements from ultrasonic anemometers. We retrieved coincident field pyranometer and satellite albedo at 48 sites that were spread over approximately 1,800 km on the Inner Mongolia Plateau, including grassland, artificial shrubland, open shrubland, and gobi land. For all cover types, u* estimates from ultrasonic anemometers were close to the albedo-based results approach. Our results confirm and extend the findings that the approach works across scales from lab to field measurements and permits large-area assessments using satellite albedo. We compared the seasonal sediment transport across the region calculated from albedo-based us* with results from an exemplar traditional transport model (QT) driven by u* with aerodynamic roughness length varying with land cover type and fixed over time. The traditional model could not account for spatiotemporal variation in roughness elements and considerably over-estimated sediment transport, particularly in partially vegetated and gravel-covered central and western parts of the Inner Mongolia Plateau. The albedo-based sediment transport (QA) estimates will enable dynamic monitoring of the interaction between wind and surface roughness to support Earth System models

    Self-Assembled Polymeric Micellar Nanoparticles as Nanocarriers for Poorly Soluble Anticancer Drug Ethaselen

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    A series of monomethoxy poly(ethylene glycol)-poly(lactide) (mPEG-PLA) diblock copolymers were synthesized, and mPEG-PLA micelle was fabricated and used as a nanocarrier for solubilization and delivery of a promising anticancer drug ethaselen. Ethaselen was efficiently encapsulated into the micelles by the dialysis method, and the solubility of ethaselen in water was remarkably increased up to 82 μg/mL before freeze-drying. The mean diameter of ethaselen-loaded micelles ranged from 51 to 98 nm with a narrow size distribution and depended on the length of PLA block. In vitro hemolysis study indicated that mPEG-PLA copolymers and ethaselen-loaded polymeric micelles had no hemolytic effect on the erythrocyte. The enhanced antitumor efficacy and reduced toxic effect of ethaselen-loaded polymeric micelle when compared with ethaselen-HP-β-CD inclusion were observed at the same dose in H22human liver cancer cell bearing mouse models. These suggested that mPEG-PLA polymeric micelle nanoparticles had great potential as nanocarriers for effective solubilization of poorly soluble ethaselen and further reducing side effects and toxicities of the drug

    MRl of Prostate Cancer Antigen Expression for Diagnosis and lmmunotherapy

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    BACKGROUND: Tumor antigen (TA)-targeted monoclonal antibody (mAb) immunotherapy can be effective for the treatment of a broad range of cancer etiologies; however, these approaches have demonstrated variable clinical efficacy for the treatment of patients with prostate cancer (PCa). An obstacle currently impeding translational progress has been the inability to quantify the mAb dose that reaches the tumor site and binds to the targeted TAs. The coupling of mAb to nanoparticle-based magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) probes should permit in vivo measurement of patient-specific biodistributions; these measurements could facilitate future development of novel dosimetry paradigms wherein mAb dose is titrated to optimize outcomes for individual patients. METHODS: The prostate stem cell antigen (PSCA) is broadly expressed on the surface of prostate cancer (PCa) cells. Anti-human PSCA monoclonal antibodies (mAb 7F5) were bound to Au/Fe(3)O(4) (GoldMag) nanoparticles (mAb 7F5@GoldMag) to serve as PSCA-specific theragnostic MRI probe permitting visualization of mAb biodistribution in vivo. First, the antibody immobilization efficiency of the GoldMag particles and the efficacy for PSCA-specific binding was assessed. Next, PC-3 (prostate cancer with PSCA over-expression) and SMMC-7721 (hepatoma cells without PSCA expression) tumor-bearing mice were injected with mAb 7F5@GoldMag for MRI. MRI probe biodistributions were assessed at increasing time intervals post-infusion; therapy response was evaluated with serial tumor volume measurements. RESULTS: Targeted binding of the mAb 7F5@GoldMag probes to PC-3 cells was verified using optical images and MRI; selective binding was not observed for SMMC-7721 tumors. The immunotherapeutic efficacy of the mAb 7F5@GoldMag in PC-3 tumor-bearing mice was verified with significant inhibition of tumor growth compared to untreated control animals. CONCLUSION: Our promising results suggest the feasibility of using mAb 7F5@GoldMag probes as a novel paradigm for the detection and immunotherapeutic treatment of PCa. We optimistically anticipate that the approaches have the potential to be translated into the clinical settings

    Strategies to improve sorafenib efficacy during image-guided treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma.

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    Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the third most frequent source of deaths associated with cancer after lung cancer in the world despite recent innovative treatment techniques. Liver transplantation, hepatic resection, and percutaneous ablation techniques hold great promise as potentially curative treatments for patients at early stages. Nevertheless, most of the patients are not suitable for these curative treatments due to their advanced disease stages at the time of diagnosis. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved tyrosine kinase inhibitor, sorafenib is a standard therapy for advanced-stage HCC patients which extends overall survival for several months. However, its therapeutic efficacy is restricted by adverse events and drug resistance which limits the number of patients benefiting from this systemic chemotherapeutic drug. During the last decade, novel approaches including but not limited to immunotherapies, ablation methods, and chemotherapeutic drugs were proposed to enhance sensitivity to sorafenib, improve therapeutic efficacy, and prohibit adverse events through novel delivery routes, utilization of nanoparticle carriers, and combination with other therapeutic agents. However, studies are still being conducted to optimize the efficiency of sorafenib and reduce its adverse events. In this review paper, we examine research studies evaluating novel delivery methods to reduce drug-related cytotoxicity to improve patient tolerance to sorafenib and its therapeutic efficacy in patients with HCC. Moreover, therapeutic approaches with the synergistic potential to combine with sorafenib are briefly summarized
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