187 research outputs found

    Effect of Different Rates of Compost Application on Growth Performance and Yield Components of Carrot (Daucus carrota L.) in Gurage Zone, Ethiopia

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    The research pertaining to the use of organics and bio fertilizers in vegetable crops particularly in carrot is very much limited. So far no research has been conducted to see the effect of compost fertilizer on growth performance and yield of carrot. Therefore, the goal of the present experiment was to evaluate the growth performance and yield component of carrot to different rates of compost application under supplemental irrigation condition. The experiment was conducted at demonstration site of horticulture department, College of Agriculture and Natural Resource, Wolkite University during 2017 cropping season. The experiment was laid out by using randomized complete block design (RCBD) with four treatments. The treatments consisted of four levels of compost application rates (0, 25, 50 and 75 tons ha-1). Carrot variety known as ‘’Nantes’’ was used as experimental material.  All recorded data were subjected to ANOVA in Randomized complete block Design and the analysis was performed by using statistical procedures from Gomez and Gomez text book. The analysis of variance indicated that most of the growth and yield component parameters (like plant height, leaf number, fresh weight and shoulder diameter) showed highly significant (P<0.01) difference among treatments, whereas dry weight was significantly (p<0.05) different. However, no significant difference was observed among treatments on the parameter Root Length.  The finding of this study indicates  that Statistically the highest plant height (29.16cm and 23.91cm) and fresh weight (23.48g and 15.20g) was recorded from compost application rates of 70ton/ha and 50 ton/ha, respectively. Similarly, the highest leaf number (15.16), dry weight (7.14g) and shoulder diameter (1.70cm) per plant was recorded from the maximum compost application rate (75ton/ha). However, no statistical difference was observed among treatments on parameter root length. Thus, from this result we can conclude that compost application at the rate of 75ton/ha can give the maximum record for growth parameters and yield components of carrot. Further to this we recommend the experiment to be conducted across location and year by incorporating additional compost level one or two level up together with inorganic fertilizers. Keywords: Carrot, Compost, Growth DOI: 10.7176/JAAS/54-03 Publication date: April 30th 201

    Effect of Different Packaging Material on Shelf Life and Quality of Banana (Musa spp)

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    An experimental was carried out at Wolkite university horticulture laboratory to investigate the effect of different packaging materials on shelf life and quality of banana fruits. the experimental treatments were different packaging materials (banana leaf, straw, card board (carton) and polyethylene bag) and control. The experiment was laid out in a complete randomized design (CRD) with three replications. Data was  collected  from each packaging materials between  the gap of 4 days  interval, sample of banana  fruits in each  treatment was  taken to measure color, TSS, physiological weight loss, pH and shelf life. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) for all the recorded parameters of weight loss, pH, Total soluble solid (TSS) and color were showed highly significantly (p<0.01) difference. The highest physiological weight loss (21.74) was recorded at the control (unpackaged) followed by banana leaf (15.59) whereas the lowest weight loss (6.56) was recorded from polyethylene bag. Bananas fruits packed using polyethylene bag, teff straw and banana leaf developed excellent type of colour whereas fruits kept in carton and the control showed dull type of colour. The highest pH value was recorded for bananas packed by banana leaf and teff straw whereas the lowest pH was observed in the control treatment followed by banana treated by carton box and polyethylene bag. pH of the banana fruit increased with the advancement of fruit ripening. the maximum value of TSS was recorded on fruits treated by polyethylene bag (21.36 0Brix) followed by teff straw (20.36 0brix) whereas the minimum value of TSS was recorded in the control (13.88 0Brix). Keywords: Banana, Packaging Materials, Shelf Life DOI: 10.7176/JAAS/61-01 Publication date: February 29th 202

    Review on Genetically Modified Horticultural Crops, Benefit, Risk and Public Perceptions

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    Since agriculture started Peoples were trying to select the best varieties, cross-fertilize and then further selecting to improve the domesticated crops. Through process, plant improvement by the use of biotechnology and genetic engineering by manipulating existing genetic resources started. This technology offers breeders access short way of improving domesticated plants, mainly because it can bypass biological barriers for recombination and genetic exchange across unrelated species by creating Trans genes. The first genetically modified (GM) plant was produced in 1983, using an antibiotic-resistant tobacco plant, since then a number of genetically modified food crops were developed. Some of the genetically modified crops available in the market include cotton, soybean, canola, potatoes, corn, tomatoes, etc. This paper critically reviews genetically modified crops, their benefit, risk and public perception, it also addresses the production trend of biotech crops. Genetically-modified food crops has the potential to solve many of the world's hunger and malnutrition problems and to help protect and preserve the environment by increasing yield and reducing reliance upon chemical pesticides and herbicides. In contrary much has been said about potential risks of genetic engineering technology, there are critics and concerns about the safety, environmental and ecological risks and health hazards; but so far there is little evidence from scientific studies that these risks are real. The following points are the gaps need to be filled in order for it to be successful technology. This includes to test the potential risks of GM food crops under controlled condition before their introduction, Scientists should first finish probing for desirable trait from more of related species before going for another organism so as to reduce the public’s concern, informing the public about the food production and the safety used in developing GM crops so they can form opinions based on facts, not fear, making the primary goal of institution to serve the public not money. DOI: 10.7176/ALST/74-01 Publication date:May 31st 201

