137 research outputs found

    A history of Turkey-The European Community: the road to customs union

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    Ankara : The Department of Political Science and Public Administration and the Institute of Social Sciences of Bilkent Univ., 1995.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 1995.Includes bibliographical references leaves 98-99.The international politics increases the importance of European Community membership for Turkey. The modernization process that was started with the foundation of the Turkish Republic can reach its target through full membership. The willingness of all the Turkish governments has showed that the way of Turkey is on the West. Turkey tries to increase its strength in world politics through EC membership. The possibility of Turkey’s full membership to EC is examined on the basis of whether Turkey shares the European ideals or not. The effects of the changes in the EC politics to Turkey’s application will also be examined. The EC was founded on the security base after the World War Two. EC changed its dynamics and democracy became the most important concept for the Community. EC demands improvements in Turkish democracy for both the customs union and the full membership. The political parties attitudes for the EC is also important in the full membership process. The lack of a consistent policy for the European Community seems to be the main obstacle for Turkey’s foil membership. A B S T R A C T As a conclusion, Turkey has some disadvantages and advantages for the foil membership. The weakness of the Turkish economy, the Cyprus issue and the high population growth rates seem to be the main obstacles. On the other hand, Turkey’s geo-political situation and its impact on Caucasus region with the will of Turkish governments are the advantages. The European Community and Turkey can overcome these problems and Turkey can be a foil member if there is political will to achieve the membershipZengin, MuratM.S

    A rare breast tumor; Adenomyoepithelioma: a case report and review of the literature

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    Adenomyoepithelioma is rare benign breast neoplasia characterized by the proliferation of both epithelial and myoepithelial cells of themammary lobules and ducts. This tumour, which does not have specific risk factors and radiological findings, is mostly seen in advancedages. This tumour, which occurs with the biphasic proliferation of epithelial and myoepithelial cells, also contains normal breast lobules andducts. This tumour is very difficult to diagnose and includes many radiological and pathological pitfalls. Although malignant degenerationhas been reported in the literature, it is a rare condition. In this study, we present a rare case with radiologically suspicious findings andpathologically reported as adenomyoepithelioma

    The relationship between body-mass index and Helicobacter pylori infection: a case-control study

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    Objective: Helicobacter pylori infection is one of the most common infections worldwide. There are different opinions in the literature aboutthe relationship between H. pylori and obesity. In this study, we investigated the relationship between body-mass index (BMI) and H. pyloriinfection.Material and Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted among patients who underwent endoscopic examinations at Tekirdağ NamıkKemal University Faculty of Medicine Hospital in 2019. The prevalence of H. pylori infection was examined by biopsy. The relationshipbetween BMI and H. pylori infection was analyzed.Results: 51.8% of the cases in our population were positive for H. pylori infection. On histopathological examination, acute and chronicinflammation findings were higher in H. pylori-positive cases compared to H. pylori-negative cases. The prevalence of H. pylori infectionwas higher in patients with high BMI than those with low BMI. Statistical analysis showed a significant relationship between BMI and theprevalence of H. pylori infection (p<0.001), and there was a positive linear correlation between these two parameters (r=0.542). When therisk factors were examined univariable, BMI was found to be a significant risk factor for H. pylori infection (p=0.008). Multivariable analysisresults revealed that BMI is an independent risk factor for H. pylori infection. (OR=1.32 (1.09-3.46), p=0.025).Conclusion: Our results showed that there is a significant relationship between BMI and H. pylori infection, and high BMI is an independentrisk factor for H. pylori infection


