948 research outputs found

    The Analysis of SKP1 Gene Expression in Physiological Male Sterility Induced by Chemical Hybridizing Agent SQ-1 in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

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    Physiological male sterility induced by the chemical hybridizing agent (CHA) overcomes problems of maintenance of sterile lines and restorers. However, the mechanism of sterility is unclear. The process of tapetum of CHA-treated ‘Xi’nong 2611’ at uninucleate, binucleate and trinucleate were compared with control to determine if tapetum varying differently during developmental stages. Tapetal degradation in CHA-treated ‘Xi’nong 2611’ began at late uninucleate stage, somewhat earlier than control plants. Cytological observations indicated that the gradual degradation of the tapetum in CHA-treated ‘Xi’nong 2611’ was initiated and terminated earlier than in the control. These findings implied that CHA-induced male sterility was related to abnormally early tapetal degradation. In order to indicate the role of the SKP1 gene in fertility/sterility in wheat, its expression was assessed in anthers at uninucleate, binucleate and trinucleate stages. SKP1 expression was reduced in the later developmental stages, and there was an obvious decrease from the uninucleate to trinucleate stages. Higher expression of the SKP1 gene occurred in ‘Xi’nong 2611’ compared to CHA-treated ‘Xi’nong 2611’. This implied that SKP1 gene expression was inhibited during the fertility transformation process and was related to transformation from fertility to sterility. Moreover, the results from this study suggest that SKP1 plays an essential role of conducting fertility in physiological male sterility

    The Application of Cryogens in Liquid Fluid Energy Storage Systems

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    AbstractThis article describes the application of cryogens in liquid fluid energy storage systems and compares liquid fluid energy storage systems with conventional compressed air energy storage systems. The study focuses on the thermodynamic characteristics of different cryogens used in liquid fluid energy storage systems. It is found that liquid fluid energy storage systems have competitive factors like high energy density and no geographical limitation. A comparative analysis is conducted to present the advantages and disadvantages of different cryogens. The results show that liquid fluid energy storage systems have a promising future in large scale energy storage

    Chemically dealloyed Fe-based metallic glass with void channels-like architecture for highly enhanced peroxymonosulfate activation in catalysis

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    Metallic glasses (MGs) with their intrinsic disordered atomic structure and widely controllable atomic components have recently emerged as fascinating functional materials in wastewater treatment. Compared to crystalline alloys, the less-noble atomic components in monolithic metallic glass are more efficient to be selectively dissolved during dealloying process. This work reported a facile chemical dealloying approach to fabricate a void channels-like structured MG with the elemental components of Fe73.5Si13.5B9Cu1Nb3 for methylene blue (MB) degradation. Results indicated that the dealloyed Fe73.5Si13.5B9Cu1Nb3 MGs with the void channels-like morphology presented a significant improvement of catalytic efficiency and reusability. The dye degradation reaction rate (kobs) of the dealloyed Fe73.5Si13.5B9Cu1Nb3 MGs presented 3 times higher than their as-spun MGs. More importantly, the dealloyed Fe73.5Si13.5B9Cu1Nb3 MGs can be reused up to 25 times without significantly loosing catalytic efficiency. It was also found that the dealloyed Fe73.5Si13.5B9Cu1Nb3 MGs exhibited a greater corrosion resistance in the simulated dye solution compared to the as-spun ribbons, demonstrating a robust self-healing ability in catalytic activity. This work provides a novel view for designing MG catalysts with high efficiency and stability in worldwide energy and environmental concerns

    The Analysis of SKP1

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    Molecular cytogenetic aberrations in patients with multiple myeloma studied by interphase fluorescence in situ hybridization

