38 research outputs found


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    In this paper the Simultaneous Thermal Analysis (STA), i.e. thermogravimetric and differential thermal analysis, was used as a diagnostic tool to better understand the matter composition of some very valuable artworks the Serpottas’ stuccoes in Palermo. Particularly the STA was used in order to exclude the presence of an unusual calcium-bearing magnesium carbonate, and the thermal data were also used to quantify the magnesite to calcite ratio. The latter was investigated in order to evaluate the amount of magnesium in the lime used as binder as during 17th and 18th century in Sicily magnesium rich lime was indicated as the most valuable binder probably because this kind of lime has a higher plasticity. The data obtained in this work are not conclusive but indicate a way to contribute to the comprehension of this unique work of art composition

    Eruptive pseudoangiomatosis in a child undergoing chemotherapy for Hodgkin lymphoma

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/92147/1/24050_ftp.pd

    La conservazione preventiva del patrimonio librario come possibile alternativa al restauro tradizionale

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    The present paper focuses on the close relation between library collections and their preservation environment, aiming, in particular, at highlighting the importance of promoting and sustaining the monitoring. The paper proposes some simple and ready-to-use technologies – smart monitoring – to prevent future damages

    ¿Cómo representan los representantes? : La legislación como respuesta: su simplificación

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    Estas reflexiones pretenden encarar la complejidad normativa existente, y, analizada la Ley como producto del legislador, observar su calidad, para señalar el desarrollo desmedido que alcanzaron los “vicios de la legislación” pues inflación y contaminación legislativa no sólo repercuten en el orden jurídico sino en la sociedad toda, lo que muestra la necesidad de dar solución al problema que traen. Vemos oportuno, conveniente y necesario simplificar la legislación vigente, que además de contradicciones, muestra “hipertrofia” normativa, siendo condición previa e ineludible a esa tarea, la observación de la realidad actual, que con un enorme número de leyes (inflación legislativa) da como resultado una abultada y “contaminada” legislación en algunas materias, arrojando un ordenamiento jurídico en el cual no se sabe que leyes están vigentes y cuales no, lo que obliga a reflexionar sobre cómo legislar mejor para el futuro por un lado y por otro, respecto la legislación ya existente, habilita a insistir en que ella debe ser simplificada. Introducimos al caso de Provincia de Buenos Aires, cuya Ley 13.492 denominada “Digesto de Provincia de Buenos Aires”, tiene por objetivo central la consolidación de leyes en su ámbito y pretende simplificar su ordenamiento jurídicoThese reflections aim at addressing the complexity of existing legislation and, through the analysis or the law as a product of the legislator, at observing the quality in order to highlight the excessive development that the “vices of the law” have reached because of inflation and legislative pollution which not only affects the legal order but also the society as a whole, showing the need to solve the problems they bring about. We consider it is convenient and necessary to simplify the existing legislation which also shows considerable contradictions and “hypertrophy”. It is essential, then, to previously observe the current reality which with a huge number of laws (legislative inflation) results in a bulky and contaminated legislation in some areas, creating a legal system which does not know which laws should be applied appropriately. This compels us to reflect on how to legislate better in the future according to the existing legislation. Thus, the number of laws should be simplified. We introduce the case of Buenos Aires province, whose Act 13,492 known as “Digest of Buenos Aires Province, aims at consolidating the laws in their field and at simplifying their legal order.Publicado en la sección Introducción al DerechoInstituto de Cultura Jurídic


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kerjasama pemerintah Indonesia dengan organisasi internasional dalam penanganan pengungsi. Dengan menggunakan metode pemelitian hukum normatif, disimpulkan bahwa: 1. Indonesia telah melaksanakan hokum internasional meengenai perlindungan hukum bagi pengungsi yang diatur dalam Konvensi 1951 dan Protokol New York 1967, serta menjalankan hukum nasional yang mengatur tentang pengungsi di Indonesia yang tercantum dalam Peraturan Presiden Nomor 126 Tahun 2016 tentang Penanganan Pengungsi dari Luar Negeri. 2. Pemerintah Indonesia telah melaksanakan kerjasama dengan organisasi internasional yakni UNHCR dan IOM dalam penanganan pengungsi ysng berada di Indonesia.  UNHCR. memberikan status kepengungsian terhadap para pengungsi dan menyediakan perlindungan bantuan kemanusiaan, sedangkan IOM memfasilitasi semua kebutuhan para pengungsi, seperti perawatan medis, perumahan komunitas, hingga memulangkan para pengungsi ke negara asalnya secara sukarela. Kata Kunci : Kerjasama, Pengungsi, Organisasi Internasional

    A strategy to conserve material authenticity in Venice: from wall facing to urban landscape

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    [EN] Unesco’s emphasis on authenticity as a requisite for a site’s interest draws attention back to the materials and substance of architecture. Material authenticity thus takes on the central role it also merits in the operational sphere, as an aim of the project and also as a means of enhancing cities like Venice.This assumption makes areas of detailed study strategic, like that of the medieval masonry in Venice, focusing on the distinctive role of the brick facing on an architectural level and as an urban image related to the historical surfaces. Conservation of these facings requires a meticulous analytical system and raises the question of the project on the fragmented surface, the subject thus becomes a test-bed for a maintenance approach carried out on different levels, in Venice as in any other historical context.[ES] El énfasis puesto por la UNESCO en la autenticidad como requisito del interés de un sitio llama la atención sobre los materiales y la sustancia de la arquitectura. La autenticidad material también asume la trascendencia que merece en la práctica de la profesión como objetivo de proyecto y horizonte de mejora de ciudades como Venecia. Esta asunción demuestra el rol estratégico de algunos elementos como los muros medievales venecianos de ladrillo, capaces de connotar tanto el edificio entero como la imagen de Venecia a través de sus superficies históricas. La conservación de estos paramentos requiere un análisis meticuloso y plantea la cuestión de proyecto sobre la superficie fragmentada, que puede entenderse como banco de pruebas para cualquier programa de mantenimiento de Venecia en su conjunto, cuya metodología podría aplicarse en cualquier otro contexto histórico.Squassina, A. (2021). Una estrategia para conservar la autenticidad material en Venecia: del paramento a la imagen urbana. Loggia, Arquitectura & Restauración. 0(34):62-85. https://doi.org/10.4995/loggia.2021.15511OJS628503


