121 research outputs found
Tipología de productores de durazno en Zacatecas, México por atributos de calidad del fruto
Zacatecas se posiciona entre los cinco principales Estados productores de durazno en México. El durazno es criollo, amarillo, hueso pegado, pulpa firme, propagado sexualmente y cultivado en temporal en ˜ 81% de la superficie cultivada; lo que, destaca la baja competitividad de este cultivo. No obstante, por el número de productores dedicados a este cultivo, realza su importancia socioeconómica con relación a otros frutales. Si se pretende entender las características y problemáticas de las unidades de producción (UP) que sirvan como un instrumento para optimizar la asignación de recursos públicos, y proponer estrategias que mejoren el desarrollo de la agricultura, es necesario entender la heterogeneidad de los productores considerando sus características socioeconómicas dentro de las UP. Por ello, en esta investigación se buscó analizar y segmentar técnica y tipológicamente a los productores de durazno del estado de Zacatecas. Los datos se recopilaron a través de una encuesta a 204 productores de durazno en Zacatecas, México. Los resultados sugieren cuatro tipos de productores: 1) aquellos que plantan durazno sin objetivo; 2) los que plantan durazno a nivel de traspatio; 3) productores donde el durazno forma parte de un sistema de producción agropecuario; y 4) productores empresarios de durazno. En esta última categoría, se encontró ˜31% de los productores, lo cual podría explicar, en parte, la baja competitividad del cultivo ante otros sistemas productoPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version
Preferences in ‘Jalapeño’ pepper attributes: a choice study in Mexico
Background: According to Mexican growers of ‘Jalapeño’ peppers, its commercialization is the primary limitation. Thus, consumer knowledge is critical to develop added-value strategies. The objective of this study was to identify ‘Jalapeño’ quality attributes to determine consumer preferences and willingness to pay, based on socioeconomic characteristics. Methods: A nationwide face-to-face survey was carried out using the discrete choice experiment method. The survey included 1200 consumers stratified by gender, age and region. Results: Heterogeneity analysis using the probabilistic segmentation model revealed three types of consumers: A price-sensitive segment, non-demanding consumers without specific preferences and selective consumers with a preference shifted toward specific ‘Jalapeño’ characteristics. Thus, detail-oriented producers must compete through price strategies, based on the marketplace (markets on wheels, grocery stores, or supermarkets) and through some quality attributes preferred by selective consumers. Therefore, results suggest that farmers should grow the correct varieties with appropriate agronomic management to cope consumer preferences. Conclusions: This paper contributes to the growing body of the ‘Jalapeño’ literature by explicitly investigating consumer preferences and willingness to pay for them.Postprint (published version
Forage Productivity Evaluation and Geographic Information Systems in Temperate Semi-Arid Agro-Ecosystem
700,000 ha of the temperate semi-arid area of Zacatecas state are grown with rainfed crops. Low productivity is obtained from these crops: 350 kg/ha of beans grain and 500 kg/ha of corn grain. This state is characterized by a wide range of topographic and climatic values. A need for alternative crops led to establishment of a trial to evaluate rainfed forages, and to know in what range these could be located. Geographic information systems were used to find out the potential area of the species. Results indicated that sorghum presented a higher yield (5822 kgDM/ha) than sorghum x sudan (5460), pearl millet (4316), corn (3783), barley (3092), triticale (2638), wheat (2540), oats (1934) and beans (1243). Pearl millet presented the highest CP (16.5%) and lowest FAD (28.2%); and sorghum x sudan the lowest CP (6.5%) and highest FAD (38.7%). Sorghum (Sucro) produced 2.07 kg DM per each cubic meter of water evapotranspired, and for beans 0.5 kgDM/m3. Areas of low productivity potential for the traditional crop (beans) appeared as the medium potential areas for sorghum forage
Agentes de riesgo laboral y daños a la salud en el personal de enfermería del hospital General Fresnillo.