    La Barceloneta : los múltiples rostros del patrimonio cultural /

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    Esta Investigación toma como punto de partida y a su vez, foco de análisis, el concepto de patrimonio cultural, un concepto complejo, con muchas aristas y perspectivas de análisis, puesto que conjuga un término jurídico-legal aplicado en términos de políticas públicas tanto a nivel local como estatal o global (teniendo como referencia final las declaraciones y decretos de la UNESCO sobre el tema) con el análisis sociocultural de cómo se construye políticamente/socialmente la idea de patrimonio, cómo y quién lo gestiona y que repercusiones tiene eso tanto en el propio patrimonio puesto en valor, recuperado o reivindicado, como y, sobretodo, en las comunidades y actores implicados en este proceso. La presente investigación está dividida en dos partes. En la primera se elabora tanto la metodología como el marco teórico con el que se ha trabajado, tanto desde el derecho como la antropología. En la segunda parte se desarrolla el trabajo etnográfico focalizado en el barrio de la Barceloneta y los procesos de recuperación del patrimonio cultural tanto material como inmaterial.This research takes as focus of analysis, the concept of cultural heritage, a complex concept, with many edges and analytical perspectives, as a legal term that combines legal-implemented public policies in terms of both local or global state (with reference end statements and decrees of UNESCO on the subject) with sociocultural analysis of how to build politically / socially the idea of heritage, how and who manages it and what does it both been worth own heritage, recovered or claimed, as and, above all, in the communities and stakeholders involved in this process. This thesis is divided into two parts. The first included the methodology and the theoretical framework with which I have worked, from two perspectives: law and anthropology. In the second part develops ethnographic work focused on the neighborhood of Barceloneta and its recovery processes of cultural heritage both tangible and intangible

    Ecological impacts of Eucalyptus plantation in Eza Wereda, Ethiopia

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    Abstract In Ethiopia farm forestry practice is becoming widespread particularly in population pressure-prone areas. Rapidly increasing population pressure has led to vast change in land use/land cover pattern. Land use changes affected the whole system of food crop production in the study area, Eza wereda, which is found in West Gurageland. Eucalyptus tree in this regard dominated the landscape of the region without planned land use in such diminutive land holding size. Land use competition between eucalyptus tree plantation and other food crops became a common feature of the study area. The study assessed perceived negative ecological impacts in three selected KPAs (Kebele Peasant Administrations) namely, Zigba Boto (kolla), Shebraden (woinadega) and Koter Gedra (dega). Purposive systematic sampling procedure was used to select the three agro-ecological areas of the wereda. In each selected KPAs 180 households were selected by using purposive systematic sampling techniques. Direct observations, discussions with key informants and focus groups were undertaken by the researcher. The required data were also collected using schedule through structured open and close-ended questionnaires. The study revealed that households in the study area are benefiting from eucalyptus tree plantation. Fuel wood, construction, and financial benefits are the main reasons of farmers in engaging with this farming activity. Thus 3% and 60% of the surveyed farmers have ranked eucalyptus tree as first and second source of their income respectively. Hence eucalyptus tree has dominated all other food crops, chat and coffee next to enset. The effects of eucalyptus tree plantation in ecology particularly in competition, undergrowth suppression, soil nutrient and water depletion, shadow and litter fall effect, and presence of birds and wild animals is well understood by farmers. However, land diminution they faced due to population pressure and valuable income earned from the sale of eucalyptus over shadowed their opportunity to plant the tree in ideal site. Therefore, to keep the food security situation of the area, land use competition (particularly with farmlands) and ecological externalities in sustainable manner; the concerned bodies should assist the farming practices of eucalyptus plantation by applying bottom-top and top-bottom interventions

    Impact of the size of silver nanoparticle integrated in an ARC based on silicon

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    The controlled use of surface plasmon resonances in metallic nanostructures has attracted considerable interest in several areas, including photovoltaic devices. The diffusion of metal nanoparticles is a well-known phenomenon and has long been debated. The relative extent of absorption and dispersion depends on the size of the nanoparticles. The deposition of metal nanoparticles on the surface of the photovoltaic cell makes it possible to increase the absorption of the incident light and to reduce the optical losses. The most commonly used metal nanoparticle deposition techniques are: Bottom-up and Top-Down.In this paper, we study the effect of the size of silver nanoparticles (np-Ag) integrated in an antireflection layer of silicon nitride. The plasmonic effect converts scattered ultraviolet rays   (absorbed by np-Ag) into visible radiation. The use of the DDSCAT software has made it possible to calculate the dispersion and absorption of electromagnetic waves by nanoscale targets with arbitrary geometries using the dipole discrete approximation (DDA). DDA is used to model these particles arranged on a cubic lattice, as interactive sets of dipoles. The variance in np-Ag size allowed us to determine the optimal size that absorbs maximum UV radiation. The simulation results show that the optimal size of np-Ag is 110 nm