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi struktur modal pada perusahaan subsector property and real estate yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2012-2016. Variabel-variabel yang diteliti antara lain profitabilitas, pertumbuhan asset, ukuran perusahaan dan struktur aktiva. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder yang diperoleh dari situs www.idx.co.id. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh perusahaan subsektor property and real estate periode 2012-2016. Pemilihan sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling, sehingga diperoleh sampel 41 perusahaan. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi berganda dengan bentuk data panel dan diolah dengan bantuan EViews 8. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa variabel independen (profitabilitas, pertumbuhan asset, ukuran perusahaan dan struktur aktiva) berpengaruh terhadap variabel dependen (struktur modal) sebesar 50,95% sedangkan sisanya 49,05% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain yang tidak dimasukkan dalam penelitian ini. Dari hasil yang diperoleh ukuran perusahaan dan struktur aktiva berpengaruh signifikan terhadap struktur modal, sedangkan profitabilitas dan pertumbuhan asset tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap struktur modal. Kata Kunci: Struktur Modal, Profitabilitas, Pertumbuhan Asset, Ukuran Perusahaan dan Struktur Aktiva

    Revisiting Transhumance from Stilfs, South Tyrol, Italy. The Everyday Diverse Economy of a Forgotten Alternative Food Network

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    This chapter discusses the pastoral practice of transhumance through the lens of the idea of an alternative food network.The literature on alternative food networks in geography and agro-food studies is abundant. However, it has neglected to explore how transhumance is a lively agricultural practice that engenders and partakes in food networks that may be radical in their alternativeness.The chapter then draws on ethnographic data to offer an account of the everyday practices and routines of humans and animals working on the summer right above the village of Stilfs/Stelvio in South Tyrol, northeast Italy. It concludes with a short discussion that points to how alpine transhumance may be seen as engendering radically alternative food networks which enrich what Gibson-Graham have notably called the “diverse economy


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    Aging of waterborne paint on the base of acrylic resin emulsion with and without green Luconyl have been investigated by general appearance assessment, adhesion change, FT-IR and discoloration. The obtained results showed that the both of paint-formulas coatings had no cracks, blisters, flacks and there was no change of adhesion during the aging process. However, IR analysis indicated that there were some changes in chemical structures of coating with and without Green Luconyl during aging process. To specify, IR spectrums of initial and aged coating no containing Green Luconyl illustrated aging process led content of O-H and C=C increased significantly but baseline of spectra was fairly unchanged. For coating filled Green Luconyl, IR spectrums’ shape was fairly stable but baseline saw a clear reduce during accelerated weather exposure. Moreover, SEM images indicated that surfaces morphology of samples changed differently depending on in presence of organic pigment. Surface of aged coating without Luconyl saw rougher than surface of coating with Luconyl after aging process. Hence, the weather aging test had more significant influence on paint coating in absence of Luconyl than paint coating in presence of Luconyl. It was explained that the macroradical produced in aging process would attack into conjugated double bonds of Luconyl instead of double bonds of AC-261 leading to aged coating filled Luconyl become more opaque than initial while coating no filled Luconyl had significant changes in chemical structure during aging process. Although this was a hypothesis, it saw a suitable with the obtained results. The paint coating in presence of Luconyl illustrated significant color change, especially, showed the loss of green color while the other paint coating showed slight color change

    La problemática en la conservación de las pinturas al óleo contemporáneas

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    The new materials and techniques used by artists in the production of contemporary works of art will condition their conservatio. These materials, mostly of synthetic origin, will show a certain instability, and in most cases, the combination of materials of different natures in the same art work will produce incompatibilities between them. Specifically, this article deals with contemporary oil paints and their most common alterations, since the changes that will occur in the manufacture of commercial oil paints will be the main cause of their deterioration, causing alterations that had not previously occurred in traditional oil paints. It is therefore necessary to carry out an exhaustive study of this type of paint, in terms of its composition and its behaviour, in order to find out the origin of these alterations, which will pose new challenges for conservators-restorers.; Los nuevos materiales y técnicas empleados por los artistas en la producción de las obras de arte contemporáneo van a condicionar en gran medida su conservación. Estos materiales, en su mayoría de origen sintético, van a mostrar cierta inestabilidad, y en muchas ocasiones, la combinación de materiales de diversa naturaleza en una misma obra va a producir incompatibilidades entre los mismos. En concreto, este artículo trata sobre las pinturas al óleo contemporáneas y sus alteraciones más comunes, ya que los cambios que se van a producir en la fabricación de los óleos comerciales, van a ser los principales causantes de su deterioro, provocando alteraciones que no se habían dado anteriormente en las pinturas al óleo tradicionales. Surge entonces la necesidad de llevar a cabo un estudio exhaustivo de este tipo de pinturas, tanto de su composición como de su comportamiento, con la finalidad de conocer el origen de estas alteraciones, que van a plantear nuevos retos a los conservadores/as-restauradores/as