El trabajo contribuye a la salud del individuo al permitirle desarrollar sus capacidades físicas y
cognitivas, ayuda a cubrir sus demandas socioeconómicas, además de que también permite el
desarrollo de una comunidad; pero el trabajo no solo es fuente de satisfactores, también puede
causar daño a la salud, por las condiciones sociales y materiales en que se realiza, los más
evidentes son los accidentes del trabajo. En un ambiente laboral siempre van a presentarse
riesgos, existen profesiones o actividades las cuales están más propensas a sufrir algún tipo de
daño ya sea físico o psicosocial; el personal sanitario, por la prestación de servicios se considera
dentro de las profesiones con mayor riesgo y no se encuentra exento de padecer algún daño a su
salud. El riesgo se define a partir de las probabilidades de que ocurra un evento e influyen en
éste la susceptibilidad de la persona y el grado de exposición a los factores que aumentan el
riesgo1, los daños a la salud se podrán manifestar de manera aguda o crónica debido a la
bioacumulación por el tiempo de exposición.
Existen organizaciones mundiales que se dedican al estudio de estos riesgos laborales y
que se refieren a todos los ámbitos de trabajo, lo que sirve de referencia para cualquier área
laboral. La profesión que se dedica específicamente a la prevención y control de los riesgos
originados por los procesos de trabajo es la higiene industrial, dentro de sus objetivos están la
protección y promoción de la salud de los trabajadores; está también la salud ocupacional o salud
en el trabajo una disciplina que identifica, evalúa y diseña estrategias para controlar y prevenir
los riesgos a los que está expuesto el trabajador de la salud.
En una unidad hospitalaria existen servicios de atención que demandan un mayor nivel
asistencial por parte del su personal; las condiciones biológicas, materiales, psicológicas, sociales
y ambientales, influyen para un mayor desgaste en el personal de enfermería debido al quehacer
de su profesión que es la de brindar cuidados y atención directa a los pacientes, están expuestas
continuamente a una serie de riesgos laborales, físicos, químicos, biológicos, ergonómicos y
Socioeconomic and competitive positioning of livestock chains in Zacatecas, Mexico
Objective: To determine the positioning of the most important livestock chains of the State of Zacatecas, within a matrix of socio-economic importance and market competitiveness and identify needs for research and technology transfer. Design/methodology/approach: The hierarchy of livestock chains in the state of Zacatecas, Mexico was carried out based on the methodology proposed by the International Service for National Agricultural Research (ISNAR), taking as dimensions of analysis the dimensions of socioeconomic importance and competitiveness. The six most outstanding livestock chains in the State were selected. Results: The results placed the beef cattle chains as sustainable, the goats and sheep chains were vulnerable chains, pigs and honey were positioned in the retraction quadrant due to their low socioeconomic importance and competitiveness, and milk cattle were located in the forced quadrant. Limitations on study/implications: It is important to take into account other links. Findings/conclusions: The strategies for livestock production chains are efficient production through sustainable practices, provide technical assistance to producers, conduct research to generate technology, invest in infrastructure and generate value-added products that meet the needs of consumers.Objective: To determine the positioning of the most important livestock productionchains in Zacatecas, Mexico, within a matrix of socioeconomic importance andmarket competitiveness, and to identify research and technology transfer needs.Design/Methodology/Approach: Arranging livestock production chains into ahierarchy was carried out based on the methodology proposed by the InternationalService for National Agricultural Research (ISNAR), taking as analysis axis thedimensions of socioeconomic importance and competitiveness. The six mostoutstanding livestock production chains in the state were selected.Results: The results placed the beef cattle chains as sustainable, the goat andsheep chains were placed as vulnerable, pork and honey were located in theretraction quadrant due to their low socioeconomic importance and competitiveness,and dairy cattle was placed in the strained quadrant.Study Limitations/Implications: It is important to take into account other links.Findings/Conclusions: Strategies for livestock production chains involve makingthe production more efficient through sustainable practices, providing technical assistance to producers, conducting research to generate technology, investing ininfrastructure, and generating products with added value that meet the needs ofconsumers
New quality index based on dry matter and acidity proposed for Hayward kiwifruit
Researchers from various countries have proposed using dry matter at harvest as a worldwide quality index for Hay-ward kiwifruit, because it includes both soluble (sugars and acids) and insoluble (structural carbohydrates and starch) solids and doesn't change during post-harvest handling. Our consumer tests in 1999 and 2008 indicated that dry matter and ripe titratable acidity are related to in-store consumer acceptance of kiwifruit. In most California seasons, when ripe titratable acidity was less than 1.2%, only a dry matter greater than or equal to 15.1% was required for consumer acceptability. Our 6-year quality attribute survey of California kiwifruit at harvest and from cold storage demonstrated that dry matter and ripe soluble solids concentration were highly variable among vineyards and seasons, but ripe titratable acidity values varied more among seasons than between vineyards. Our results provide strong evidence that dry matter would be a reliable quality index candidate for California kiwifruit, especially if ripe titratable acidity were factored in
Márgenes de comercialización del durazno (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch) criollo amarillo de hueso pegado de Zacatecas, México
Objective: To determine the marketing margins and the direct participation of the clingstone peach grower cultivated in Zacatecas, Mexico.
Design/methodology/approach: The relevant information was collected from major stakeholders, including farmers and peach dealers through a direct survey.
Results: The results showed that 25 % of the interviewed growers made the sale directly to the final consumer. The most common marketing channel was: producer, wholesaler, and final consumer. The gross marketing margin generated reaching 85.7 %, where the direct share of the grower was 14.3 %.
Limitations on study/implications: It is important to increase the sample size for having a better approach for the real situation.
Findings/conclusions: The margins found here demonstrate the goodness of growing peaches; however, the organization of the peach growers is imperative for enhancing the product quality and for having a greater influence in the marketing chain.Objetivo: Determinar los márgenes de comercialización y la participación directa del productor de durazno criollo (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch) hueso pegado cultivado en Zacatecas, México
Diseño/metodología/aproximación: La información pertinente se recopiló de las principales partes interesadas incluyendo a productores y comercializadores a través de una encuesta directa.
Resultados: Los resultados mostraron que 25% de los productores entrevistados realizaron la venta directamente al consumidor final. El canal de comercialización más común fue productor, mayorista y consumidor final. El margen bruto de comercialización generado alcanzó 85.7 %, donde la participación directa del productor fue del 14.3%.
Limitaciones del estudio/implicaciones: Es importante aumentar el tamaño de la muestra para tener un mejor enfoque de la realidad.
Hallazgos/conclusiones: Los márgenes aquí encontrados comprueban la bondad de cultivar durazno; sin embargo, la organización de los productores de durazno es primordial para mejorar la calidad de su producto y tener una mayor influencia en la cadena de la comercialización
The rainfed malting barley crop has been sown traditionally with the direct seeding system. This seeding system has led to runoff soil erosion problems and low productivity in Zacatecas, México. The Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales y Agropecuarias developed an alternative technology called double line seeding on a row with basin planting system (DLSRBPS) for this crop. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the extent of DLSRBPS adoption, characterize the technology users, and identify factors associated with the adoption of this technology in Zacatecas, México. The information was collected during 2009 and 2010 through surveys applied to 135 farmers in nine municipalities of Zacatecas. An adoption rate of 27 % for the DLSRBPS technology was estimated. Growers that adopted this technology had more experience in this crop, their educational level was higher than other farmer groups, and they planted a large area with this crop. Using the DLSRBPS technology, farmers noticed increased yields, reduced amount of seed at planting time and production costs. Lack of economic resources, limited availability of specialized agricultural machinery for the DLSRBPS technology, and little or no technical assistance were the main limiting factors for using the DLSRBPS technology in Zacatecas
Determinantes psicosociales de la adherencia al tratamiento en pacientes diabéticos tipo 2
Objective:To identify the psychosocial factors determiningthe treatment adherence in type 2diabetics (DM2). Materialsand methods: An observational, cross-sectional,and analyticalresearch was performedin 70patientsof the Health Center of Tacoaleche, based on the latestmonthly clinical record,glycemic,number of attendedappointments, and an instrument application that included variables socio-demographics,from the same disease,and psychosocial.Data were submitted to chi-square tests.Results. The 65.7percent were women with 57-yearsold, 54.3percent of them with incomplete elementary education, and 14.3percent illiterate. The 52.9percent was housewivesand the reminder women were devoted to other activities.The average of glucose was170.1mg/dl. All