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    Günümüzde ekonomik, sosyal ve kültürel yaşam standartlarının artması ile dış mekan süs bitkilerine olan talep, her geçen gün değişerek artmaktadır. Süs bitkileri fidancılığı bugün birçok ülke ekonomisinde önemli bir faktör halini almış, ülkemizde ise bu faktör belirli bölgelerde yoğunlaşmıştır. Fidanlıkların yetersizliği ile de ortaya çıkan fidan talebinin bir kısmı da yüksek bedeller ödenerek, yurt dışından sağlanmaktadır. Erzurum kenti sahip olduğu ekstrem iklim şartları ve konumu itibariyle süs bitkisi materyali bakımından oldukça sınırlı bir çeşitliliğe sahiptir. Ayrıca kentte yeterince fidanlık bulunmaması bitki kullanımını sınırlamaktadır. Halkın dış mekan süs bitkilerine karşı talebinin ortaya konduğu bu çalışma sonucunda, değişik süs bitkilerinin satışının yapılmadığı veya tanınmadığı için kullanılmadığı, güzel görünümlü, gölge veren süs bitkilerini, meyve-sebze bahçelerine göre daha çok tercih ettikleri belirlenmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Fidanlık, Süs bitkileri, Talep, Planlama, Erzurum

    A retrospective study of the prevalence and characteristics of dens invaginatus in a sample of the Turkish population

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    Objective: The purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence of dens invaginatus and to classify the types of dens invaginatus in a sample of the Turkish population.. Study Design: A retrospective study was performed using periapical and panoramic radiographs of 5355 patients who presented to the Department of Oral Diagnosis and Radiology at the Ondokuz May?s University Dentistry Faculty between January 2009 and December 2010. Maxillary and mandibular anterior teeth were evaluated for the presence and characteristics of dens invaginatus. Statistical evaluation of the presence of dens invaginatus related to gender was performed by the Pearson chi-squared test. Results: Dens invaginatus was observed in 116 of 4556 subjects, with a frequency of 2.5%. There was only one periapical lesion in teeth with type I dens invaginatus, but 8.1% of patients with type II and 87.5% of patients with type III dens invaginatus had apical periodontitis at the time of referral. There were 116 (72%) females and 32 (27%) males with dens invaginatus. Conclusion: This data represents the only study carried out in a large population in Turkey, and no dens invaginatus was found in mandibular teeth. The most commonly observed type of dens invaginatus was type I (69.8%)

    Regional odontodysplasia of the deciduous and permanent teeth associated with eruption disorders : a case report

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    Regional odontodysplasia (RO) is an unusual, non-hereditary anomaly of the dental hard tissues with characteristic clinical, radiographic and histological findings. Clinically, RO affects the primary and permanent dentition in the maxilla and mandible or both jaws. Radiographically, there is a lack of contrast between the enamel dentin, both of which are less radiopaque than unaffected counterparts. Additionally, enamel and dentin layers are thin, giving the teeth a ?ghost-like? appearance. Histologically, areas of hypocalcified enamel are visible and enamel prisms appear irregular in direction. Coronal dentin is fibrous, consisting of clefts and a reduced number of dentinal tubules; radicular dentin is generally more normal in structure and calcification. The RO etiology is uncertain; numerous factors have been suggested and considered as local trauma, irradiation, hypophosphatasia, hypocalcemia, hyperpyrexia. The treatment of RO has given rise to controversy. These cases require a continuous and multidisciplinary approach. Most clinicians advocate extracting the affected teeth as soon as possible and inserting a prosthetic replacement. Other clinicians prefer restorative procedures, if possible, to protect the affected erupted teeth. A case of RO in an 8 year-old male whose chief complaint was the absence of eruption of permanent teeth is presented. Clinical, radiographic and histological findings are described

    The effects of desert dust storms, air pollution, and temperature on morbidity due to spontaneous abortions and toxemia of pregnancy: 5-year analysis