    Effect of Composition and Build Direction on Additively Manufactured Hastelloy X Alloys

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    Microcracking has caused premature failure and reduction in properties in additively manufactured (AM) Hastelloy X. The purpose of this research is to meet or exceed the mechanical properties of wrought Hastelloy X by modifying the composition and build direction of Hastelloy X manufactured using Direct Metal Deposition (DMD). Tensile testing, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and metallography were performed on the samples. ANOVA was used to analyze the dependence that the properties had on build direction and composition. The nominal composition wrought samples had a yield strength of 310.1 MPa and a 60.79% Elongation. Alloy P60-X18 in a horizontal build had the highest yield strength of 363.67 MPa because it is the most solid solution strengthened alloy. Vertically-built P60-X18 had the highest ductility of 78.62%. Altering the composition had a greater effect on yield strength than changing the build direction. Overall, changing composition resulted in a higher yield strength while maintaining high ductility; therefore, the additively manufactured parts would be suitable for use in an application. Further modification of the solid solution strengthening elements could be performed to precisely match or exceed the wrought Hastelloy X properties. Additionally, corrosion, high-temperature, and application-specific properties should be verified in the new alloys

    Impacts of Different Mulching Material on Seedling Emergence and Growth Performance of Hot Pepper (Capsicum Annum L) at Gurage Zone, Ethiopia

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    This study was conducted in Gurage Zone at Wolkite University in 2016/17 cropping season. The field experiment was carried out in randomized complete block design (RCBD) using three replications and four treatments. The effect of different mulching material such as grass, banana, plastic and control mulch on growth parameters (plant height, germination rate, leaf number of branch per plant,) of hot pepper was conducted for three months. Data was collected and compared by using LSD at significant level of 0.05.The result showed that the highest and lowest plant height was obtained for grass mulch (T1) and control (T4) on the other hand no plant height was registered for plastic mulch. Generally, from the result of this study we recommended that farmers use of grass mulch increase the rate of hot pepper seedling and growth performance by maintain soil temperature, soil moisture and provide good air circulation with in soil spores than other mulching materials. The awareness of farmers should be increased by providing adequate training regarding with the type of appropriate mulching material, So, they can produce proper operation during the growth of paper to avoid the infestation of weed by mulching. According to analysis of variance there was significant different among treatments on the number of braches per plant and also results of the analysis of variance indicated that different mulching material were shown significantly (p>0.05) effect on plant height of pepper. However, there is no significant variation among the treatment for number of leaves. Since the recommended using vativar grass mulch until another investigation was done. This is a short term strategy; therefore, the study should be repeated over year. In order to address the significance of all the studied characters and to recommend the appropriate mulching material for further hot pepper production

    Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of Grid-Integrated Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems in Northern Nigeria

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    Life cycle assessment is a crucial tool in evaluating systems performances for sustainability and decision-making. This paper provided environmental impact of integrating renewable energy systems to the utility-grid based on a baseline optimized energy production data from “HOMER” for renewable systems modelling of a site in northern Nigeria. The ultimate goal was to ascertain the best hybrid option(s) in sustaining the environment. Different assumptions and scenarios were modelled and simulated using Ganzleitlichen Bilanz (GaBi). Uncertainty analysis was ensured to the impact data based on pedigree-matrix and Excel-program, as well as overall policy relevance. The results of the impact categories revealed first scenario (i.e., conventional path-based) with the highest impacts on global warming potential (GWP), acidification potential (AP), human toxicity potential (HTP), and abiotic depletion potential (ADP fossils). The lowest impacts arise in the renewable-based scenarios for all the considered categories except the Ozone-layer depletion potential Category where the highest contribution falls in the third scenario (i.e., photovoltaic (PV)/biomass-biogas system) although all values being infinitesimal. In quantitative terms, the reduction in the GWP from the highest being the first scenario to the lowest being the fourth scenario (i.e., wind/biomass-biogas system) was 96.5%. Hence, with the outstanding contributions of the hybrid renewable systems, adopting them especially the lowest impact scenarios with expansions is relevant for environmental sustainability

    La importancia de llamarse indígena: manejo y uso político del término indígena en Lircay – Perú

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    En los últimos años se ha venido desarrollando en las zonas andinas de Perú la aparición de políticos miembros de las comunidades campesinas. Estas elites locales emergentes, luego de acceder a la educación superior y de obtener apoyo de la cooperación internacional – gracias a su condición de indígenas – regresan a sus lugares de origen con la finalidad de trabajar por el bienestar de “sus hermanos indígenas”. Dentro de este contexto, el presente artículo analiza el uso y manejo del tema y del término indígena en la comunidad de Lircay (Huancavelica), como un interesante ejemplo de nuevos procesos de invención, construcción o reconstrucción de identidades