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    Background: Multiple myeloma (MM) is an incurable hematological disorder characterized by the accumulation of malignant plasma cells within the bone marrow (BM). The clinical heterogeneity of MM is dictated by the cytogenetic aberrations present in the clonal plasma cells (PCs). Cytogenetic studies in MM are hampered by the hypoproliferative nature of plasma cells in MM. Therefore, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis combined with magnetic-activated cell sorting (MACS) is an attractive alternative for evaluation of numerical and structural chromosomal changes in MM. Methods: Interphase FISH studies with three different specific probes for the regions containing 13q14.3 (D13S319), 14q32 (IGHC/IGHV) and 1q12(CEP1 ) were performed in 48 MM patients. Interphase FISH studies with LSI IGH/CCND1, LSI IGH/FGFR3, and LSI IGH/MAF probes were used to detect t(11;14)(q13;q32), t(4;14)(p16;q32), and t(14;16)(q32;q23) in patients with 14q32 rearrangement. Results: Molecular cytogenetic aberrations were found in 40 (83.3%) of the 48 MM patients. 13 patients (27.1%) simultaneously had 13q deletion/monosomy 13 [del(13q14)], illegitimate IGH rearrangement and chromosome 1 abnormality. Del(13q14) was detected in 21 cases (43.7%), and illegitimate IGH rearrangements in 29 (60.4%) including 6 with t(11;14) and 5 with t(4;14). None of 9 patients with illegitimate IGH rearrangements and without t(11;14) or t(4;14) we detected had t(14;16) (q32;q23). 24 of the 48 MM patients (50%) had chromosome 1 abnormalities. Among 21 patients with del(13q14), 15 patients had Amp1q12;16 had IgH rearrangements. Whereas, among 27 cases without del(13q14), 8 had Amp1q12; 13 had IgH rearrangements. There was a strong association between del(13q14) and Amp1q12(c2 = 8.26, р < 0.01), and between del(13q14) and IgH rearrangement(c2 = 3.88, p < 0.05). Conclusion: 13q deletion/monosomy 13, IGH rearrangement and chromosome 1 abnormality are frequent in MM. They are not randomly distributed, but strongly interconnected. Interphase FISH technique combined with MACS using CD138-specific antibody is a highly sensitive technique at detecting molecular cytogenetic aberrations in MM.Обоснование: множественная миелома (MM) — неизлечимое гематологическое заболевание, характеризирующееся накоплением злокачественных плазматических клеток в костном мозге (КM). Клиническая гетерогенность MM определяется цитогенетическими аберрациями, присутствующими в клоне плазматических клеток (ПК). Цитогенетические исследования MM осложнены гипопролиферативными особенностями ПК. В связи с этим флуоресцентная гибридизация in situ (FISH) в комбинации с сортировкой клеток, активированных магнитными полями (MACS) представляется достойной альтернативой методам оценки точечных и структурных изменений хромосом при MM. Методы: интерфазные исследования методом FISH с использованием трех различных специфических зондов для участков, содержащих 13q14.3 (D13S319), 14q32 (IGHC/IGHV) и 1q12(CEP1), проводили у 48 больных с MM. Интерфазные исследования методом FISH с использованием зондов LSI IGH/CCND1, LSI IGH/FGFR3 и LSI IGH/MAF применяли для детекции t(11;14)(q13;q32), t(4;14)(p16;q32), и t(14;16)(q32;q23) у пациентов с перестройкой 14q32. Результаты: молекулярные цитогенетические аберрации выявляли у 40 (83,3%) из 48 больных с MM. У 13 пациентов (27,1%) одновременно определены 13q делеция/моносомия 13 [del(13q14)], аномальная перестройка IGH и аномалия хромосомы 1. Del(13q14) детектировали в 21 случае (43,7%), а аномальные перестройки IGH — в 29 (60,4%), в том числе у 6 пациентов с t(11;14) и 5 с t(4;14). Ни у одного из 9 больных с аномальными перестройками IGH и без t(11;14) или t(4;14) не выявляли транслокацию t(14;16) (q32;q23). У 24 из 48 пациентов с MM (50%) определяли аномалии хромосомы 1. В группе из 21 больных с del(13q14) в 15 случаях имелись перестройки IgH Amp1q12;16. В то же время из 27 случаев без del(13q14) у 8 содержались Amp1q12; в 13 случаях отмечали перестройки IgH. Выявлена взаимосвязь между del(13q14) и Amp1q12(χ2 = 8,26, p < 0,01) и между del(13q14) и перестройками IgH (χ2 = 3,88, p < 0,05). Выводы: 13q делецию/моносомию 13, перестройку IGH и аномалию хромосомы 1 часто отмечают при MM, причем их распределение не случайно и тесно взаимосвязано. Интерфазный анализ FISH в комбинации с MACS с использованием CD138-специфичных антител является высокочувствительным методом детекции молекулярных цитогенетических аберраций при MM

