1,150 research outputs found

    Non-invasive nuclear myocardial perfusion imaging improves the diagnostic yield of invasive coronary angiography

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    Aims Several studies reported on the moderate diagnostic yield of elective invasive coronary angiography (ICA) regarding the presence of coronary artery disease (CAD), but limited data are available on how prior testing for ischaemia may contribute to improve the diagnostic yield in an every-day clinical setting. This study aimed to assess the value and use of cardiac myocardial perfusion single photon emission computed tomography (MPS) in patient selection prior to elective ICA. Methods and results The rate of MPS within 90 days prior to elective ICA was assessed and the non-invasive test results were correlated with the presence of obstructive CAD on ICA (defined as stenosis of ≥50% of a major epicardial coronary vessel). Multivariate logistic regression analysis was performed to identify predictors of obstructive CAD. A total of 7530 consecutive patients were included. At catheterization, 3819 (50.7%) were diagnosed as having obstructive CAD. Patients with a positive result on MPS (performed in 23.5% of patients) were significantly more likely to have obstructive CAD as assessed by ICA than those who did not undergo non-invasive testing (74.4 vs. 45.6%, P < 0.001). Furthermore, a pathological MPS result was a strong, independent predictor for CAD findings among traditional risk factors and symptoms. Conclusion In an every-day clinical setting, the use of MPS substantially increases the diagnostic yield of elective ICA and provides incremental value over clinical risk factors and symptoms in predicting obstructive CAD, thus emphasizing its importance in the decision-making process leading to the use of diagnostic catheterizatio

    Contact tracing investigation after professional exposure to tuberculosis in a Swiss hospital using both tuberculin skin test and IGRA.

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    SETTING: A 950 bed teaching hospital in Switzerland. AIM: To describe the result of a contact investigation among health care workers (HCW) and patients after exposure to a physician with smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis in a hospital setting using standard tuberculin skin tests (TST) and Interferon-gamma release assay (IGRA). METHOD: HCW with a negative or unknown TST at hiring had a TST two weeks after the last contact with the index case (T0), repeated six weeks later if negative (T6). All exposed HCW had a T-SPOT.TB at T0 and T6. Exposed patients had a TST six weeks after the last contact, and a T-SPOT.TB if the TST was positive. RESULTS: Among 101 HCW, 17/73 (22%) had a positive TST at T0. TST was repeated in 50 at T6 and converted from negative to positive in eight (16%). Twelve HCW had a positive T-SPOT.TB at T0 and ten converted from negative to positive at T6. Seven HCW with a positive T-SPOT.TB reverted to negative at T6 or at later controls, most of them with test values close to the cut-off. Among 27 exposed patients tested at six weeks, ten had a positive TST, five of them confirmed by a positive T-SPOT.TB. CONCLUSIONS: HCW tested twice after exposure to a case of smear-positive pulmonary TB demonstrated a possible conversion in 10% with T-SPOT and 16% with TST. Some T-SPOT.TB reverted from positive to negative during the follow-up, mostly tests with a value close to the cut-off. Due to the variability of the test results, it seems advisable to repeat the test with values close to the cut-off before diagnosing the presence of a tuberculous infection

    Overbias Light Emission From Memristive Nanojunctions

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    A nanoscale dielectric gap clamped between two metal electrodes may undergo a large resistance change from insulating to highly conducting upon applying an electrical stress. This sudden resistive switching effect is largely exploited in memristors for emulating synapses in neuromorphic neural networks. Here, we show that resistive switching can be accompanied by a release of electromagnetic radiation spanning the visible spectral region. Importantly, we find that the spectrum is characterized by photon energies exceeding the maximum kinetic energy of electrons provided by the switching voltage. This so-called overbias emission can be described self-consistently by a thermal radiation model featuring an out-of-equilibrium electron distribution generated in the device with an effective temperature exceeding 2000~K. The emitted spectrum is understood in terms of hot electrons radiatively decaying to resonant optical modes occurring in a nanoscale \ch{SiO2} matrix located between two \ch{Ag} electrodes. The correlation between resistive switching and the onset of overbias emission in atomic-scale photonic memristor brings new venues to generate light on chip and their exploitation in optical interconnects. Photons emitted during memristive switching can also be monitored to follow the neural activation pathways in memristor-based networks

    Implementation of maternity protection legislation: Gynecologists' perceptions and practices in French-speaking Switzerland.

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    In several countries, maternity protection legislations (MPL) confer an essential role to gynecologist-obstetricians (OBGYNs) for the protection of pregnant workers and their future children from occupational exposures. This study explores OBGYNs' practices and difficulties in implementing MPL in the French-speaking part of Switzerland. An online survey was sent to 333 OBGYNs. Data analysis included: 1) descriptive and correlational statistics and 2) hierarchical cluster analysis to identify patterns of practices. OBGYNs evoked several problems in MPL implementation: absence of risk analysis in the companies, difficult collaboration with employers, lack of competencies in the field of occupational health. Preventive leave was underused, with sick leave being prescribed instead. Training had a positive effect on OBGYNs' knowledge and implementation of MPL. Hierarchical cluster analysis highlighted three main types of practices: 1) practice in line with legislation; 2) practice on a case-by-case basis; 3) limited practice. OBGYNs with good knowledge of MPL more consistently applied its provisions. The implementation of MPL appears challenging for OBGYNs. Collaboration with occupational physicians and training might help OBGYNs to better take on their role in maternity protection. MPL in itself could be improved

    Midwives and protection of pregnant workers in Western Switzerland: Practices, difficulties and contributions.

