399 research outputs found


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    This study discusses the grammatical function of the question words and the internal structure of interrogative sentence in Minangkabau language. The study of this interrogative sentence structure applies X-bar theory as one of the generative syntax subtheories. The data is gained from the interview of Minangkabau language native speaker and analysed by using the distributional method. The result of the analysis shows that the question words for wh-question has two grammatical functions, specifier and complement. For yes-no question, the question word “iyonyo” has one grammatical function, that is complement. The internal structure of interrogative sentence in Minangkabau language is constructed by specifier, complement, and adverb. Key words: interrogative sentence, question word, Minangkabau languag

    Adaptive Control for a Class of Nonlinear, Time Varying Rotational Systems

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    Aerospace systems often exhibit nonlinear, time varying dynamics. Expansive mission profiles, fuel burn or transfer and payload deployments or slung loads can supply additional complexity that can excite the plant dynamics and result in undesirable performance. Because of these often unknown dynamical effects in aerospace systems, an emphasis is placed on controller robustness as significant safety risks are present. Due to the difficulty of predicting uncertainties, robust control can be achieved in two distinct ways. The first approach is to design a control law to be tolerant to a large amount of uncertainty, and the second is to design a control law that can adapt to changing system parameters. It is well known that adaptive controllers can respond to external disturbances and uncertain or nonlinear dynamics. This dissertation investigates the development of adaptive control laws to stabilize and control a class of nonlinear, time varying systems. A direct model reference adaptive control architecture, which includes actuator hedging in the reference model to address actuator bandwidth limitations and uncertainty, is designed and implemented to compensate for dynamical effects that could, for example, be caused by a slung load suspended from a quadrotor. A variety of systems that belong to the same class are presented including a rotating tank system with fluid slosh, and quadrotors with slung loads or actuator failures. A direct model reference adaptive controller complete with a PID or LQR controlled reference model is implemented in each case to enable the system to track attitude trajectories generated by a reference model. Modifications to a baseline direct model reference adaptive controller are applied to attenuate the effects of measurement noise and actuator dynamics. The stability of this control law is investigated via Lyapunov analysis. Simulation results are provided showcasing overall controller performance of attitude control in the presence of both internal and external disturbances, measurement noise, actuator dynamics and actuator failure

    Selfduality of the system of convex subsets of a partially ordered set

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    summary:For a partially ordered set PP let us denote by CoPCo P the system of all convex subsets of PP. It is found the necessary and sufficient condition (concerning PP) under which CoPCo P (as a partially ordered set) is selfdual

    Adaptive Control for Nonlinear, Time Varying Systems

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    It is common for aerospace systems to exhibit nonlinear, time varying dynamics. This thesis investigates the development of adaptive control laws to stabilize and control a class of nonlinear, time varying systems. Direct adaptive control architectures are implemented in order to compensate for time varying dynamics that could, for example, be caused by varying inertia resulting from fuel slosh or settling in a tank. The direct adaptive controller can also respond to external disturbances and unmodeled or nonlinear dynamics. Simulation results are presented for a prototype system that consists of two rotating tanks with time varying inertia due to the motion of fluid inside the tanks. This system is characterized by highly unstable rotational dynamics which are illustrated through simulation. An adaptive regulator is implemented to control the three-dimensional angular velocity to a desired operating point. It is shown that the adaptive controller provides improved performance compared to a baseline linear quadratic regulator designed using a simplified linear dynamics model of the plant. Finally, a direct model reference adaptive controller was implemented to enable the system to track trajectories generated by a reference model. The stability of this control law is investigated via Lyapunov analysis, and simulation results are provided showcasing overall controller performance in the presence of both internal and external disturbances and dynamical effects


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    Alat musik tradisional adalah alat-alat musik yang berkembang secara turun-temurun pada suatu daerah yang digunakan untuk mengiringi lagu-lagu daerah asal berkembangnya alat musik tersebut.Fungsi alat musik daerah tidak hanya sebagai pengiring sebuah pertunjukan, tetapi beberapa alat musik daerah ini ternyata memiliki fungsi sebagai bukti sejarah maupun sarana edukasi bagi masyarakat khususnya kaum pelajar. Keragaman alat musik tradisional di Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi sangat beragam-ragam, dapat dikelompokkan menjadi beberapa jenis, antara lain alat musik tiup, alat musik petik, alat musik gesek dan alat musik pukul, dimana akan menyulitkan masyarakat untuk mengenalinya dan proses pengenalan alat musik tradisional pun masih bersifat manual yaitunya kita harus mengunjungi perpustakaan daerah dan mengunjungi orang tua-tua dahulu untuk mendapatkan informasi, dimana dengan proses ini kita akan menghabiskan waktu dan biaya yang lebih banyak

    Strong solutions and attractor dimension for 2D NSE with dynamic boundary conditions

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    We consider incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in a bounded 2D domain, complete with the so-called dynamic slip boundary conditions. Assuming that the data are regular, we show that weak solutions are strong. As an application, we provide an explicit upper bound of the fractal dimension of the global attractor in terms of the physical parameters. These estimates comply with analogous results in the case of Dirichlet boundary condition


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    Este artigo analisa em que medida o valor da marca contribui para o preço de um automóvel. O objetivo desta pesquisa é averiguar se automóveis de preço mais elevado fornecem ao consumidor produtos superiores de modo consistente e se, deste modo, o aumento dos preços é justificado. O presente estudo utiliza uma variação do modelo SDR de Brand Equity para investigar o valor de uma marca. Será feita uma comparação entre os atributos dos produtos e os preços de diversos veículos de fabricantes de automóveis dos EUA, Japão e Alemanha. Os atributos do produto e o preço de cada modelo serão categorizados, comparados e, por fim, serão calculados os pontos do preço por produto. Ao calcular a percentagem de variação dos preços para cada veículo em cada classe de automóveis é possível formular um mapa de valores para todos os modelos. Nossos dados revelam que preços mais elevados não só indicam mais atributos no produto, mas também um preço mais elevado para cada atributo do produto. Deste modo, tanto o preço quanto os atributos do produto aumentam a taxas semelhantes ao longo da linha de valor justo, mas aquelas empresas com produtos de preço mais alto também possuem um valor de marca mais elevado, resultando em um preço maior por ponto do produto. Mostramos que os automóveis alemães têm apresentado um valor de marca consistentemente maior do que os construtores de automóveis japoneses e norte-americanos

    August Willemsen e a tradução da literatura brasileira para a língua holandesa

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    The present case study draws a broad picture of the Dutch translator August Willemsen as an important cultural mediator. His translation work served as the key discursive bridge between Brazil and the Dutch-speaking world, between Brazilian literature and Dutch literature. As a typical cultural mediator, he undertook a variety of discursive transfer techniques: fictional writing, translation, transcreation, criticism, essays, studies as well as a variety of more or less institutionalised intercultural publishing and personal networking.Este estudo de caso apresenta a figura do tradutor holandês August Willemsen como um importante mediador cultural. Seu trabalho de tradução serviu de ponte discursiva entre o Brasil e o mundo falante do neerlandês, entre a literatura brasileira e a holandesa. Como um mediador cultural típico, Willemsen assumiu uma grande variedade de técnicas de transferências discursivas: escrita de ficção, tradução, transcriação, crítica, ensaios, estudos. Ele foi também agente ativo nas trocas interculturais de diferentes instituicões editoriais e nas relações interpessoais


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    The purpose of this study is to find out empirically about the influence of female executives, capital structure, and profit growth on financial distress either partially or simultaneously in retail sub-sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the 2015-2019 period. This research uses causal-comparative research which is used to determine the causal relationship between two or more variables. The sample in this study is retail companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2015-2019 period using the purposive sampling method. There are 10 companies that meet the criteria of the research sample, so the sample is 50 financial statements. The results showed that partially there was a capital structure variable (debt to equity ratio) that had a negative effect on financial distress, profit growth variables had a negative effect on financial distress, and female executives had no effect on financial distress.Keywords: Female Executives, Capital Structure, Profit Growth, Financial Distres

    3D water quality modeling of Tasik Sri Serdang using censis application

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