    Projections of air pollutant emissions and its impacts on regional air quality in China in 2020

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    Anthropogenic emissions of air pollutants in China influence not only local and regional environments but also the global atmospheric environment; therefore, it is important to understand how China's air pollutant emissions will change and how they will affect regional air quality in the future. Emission scenarios in 2020 were projected using forecasts of energy consumption and emission control strategies based on emissions in 2005, and on recent development plans for key industries in China. We developed four emission scenarios: REF[0] (current control legislations and implementation status), PC[0] (improvement of energy efficiencies and current environmental legislation), PC[1] (improvement of energy efficiencies and better implementation of environmental legislation), and PC[2] (improvement of energy efficiencies and strict environmental legislation). Under the REF[0] scenario, the emission of SO2, NOx, VOC and NH3 will increase by 17%, 50%, 49% and 18% in 2020, while PM10 emissions will be reduced by 10% over East China, compared to that in 2005. In PC[2], sustainable energy polices will reduce SO2, NOx and PM10 emissions by 4.1 Tg, 2.6 Tg and 1.8 Tg, respectively; better implementation of current control policies will reduce SO2, NOx and PM10 emission by 2.9 Tg, 1.8 Tg, and 1.4 Tg, respectively; strict emission standards will reduce SO2, NOx and PM10 emissions by 3.2 Tg, 3.9 Tg, and 1.7 Tg, respectively. Under the PC[2] scenario, SO2 and PM10 emissions will decrease by 18% and 38%, while NOx and VOC emissions will increase by 3% and 8%, compared to that in 2005. Future air quality in China was simulated using the Community Multi-scale Air Quality Model (CMAQ). Under RE[0] emissions, compared to 2005, the surface concentrations of SO2, NO2, hourly maximum ozone in summer, PM2.5, total sulfur and nitrogen depositions will increase by 28%, 41%, 8%, 8%, 19% and 25%, respectively, over east China. Under the PC[2] emission scenario, the surface concentrations of SO2, M2.5, total sulfur depositions will decrease by 18%, 16% and 15%, respectively, and the surface concentrations of NO2, nitrate, hourly maximum ozone in summer, total nitrogen depositions will be kept as 2005 level, over east China. The individual impacts of SO2, NOx, NH3, NMVOC and primary PM emission changes on ozone and PM.5 concentrations have been analyzed using sensitivity analysis. The results suggest that NOx emission control need to be enhanced during the summertime to obtain both ozone and PM2.5 reduction benefits. NH3 emission controls should also be considered in order to reduce both nitrate concentration and total nitrogen deposition in the future

    Multiobjective Optimization for Integrated Ground-Air-Space Networks: Current Research and Future Challenges

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    With space and aerial platforms deployed at different altitudes, integrated ground-air-space (IGAS) networks will have multiple vertical layers, hence forming a 3D structure. These 3D IGAS networks integrating both aerial and space platforms into terrestrial communications constitute a promising architecture for building fully connected global next-generation networks (NGNs)

    Effects of Exogenous Cellulase Source on In Vitro Fermentation Characteristics and Methane Production of Crop Straws and Grasses