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    Epidemiological studies have suggested an association between particulate air pollution, increased temperatures, and morbidity related to pregnancy outcomes. However, the roles of desert dust storms and climatological factors have not been fully addressed. The objectives of the present study were to investigate the association between desert dust storms, particulate matter with a diameter <= 10 mu m (PM10), daily temperatures, and toxemia of pregnancy and spontaneous abortion in Gaziantep, South East Turkey. The study was conducted retrospectively at emergency department of two hospitals in Gaziantep city. Data from January 1, 2009, to March 31, 2014, were collected. Patients, who were diagnosed with toxemia of pregnancy and spontaneous abortion by radiological imaging modalities, were included in the study. Daily temperature ranges, mean temperature values, humidity, pressure, wind speed, daily PM10 levels, and records of dust storms were collected. A generalized additive regression model was designed to assess variable effects on toxemia of pregnancy and spontaneous abortion, while adjusting for possible confounding factors. Our findings demonstrated that presence of dust storms was positively associated with the toxemia of pregnancy both in outpatient admissions (OR=1.543 95% CI=1.186-2.009) and inpatient hospitalizations (OR=1.534; 95% CI=1.162-2.027). However, neither PM10 nor maximum temperature showed a marked association with spontaneous abortion or toxemia of pregnancy in our study population. Our findings suggest that desert dust storms may have an impact on the risk for adverse pregnancy outcomes such as toxemia of pregnancy. Health authorities should take necessary measures to protect pregnant women against detrimental effects of these storms

    Perspektifler 2017 Denizli dosyası

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    Okumaya koyulduğunuz derleme, Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mimarlık ve Tasarım Fakültesi öğretim elemanlarının bir kısmının yazılarını bir araya getiriyor. Yazı davetine fakültemizin Denizli vizyonunu ortaya koyan geleceğine ilişkin notlar düşen bir broşür-rapor kitaptan söz ederek çıkmıştık. Amaçladığımız, hem bizlerin akademik-proje bilgi ve fikirlerini ortaya koymak hem de yaşadığımız şehrin hızlı akan zaman içinde verilerini ve envanterini içeren raporunu tutmaktı. Bu bakımdan kitabın ismi şimdiki zamandan geleceğe bakış açısını anlatan ‘Perspektifler’ genel başlığını aldı. Her yıl çıkabilir mi bilemem ama belirli yıllarda çıkma hedefini gerçekleştirebilir. Kitabın alt başlığında bu yılın tarihinin (2017) yer alması bu yüzden. Denizli üzerinde benzer alandaki yazıları bir bütün halinde derlediğinden ilaveten ‘Denizli Dosyası’ dedik. Bölüm yazıları, ilgilisi ve meraklısına nazaran akademik-popülerlik arasındaki zor bir üslupta istendi. Yazı uzunluğunun 3500 kelime ile sınırlanması bile birikimli ve deneyimli yazarlarımız için kolay olmadı. Nihayet, ilgi çekecek bir dosya-kitap çıktı ortaya. Katkı veren yazar arkadaşlara minnettarım. Son teşekkür notu MAC ART Ajansına. Çünkü aklımda şöyle bir tasarım var düşüncemi aşan bir kitap çıkarttılar. Faydalı olması ümidiyle

    Conversion of a Conventional Wheelchair into an Autonomous Personal Transportation Testbed

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    Personal transportation is the act of transporting an individual by using a small, low-speed vehicle. It is a very hot research topic both in industry and academia. There are many different types of personal transportation vehicles, and wheelchairs are one of them. Autonomous driving is another very popular subject that is applicable to the personal transportation vehicles. Autonomous personal transportation vehicles are good examples of service robotics applications. In this study, conversion procedure of a conventional electric wheelchair into an autonomous personal transportation testbed and the application of some basic autonomous driving algorithms on the developed testbed are explained. In literature, there are several studies providing information on wheelchairs’ autonomy but not deep information about the conversion itself. In this paper, the conversion process is investigated in detail, under two main sections. The first part is by-wire conversion, which allows the wheelchair to be controlled via computer commands. The second part includes the studies on sensors, computational system, and human interface. After making such modifications on wheelchair, fundamental algorithms required for autonomy, such as mapping and localization, are implemented successfully. The results are promising for the usage of the developed system as a testbed for examining new autonomous algorithms and evaluating the performance of the perceptional/computational components