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    Switzerland's maternity protection legislation aims to protect the health of pregnant employees and their unborn children by regulating their potential occupational exposure to hazards and strenuous activities. This legislation provides a role for obstetricians, but not for midwives. Identify the practices of Switzerland's French-speaking midwives that favour the implementation of maternity protection legislation and reflect on the profession's role in supporting pregnant employees. 356 midwives answered an online questionnaire. The analysis focuses on the 205 midwives who perform pregnancy consultations in their practice. Data were analysed in two stages using STATA software: 1) simple descriptive and correlational statistics and 2) hierarchical cluster analysis to identify typologies of practices by grouping similar responses. Despite having no officially defined role in Switzerland's maternity protection legislation, its midwives actively participate in protecting pregnant employees , especially those with more knowledge of the legislation, those with more years of experience and those practicing independently. The barriers that midwives face when trying to provide greater support for pregnant employees are linked significantly to their lack of knowledge about the legislation, a lack of recognition for their role in the current legislation and a lack of continuing education about the occupational health risks associated with pregnancy at work. Their profession and specific practices give midwives privileged access to pregnant employees. Midwives' knowledge of the legislation, their awareness of the occupational risks and hazards facing pregnant employees and the conviction that their profession has the potential to make a difference could all be improved. The role of midwives should be-and deserves to be-formally and legally recognised and integrated into Switzerland's maternity protection legislation

    Marked long-term decline in ambient CO mixing ratio in SE England, 1997–2014:Evidence of policy success in improving air quality

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    Atmospheric CO at Egham in SE England has shown a marked and progressive decline since 1997, following adoption of strict controls on emissions. The Egham site is uniquely positioned to allow both assessment and comparison of ‘clean Atlantic background’ air and CO-enriched air downwind from the London conurbation. The decline is strongest (approximately 50ppb per year) in the 1997–2003 period but continues post 2003. A ‘local CO increment’ can be identified as the residual after subtraction of contemporary background Atlantic CO mixing ratios from measured values at Egham. This increment, which is primarily from regional sources (during anticyclonic or northerly winds) or from the European continent (with easterly air mass origins), has significant seasonality, but overall has declined steadily since 1997. On many days of the year CO measured at Egham is now not far above Atlantic background levels measured at Mace Head (Ireland). The results are consistent with MOPITT satellite observations and ‘bottom-up’ inventory results. Comparison with urban and regional background CO mixing ratios in Hong Kong demonstrates the importance of regional, as opposed to local reduction of CO emission. The Egham record implies that controls on emissions subsequent to legislation have been extremely successful in the UK

    Processes controlling the concentration of hydroperoxides at Jungfraujoch Observatory, Switzerland

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    International audienceAn automated, ground-based instrument was used to measure gas-phase hydroperoxides at the Jungfraujoch High Altitude Research Station as part of the Free Tropospheric EXperiment (FREETEX) during February/March 2003. A nebulising reflux concentrator sampled ambient air twice hourly, prior to on-site analysis by HPLC speciation, coupled with post-column peroxidase derivatisation and fluorescence detection. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) concentrations reached up to 1420 pptv over the 13-day period with a mean of 206±261 pptv (± one standard deviation). Methyl hydroperoxide (CH3OOH) reached up to 921 pptv with a mean of 76±96 pptv. No other organic hydroperoxides were detected. The lack of an explicit diurnal cycle suggests that hydroperoxide concentrations are chiefly influenced by transport processes rather than local photochemistry at this mountainous site. We find elevated concentrations of H2O2 in air masses originating from the south-west indicative of higher concentrations of HOx due to more active photochemistry. Air which has been recently polluted exhibits low H2O2 concentration due to a combination of suppression of HO2 by NOx and deposition. We also conclude that despite being at a high alpine site, the vast majority of the air observed was extensively influence by the boundary layer during our campaign (diagnosed from high CO concentrations and the high NOx to NOy ratio) resulting in deposition of H2O2 to the surface and hence reduced H2O2 concentrations. The concentrations of H2O2 sampled here are consistent with previous box modelling studies of hydroperoxides which invoked a depositional sink

    Evaluation of a pilot consultation for maternity protection at work in Switzerland.

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    Switzerland's Labour Law and its Ordonnance on Maternity Protection aim to protect the health of pregnant employees and their unborn children while enabling them to continue to pursue their professional activities. Some companies encounter difficulties implementing the law's provisions. The Department of Occupational and Environmental Health, part of the Center for Primary Care and Public Health (Unisanté), has provided specialist occupational medicine consultations for pregnant employees since 2015. This study aimed to evaluate how well Swiss' maternity protection legislation is implemented by examining a list of relevant indicators measured during the occupational health consultation. The study also sought to investigate the consultation support provided to the relevant stakeholders and the adjustments made to pregnant employees' working conditions. Descriptive variables and indicators relative to the application of the Swiss maternity protection legislation for 83 pregnant employees were collected during the consultation's pilot phase (between 2015 and 2016). Descriptive statistics and cross-analyses of these indicators were made. Most pregnant employees faced multiple exposures to occupational risks. Preventive risk analyses were rare. Few adjustments to workstations were proposed. We found a tendency for employees to leave their workstations early on in their pregnancies due to sick leave certificate prescriptions. Specialist consultation and collaboration with occupational health physicians to recommend interventions for pregnant employees can provide significant benefits and help some pregnant women to continue at their workstations with appropriate adjustments. A specialised occupational health consultation is a useful instrument for identifying occupational hazards for both the pregnant woman and her unborn child. It is also an opportunity to explain employers' legal responsibilities and obligations to safeguard the health of their pregnant employees and to give specific advice for their company's situation. This consultation also enables employers to maintain their employees' valuable professional competencies in the workplace for as long as possible. Finally, occupational health consultation helps and supports healthcare providers who must, according to the law, make decisions about whether pregnant employees can continue working safely or not