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    In vitro fermentation experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of 3 sources of exogenous cellulase products (EC) at 4 dose rates (DR) (0, 12, 37 and 62 IU/g of DM) on degradation of forage and methane production by mixed rumen micro-organisms of goats. The maximum gas production (Vf) of grasses was higher (P<0.001) in Neocallimastix patriciarum (NP) group than those in Trichoderma reesei (TR) and Trichoderma longibrachiatum (TL) groups. Quadratic increases in dry matter degradation (DMD) of forage and neutral detergent fiber (NDFD) of straw were observed for all EC, with optimum DR in the low range. Supplementation of EC originated from TR and NP increased (P<0.001) DMD of forage compared to that from TL. Addition of EC originated from TR and NP also decreased pH value, ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N) and methane (CH4) production compared to that from TL. Quadratic decreases in pH value, NH3-N and CH4 of forage were noted for EC of TR and NP, and with optimum DR in the low range. For short chain fatty acid, the EC of NP increased total volatile fatty acid (TVFA) and acetate concentration and the ratio of acetate to propionate of forage compared with EC of TL and TR, and with optimum DR in the low to medium range. It was concluded that the source of EC differed in fiber degradation and methane emission, and with optimum DR of TR in the low range (from 12 to 37 U/g DM) in improving fiber degradation and decreasing methane emission

    The Relationship Between Age and Mental Health Among Adults in Iran During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The evidence on the predictors of mental health in the COVID-19 pandemic has revealed contradictory findings, which prevent effective screening for mental health assistance. This study aims to identify the predictors of mental health issues, specifically examining age as a nonlinear predictor. Based on a survey of 474 adults using snowball sampling under the COVID-19 pandemic during April 1th–10th, 2020, in Iran, we found that age had a curvilinear relationship with nonsomatic pain, depression, and anxiety. Specifically, it predicted pain, depression, and anxiety disorders, negatively among adults younger than 45 years, yet positively among seniors older than 70 years. Adults who were female, were unsure about their chronic diseases, or exercised less were more likely to have mental health issues. This study, being the first paper to examine age curvilinearly, suggests future research to pay more attention to nonlinear predictors of mental health disorders in the COVID-19 pandemic

    Direct Measurements of the Branching Fractions for D0Ke+νeD^0 \to K^-e^+\nu_e and D0πe+νeD^0 \to \pi^-e^+\nu_e and Determinations of the Form Factors f+K(0)f_{+}^{K}(0) and f+π(0)f^{\pi}_{+}(0)

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    The absolute branching fractions for the decays D0Ke+νeD^0 \to K^-e ^+\nu_e and D0πe+νeD^0 \to \pi^-e^+\nu_e are determined using 7584±198±3417584\pm 198 \pm 341 singly tagged Dˉ0\bar D^0 sample from the data collected around 3.773 GeV with the BES-II detector at the BEPC. In the system recoiling against the singly tagged Dˉ0\bar D^0 meson, 104.0±10.9104.0\pm 10.9 events for D0Ke+νeD^0 \to K^-e ^+\nu_e and 9.0±3.69.0 \pm 3.6 events for D0πe+νeD^0 \to \pi^-e^+\nu_e decays are observed. Those yield the absolute branching fractions to be BF(D0Ke+νe)=(3.82±0.40±0.27)BF(D^0 \to K^-e^+\nu_e)=(3.82 \pm 0.40\pm 0.27)% and BF(D0πe+νe)=(0.33±0.13±0.03)BF(D^0 \to \pi^-e^+\nu_e)=(0.33 \pm 0.13\pm 0.03)%. The vector form factors are determined to be f+K(0)=0.78±0.04±0.03|f^K_+(0)| = 0.78 \pm 0.04 \pm 0.03 and f+π(0)=0.73±0.14±0.06|f^{\pi}_+(0)| = 0.73 \pm 0.14 \pm 0.06. The ratio of the two form factors is measured to be f+π(0)/f+K(0)=0.93±0.19±0.07|f^{\pi}_+(0)/f^K_+(0)|= 0.93 \pm 0.19 \pm 0.07.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure