11 research outputs found

    Geometry and paleo-ice content of rock glaciers in the southeastern Alps (NE Italy – NW Slovenia)

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    Rock glaciers in the southeastern Alps of Slovenia and Italy have been mapped in detail using high resolution digital elevation model and orthophotos, supported by field-based observations. A total of 52 rock glaciers with an area of 3.40 km2 have been delineated on a rock glacier map, divided in 18 sections at a scale of 1:15,000. Several geometrical parameters of rock glaciers have been calculated and their activity degree has been inferred. 90% of rock glaciers have been classified as relict, while the rest are assumed to be of uncertain activity and might still contain some ice. The volumetric ice content and water volume equivalent of the studied rock glaciers for the period of their activity has been calculated to 0.055 ± 0.011 km3 and 0.049 ± 0.010 km3, respectively, which is very close to the ice volume of glaciers reconstructed for this area during the little ice age to 0.069 km3.</p

    Rock glaciers, protalus ramparts and pronival ramparts in the south-eastern Alps

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    Rock glaciers and protalus ramparts are characteristic landforms of the periglacial domain often used as markers for the occurrence of permafrost in mountain terrains. As such, relict rock glaciers can be used for paleoclimate reconstructions. We present here the first previously unreported rock glacier inventory of the south-eastern Alps (including the north-eastern-most region of Italy and Slovenia), interpreted from high resolution orthophotos and a high resolution digital terrain model interpolated from airborne laser scanning (LiDAR). We mapped 53 rock glaciers covering a total area of 3.45 km2. … … Using paleoclimate reconstruction based on the 1981–2010 climatological record of the area, we infer that the rock glaciers formed during one of the dry and cold periods of the late Pleistocene and early Holocene. Possible evolution of the active pronival forms observed in the most maritime area of this alpine sector is also discussed

    Rock glaciers, protalus ramparts and pronival ramparts in the south-eastern Alps

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    Rock glaciers and protalus ramparts are characteristic landforms of the periglacial domain often used as markers for the occurrence of permafrost in mountain terrains. As such, relict rock glaciers can be used for paleoclimate reconstructions. We present here the first previously unreported rock glacier inventory of the south-eastern Alps (including the north-eastern-most region of Italy and Slovenia), interpreted from high resolution orthophotos and a high resolution digital terrain model interpolated from airborne laser scanning (LiDAR). We mapped 53 rock glaciers covering a total area of 3.45 km2. … … Using paleoclimate reconstruction based on the 1981–2010 climatological record of the area, we infer that the rock glaciers formed during one of the dry and cold periods of the late Pleistocene and early Holocene. Possible evolution of the active pronival forms observed in the most maritime area of this alpine sector is also discussed

    Recent evolution of Marmolada glacier (Dolomites, Italy) by means of ground and airborne GPR surveys

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    A 10-year-long evolution of ice thickness and volume of the Marmolada glacier is presented. Quantitative measurements have been performed by using two different Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) datasets. A ground-based survey using two different ground-coupled systems equipped with 100 MHz and 35 MHz antennas was performed in 2004. In 2015 the dataset was collected by using a helicopter-borne step frequency GPR equipped with a 100 MHz antenna. Through a critical discussion of the two different methodologies, we show how both approaches are useful to estimate the ice volume within a glacier, as well as its morphological characteristics and changes with time, even if datasets are acquired in different periods of the year. The observed 2004–2014 ice volume reduction of the Marmolada glacier is equal to about 30%, while the area covered by ice decreased by about 22%. The glacier is now splitted in several separated units. It is very likely that the fragmentation of the Marmolada glacier observed in the period 2004–2014 was accelerated due to irregular karst topography. By applying the observed 2004–2014 ice-melting trend for the future although the Marmolada glacier might behave slightly differently compared to glaciers on non-karstic terrains owing to dominant vertical subglacial drainage, it will likely disappear by the year 2050. Only few isolated very small and thin ice patches will eventually survive due to avalanche feeding and shading at the foot of the north-facing cliffs

    Recent Increases in Winter Snowfall Provide Resilience to Very Small Glaciers in the Julian Alps, Europe

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    Very small glaciers (<0.5 km(2)) account for more than 80% of the total number of glaciers and more than 15% of the total glacier area in the European Alps. This study seeks to better understand the impact of extreme snowfall events on the resilience of very small glaciers and ice patches in the southeastern European Alps, an area with the highest mean annual precipitation in the entire Alpine chain. Mean annual precipitation here is up to 3300 mm water equivalent, and the winter snow accumulation is approximately 6.80 m at 1800 m asl averaged over the period 1979-2018. As a consequence, very small glaciers and ice/firn patches are still present in this area at rather low altitudes (1830-2340 m). We performed repeated geodetic mass balance measurements on 14 ice bodies during the period 2006-2018 and the results show an increase greater than 10% increase in ice volume over this period. This is in accordance with several extreme winter snow accumulations in the 2000s, promoting a positive mass balance in the following years. The long-term evolution of these very small glaciers and ice bodies matches well with changes in mean temperature of the ablation season linked to variability of Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation. Nevertheless, the recent behaviour of such residual ice masses in this area where orographic precipitation represents an important component of weather amplification is somehow different to most of the Alps. We analysed synoptic meteorological conditions leading to the exceptional snowy winters in the 2000s, which appear to be related to the influence and modification of atmospheric planetary waves and Arctic Amplification, with further positive feedbacks due to change in local sea surface temperature and its interactions with low level flows and the orography. Although further summer warming is expected in the next decades, we conclude that modification of storm tracks and more frequent occurrence of extreme snowfall events during winter are crucial in ensuring the resilience of small glacial remnants in maritime alpine sectors