patients had drug treatment with nine years withDM2diagnosis.Only 10percent adhered to diet and physical exercise, 28.6percent attended to the medical appointments, and21.4percent had glycemic control. The most relevant psychosocial determinants (p>0.05) were:perception of available support, intentions to adhere, and disease severity.Conclusions.The lack of adherence to treatment to theDM2suggests implementing the search for new strategies to increase dietaryand exercisehabits. The attendance at scheduled medical appointments and glycemic control are also crucial factors for DM2control.Psychosocially, the health belief model and the theory of reasoned action helped to understand and explain adherence to the treatment.Key words:Psychosocialfactors, adherence to the treatment, type 2diabetes.Objetivo:Identificar los determinantes psicosociales de la adherencia al tratamiento en diabéticos tipo 2(DM2). Materialesy métodos: Se realizó una investigación observacional, transversal y analíticaen 70pacientes del Centro de Salud de Tacoaleche, basada en su último registro clínico mensual, glicemia,número deasistencia a citasy laaplicación deun instrumentoque incluyó variables sociodemográficas, de la enfermedad y psicosociales. La información fue sometida a pruebas deji-cuadrada. Resultados.El 65.7por ciento fueron mujerescon 57añosde edad, el 54.3por ciento con primaria incompleta y 14.3analfabetas. El 52.9por ciento eran amasde casay el resto se dedicaba aotras actividades.La glucosa promedio fue de 170.1mg/dl. Todos los pacientes tenían tratamiento farmacológicodenueveaños con diagnóstico de DM2. Únicamente 10por ciento se adhirieron a dieta y ejercicio, 28.6por ciento cumplieron con las citasmédicas y 21.4tuvieron control glucémico. Los determinantes psicosociales más relevantes (p>0.05) fueron: percepción de apoyo disponible, intenciones de adherir y severidad de la enfermedad. Conclusiones.La falta de apego al tratamiento de laDM2sugiere implementar la búsqueda de nuevas estrategias para incrementar hábitos dietéticosy deejerciciofísico. Tambiénla asistencia a las citasmédicas programadasy el control glicémicoson determinantes cruciales. Psicosocialmente,el modelo de creencias en salud y la teoría de la acción razonada ayudaron a comprender y explicarlaadherenciaal tratamiento. Palabras clave: Factores psicosociales, adherencia al tratamiento, diabetes tipo 2
Partial Root-Zone Drying Technique: from Water Saving to the Improvement of a Fruit Quality
Due to climate changes and increased demands of different water users (agriculture, industry, domestic) water becomes scarce resources worldwide. Since irrigated agriculture is the one of the largest consumer of these resources (so-called blue water footprint), irrigation management must be shifted from maximal production per crop area to maximal production per unit of water used by crops. Among the strategies for reducing water footprints, changing the full irrigation to the reduced crop's water supply (deficit irrigation techniques) is one of the options. In this mini-review, we present the latest advances of partial root-zone drying (PRD) applications in different agricultural plants, with the special emphases on the PRD effects on increasing WUE, yield and yield quality. We describe two PRD practical approaches (alternate and fixed), BACKGROUND: of PRD induced increase in yield and water use efficiency and improved understanding about nutrient use efficiency. The evidence of PRD effect on the increase in nutritional and health attributes of yield in different species is also presented. Because of limited available data, further research is needed to understand complex biosynthetic pathway and synthesis of nutritive- and health-related metabolites and antioxidants in PRD-treated plants. Practical application and promotion of this knowledge will allow farmers in water scarce areas to adapt PRD not only as a strategy for saving water, improving nutrient use and increase/sustain yield, but also for producing food with enhanced nutritive and health characteristics
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